import * as PERMUTE from './permute.js'; function index_nodes(nodes, scale) { let i = 1; for( const n of nodes ) { n["id"] = i; i++; } } function scale_nodes(nodes, scale) { for( const n of nodes ) { for( const a of [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' ] ) { n[a] = scale * n[a]; } } } function dist2(n1, n2) { return (n1.x - n2.x) ** 2 + (n1.y - n2.y) ** 2 + (n1.z - n2.z) ** 2 + (n1.w - n2.w) ** 2; } function auto_detect_edges(nodes, neighbours, debug=false) { const seen = {}; const nnodes = nodes.length; const links = []; let id = 1; for( const n1 of nodes ) { const d2 = []; for( const n2 of nodes ) { d2.push({ d2: dist2(n1, n2), id: }); } d2.sort((a, b) => a.d2 - b.d2); const closest = d2.slice(1, neighbours + 1); if( debug ) { console.log(`closest = ${closest.length}`); console.log(closest); } for( const e of closest ) { const ids = [, ]; ids.sort(); const fp = ids.join(','); if( !seen[fp] ) { seen[fp] = true; links.push({ id: id, label: 0, source:, target: }); id++; } } } if( debug ) { console.log(`Found ${links.length} edges`) } return links; } // too small and simple to calculate export const cell5 = () => { const r5 = Math.sqrt(5); const r2 = Math.sqrt(2) / 2; return { nodes: [ {id:1, label: 0, x: r2, y: r2, z: r2, w: -r2 / r5 }, {id:2, label: 1, x: r2, y: -r2, z: -r2, w: -r2 / r5 }, {id:3, label: 2, x: -r2, y: r2, z: -r2, w: -r2 / r5 }, {id:4, label: 3, x: -r2, y: -r2, z: r2, w: -r2 / r5 }, {id:5, label: 4, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 4 * r2 / r5 }, ], links: [ { id:1, source:1, target: 2}, { id:2, source:1, target: 3}, { id:3, source:1, target: 4}, { id:4, source:1, target: 5}, { id:5, source:2, target: 3}, { id:6, source:2, target: 4}, { id:7, source:2, target: 5}, { id:8, source:3, target: 4}, { id:9, source:3, target: 5}, { id:10, source:4, target: 5}, ], geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } }; }; export const cell16 = () => { let nodes = PERMUTE.coordinates([1, 1, 1, 1], 0); nodes = nodes.filter((n) => n.x * n.y * n.z * n.w > 0); nodes[0].label = 0; nodes[3].label = 1; nodes[5].label = 2; nodes[6].label = 3; nodes[7].label = 0; nodes[4].label = 1; nodes[2].label = 2; nodes[1].label = 3; index_nodes(nodes); scale_nodes(nodes, 0.75); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 6); return { nodes: nodes, links: links, geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } }; }; export const tesseract = () => { const nodes = PERMUTE.coordinates([1, 1, 1, 1], 0); index_nodes(nodes); scale_nodes(nodes, Math.sqrt(2) / 2); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 4); return { nodes: nodes, links: links, geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } }; } const CELL24_INDEXING = { x: { y: 0, z: 2, w: 1 }, y: { z: 1, w: 2 }, z: { w: 0 } }; export const cell24 = () => { const nodes = PERMUTE.coordinates([0, 0, 1, 1], 0); for( const n of nodes ) { const axes = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'w'].filter((a) => n[a] !== 0); n.label = CELL24_INDEXING[axes[0]][axes[1]]; } index_nodes(nodes); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 8); return { nodes: nodes, links: links, geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } }; } function make_120cell_vertices() { const phi = 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)); const r5 = Math.sqrt(5); const phi2 = phi * phi; const phiinv = 1 / phi; const phi2inv = 1 / phi2; const nodes = [ PERMUTE.coordinates([0, 0, 2, 2], 0), PERMUTE.coordinates([1, 1, 1, r5], 