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v1.1.1 | by mike lynch | @mikelynch@aus.social | source

```js import {RADIUS_OPTS, DotMaker} from './components/dots.js'; import {DotControls} from './components/controls.js'; import {PALETTES} from './components/palettes.js'; import {download, download_as_svg, download_as_png} from './components/download.js'; import random from "npm:random"; import * as resvg from 'npm:@resvg/resvg-wasm'; const CELL = 10; const MAG = 2; const WIDTH = 20; const HEIGHT = WIDTH; const dm = new DotMaker(WIDTH); const bg_input = Inputs.color({label: "background", value: d3.color("yellow").formatHex()}); const bg = view(bg_input); const ctrl1 = new DotControls(d3.color("red").formatHex(), RADIUS_OPTS); const ctrl2 = new DotControls(d3.color("blue").formatHex(), RADIUS_OPTS); const fg1 = view(ctrl1.fg); const m1 = view(ctrl1.m); const n1 = view(ctrl1.n); const r1 = view(ctrl1.r); const f1 = view(ctrl1.f); const fg2 = view(ctrl2.fg); const m2 = view(ctrl2.m); const n2 = view(ctrl2.n); const r2 = view(ctrl2.r); const f2 = view(ctrl2.f); const palette_input = Inputs.select(PALETTES, {label: "palette"}); const palette_fn = view(palette_input); const randomise_pattern = view(Inputs.button("Random", {label:"grids"})); const randomise_colours = view(Inputs.button("Random", {label:"colours"})); const randomise_palette = view(Inputs.button("Random", {label:"palette"})); const randomise_all = view(Inputs.button("Random", {label:"all"})); ``` ```js // in its own code block so that it doesn't slow down load for the rest // of the page await resvg.initWasm(fetch('https://unpkg.com/@resvg/resvg-wasm/index_bg.wasm')); const wasm_init = "ready"; ``` ```js randomise_pattern; ctrl1.random_grid(); ctrl2.random_grid(); ``` ```js randomise_all; const rpalette = random.choice(Array.from(PALETTES.keys())); ctrl1.null_grid(); ctrl2.null_grid(); palette_input.value = PALETTES.get(rpalette); palette_input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); ctrl1.random_grid(); ctrl2.random_grid(); ``` ```js randomise_palette const rpalette = random.choice(Array.from(PALETTES.keys())); palette_input.value = PALETTES.get(rpalette); palette_input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); ``` ```js randomise_colours; if( palette_fn ) { const palette = palette_fn(); bg_input.value = palette[0].formatHex(); bg_input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); ctrl1.set_colour(palette[1].formatHex()); ctrl2.set_colour(palette[2].formatHex()); } ```
```js const dots1 = dm.dots(1 / m1, n1); const dots2 = dm.dots(1 / m2, n2); ``` ```js // Set up the svg canvas const svg = d3.create("svg") .attr("width", WIDTH * CELL * MAG) .attr("height", HEIGHT * CELL * MAG) .attr("viewBox", [ 0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT ]); // re transitions: they should only run when updating the palette and // grid, not via the sliders // see https://www.d3indepth.com/transitions/ and use enter / exit etc // note // do background as a select so that transitions work const bg_g = svg.append("g") .attr("id", "background"); bg_g.selectAll("rect") .data( [ { bg: bg } ] ) .join("rect") .attr("x", 0) .attr("y", 0) .attr("width", WIDTH) .attr("height", WIDTH) .attr("fill", (d) => d.bg) ; const dots_g1 = svg.append("g") .attr("id", "dots1"); dots_g1.selectAll("circle") .data(dots1) .join("circle") .attr("cx", (d) => d.x) .attr("cy", (d) => d.y) .attr("fill", fg1); const dots_g2 = svg.append("g") .attr("id", "dots2"); dots_g2.selectAll("circle") .data(dots2) .join("circle") .attr("cx", (d) => d.x) .attr("cy", (d) => d.y) .attr("fill", fg2); display(svg.node()); ``` ```js // separate code block for when I understand transitions better dots_g1.selectAll("circle").attr("r", (d) => dm.radius(d, f1, r1)); dots_g2.selectAll("circle").attr("r", (d) => dm.radius(d, f2, r2)); ``` ```js display(download(() => { const thing = download_as_svg(svg.node()) return thing; }, "poptimal.svg", "Save as SVG")); ``` ```js await wasm_init; display(download(() => { console.log("PNG value"); const thing = download_as_png(svg.node()) return thing; }, "poptimal.png", "Save as PNG")); ``` (PNGs made with resvg-wasm in-browser)