71 lines
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71 lines
2.2 KiB
import imp
import os
import irc.bot
irc.client.ServerConnection.buffer_class.errors = 'replace'
class Bot(irc.bot.SingleServerIRCBot):
def __init__(self, channels, nickname, server, port=6667, ops=[], plugin_dir='plugins'):
irc.bot.SingleServerIRCBot.__init__(self, [(server, port)], nickname, nickname)
self.chanlist = channels
self.bot_nick = nickname
self.ops = ops
# load all plugins
plugins = []
for m in os.listdir(plugin_dir):
if m.endswith('.py'):
name = m[:-3]
fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(name, [plugin_dir])
plugins.append(imp.load_module(name, fp, pathname, description))
# gather all commands
self.cmds = {}
for plugin in plugins:
for cmd in plugin.pinhook.plugin.cmds:
self.cmds[cmd['cmd']] = cmd['func']
def on_welcome(self, c, e):
for channel in self.chanlist:
def on_pubmsg(self, c, e):
self.process_command(c, e, e.arguments[0])
def on_privmsg(self, c, e):
self.process_command(c, e, e.arguments[0])
def process_command(self, c, e, text):
nick = e.source.nick
if e.target == self.bot_nick:
chan = nick
chan = e.target
cmd = text.split(' ')[0]
if len(text.split(' ')) > 1:
arg = ''.join([i + ' ' for i in text.split(' ')[1:]]).strip()
arg = ''
output = None
if cmd == '!join' and nick in self.ops:
c.privmsg(chan, '{}: joined {}'.format(nick, arg))
elif cmd == '!quit' and nick in self.ops:
c.quit("See y'all later!")
elif cmd == '!help':
helplist = sorted([i for i in self.cmds])
msg = ', '.join(helplist)
c.privmsg(chan, 'Available commands: {}'.format(msg))
elif cmd in self.cmds:
output = self.cmds[cmd](cmd=cmd, nick=nick, arg=arg)
if output:
if output.msg_type == 'message':
c.privmsg(chan, output.msg)
elif output.msg_type == 'action':
c.action(chan, output.msg)