// code for generating the 120-cell labels // has some overlap with permute - FIXME const THREE = require('three'); function pandita(a) { const n = a.length; for( let k = n - 2; k >= 0; k-- ) { if( a[k] < a[k + 1] ) { for( let l = n - 1; l >= 0; l-- ) { if( a[k] < a[l] ) { const tmp = a[k]; a[k] = a[l]; a[l] = tmp; const revtail = a.slice(k + 1); revtail.reverse(); for( let i = 0; i < revtail.length; i++ ) { a[k + 1 + i] = revtail[i]; } return Math.floor(revtail.length / 2) + 1; } } console.log("Shouldn't get here"); process.exit(); } } return false; } function permutations_old(a) { a.sort(); const ps = [ [...a] ]; let running = true; while( running ) { const s = pandita(a); if( s ) { ps.push([...a]); } else { running = false; } } return ps; } function permutations(a) { a.sort(); const ps = [ [...a] ]; let running = true; while( pandita(a) > 0 ) { ps.push([...a]); } return ps; } function permutations_even(a) { a.sort(); let parity = 'even'; const ps = [ [...a] ]; let running = true; while( running ) { const s = pandita(a); if( s ) { if( parity === 'even' ) { if( s % 2 === 1 ) { parity = 'odd'; } } else { if( s % 2 === 1 ) { parity = 'even'; } } if( parity === 'even' ) { ps.push([...a]); } } else { running = false; } } return ps; } // for a given permutation, say [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ], return all // of the valid changes of sign, so: // [ [1, 1, 0, 0 ], [ -1, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, -1, 0, 0 ], [-1, -1, 0, 0 ]] // ie don't do it on the zeros function expand_sign(a, label) { const expanded = []; const exv = a.map((v) => v ? [ -v, v ] : [ 0 ]); for( const xv of exv[0] ) { for( const yv of exv[1] ) { for( const zv of exv[2] ) { for( const wv of exv[3] ) { expanded.push({label: label, x: xv, y:yv, z:zv, w:wv}); } } } } return expanded; } function coordinates(a, id0=1, even=false) { const ps = even ? permutations_even(a) : permutations(a); const coords = []; for( const p of ps ) { const expanded = expand_sign(p, 0); coords.push(...expanded); } return coords; } function index_nodes(nodes, scale) { let i = 1; for( const n of nodes ) { n["id"] = i; i++; } } function scale_nodes(nodes, scale) { for( const n of nodes ) { for( const a of [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' ] ) { n[a] = scale * n[a]; } } } function dist2(n1, n2) { return (n1.x - n2.x) ** 2 + (n1.y - n2.y) ** 2 + (n1.z - n2.z) ** 2 + (n1.w - n2.w) ** 2; } export function auto_detect_edges(nodes, neighbours, debug=false) { const seen = {}; const nnodes = nodes.length; const links = []; let id = 1; for( const n1 of nodes ) { const d2 = []; for( const n2 of nodes ) { d2.push({ d2: dist2(n1, n2), id: n2.id }); } d2.sort((a, b) => a.d2 - b.d2); const closest = d2.slice(1, neighbours + 1); if( debug ) { console.log(`closest = ${closest.length}`); console.log(closest); } for( const e of closest ) { const ids = [ n1.id, e.id ]; ids.sort(); const fp = ids.join(','); if( !seen[fp] ) { seen[fp] = true; links.push({ id: id, label: 0, source: n1.id, target: e.id }); id++; } } } if( debug ) { console.log(`Found ${links.length} edges`) } return links; } export function make_120cell_vertices() { const phi = 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)); const r5 = Math.sqrt(5); const phi2 = phi * phi; const phiinv = 1 / phi; const phi2inv = 1 / phi2; const nodes = [ coordinates([0, 0, 2, 2], 0), coordinates([1, 1, 1, r5], 0), coordinates([phi, phi, phi, phi2inv], 0), coordinates([phiinv, phiinv, phiinv, phi2], 0), coordinates([phi2, phi2inv, 1, 0], 0, true), coordinates([r5, phiinv, phi, 0], 0, true), coordinates([2, 1, phi, phiinv], 0, true), ].flat(); index_nodes(nodes); // scale_nodes(nodes, 0.5); return nodes; } // face detection for the 120-cell // NOTE: all of these return node ids, not nodes // return all the links which connect to a node function nodes_links(links, nodeid) { return links.filter((l) => l.source === nodeid || l.target === nodeid); } // filter to remove a link to a given id from a set of links function not_to_this(link, nodeid) { return !