Effects into separate files

Mike Lynch 2023-04-09 11:42:17 +10:00
parent fdf92ef4ba
commit 0b589bc092
2 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

effects.scd 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// output effects mixing and effects
~fxb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~filterb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~grainsb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~delayb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~reverbb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~grainmixer = SynthDef(
arg in=2, gbus=4, out=0, passthrough=0.75, grains=0.75;
Out.ar(out, (grains * In.ar(gbus, 2)) + (passthrough * In.ar(~recordb, 1) ! 2));
).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \gbus, ~granulatorb, \out, ~fxb ], \addToTail);
~filtermodb = Bus.control(s, 1);
~filtermod = SynthDef(
\filtermod, {
arg out, a = 1.0, b = 0.0, c = 0.0;
var siga, sigb, sigc;
siga = In.kr(~lfoab) * a;
sigb = In.kr(~lfobb) * b;
sigc = In.kr(~lfocb) * c;
Out.kr(out, Wrap.kr(siga + sigb + sigc, -1, 1));
).play(s, [\out, ~filtermodb, \a, 1, \b, 0, \c, 0 ]);
~filter = SynthDef(
\filter, {
arg in, out, mod, freq=10000, res=0.3, amp=1.0;
var filt, lfo;
lfo = LinExp.kr(In.kr(mod, 1), -1, 1, freq * 0.5, freq * 2);
filt = RLPF.ar(In.ar(in, 2) * amp, lfo, res);
Out.ar(out, filt);
).play(s, [ \in, ~fxb, \out, ~filterb, \mod, ~filtermodb, \amp, 0.5 ], \addToTail);
// delay always passes through 100% of its input + amp % of the delay
~delay = SynthDef(
\delay, {
arg in, out, maxdelay=1, delaytime=0.2, decaytime=0.1, amp=0.5;
var sig = In.ar(in, 2), del;
del = CombC.ar(sig, maxdelay, delaytime, decaytime, amp);
Out.ar(out, sig + del);
).play(s, [ \in, ~filterb, \out, ~delayb ], \addToTail);
// try taking out the reverb because I think it causes noises
~reverb = SynthDef(
\reverb, {
arg in, out, mix=0.33, room=0.5, damp=0.5, amp=0.25;
var input = In.ar(in, 2);
Out.ar(out, input + FreeVerb2.ar(input[0], input[1], mix, room, damp, amp));
).play(s, [ \in, ~delayb, \out, 0 ], \addToTail);

input_effects.scd 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
~fuzzbox = SynthDef(
arg in=2, out=4, distort=0.1, decay=0.999;
var raw, cross, pf;
raw = In.ar(in, 1).softclip;
cross = CrossoverDistortion.ar(raw, 0.5, 0.5);
pf = PeakFollower.ar(raw, decay);
Out.ar(out, ((1 - distort) * raw) + (distort * pf * cross));
).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \distort, 0 ]);
// ~decimator = SynthDef(
// \decimator,
// {
// arg in=2, out=4, modb, rate=10000, smooth=0.5;
// var raw, mod, decimated;
// raw = In.ar(in, 1);
// mod = In.kr (modb, 1);
// decimated = SmoothDecimator.ar(raw, rate + (0.2 * rate * mod), smooth);
// Out.ar(out, decimated);
// }
// ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \modb, ~lfob, \rate, 10000 ]);
// ~localmax = SynthDef(
// \localmax,
// {
// arg in=2, out=4, threshold=25;
// var chain;
// chain = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), In.ar(in, 1).distort);
// chain = PV_LocalMax(chain, threshold);
// Out.ar(out, IFFT.ar(chain));
// }
// ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \threshold, 25 ]);
// ~scramble = SynthDef(
// \scramble,
// {
// arg in=2, out=4, shift=1;
// var chain;
// chain = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), In.ar(in, 1).distort);
// chain = PV_BinScramble(chain, 0.5, 0.2, Impulse.kr(shift));
// Out.ar(out, IFFT.ar(chain));
// }
// ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \shift, 1 ]);