[user] email = ben@tilde.team name = Ben Harris signingkey = FC2255B7BBC7EABD4EFAFA1068907D8BCCD85A5A [push] default = simple [commit] gpgsign = false verbose = true [pull] ff = only [pager] diff = diff-highlight | less log = diff-highlight | less reflog = diff-highlight | less show = diff-highlight | less [diff] colorMoved = default [diff "gpg"] textconv = gpg --no-tty --decrypt cachetextconv = false [diff "ansible-vault"] textconv = ansible-vault view cachetextconv = false [sendemail] smtpencryption = tls smtpserver = mail.tilde.team smtpserverport = 587 smtpuser = ben annotate = yes [alias] lol = log --oneline --graph --decorate --all joke = !curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EugeneKay/git-jokes/lulz/Jokes.txt | shuf -n1 dad = !curl https://icanhazdadjoke.com staged = diff --staged ap = add --patch cv = commit --verbose local = log --oneline --no-merges ${1-$(git branch -lvv | perl -ne '/^\\\\*.*\\\\[(.*?)\\\\]/ and print \"$1\\n\"')}..HEAD upstream = log --oneline --no-merges HEAD..${1-$(git branch -lvv | perl -ne '/^\\\\*.*\\\\[(.*?)\\\\]/ and print \"$1\\n\"')} [rerere] enabled = true [merge] tool = vimdiff conflictstyle = diff3 [mergetool] prompt = false [core] pager = diff-highlight | less excludesfile = /home/ben/.gitignore [url "git@salsa.debian.org:"] pushInsteadOf = https://salsa.debian.org/ insteadOf = salsa: [url "git@bhh.sh:repos/"] pushInsteadOf = https://git.bhh.sh/ [init] defaultBranch = main [column] ui = auto [branch] sort = -committerdate [tag] sort = version:refname [safe] directory = * [fetch] prune = true all = true