(link.source === nodeid || link.target === nodeid); } // given nodes n1, n2, return all neighbours of n2 which are not n1 function unmutuals(links, n1id, n2id) { const nlinks = nodes_links(links, n2id).filter((l) => not_to_this(l, n1id)); return nlinks.map((l) => { if( l.source === n2id ) { return l.target; } else { return l.source; } }) } function fingerprint(ids) { const sids = [...ids]; sids.sort(); return sids.join(','); } export function auto_120cell_faces(links) { const faces = []; const seen = {}; let id = 1; for( const edge of links ) { const v1 = edge.source; const v2 = edge.target; const n1 = unmutuals(links, v2, v1); const n2 = unmutuals(links, v1, v2); const shared = []; for( const a of n1 ) { const an = unmutuals(links, v1, a); for( const d of n2 ) { const dn = unmutuals(links, v2, d); for( const x of an ) { for( const y of dn ) { if( x == y ) { shared.push([v1, a, x, d, v2]) } } } } } if( shared.length !== 3 ) { console.log(`Bad shared faces for ${edge.id} ${v1} ${v2}`); } for( const face of shared ) { const fp = fingerprint(face); if( !seen[fp] ) { faces.push({ id: id, edge: edge.id, v1: edge.source, v2: edge.target, fingerprint: fp, nodes: face }); id++; seen[fp] = true; } } } return faces; } // trying to go from faces to dodecahedra function shared_vertices(f1, f2) { return f1.nodes.filter((f) => f2.nodes.includes(f)); } function adjacent_faces(f1, f2) { // adjacent faces which share an edge, not just a vertex const intersect = shared_vertices(f1, f2); if( intersect.length < 2 ) { return false; } if( intersect.length > 2 ) { console.log(`warning: faces ${f1.id} and ${f2.id} have too many common vertices`); } return true; } function find_adjacent_faces(faces, face) { const neighbours = faces.filter((f) => f.id !== face.id && adjacent_faces(f, face)); return neighbours; } function find_dodeca_mutuals(faces, f1, f2) { // for any two adjacent faces, find their common neighbours where // all three share exactly one vertex (this, I think, guarantees that // all are on the same dodecahedron) const n1 = find_adjacent_faces(faces, f1); const n2 = find_adjacent_faces(faces, f2); const common = n1.filter((f1) => n2.filter((f2) => f1.id === f2.id).length > 0 ); // there's one extra here - the third which has two nodes in common with // both f1 and f2 - filter it out const mutuals = common.filter((cf) => { const shared = cf.nodes.filter((n) => f1.nodes.includes(n) && f2.nodes.includes(n)); return shared.length === 1 }); return mutuals; } function find_dodeca_next(faces, dodeca, f1, f2) { // of a pair of mutuals, return the one we haven't already got const m = find_dodeca_mutuals(faces, f1, f2); if( dodeca.filter((f) => f.id === m[0].id ).length > 0 ) { m.shift(); } return m[0]; } function faces_to_dodecahedron(faces, f1, f2, flip=false) { const dodecahedron = [ f1, f2 ]; // take f1 as the 'center', get the other four around it from f2 const fs = find_dodeca_mutuals(faces, f1, f2); const f3 = flip ? fs[1] : fs[0]; const f6 = flip ? fs[0] : fs[1]; dodecahedron.push(f3); const f4 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f1, f3); dodecahedron.push(f4); const f5 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f1, f4); dodecahedron.push(f5); dodecahedron.push(f6); // get the next ring const f7 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f6, f2); dodecahedron.push(f7); const f8 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f2, f3); dodecahedron.push(f8); const f9 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f3, f4); dodecahedron.push(f9); const f10 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f4, f5); dodecahedron.push(f10); const f11 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f5, f6); dodecahedron.push(f11); // get the last const f12 = find_dodeca_next(faces, dodecahedron, f7, f8); dodecahedron.push(f12); return dodecahedron; } // from a face and one neighbouring node, return a dodecahedron // Set 'flip' to true if we're coming to this dodecahedron from a // face on a previous one so that the chirality doesn't get