import click from .bot import Bot from marshmallow import Schema, fields, validate, INCLUDE class Config(Schema): nickname = fields.Str(required=True) channels = fields.List(fields.Str(), required=True) server = fields.Str(required=True) port = fields.Int() ops = fields.List(fields.Str()) ssl_required = fields.Bool() plugin_dir = fields.Str() ns_pass = fields.Str() log_level = fields.Str(validate=validate.OneOf(['debug', 'warn', 'info', 'off', 'error'])) server_pass = fields.Str() class Meta: unknown = INCLUDE def read_conf(config, conf_format): schema = Config() if not conf_format: if'.json'): conf_format = 'json' elif'.yaml', '.yml')): conf_format = 'yaml' elif'.toml', '.tml')): conf_format = 'toml' else: click.echo('Could not detect file format, please supply using --format option', err=True) if conf_format == 'json': import json to_json = json.loads( output = schema.load(to_json) elif conf_format == 'yaml': try: import yaml except ImportError: click.echo('yaml not installed, please use `pip3 install pinhook[yaml]` to install', err=True) else: to_yaml = yaml.load(, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) output = schema.load(to_yaml) elif conf_format == 'toml': try: import toml except ImportError: click.echo('toml not installed, please use `pip3 install pinhook[toml]` to install', err=True) else: to_toml = toml.load( output = schema.load(to_toml) return output @click.command() @click.argument('config', type=click.File('rb')) @click.option('--format', '-f', 'conf_format', type=click.Choice(['json', 'yaml', 'toml'])) def cli(config, conf_format): config = read_conf(config, conf_format) bot = Bot(**config) bot.start()