0), PERMUTE.coordinates([phi, phi, phi, phi2inv], 0), PERMUTE.coordinates([phiinv, phiinv, phiinv, phi2], 0), PERMUTE.coordinates([phi2, phi2inv, 1, 0], 0, true), PERMUTE.coordinates([r5, phiinv, phi, 0], 0, true), PERMUTE.coordinates([2, 1, phi, phiinv], 0, true), ].flat(); index_nodes(nodes); scale_nodes(nodes, 0.5); return nodes; } export const cell120 = () => { const nodes = make_120cell_vertices(); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 4); return { nodes: nodes, links: links, geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } } } // Schoute's partition via const partition600 = { "2,0,0,0": 1, "0,2,0,0": 1, "0,0,2,0": 1, "0,0,0,2": 1, "1,1,1,1": 1, "1,1,-1,-1": 1, "1,-1,1,-1": 1, "1,-1,-1,1": 1, "1,-1,-1,-1": 1, "1,-1,1,1": 1, "1,1,-1,1": 1, "1,1,1,-1": 1, "k,0,-t,-1": 2, "0,k,1,-t": 2, "t,-1,k,0": 2, "1,t,0,k": 2, "t,k,0,-1": 2, "1,0,k,t": 2, "k,-t,-1,0": 2, "0,1,-t,k": 2, "1,k,t,0": 2, "t,0,-1,k": 2, "0,t,-k,-1": 2, "k,-1,0,-t": 2, "t,0,1,k": 3, "0,t,-k,1": 3, "1,-k,-t,0": 3, "k,1,0,-t": 3, "0,k,1,t": 3, "t,1,-k,0": 3, "k,0,t,-1": 3, "1,-t,0,k": 3, "t,-k,0,-1": 3, "0,1,-t,-k": 3, "1,0,-k,t": 3, "k,t,1,0": 3, "t,0,-1,-k": 4, "0,t,k,-1": 4, "1,-k,t,0": 4, "k,1,0,t": 4, "t,1,k,0": 4, "0,k,-1,-t": 4, "1,-t,0,-k": 4, "k,0,-t,1": 4, "0,1,t,k": 4, "t,-k,0,1": 4, "k,t,-1,0": 4, "1,0,k,-t": 4, "k,0,t,1": 5, "0,k,-1,t": 5, "t,-1,-k,0": 5, "1,t,0,-k": 5, "1,0,-k,-t": 5, "t,k,0,1": 5, "0,1,t,-k": 5, "k,-t,1,0": 5, "t,0,1,-k": 5, "1,k,-t,0": 5, "k,-1,0,t": 5, "0,t,k,1": 5 }; function partition_coord(i, coords, invert) { const j = invert ? -i : i; if( j >= 0 ) { return coords[j]; } return "-" + coords[-j]; } function partition_fingerprint(n, coords, invert) { const p = ['x','y','z','w'].map((a) => partition_coord(n[a], coords, invert)); const fp = p.join(','); return fp; } function label_vertex(n, coords, partition) { const fp = partition_fingerprint(n, coords, false); if( fp in partition ) { return partition[fp]; } else { const ifp = partition_fingerprint(n, coords, true); if( ifp in partition ) { return partition[ifp]; } console.log(`Map for ${fp} ${ifp} not found`); return 0; } } function map_coord(i, coords, values) { if( i >= 0 ) { return values[coords[i]]; } return -values[coords[-i]]; } function make_600cell_vertices() { const coords = { 0: '0', 1: '1', 2: '2', 3: 't', 4: 'k' }; const t = 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)); const values = { '0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, 't': t, 'k': 1 / t }; const nodes = [ PERMUTE.coordinates([0, 0, 0, 2], 0), PERMUTE.coordinates([1, 1, 1, 1], 0), PERMUTE.coordinates([3, 1, 4, 0], 0, true) ].flat(); for( const n of nodes ) { n.label = label_vertex(n, coords, partition600) - 1; } for( const n of nodes ) { for( const a of [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w'] ) { n[a] = map_coord(n[a], coords, values); } } index_nodes(nodes); scale_nodes(nodes, 0.75); return nodes; } function get_node(nodes, id) { const ns = nodes.filter((n) => === id); if( ns ) { return ns[0] } else { return undefined; } } function audit_link_labels(nodes, links) { console.log("Link audit"); for( const l of links ) { const n1 = get_node(nodes, l.source); const n2 = get_node(nodes,; if( n1.label === n2.label ) { console.log(`link ${} joins ${} ${} with label ${n2.label}`); } } } export const cell600 = () => { const nodes = make_600cell_vertices(); const links = auto_detect_edges(nodes, 12); return { nodes: nodes, links: links, geometry: { node_size: 0.02, link_size: 0.02 } } }