2024-09-29 08:50:28 +10:00
Looptober 2024
2024-10-12 11:39:24 +11:00
This year for Looptober I decided to use my Arduino (in combination with my
modular synth rack) for every track. The source code for each day's track
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is here and the tracks are on [my Funkwhale server ](https://music.mikelynch.org/library/albums/31/ )
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## Track notes
### 1 Logistic
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Using the [logistic map ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_map ) at an almost-chaotic point to control pitch
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### 2 300 Baudrillard
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The noise is the output from the logistic map as an audio-rate signal, sequencer is also the Arduino
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### 3 Spoopy
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Using my basic sequencer to drive three tracks. It goes out of sync because
the basic sequencer has bad timing.
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### 4 Strong Fish's Fight Theme
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I implemented the [Karplus-Strong algorithm ](https://mikelynch.org/2024/Feb/03/buffer/ ) early this year, this is two tracks
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of that with different filters applied in the modular.
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### 5 Bad Wavetable
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Using some very dodgy wavetable synthesis I did earlier this year
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### 6 Cyber Jubilee
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More of the wavetables but this time the aliasing adds to the effect
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### 7 Mutations
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Modifying a sequence as it's being played
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### 8 Cellophane
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First experiment with generating clouds of randomised gate signals
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### 9 Stomp 7
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More sequencing and a 7-TET tuning system. The timing errors really show up at
the end of this
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### 10 Too Many LFOs
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Using all four of the DAC's outputs as LFOs to drive a bunch of settings on
two tracks of synths
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### 11 Scratchpad
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A beat made with Karplus-Strong through a waveshaper module and filter and
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### 12 Interrupt
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I relearned what I'd forgotten about Arduino interrupts and got a sequencer
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which can count time properly
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### 13 Accidental FM
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Accidentally made an FM synthesiser by plugging the Karplus-Strong rhythm into
a VCO's pitch control
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### 14 Mondayitis
Trying to make something moody with the sequencer
### 15 Stretch
Trying to make something a bit funky with Karplus-Strong but that accidental
FM synth is crawling around in the background
### 16 Eggmeat for Rooroo
The accidental FM synthesiser being tweaked in two channels
### 17 Superheterodyne
Fiddling with sliders on one of my synth modules resulted in this scratchy
### 18 At Anchor
A better (I think) attempt at making something moody with the sequencer
### 19 Craquelure
Using the random-note-clouds technique from the 8th but this time picking
pitches from a hexany tuning, running it four times and drenching it in
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### 20 Fibomod
Using the Fibonacci series modulo n, also known as the (Pisano period)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisano_period], as a wavetable, and incrementing n for each note in the sequence
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### 21 Jacob's Ladder
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Deliberate FM synthesis by using a wavetable as the control voltage of a VCO
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### 22 Onomatopoeia
Triggering LFO patterns from the sequencer
### 23 Ha Ha
Using the triggering stuff from 22 to build a track with more structure
### 24 Wander
Another 7TET piece using the sequencer
### 25 Ribosome
Using the sequencer to trigger envelopes and LFOs at two scales - notes and
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### 26 Slew
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2024-10-26 18:16:45 +11:00
Basic slew / portamento
### 27 Stasis Field
A single track I recorded when trying to make Ribosome and left for later
because I liked it
### 28 Spores
One thing I wanted to get working this year was triggering clouds of small
events which I could layer up into richer textures. I didn't really succeed,
this is as close as I got.
### 29 Nickel Itch
Controlling the AR logistic function with the sequencer and distorting and
filtering with the modular. This is probably my favourite track. Nickel itch
is a skin irritation caused by that metal which afflicts manual workers in
electroplating shops.
### 30 Processor
More sequenced/timed control of the AR logistic noise
### 31 Two Against One
Trying to drive the Fibonacci algorithm with the sequencer ended up with one
really good track and a bunch of failed attempts to make a bassline to go with
it. Then I decided to use the attempts by themselves. Then I came back to do
the mixdown and thought of adding the original track over the top. This is
my second favourite after Nickel Itch.