inverted function face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, f1, node, flip=false) { const neighbours = find_adjacent_faces(faces, f1); const nodens = neighbours.filter((f) => f.nodes.includes(node)); return faces_to_dodecahedron(faces, f1, nodens[0], flip); // does it matter which? } // for three faces, return their common vertex (if they have one) function find_dodeca_vertex(f1, f2, f3) { const v12 = f1.nodes.filter((n) => f2.nodes.includes(n)); const v123 = v12.filter((n) => f3.nodes.includes(n)); if( v123.length === 1 ) { return v123[0]; } else { console.log(`warning: faces ${f1.id} ${f2.id} ${f3.id} don't share 1 vertex`); return false; } } const VERTEX_MAP = [ [ 0, 1, 5 ], [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 0, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 3, 4 ], [ 0, 4, 5 ], [ 1, 5, 6 ], [ 1, 2, 7 ], [ 2, 3, 8 ], [ 3, 4, 9 ], [ 4, 5, 10 ], [ 1, 6, 7 ], [ 2, 7, 8 ], [ 3, 8, 9 ], [ 4, 9, 10 ], [ 5, 6, 10 ], [ 6, 7, 11 ], [ 7, 8, 11 ], [ 8, 9, 11 ], [ 9, 10, 11 ], [ 6, 10, 11 ], ]; function dodecahedron_vertices(faces) { const face_sets = VERTEX_MAP.map((vs) => vs.map((v) => faces[v])); return face_sets.map((fs) => find_dodeca_vertex(...fs)); } // p is the permutation of the first face function dodecahedron_colours(vertices, p) { const LEFT_PART = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, ]; const RIGHT_PART = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ]; const part = LEFT_PART; const colours = {}; for( let i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { const v = vertices[i]; const colour = p[part[i] - 1]; colours[v] = colour; } return colours; } // p is the permutation of the first face function colour_dodecahedron_from_face(dd, p) { const vertices = dodecahedron_vertices(dd); return dodecahedron_colours(vertices, p); } // from a dodecahedron and a face, get the adjoining dodecahedron function follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, startdd, nextf, flip=false) { const neighbours = find_adjacent_faces(faces, nextf); const nextnbors = neighbours.filter((f) => !startdd.includes(f)); return faces_to_dodecahedron(faces, nextf, nextnbors[0], flip); } function find_edges(links, nid) { return links.filter((l) => l.source === nid || l.target === nid ); } function find_adjacent_nodes(links, nid) { return find_edges(links, nid).map((l) => { if( l.source === nid ) { return l.target; } else { return l.source; } }); } function node_by_id(nodes, nid) { const ns = nodes.filter((n) => n.id === nid); return ns[0]; } function find_adjacent_labels(nodes, links, nid) { return find_adjacent_nodes(links, nid).map( (nid) => node_by_id(nodes, nid).label ); } function colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd, nextf, nextdd) { const lastvs = dodecahedron_vertices(dd); const nextvs = dodecahedron_vertices(nextdd); // get the initial colour permutations from the existing labels; const p = []; for( let i = 0; i < 5; i ++ ) { p[i] = colours[nextvs[i]]; } const nlabels = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(nextdd, p); // check if this is inconsistent with the original dd const n = nextf.nodes[0]; const nbors = find_adjacent_nodes(links, n); const nextns = nbors.filter((n) => !lastvs.includes(n)); const lastns = nbors.filter((n) => !nextvs.includes(n)); const lastcol = colours[lastns[0]]; const nextcol = nlabels[nextns[0]]; if( lastcol === nextcol ) { // one node in the adjoining face has two same-coloured neighbours // console.log('chirality mismatch'); // console.log(` test node ${n}`); // console.log(` neighbours ${lastns[0]} ${nextns[0]}`); return false; } return nlabels; } function meridian(nodes, links, faces, startf, startn, dir=11, max=10) { const o = face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, startf, startn); const colours = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(o, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); const dds = follow_meridian(nodes, links, faces, colours, o, dir, max); const labels = { 1: [], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[] }; for( const vstr in colours ) { labels[colours[vstr]].push(Number(vstr)); } return { dodecahedra: dds, labels: labels }; } function meridian_bump(nodes, links, faces, startf, startn, bumpdir=6) { const o = face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, startf, startn); const dir = 11; const max = 10; const colours = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(o, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); const dds = follow_meridian(nodes, links, faces, colours, o, dir, max); const dd4 = dds[4]; const nextf = dd4[bumpdir]; const bump = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, dd4, nextf); const ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd4, nextf, bump); add_colours(colours, ncolours); const labels = { 1: [], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[] }; for( const vstr in colours ) { labels[colours[vstr]].push(Number(vstr)); } return { dodecahedra: dds, labels: labels }; } function all_meridians(nodes, links, faces, startf, startn) { const o = face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, startf, startn); const colours = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(o, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); // first meridian const dds = follow_meridian(nodes, links, faces, colours, o, 11, 10); for ( const f of [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { follow_meridian(nodes, links, faces, colours, o, f, 4); } const labels = { 1: [], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[] }; for( const vstr in colours ) { labels[colours[vstr]].push(Number(vstr)); } return labels; } // go along a meridian // modifies colours function follow_meridian(nodes, links, faces, colours, odd, dir, max) { let ncolours = {}; const dds = [ odd ]; while( ncolours && dds.length < max ) { const dd = dds[dds.length - 1]; const nextf = dds.length === 1 ? dd[dir] : dd[11]; let nextdd = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, dd, nextf); ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd, nextf, nextdd); if( !ncolours ) { nextdd = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, dd, nextf, true); ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd, nextf, nextdd); if( !ncolours ) { console.log("*** two mismatches"); } } for( const vertex in ncolours ) { if( vertex in colours ) { if( colours[vertex] !== ncolours[vertex] ) { console.log(`*** label mismatch at ${vertex}: ${colours[vertex]}/${ncolours[vertex]}`); } } else { colours[vertex] = ncolours[vertex]; } } dds.push(nextdd); } return dds; } function follow_and_colour(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd, face) { let nextdd = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, dd, face); let ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd, face, nextdd); if( !ncolours ) { nextdd = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, dd, face, true); ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, dd, face, nextdd); if( !ncolours ) { console.log("two mismatches"); } } return [ nextdd, ncolours ]; } function add_colours(colours, ncolours) { for( const vertex in ncolours ) { if( vertex in colours ) { if( colours[vertex] !== ncolours[vertex] ) { console.log(`label mismatch at ${vertex}: ${colours[vertex]}/${ncolours[vertex]}`); } } else { colours[vertex] = ncolours[vertex]; } } } // "arctic circle" - this one works function arctic(nodes, links, faces, startf, startn, max) { console.log(startf); const pole = face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, startf, startn); const dds = [ pole ]; // colour first cell const colours = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(dds[0], [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); const vs = dodecahedron_vertices(dds[0]); let ncolours = {}; for( const face of pole ) { let nextdd = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, pole, face); ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, pole, face, nextdd); if( !ncolours ) { nextdd = follow_face_to_dodeca(faces, pole, face, true); ncolours = colour_next_dodeca_maybe(nodes, links, faces, colours, pole, face, nextdd); if( !ncolours ) { console.log("two mismatches"); } } for( const vertex in ncolours ) { if( vertex in colours ) { if( colours[vertex] !