// Execute this before booting the server Server.default.options.inDevice_("Scarlett 2i2 USB"); // 3c:06:30:16:c1:50 ( ~bpm = 140; // hack for buffer sync and recording ~buflen = 240 / ~bpm; // IP address of whatever your TouchOSC surface is on - put here so it // doesn't get lost; ~touchoscip = ""; ~touchosc = NetAddr(~touchoscip, 9000); ~patchdir = "~/Music/SuperCollider/Patches/granulator/"; // instrument settings // ~sets is a dictionary with all of the settings // ~mset adds a setting to ~sets // a setting has a max, min, default, value, and an apply method // apply takes the current v and applies it to the synth(s) // converting between control values and real values is // done in the touchOSC section, below ~sets = (); // The following two functions are the default methods for going from // touchOSC control settings (0-1) to setting values as defined by min,max. // Default uses linlin - for linexp or fancier stuff, override them. // It's up to you to make sure they're mathematically inverse. ~ctrlset = { | self, msg | self.v = msg[1].linlin(0, 1, self.min, self.max); }; ~ctrlget = { | self | self.v.linlin(self.min, self.max, 0, 1) }; ~ctrlexpset = { | self, msg | self.v = msg[1].linexp(0, 1, self.min, self.max); }; ~ctrlexpget = { | self | self.v.linlin(self.min, self.max, 0, 1) }; // getter and setter for an x-y control - the default, max and min are arrays // of [ x, y ] pairs // note: msg is what we get from the OSC and x = 1, y = 2 ~ctrlxyset = { | self, msg | self.v[0] = msg[1].linlin(0, 1, self.min[0], self.max[0]); self.v[1] = msg[2].linlin(0, 1, self.min[1], self.max[1]); }; ~ctrlxyget = { | self | var vals = [ 0, 0 ]; vals[0] = self.v[0].linlin(self.min[0], self.max[0], 0, 1); vals[1] = self.v[1].linlin(self.min[1], self.max[1], 0, 1); vals; }; // ~ctrlsend sends the current self.v back to the TouchOSC control, // for when we send the defaults or load a patch ~ctrlsend = { | self | var ctrlval = self.ctrlget(); [ "ctrlsend", self.oscurl, ctrlval ].postln; ~touchosc.sendMsg(self.oscurl, ctrlval); }; // TODO: each of these needs to be able to write its value back // to its TouchOSC control - this should be a fairly simple // method like ~ctrlset and ~ctrlget // then call all of those on an iterator at startup to write the // defaults to the controller ~mset = { | name, oscurl, min, max, default, apply=({}), ctrlset=(~ctrlset), ctrlget=(~ctrlget), ctrlsend=(~ctrlsend) | ~sets.put(name, ( name: name, oscurl: oscurl, default: default, min: min, max: max, v: default, ctrlset: ctrlset, ctrlget: ctrlget, ctrlsend: ctrlsend, apply: apply )); OSCdef.new( 'osc' ++ name, { | msg | [ 'touchosc', msg ].postln; ~sets.at(name).ctrlset(msg); ~sets.at(name).apply() }, oscurl ); }; // sidebar controls ~mset.value(\record, '/record', 0, 1, 1, { |self| ~bufrecorder.set("record", self.v) }); ~mset.value(\mix, '/mix', 0, 1, 0.25, { |self| ~bufrecorder.set("mix", self.v) } ); // clear buffer is special so it gets its own OSCDef OSCdef.new( \bufferclear, { | msg | var bl = ~sets.at(\buflength).v, sp = ~sets.at(\grainrate).v[0]; bl = ~buflen; ~bufclear = msg[1]; ~newbuffer = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate * bl, 1); ~granulator.set("buffer", ~newbuffer); ~bufrecorder.set("buffer", ~newbuffer); ~frippbuffer.free; ~frippbuffer = ~newbuffer; ~currentpos.set("speed", sp / bl); }, '/clear' ); ~mset.value(\grainamp, '/gain', 0, 1, 0.5, { |self| ~granulator.set("amp", self.v) } ); ~mset.value(\passthrough, '/passthrough', 0, 1, 0.5, { |self| ~mixer.set("passthrough", self.v) } ); // page 1: grains // special setter for the granulator mode buttond ~setmode = { | value, test, ctrlsynth, ctrlbus | if( value > 0.0, { [ "setmode", test ].postln; ~granulator.set("posb", ctrlbus); ~currentpos = ctrlsynth; ~currentpos.set("speed", ~sets.at(\speed).v); }); }; ~mset.value(\modesaw, '/grains/mode/5/1', 0, 1, 1, { |self| ~setmode.value(self.v, "saw", ~grainsaw, ~grainsawb) } ); ~mset.value(\modereverse, '/grains/mode/4/1', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~setmode.value(self.v, "reverse", ~grainreverse, ~grainreverseb) } ); ~mset.value(\modesine, '/grains/mode/3/1', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~setmode.value(self.v, "sin", ~grainsin, ~grainsinb) } ); ~mset.value(\modetri, '/grains/mode/2/1', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~setmode.value(self.v, "tri", ~graintri, ~graintrib) } ); ~mset.value(\moderand, '/grains/mode/1/1', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~setmode.value(self.v, "rand", ~grainrand, ~grainrandb) } ); ~mset.value(\buflength, '/grains/length', 0.1, 10, 4.0); // ~mset.value(\trigger, '/grains/trigger', 0, 10, 4, { // |self| // var trate = 2.pow(self.v.floor) / ~buflen; // trate.postln; // ~granulator.set("trate", trate) // }); // ~mset.value(\speed, '/grains/speed', -4, 4, 0, { // |self| // var qspeed = 2.pow(self.v.floor); // qspeed.postln; // ~currentpos.set("speed", qspeed / ~buflen) // }); ~mset.value(\grainrate, '/grains/rate', [ -4, 0 ], [ 4, 10 ], [ 0, 4 ], { | self | var trate, qspeed; qspeed = 2.pow(self.v[0].floor); qspeed.postln; ~currentpos.set("speed", qspeed / ~buflen) [ "grainrate", self.v ].postln; trate = 2.pow(self.v[1].floor) / ~buflen; trate.postln; ~granulator.set("trate", trate); }, ~ctrlxyset, ~ctrlxyget); ~mset.value(\size, '/grains/size', 0, 20, 12, { |self| ~granulator.set("size", self.v) }); // Page 2: grainfx ~mset.value(\blur, '/grainfx/blur', 0, 1.0, 0, { |self| ~granulator.set("blur", self.v) }); ~mset.value(\back, '/grainfx/back', 1, -1, 0, { |self| ~granulator.set("rate", self.v) }); ~mset.value(\chorus, '/grainfx/chorus', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~granulator.set("chorus", self.v) }); ~mset.value(\dust, '/grainfx/dust', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~granulator.set("dust", self.v) }); // pitch gets quantised to octaves from 3 below to 3 above. // NOTE: the pitch TouchOSC control is -1 to 1, not 0 to 1 // min/max gets ignored because I'm overloading the ctrlset/get // TODO: fixme, ~mset.value(\pitch, '/grainfx/pitch', -1, 1, 1, { |self| ~granulator.set("rate", self.v) }, { |self, ctrlv | self.v = 2.pow((ctrlv * 3).floor) }, { |self| self.v.log2.floor / 