// audio.c int audio_frame(Ampler_state *state) { int queued = SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(state -> playdev); queued /= sizeof s16; // queued is in bytes if queued > FRAME_SAMPLES * CHANNELS * 2 do return 0; // else puts("queued audio."); // TODO: ITERATE SOUNDS AND MIX IN SEP CHANNELS // TODO: THEN, CONVERT TO INTERLEAVED AND OUTPUT static s16 frame[SAMPLE_RATE * CHANNELS * 7] = { 0 }; const int vol = 64; for int i = 0; i < arraylen(frame) / CHANNELS; i += 1 do for int t = 0; t < CHANNELS; t += 1 do frame[i * CHANNELS + t] = ((s16) (state -> tracks[t][i])) * vol; if SDL_QueueAudio(state -> playdev, frame, sizeof frame) do puts(SDL_GetError()); return 1; // audio was qued } void load_track(Ampler_state *state) { SDL_AudioSpec spec; s16 *buffer = NULL; u32 bytes = 0; SDL_LoadWAV("sample.wav", &spec, &buffer, &bytes); if spec.format != AUDIO_S16 do { puts("error: sample.wav is not s16"); return; } const int chans = spec.channels; const int len = (bytes / sizeof s16) / chans; // TODO: VALIDATE LENGTH + TRACKS printf("loading sample.wav %f seconds.\n", ((f32) len) / ((f32) SAMPLE_RATE)); for int i = 0; i < len; i += 1 do for int t = 0; t < chans; t += 1 do state -> tracks[t][i] = (s8) (buffer[i * chans + t] >> 8); SDL_FreeWAV((void *) buffer); } void load_track_f32() { // idk if we're ever gonna be loading floats /* f32 max = 0.0f; for int i = 0; i < len; i++ do if buffer[i] > max do max = buffer[i]; else if buffer[i] < -max do max = -buffer[i]; printf("%f max\n", max); for int i = 0; i < len; i += 2 do { buffer[i] /= max; buffer[i + 1] /= max; state -> track_l[i] = ((s8)(buffer[i] * 127.0f)); state -> track_r[i] = ((s8)(buffer[i + 1] * 127.0f)); } */ }