== ncolours[vertex] ) { console.log(`label mismatch at ${vertex}: ${colours[vertex]}/${ncolours[vertex]}`); } } else { colours[vertex] = ncolours[vertex]; } } dds.push(nextdd); } const labels = { 1: [], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[] }; for( const vstr in colours ) { labels[colours[vstr]].push(Number(vstr)); } return { dodecahedra: dds, labels: labels }; } // this is the final one that works for the whole 120-cell export function label_120cell(nodes, links, faces, startf, startn) { const pole = face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, startf, startn); const dds = [ pole ]; const seen = {}; seen[dd_fingerprint(pole)] = true; const colours = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(dds[0], [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); const vs = dodecahedron_vertices(dds[0]); for( const face of pole ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, pole, face ); add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); seen[dd_fingerprint(nextdd)] = true; } for( const a of dds.slice(1, 13) ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } // meridians = 45 for( const a of dds.slice(1, 13) ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[11] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } // the 30 equatorials? for( const a of dds.slice(13, 46) ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } for( const a of dds.slice(33, 76) ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } // this should get the rest or explode! for( const a of dds ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } const labels = { 1: [], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[] }; for( const vstr in colours ) { labels[colours[vstr]].push(Number(vstr)); } return { dodecahedra: dds, labels: labels }; } export function cell120_layers(nodes, links, faces, startf, startn, max_layer) { const pole = face_plus_to_dodecahedron(faces, startf, startn); const dds = [ pole ]; const dd_families = { "0": [ pole ] } const seen = {}; seen[dd_fingerprint(pole)] = true; const colours = colour_dodecahedron_from_face(dds[0], [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ); const vs = dodecahedron_vertices(dds[0]); // arctic if( max_layer > 0 ) { dd_families["1"] = []; for( const face of pole ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, pole, face ); add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); dd_families["1"].push(nextdd); seen[dd_fingerprint(nextdd)] = true; } } // subarctic - interstitial if( max_layer > 1 ) { dd_families["2"] = []; for( const a of dd_families["1"] ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); dd_families["2"].push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } } // tropic of cancer if( max_layer > 2 ) { dd_families["3"] = []; for( const a of dd_families["1"] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[11] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); dd_families["3"].push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } if( max_layer > 3 ) { // equator dd_families["4"] = []; for( const a of dds.slice(13, 46) ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dd_families["4"].push(nextdd); dds.push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } } if( max_layer > 4 ) { dd_families["5"] = []; for( const a of dd_families["4"] ) { for( const i of [ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ) { const [ nextdd, ncolours ] = follow_and_colour( nodes, links, faces, colours, a, a[i] ); const fp = dd_fingerprint(nextdd); if( !