the pluggable python framework for IRC bots and Twitch bots
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_config.yml fix typo 2019-01-25 13:17:31 -08:00


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the pluggable python framework for IRC bots and Twitch bots



$ pip install pinhook

Creating an IRC Bot

To create the bot, just create a python file with the following:

from import Bot

bot = Bot(
    channels=['#foo', '#bar'],

This will start a basic bot and look for plugins in the 'plugins' directory to add functionality.

Optional arguments are:

  • port: choose a custom port to connect to the server (default: 6667)
  • ops: list of operators who can do things like make the bot join other channels or quit (default: empty list)
  • plugin_dir: directory where the bot should look for plugins (default: "plugins")
  • log_level: string indicating logging level. Logging can be disabled by setting this to "off". (default: "info")
  • ns_pass: this is the password to identify with nickserv
  • server_pass: password for the server
  • ssl_required: boolean to turn ssl on or off

Creating a Twitch Bot

Pinhook has a baked in way to connect directly to a twitch channel

from import TwitchBot

bot = TwitchBot(

This function has far less options, as the server, port, and ssl are already handled by twitch.

Optional aguments are:

  • ops
  • plugin_dir
  • log_level

These options are the same for both IRC and Twitch

Creating plugins

There are two types of plugins, commands and listeners. Commands only activate if a message starts with the command word, while listeners receive all messages and are parsed by the plugin for maximum flexibility.

In your chosen plugins directory ("plugins" by default) make a python file with a function. You use the @pinhook.plugin.register decorator to create command plugins, or @pinhook.plugin.listener to create listeners.

The function will need to be structured as such:

import pinhook.plugin

def test_plugin(msg):
    message = '{}: this is a test!'.format(msg.nick)
    return pinhook.plugin.message(message)

The function will need to accept a single argument in order to accept a Message object from the bot.

The Message object has the following attributes:

  • cmd: (for command plugins) the command that triggered the function
  • nick: the user who triggered the command
  • arg: (for command plugins) all the trailing text after the command. This is what you will use to get optional information for the command
  • text: (for listener plugins) the entire text of the message
  • channel: the channel where the command was initiated
  • ops: the list of bot operators
  • botnick: the nickname of the bot
  • logger: instance of Bot's logger
  • datetime: aware datetime.datetime object when the Message object was created
  • timestamp: float for the unix timestamp when the Message object was created

It also contains the following IRC functions:

  • privmsg: send a message to an arbitrary channel or user
  • action: same as privmsg, but does a CTCP action. (i.e., /me does a thing)
  • notice: send a notice


The plugin function can return one of the following in order to give a response to the command:

  • pinhook.plugin.message: basic message in channel where command was triggered
  • pinhook.plugin.action: CTCP action in the channel where command was triggered (basically like using /me does a thing)


There are some basic examples in the examples directory in this repository.

Here is a list of live bots using pinhook:

  • pinhook-tilde - fun bot for
  • adminbot - admin helper bot for, featuring some of the ways you can change the Bot class to suit your needs