# # weechat -- alias.conf # # WARNING: It is NOT recommended to edit this file by hand, # especially if WeeChat is running. # # Use /set or similar command to change settings in WeeChat. # # For more info, see: https://weechat.org/doc/quickstart # [cmd] BEEP = "print -beep" BS = "quote botserv" BYE = "quit" C = "buffer clear" CHAT = "dcc chat" CL = "buffer clear" CLOSE = "buffer close" CS = "quote chanserv" emoji = "exec -o python3 -c 'print(__import__("emoji").emojize("$*", use_aliases=True))'" factor = "/exec -sh -o factor $1 | cut -d" " -f 2,3 | tr " " ","" flip = "/exec -o flip table $*" HS = "quote hostserv" IG = "ignore" J = "join" K = "kick" KB = "kickban" LEAVE = "part" lenny = "/msg $channel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" M = "msg" MS = "quote memoserv" MSGBUF = "command -buffer $1 * /input send $2-" MUB = "unban *" N = "names" NS = "quote nickserv" OS = "quote operserv" py = "/exec -o python3 -c "print($*)"" Q = "query" rainbow = "/exec -o toilet --irc --gay -f term -- $*" REDRAW = "window refresh" save_settings = "/autojoin --run;/layout store;/save" SAY = "msg *" shrug = "/msg $channel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" SLAP = "me slaps $1 around a bit with a large trout" T = "topic" tf = "/msg $channel (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻" UB = "unban" UMODE = "mode $nick" unscramble = "/exec -sh -o curl -s "http://anagramica.com/best/$*" | jq -r '.best[0]'" V = "command core version" W = "who" WC = "window merge" WI = "whois" WII = "whois $1 $1" WW = "whowas" [completion] MSGBUF = "%(buffers_plugins_names)"