# Damned Fort A very hasty entry for [NaNoGenMo 2024](https://github.com/NaNoGenMo/2024). This takes [the Gutenberg text of Charles Fort's classic of paranormal phenomena _The Book of the Damned_](https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/22472) and uses the [compromise nlp library](https://compromise.cool) to pull out nouns and verbs from successive chunks, shuffle them and stick them back together, producing something a bit like modernist poetry: are mummies animated mere shadows tottering I twitching have been damned a procession of data excluded the highest respectability will march the spirit of anarchy march they'll are are them fiery are I have exhumed are the pue has excluded giants shall have are 1 A procession of the damned. will walk read clowns are mean corpses go by like THE BOOK OF THE DAMNED captained whims and amiabilities are little harlots sound will flit rags Live version is [here](https://etc.mikelynch.org/damned-fort/)