Effects chain works

Mike Lynch 2022-04-19 08:29:26 +10:00
parent e5bfc0d79d
commit 69c0d16a65
2 changed files with 136 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
Immediate todo -
## Granulator
Separate out the stuff which controls playback rates from the
granulator into its own Synth - this should output a kr signal
for the rate which the granulator takes as an input
Fix chorus and detune - why isn't it being triggered?
What this Synth should be able to do:
Add pitch shifting
- tracking the slope of the playback lfo so that it can play grains
backwards when the playback is reversed
Change harmonics for chorus
- inverting playback (ie either play backwards all the time, or play
the opposite way from the playback lfo
Lock harmonics to octaves / ratios
- detuning
## Effects chain
- pitch shifting
Add an effects chain like with midilooper
- chorus
-> filter -> reverb -> out
## LFO mod
Add the new-style lfo mods to filter
## More LFO mods
- Convert the granulator (including the buffer stuff) to a class
Allow other settings to be modulated
## Input filter
Switch in and out a single input filter like distort, peak FFT, etc,

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@ -1,16 +1,7 @@
// Execute this before booting the server
Server.default.options.inDevice_("Scarlett 2i2 USB");
// [X] mode switching isn't working
// [ ] playback speed isn't working
// [ ] lfo filter modulation isn't working
// [ ] setting parameters from defaults at startup like passthrough
@ -97,7 +88,6 @@ s.sampleRate
// audio buses
// recordb = input to bufrecorder
// granulatorb = output from granulator
~recordb = Bus.audio(s, 1);
@ -113,17 +103,25 @@ s.sampleRate
~granulatorb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
// LFO bus and synth used to modulate the filter
// LFO buses and synths
~lfob = Bus.control(s, 1);
~lfoab = Bus.control(s, 1);
~lfobb = Bus.control(s, 1);
~lfocb = Bus.control(s, 1);
~lfo = SynthDef(
~lfoa =SynthDef(
arg out=5, freq=1, amp=0;
Out.kr(out, SinOsc.kr(freq, 0, amp));
).play(s, [\out, ~lfob, \freq, 1, \amp, 0]);
).play(s, [\out, ~lfoab]);
// These need to wait till the \lfo definition arrives at the server
// ~lfoa = Synth(\lfo, [\out, ~lfoab ]);
// ~lfob = Synth(\lfo, [\out, ~lfobb ]);
// ~lfoc = Synth(\lfo, [\out, ~lfocb ]);
// a kr synth which triggers grains
@ -150,12 +148,12 @@ s.sampleRate
arg out, posb, triggerb, track=1, dir=1, detune=0.0, chorus=0, harmonic=2;
var tracking, base, chor, det, csig, dsig;
csig = Latch.kr(WhiteNoise.kr(), In.kr(triggerb));
dsig = Latch.kr(WhiteNoise.kr(), In.kr(triggerb));
// csig = Latch.kr(WhiteNoise.kr(), In.kr(triggerb));
// dsig = Latch.kr(WhiteNoise.kr(), In.kr(triggerb));
tracking = Schmidt.kr(Slope.kr(posb), 0, 0) * 2 - 1;
base = dir * (track * tracking + (1 - track));
det = detune * dsig + 1;
chor = chorus * harmonic.pow(csig + 0.5).floor + (1 - chorus);
det = detune * LFNoise1.kr(120) + 1;
chor = chorus * harmonic.pow(LFNoise1.kr(120) + 0.5).floor + (1 - chorus);
Out.kr(out, base * chor * det);
).play(s, [ \out, ~pitchb, \triggerb, ~triggerb, \posb, ~playbacklfob, \dir, 1, \track, 0]);
@ -180,23 +178,19 @@ s.sampleRate
// the main granulator synth
// note - connect size back to the trigger rate?
