Parse IRC styling in UI

Wow the colorPair thing actually works. Have I finally cracked curses
This commit is contained in:
C. McEnroe 2020-02-01 21:57:11 -05:00
parent d59666cb25
commit cd3dc4ef4c
2 changed files with 74 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ircConfig(insecure, cert, priv);
uiFormat(Network, Cold, NULL, "Traveling...");
uiFormat(Network, Cold, NULL, C "3Trave" U "ling" U C "0,3.." C "0,4.");
int irc = ircConnect(host, port);

View File

@ -15,12 +15,14 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <time.h>
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ static short colorPair(short fg, short bg) {
pair_content(pair, &f, &b);
if (f == fg && b == bg) return pair;
init_pair(colorPairs, fg, bg);
init_pair(colorPairs, fg % COLORS, bg % COLORS);
return colorPairs++;
@ -154,11 +156,80 @@ void uiDraw(void) {
struct Style {
attr_t attr;
enum Color fg, bg;
static const struct Style Reset = { A_NORMAL, Default, Default };
static short mapColor(enum Color color) {
switch (color) {
break; case White: return 8 + COLOR_WHITE;
break; case Black: return 0 + COLOR_BLACK;
break; case Blue: return 0 + COLOR_BLUE;
break; case Green: return 0 + COLOR_GREEN;
break; case Red: return 8 + COLOR_RED;
break; case Brown: return 0 + COLOR_RED;
break; case Magenta: return 0 + COLOR_MAGENTA;
break; case Orange: return 0 + COLOR_YELLOW;
break; case Yellow: return 8 + COLOR_YELLOW;
break; case LightGreen: return 8 + COLOR_GREEN;
break; case Cyan: return 0 + COLOR_CYAN;
break; case LightCyan: return 8 + COLOR_CYAN;
break; case LightBlue: return 8 + COLOR_BLUE;
break; case Pink: return 8 + COLOR_MAGENTA;
break; case Gray: return 8 + COLOR_BLACK;
break; case LightGray: return 0 + COLOR_WHITE;
break; default: return -1;
static void styleParse(struct Style *style, const char **str, size_t *len) {
switch (**str) {
break; case '\2': (*str)++; style->attr ^= A_BOLD;
break; case '\17': (*str)++; *style = Reset;
break; case '\26': (*str)++; style->attr ^= A_REVERSE;
break; case '\35': (*str)++; style->attr ^= A_ITALIC;
break; case '\37': (*str)++; style->attr ^= A_UNDERLINE;
break; case '\3': {
if (!isdigit(**str)) {
style->fg = Default;
style->bg = Default;
style->fg = *(*str)++ - '0';
if (isdigit(**str)) style->fg = style->fg * 10 + *(*str)++ - '0';
if ((*str)[0] != ',' || !isdigit((*str)[1])) break;
style->bg = *(*str)++ - '0';
if (isdigit(**str)) style->bg = style->bg * 10 + *(*str)++ - '0';
*len = strcspn(*str, "\2\3\17\26\35\37");
static void styleAdd(WINDOW *win, const char *str) {
size_t len;
struct Style style = Reset;
while (*str) {
styleParse(&style, &str, &len);
style.attr | colorAttr(mapColor(style.fg)),
colorPair(mapColor(style.fg), mapColor(,
waddnstr(win, str, len);
str += len;
void uiWrite(size_t id, enum Heat heat, const struct tm *time, const char *str) {
struct Window *window = windowFor(id);
waddch(window->pad, '\n');
waddstr(window->pad, str);
styleAdd(window->pad, str);
void uiFormat(