3; } ); ~mset.value(\feedback, '/fx/feedback', 0, 0.25, 0, { |self| ~bufrecorder.set("feedback", self.v) } ); ~mset.value(\filterfreq, '/fx/freq', 200, 10000, 10000, { |self| ~granulator.set("freq", self.v) } ); ~mset.value(\filterres, '/fx/rq', 0.1, 1, 0.3, { |self| ~granulator.set("res", self.v) } ); ~mset.value(\lfofreq, '/fx/lfofreq', 0.001, 1, 0.5, { |self| ~lfo.set("freq", self.v) } ); ~mset.value(\lfoamp, '/fx/lfoamp', 0, 1, 0, { |self| ~lfo.set("amp", self.v) }); ~mset.value(\fuzz, '/fx/fuzz', 1000, 6000, 6000, { |self| self.v.postln }); // send defaults of the normal settings to the controller ~sets.do({|s| [ "control send for", s.name ].postln; s.ctrlsend() }); // Now the actual sound synthesis part // audio buses // recordb = input to bufrecorder // granulatorb = output from granulator ~usbinput = 2; ~recordb = Bus.audio(s, 1); ~granulatorb = Bus.audio(s, 2); // LFO bus and synth used to modulate the filter // TODO - have a couple of LFOs and an interface to patch them to // different settings ~lfob = Bus.control(s, 1); ~lfo = SynthDef( \lfo, { arg out=5, freq=1, amp=0; Out.kr(out, SinOsc.kr(freq, 0, amp)); } ).play(s, [\out, ~lfob, \freq, 1, \amp, 0]); // input filter chain ~infilter = SynthDef( \input_null, { arg in = 2, out = 4; Out.ar(out, In.ar(in)); } ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb]); // ~fuzzbox = SynthDef( // \fuzzbox, // { // arg in=2, out=4, distort=0.1, decay=0.999; // var raw, cross, pf; // raw = In.ar(in, 1).softclip; // cross = CrossoverDistortion.ar(raw, 0.5, 0.5); // pf = PeakFollower.ar(raw, decay); // Out.ar(out, ((1 - distort) * raw) + (distort * pf * cross)); // } // ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \distort, 0 ]); // ~decimator = SynthDef( // \decimator, // { // arg in=2, out=4, modb, rate=10000, smooth=0.5; // var raw, mod, decimated; // raw = In.ar(in, 1); // mod = In.kr(modb, 1); // decimated = SmoothDecimator.ar(raw, rate + (0.2 * rate * mod), smooth); // Out.ar(out, decimated); // } // ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \modb, ~lfob, \rate, 10000 ]); // ~localmax = SynthDef( // \localmax, // { // arg in=2, out=4, threshold=25; // var chain; // chain = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), In.ar(in, 1).distort); // chain = PV_LocalMax(chain, threshold); // Out.ar(out, IFFT.ar(chain)); // } // ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \threshold, 25 ]); // ~scramble = SynthDef( // \scramble, // { // arg in=2, out=4, shift=1; // var chain; // chain = FFT(LocalBuf(2048), In.ar(in, 1).distort); // chain = PV_BinScramble(chain, 0.5, 0.2, Impulse.kr(shift)); // Out.ar(out, IFFT.ar(chain)); // } // ).play(s, [\in, ~usbinput, \out, ~recordb, \shift, 1 ]); // buffer recorder ~frippbuffer = Buffer.alloc(s, s.sampleRate * ~sets.at(\buflength).v, 1); ~bufrecorder = SynthDef( \fripp_record, { arg in = 2, fb = 4, buffer = 0, mix = 0.25, record = 0.0, feedback = 0.0; var insig, fbsig; insig = record * In.ar(in, 1); fbsig = feedback * Mix.ar(In.ar(fb, 2)); RecordBuf.ar(insig + fbsig, buffer, 0, mix, 1 - mix, loop: 1) } ).play(s, [\in, ~recordb, \record, 