// todo - take the filter out of this
~granulator = SynthDef(
arg out=0, buffer, pitchb, triggerb, posb, modb, size=0.1, amp=1.0, freq=10000, rq=0.3, pan=0, track=0.25, jitter=0, blur=0.0;
arg out=0, buffer, pitchb, triggerb, posb, modb, size=0.1, amp=1.0, pan=0, track=0.25, jitter=0, blur=0.0;
var pitch, blen, trigger, chor, pos, pans, grains, filtfreq;
trigger = Impulse.kr(120);
pitch = In.kr(pitchb);
blen = BufDur.kr(buffer);
pos = Wrap.kr(In.kr(posb, 1) + WhiteNoise.kr(blur), 0, 1);
pans = pan + WhiteNoise.kr(jitter) + (track * (In.kr(posb, 1) - 1));
filtfreq = (In.kr(modb, 1) * freq * 0.5) + freq;
grains = TGrains.ar(2, trigger, buffer, pitch, pos * blen, size, pans, amp);
Out.ar(out, RLPF.ar(grains, filtfreq, rq));
Out.ar(out, grains);
).play(s, [
\out, ~granulatorb,
@ -208,29 +202,88 @@ s.sampleRate
\size, 0.1
~mixerb = Bus.audio(s, 2); // this is what we will record from
// mixing and effects
~mixer = SynthDef(
~fxb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~filterb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~grainsb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~delayb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~reverbb = Bus.audio(s, 2);
~grainmixer = SynthDef(
arg in = 2, gbus = 4, out = 0, amp = 1.0, passthrough = 0.0;
//Out.ar(out, In.ar(gbus, 2));
Out.ar(out, (amp * In.ar(gbus, 2)) + (passthrough * In.ar(~recordb, 1) ! 2));
arg in = 2, gbus = 4, out = 0, passthrough = 0.2;
Out.ar(out, (In.ar(gbus, 2)) + (passthrough * In.ar(~recordb, 1) ! 2));
).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~mixerb, \gbus, ~granulatorb, \amp, 1.0, \passthrough, 0.0], \addToTail);
).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~fxb, \gbus, ~granulatorb ], \addToTail);
~filter = SynthDef(
\filter, {
arg in, out, mod, freq=10000, res=0.3, amp=1.0;
var filt, lfo;
lfo = LinExp.kr(In.kr(mod, 1), -1, 1, freq * 0.5, freq * 2);
filt = RLPF.ar(In.ar(in, 2) * amp, lfo, res);
Out.ar(out, filt);
).play(s, [ \in, ~fxb, \out, ~filterb, \mod, ~lfoab, \amp, 0.5 ], \addToTail);
// delay always passes through 100% of its input + amp % of the delay
~delay = SynthDef(
\delay, {
arg in, out, maxdelay=1, delaytime=0.2, decaytime=0.1, amp=0.5;
var sig = In.ar(in, 2), del;
del = CombC.ar(sig, maxdelay, delaytime, decaytime, amp);
Out.ar(out, sig + del);
).play(s, [ \in, ~filterb, \out, ~delayb ], \addToTail);
~reverb = SynthDef(
\reverb, {
arg in, out, mix=0.33, room=0.5, damp=0.5, amp=0.25;
var input = In.ar(in, 2);
Out.ar(out, input + FreeVerb2.ar(input[0], input[1], mix, room, damp, amp));
).play(s, [ \in, ~delayb, \out, 0 ], \addToTail);
~grainmixer.set(\amp, 0.5);
~filter.set(\amp, 1);
~monitor = SynthDef(
arg in=2, out=0;
Out.ar(out, In.ar(in, 2))
).play(s, [\in, ~mixerb, \out, 0 ], \addToTail);
).play(s, [\in, ~fxb, \out, 0 ], \addToTail);
// sync the server so that all the synths are ready for the touchosc stuff
~monitor.set(\in, ~reverbb)
// s.sync(); // this needs to be done in a routine because it calls yield
// sidebar -
@ -260,7 +313,7 @@ OSCdef.freeAll;
~to.slider('/mix', 0.25, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~bufrecorder.set(\mix, v) } );
~to.slider('/gain', 0.5, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~granulator.set(\amp, v) } );
~to.slider('/passthrough', 0.5, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~mixer.set(\passthrough, v) } );
~to.slider('/passthrough', 0.5, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~grainmixer.set(\passthrough, v) } );
~to.slider('/feedback', 0, TouchOSCScale(0, 0.25), { |v|
~bufrecorder.set(\feedback, v) } );
@ -365,20 +418,41 @@ OSCdef.freeAll;
// );
[ 10000, 0.3 ],
TouchOSCScale(200, 10000),
TouchOSCScale(0.1, 1),
{ |v|
~granulator.set(\freq, v[0]);
~granulator.set(\res, v[1]);
10000, TouchOSCScaleExp(100, 10000), { |v| ~filter.set(\freq, v) }
~to.slider('/fx/lfofreq', 0.5,TouchOSCScale(0.001, 4), { |v| ~lfo.set(\freq, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/lfoamp', 0, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~lfo.set(\amp, v) });
~to.slider('/fx/filtermix', 0.2, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~filter.set(\amp, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/delay', 0.2,TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~delay.set(\delaytime, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/decay', 1, TouchOSCScale(0, 5), { |v| ~delay.set(\decaytime, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/delaymix', 0.2, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~delay.set(\amp, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/reverbwet', 0.33,TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~reverb.set(\mix, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/reverbroom', 0.5,TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~reverb.set(\room, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/reverbdamp', 0.5,TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~reverb.set(\damp, v) } );
~to.slider('/fx/reverbmix', 0.2, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~reverb.set(\amp, v) } );
~to.slider('/lfos/afreq', 0.5,TouchOSCScale(0.001, 20), { |v| ~lfoa.set(\freq, v) } );
~to.slider('/lfos/aamp', 0, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~lfoa.set(\amp, v) });
~to.slider('/lfos/bfreq', 0.5,TouchOSCScale(0.001, 20), { |v| ~lfob.set(\freq, v) } );
~to.slider('/lfos/bamp', 0, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~lfob.set(\amp, v) });
~to.slider('/lfos/cfreq', 0.5,TouchOSCScale(0.001, 20), { |v| ~lfoc.set(\freq, v) } );
~to.slider('/lfos/camp', 0, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~lfoc.set(\amp, v) });
~posdisplay = Task.new({
@ -392,14 +466,3 @@ OSCdef.freeAll;
~to.slider('/grains/blur', 0, TouchOSCScale(0, 1), { |v| ~granulator.set(\blur, v) });