(fp in seen) ) { add_colours(colours, ncolours); dds.push(nextdd); dd_families["5"].push(nextdd); seen[fp] = true; } } } } const labels = { 1: [], 2:[], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[] }; for( const vstr in colours ) { labels[colours[vstr]].push(Number(vstr)); } return { dodecahedra: dds, labels: labels, families: dd_families }; } // for a face, pick an edge, and then find the other two faces which // share this edge. These can be used as the starting points for the // first face's two dodecahedra function find_edge_neighbours(faces, face) { const n1 = face.nodes[0]; const n2 = face.nodes[1]; return faces.filter((f) => f.id !== face.id && f.nodes.includes(n1) && f.nodes.includes(n2)); } // each face is in two dodecahedra: this returns them both function face_to_dodecahedra(faces, f) { const edge_friends = find_edge_neighbours(faces, f); const d1 = make_dodecahedron(faces, f, edge_friends[0]); const d2 = make_dodecahedron(faces, f, edge_friends[1]); return [ d1, d2 ]; } // brute-force calculation of all dodecahedra function dd_fingerprint(dodecahedron) { const ids = dodecahedron.map((face) => face.id); ids.sort((a, b) => a - b); return ids.join(','); } function make_120cell_cells(faces) { const dodecas = []; const seen = {}; let i = 1; for( const face of faces ) { const dds = face_to_dodecahedra(faces, face); for( const dd of dds ) { const fp = dd_fingerprint(dd); if( ! (fp in seen) ) { const d = { id: i, faces: dd, nodes: dodecahedron_vertices(dd), } dodecas.push(d); i += 1; seen[fp] = 1; } } } return dodecas; } function dodeca_travers(nodes, links, n, fn) { const queue = []; const seen = {}; const nodes_id = {}; queue.push(n.id); while( queue.length > 0 ) { const v = queue.shift(); find_adjacent(links, v).map((aid) => { if( !(aid in seen) ) { seen[aid] = true; queue.push(aid); fn(nodes_id[aid]); } }) } } const cell120 = () => { const nodes = make_120cell_vertices(); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 4); return { nodes: nodes, links: links, geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } } } function dodeca_nodes(dd) { const ns = new Set(); for( const face of dd.faces ) { for( const node of face.nodes ) { ns.add(node); } } dd.nodes = Array.from(ns); } function label_nodes(nodes, ids, label) { nodes.filter((n) => ids.includes(n.id)).map((n) => n.label = label); } function meridian_label_120cell(nodes) { const MERIDIAN_COLOURED ={"1":[27,38,49,61,68,74,87,105,120,126,131,140,149,156,165,174,179,185,200,207,210,218,223,226,231,234,239,241,253,258,263,265,272,274,279,284,285,289,296,300,301,306,311,313,320,324,325,331,334,339,342,347,350,356,357,367,369,376,378,383,388,389,393,400,413,414,419,420,425,440,449,453,458,460,469,471,473,474,487,488,490,494,499,503,511,512,513,514,525,527,530,532,539,543,546,550,555,558,563,566,572,573,580,581,592,593],"2":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,28,30,31,34,35,37,40,41,46,47,50,51,53,56,57,60,62,63,66,67,69,72,73,76,78,83,85,88,90,93,97,103,106,107,109,112,113,116,118,119,122,123,125,129,132,134,135,138,139,141,144,145,148,150,151,155,157,160,161,164,166,167,170,171,173,177,180,182,183,187,189,192,193,196,198,202,203,205,208,209,212,214,215],"3":[26,39,45,52,64,65,94,99,108,117,127,130,137,152,153,168,175,178,188,197,206,211,219,222,227,230,235,238,245,251,268,269,273,280,283,286,292,293,299,302,305,312,316,317,321,328,330,335,349,355,358,363,366,370,375,377,384,385,392,394,399,404,405,415,416,417,418,426,437,439,441,445,452,456,457,459,470,472,475,485,486,491,495,498,502,509,510,515,516,526,529,531,538,542,547,551,554,559,562,567,569,576,577,584,588,597],"4":[32,33,43,54,58,71,77,84,101,110,115,121,136,143,146,159,162,169,184,204,213,220,221,228,229,236,237,249,260,261,271,276,277,281,288,290,295,297,304,308,309,315,318,322,327,329,336,340,341,351,354,359,361,368,371,374,379,382,387,390,396,397,409,410,423,424,430,433,435,443,447,450,454,461,463,466,468,477,478,483,484,489,493,500,504,507,508,517,518,522,533,535,540,544,545,549,553,560,561,568,570,583,587,590,595,598],"5":[29,36,42,55,59,70,80,81,89,111,114,133,142,147,163,181,191,194,201,216,217,224,225,232,233,240,243,246,255,267,270,275,278,282,287,291,294,298,303,307,310,314,319,323,326,332,333,337,344,345,352,353,360,364,365,372,373,380,381,395,398,402,407,411,412,421,422,429,436,442,446,451,455,462,464,465,467,479,481,482,492,496,497,501,505,506,519,520,521,523,534,536,537,541,548,552,556,557,564,565,574,579,586,591,594,599]}; for( const cstr in MERIDIAN_COLOURED ) { label_nodes(nodes, MERIDIAN_COLOURED[cstr], Number(cstr)); } //label_nodes(nodes, [313], 6); } 1 function check_120cell_nodes(nodes) { nodes.map((n) => { const vs = find_adjacent_labels(nodes, links, n.id); vs.push(n.label); console.log(`Node ${n.id} and neighbours ${vs}`); const fp = vs.sort().join(','); if( fp !