1.0, \fb, ~granulatorb, \out, 0, \buffer, ~frippbuffer], \addToTail); // granulator playback modes // each of these is a control bus with a synth that drives the pattern // the granulator mode control switches between them // more ideas for modules: scramble - do a permutation of ABCDEFGH slots ~grainsinb = Bus.control(s, 1); ~grainsin = SynthDef( \grainsin, { arg out=5, speed=1; Out.kr(out, 0.5 + SinOsc.kr(speed, 0, 0.5)); } ).play(s, [\out, ~grainsinb, \speed, 1]); ~grainsawb = Bus.control(s, 1); ~grainsaw = SynthDef( \grainsaw, { arg out=5, speed=1; Out.kr(out, 0.5 + LFSaw.kr(speed, 0, 0.5)); } ).play(s, [\out, ~grainsawb, \speed, 1]); ~grainreverseb = Bus.control(s, 1); ~grainreverse = SynthDef( \grainreverse, { arg out=5, speed=1; Out.kr(out, 0.5 - LFSaw.kr(speed, 0, 0.5)); } ).play(s, [\out, ~grainreverseb, \speed, 1]); ~graintrib = Bus.control(s, 1); ~graintri = SynthDef( \graintri, { arg out=5, speed=1; Out.kr(out, 0.5 + LFTri.kr(speed, 0, 0.5)); } ).play(s, [\out, ~graintrib, \speed, 1]); ~grainrandb = Bus.control(s, 1); ~grainrand = SynthDef( \grainsin, { arg out=5, speed=1; Out.kr(out, 0.5 + WhiteNoise.kr(0.5)); } ).play(s, [\out, ~grainrandb, \speed, 1]); // the main granulator synth // todo - different styles of trigger ~granulator = SynthDef( \grainsynth, { arg out=0, modb, trate=120, size=12, rate=1, posb=5, amp=1.0, freq=10000, rq=0.3, sweep=0.25, chorus=0.0, blur=0.0, dust = 0, buffer; var dur, blen, clk, chor, pos, pan, grains, filtfreq; dur = size / trate; clk = (Impulse.kr(trate) * (1 - dust)) + (Dust.kr(trate) * dust); chor = chorus * 2.pow((LFNoise0.kr(trate) + 0.5).floor) + (1 - chorus); blen = BufDur.kr(buffer); pos = Wrap.kr(In.kr(posb, 1) + WhiteNoise.kr(blur), 0, 1); pan = WhiteNoise.kr(1 - sweep) + (2 * sweep * (pos - 1)); filtfreq = (In.kr(modb, 1) * freq * 0.5) + freq; grains = TGrains.ar(2, clk, buffer, chor * rate, pos * blen, dur, pan, amp); Out.ar(out, RLPF.ar(grains, freq, rq)); // note that I've turned off freq lfo mod here } ).play(s, [\out, ~granulatorb, \buffer, ~frippbuffer, \posb, ~grainsawb, \modb, ~lfob]); ~mixerb = Bus.audio(s, 2); // this is what we will record from ~mixer = SynthDef( \mixer_synth, { arg in = 2, gbus = 4, out = 0, amp = 1.0, passthrough = 0.0; //Out.ar(out, In.ar(gbus, 2)); Out.ar(out, (amp * In.ar(gbus, 2)) + (passthrough * In.ar(~recordb, 1) ! 2)); } ).play(s, [\in, 2, \out, ~mixerb, \gbus, ~granulatorb, \amp, 1.0, \passthrough, 0.0], \addToTail); // ~monitor = SynthDef( \monitor_synth, { arg in=2, out=0; Out.ar(out, In.ar(in, 2)) } ).play(s, [\in, ~mixerb, \out, 0 ], \addToTail); // controls for saving and loading patches ~savepatch = { | name | var fname = ~patchdir ++ name ++ '.txt', fhandle; fhandle = File(fname.standardizePath, "w"); ~sets.do({ |set| fhandle.write(set.name ++ "," ++ set.v ++ "\n"); }); fhandle.close; [ "Wrote patch to", fname ].postln; }; // note: fname is a PathName because that's what comes back from // the patch menu widget ~loadpatch = { | fname | var vals; [ "Loading patch from", fname ].postln; vals = CSVFileReader.read(fname.fullPath, true, true); vals.do({ | val | var sn = val[0].asSymbol; if(~sets.includesKey(sn), { var set = ~sets.at(sn); set.v = val[1].asFloat; set.ctrlsend(); }, {[ "Unknown patch setting", val[0] ].postln; } ); }); }; // controls for naming and saving patches ~alphabet = "_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; ~cursor = "|"; ~curpos = 0; ~curlet = 0; ~nametext = List.new(0); // this takes a string and inserts a '|' at a position // seems to take a lot to do this in sclang ~substr = { | str, l, start=0 | String.newFrom(str[start + Array.iota(l)]); }; ~putcursor = { | str, i | var front, back; if( i > 0, { if( i <= str.size, { front = ~substr.value(str, i); back = ~substr.value(str, str.size - i, i); front ++ ~cursor ++ back; }, { str ++ ~cursor }) }, { ~cursor ++ str } ); }; ~sendSave = { | text, pos | var str = String.newFrom(text.asArray), sendText = ~putcursor.value(str, pos); ~touchosc.sendMsg('/patch/saveName', sendText); }; ~sendSave.value(~nametext, ~curpos); ~movecursor = { | dir | ~curpos = ~curpos + dir; ~curpos = if( ~curpos < 0, { 0 }, { ~curpos }); ~curpos = if( ~curpos > ~nametext.size, { ~nametext.add(~alphabet.at(0)); ~curpos; }, { ~curpos }); ~sendSave.value(~nametext, ~curpos); }; ~backspace = { if( (~curpos > 0) && (~nametext.size > 0), { ~nametext.removeAt(~curpos - 1); ~curpos = ~curpos - 1; ~sendSave.value(~nametext, ~curpos); }); }; ~changelet = { | dir | var i, asize = ~alphabet.size - 1; if( ~curpos > 0, { i = ~alphabet.find(~nametext.at(~curpos - 1)); i = if( dir < 0, { i - 1 }, { i + 1 }); i = if( i < 0, { asize }, { i }); i = if( i > asize, { 0 }, { i }); ~nametext.put(~curpos - 1, ~alphabet.at(i)); ~sendSave.value(~nametext, ~curpos); }); }; OSCdef.new(\patchsavel, { ~movecursor.value(-1) }, '/patch/saveL'); OSCdef.new(\patchsaver, { ~movecursor.value(1) }, '/patch/saveR'); OSCdef.new(\patchsaved, { ~changelet.value(-1) }, '/patch/saveD'); OSCdef.new(\patchsaveu, { ~changelet.value(1) }, '/patch/saveU'); OSCdef.new(\patchbacks, { ~backspace.value() }, '/patch/backspace'); OSCdef.new(\patchsave, { if( ~nametext.size > 0, { ~savepatch.value(String.newFrom(~nametext.asArray)); ~patchmenu = PathName.new(~patchdir).files; }) }, '/patch/save'); // controls for loading patches ~sendLoad = { | menu, pos | var str = menu.at(pos).fileNameWithoutExtension; ~touchosc.sendMsg('/patch/loadName', str); }; ~patchmenu = PathName.new(~patchdir).files; [ "loaded patches", ~patchmenu ].postln; ~patchmenupos = 0; ~sendLoad.value(~patchmenu, ~patchmenupos); ~menuMove = { | dir | ~patchmenupos = ~patchmenupos + dir; ~patchmenupos = if( ~patchmenupos < 0, { ~patchmenu.size - 1 }, { ~patchmenupos }); ~patchmenupos = if( ~patchmenupos > (~patchmenu.size - 1), { 0 }, { ~patchmenupos }); ~sendLoad.value(~patchmenu, ~patchmenupos); }; OSCdef.new(\patchloadd, { ~menuMove.value(1); }, '/patch/loadD'); OSCdef.new(\patchloadu, { ~menuMove.value(-1); }, '/patch/loadU'); OSCdef.new(\patchload, { if( ~patchmenu.size > 0, { ~loadpatch.value(~patchmenu.at(~patchmenupos)); ~nametext = ~patchmenu.at(~patchmenupos).fileNameWithoutExtension; ~curpos = 0; ~sendsave.value(~nametext, ~curpos); }); }, '/patch/load'); )