import * as THREE from 'three'; const HYPERPLANE = 2; const NODE_SIZE = 0.01; const LINK_SIZE = 0.01; class FourDShape extends THREE.Group { constructor(node_ms, link_ms, structure) { super(); this.node_ms = node_ms; this.link_ms = link_ms; this.nodes4 = structure.nodes; this.nodes3 = {}; this.links = structure.links; this.hyperplane = HYPERPLANE; this.initShapes(); } // if a node/link has no label, use the 0th material getMaterial(entity, materials) { if( "label" in entity ) { return materials[entity.label]; } else { return materials[0]; } } makeNode(material, v3) { const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(NODE_SIZE); const sphere = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); sphere.position.copy(v3); this.add(sphere); return sphere; } makeLink(material, link) { const n1 = this.nodes3[link.source].v3; const n2 = this.nodes3[].v3; const length = n1.distanceTo(n2); const centre = new THREE.Vector3(); centre.lerpVectors(n1, n2, 0.5); const geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(LINK_SIZE, LINK_SIZE, 1); const cyl = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); const edge = new THREE.Group(); edge.add(cyl); edge.position.copy(centre); edge.scale.copy(new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, length)); edge.lookAt(n2); cyl.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2.0; this.add(edge); return edge; } updateLink(link) { const n1 = this.nodes3[link.source].v3; const n2 = this.nodes3[].v3; const length = n1.distanceTo(n2); const centre = new THREE.Vector3(); centre.lerpVectors(n1, n2, 0.5); link.object.scale.copy(new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, length)); link.object.position.copy(centre); link.object.lookAt(n2); link.object.children[0].rotation.x = Math.PI / 2.0; } fourDtoV3(x, y, z, w, rotations) { const v4 = new THREE.Vector4(x, y, z, w); for ( const m4 of rotations ) { v4.applyMatrix4(m4); } const k = this.hyperplane / (this.hyperplane + v4.w); return new THREE.Vector3(v4.x * k, v4.y * k, v4.z * k); } initShapes() { for( const n of this.nodes4 ) { const v3 = this.fourDtoV3(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.w, []); const material = this.getMaterial(n, this.node_ms); this.nodes3[] = { v3: v3, object: this.makeNode(material, v3) }; } for( const l of this.links ) { const material = this.getMaterial(l, this.link_ms); l.object = this.makeLink(material, l); } } render3(rotations) { for( const n of this.nodes4 ) { const v3 = this.fourDtoV3(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.w, rotations); this.nodes3[].v3 = v3; this.nodes3[].object.position.copy(v3); // could do scaling here } for( const l of this.links ) { this.updateLink(l); } } } export { FourDShape };