== "1,2,3,4,5" ) { console.log(`Label error ${n.id} ${fp}`) } }); } function make_dodecahedron_vertices() { const phi = 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)); const phiinv = 1 / phi; const nodes = [ { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1, w: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: -1, w: 0 }, { x: 1, y: -1, z: 1, w: 0 }, { x: 1, y: -1, z: -1, w: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 1, z: 1, w: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 1, z: -1, w: 0 }, { x: -1, y: -1, z: 1, w: 0 }, { x: -1, y: -1, z: -1, w: 0 } ].flat(); scale_nodes(nodes, 0.5); return nodes; } // this one does the coherent indexing / partition into 600-cells export function make_labelled_120cell() { const nodes = make_120cell_vertices(); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 4); const faces = auto_120cell_faces(links); const labelled = label_120cell(nodes, links, faces, faces[0], 341); return labelled; } // calculate the w-distance of a dodecahedron's centroid export function dd_w_distance(nodes, dd) { const vertices = new Set(); dd.map((f) => f.nodes.map((n) => vertices.add(n))); let w = 0; for( const nid of vertices ) { const node = node_by_id(nodes, nid); w += node.w; } return w / 20; } export function sort_dds_w(nodes, dds) { dds.sort((a, b) => { return dd_w_distance(nodes, a) - dd_w_distance(nodes, b) }) } export function find_antipode_dd(nodes, links, dd) { } // notes because I'm too sick to continue working on this today // the vertices which aren't counted by the layers are showing // up in the visualisation because they are labelled "0" by default - // for this to work better there needs to be a value which is never // displayed. // in the current layer algorithm, layer '5' (the one after the equator) // is too greedy export function make_layered_120cell(max_layer) { const nodes = make_120cell_vertices(); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 4); const faces = auto_120cell_faces(links); const labelled = label_120cell(nodes, links, faces, faces[628], 250, max_layer); // get layers from sorted w-distance order const dds = labelled.dodecahedra; dds.sort((a, b) => dd_w_distance(nodes, b) - dd_w_distance(nodes, a)); const LAYERS = [ [ "0", 1 ], [ "1", 12 ], [ "2", 20 ], [ "3", 12 ], [ "4", 30 ], [ "5", 12 ], [ "6", 20 ], [ "7", 12 ], [ "8", 1] ]; const layer_dds = labelled["families"]; const vertices_layers = {}; const seen = {}; let i = 0; for( const layer of LAYERS ) { const label = layer[0]; const n = layer[1]; vertices_layers[label] = []; console.log(`Layer ${label} starting at ${i}`); for( const dd of dds.slice(i, i + n) ) { console.log(dd_w_distance(nodes, dd)); for( const face of dd ) { for( const n of face.nodes ) { if( !seen[n] ) { vertices_layers[label].push(n); seen[n] = true; } } } } i += n; } return JSON.stringify(vertices_layers); } export function make_meridians(bumpdir) { const nodes = make_120cell_vertices(); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 4); const faces = auto_120cell_faces(links); const mbs ={} for( const bumpdir of [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] ) { mbs[bumpdir] = meridian_bump(nodes, links, faces, faces[0], 341, bumpdir) } return mbs; // } // console.log("Calculating 120-cell colours") // const a2 = arctic_two(nodes, links, faces, faces[0], 341) // console.log(`got ${a2.dodecahedra.length}`); // const labels = a2.labels; // console.log("labelling nodes"); // for( const cstr in labels ) { // label_nodes(nodes, labels[cstr], Number(cstr)); // }