@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# 9mm
Nine Mens Morris
The Game
A game about moving cows
The Language
the human
Do you know what Nine Mens Morris looks like?
It has three concentric rings, each containing eight spaces.
Here's what it looks like:
| | |
| 4---5---6 |
| | | | |
| | 7-8-9 | |
| | | | | |
0-1-2 3-4-5 +10
| | | | | |
| | 6-7-8 | |
| | | | |
| 9---0---1 | +20
| | |
9mm is legit a great game.
One time i wrote an essay about the social contract implicit to nine mens morris:
Kind of obsessed with this variation about COWS
also look at these round cows
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# list available recipes
just --list --unsorted
# run tests
for f in lib/*.test.fnl; do fennel $f | faucet; done
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
(local neighbors
[1 2 10]
[2 1 3 5]
[3 2 15]
[4 5 11]
[5 2 4 6 8]
[6 5 14]
[7 8 12]
[8 5 7 9]
[9 8 13]
[10 1 11 22]
[11 4 10 12 19]
[12 7 11 16]
[13 9 14 18]
[14 6 13 15 21]
[15 3 14 24]
[16 12 17]
[17 16 18 20]
[18 13 17]
[19 11 20]
[20 17 19 21 23]
[21 14 20]
[22 10 23]
[23 20 22 24]
[24 15 23]
(local mills
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]
[10 11 12]
[13 14 15]
[16 17 18]
[19 20 21]
[22 23 24]
[1 10 22]
[4 11 19]
[7 12 16]
[2 5 8]
[17 20 23]
[9 13 18]
[6 14 21]
[3 15 24]
; these are the only moves that are valid
; i am somewhat bothered by all the wasted space
; by 2-3A and 5-6A e.g.
; Incidentally these are all in order of appearance
; so when you find a match,
; you can also update that index of `moves` to the current player number
(local spaces [
"1A" "4A" "7A"
"2B" "4B" "6B"
"3C" "4C" "5C"
"1D" "2D" "3D"
"5D" "6D" "7D"
"3E" "4E" "5E"
"2F" "4F" "6F"
"1G" "4G" "7G"
; This is what the game board looks like
; it's also used to display the state of the game
; the Xs are converted to "%d" later for string templating
; they are Xs here so that it looks pretty =)
(local board [
" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
"A x-----x-----x" ;; 1 2 3
" | | |" ;;
"B | x---x---x |" ;; 4 5 6
" | | | | |" ;;
"C | | x-x-x | |" ;; 7 8 9
" | | | | | |" ;;
"D x-x-x x-x-x" ;; 10 11 12 13 14 15
" | | | | | |" ;;
"E | | x-x-x | |" ;; 16 17 18
" | | | | |" ;;
"F | x---x---x |" ;; 19 20 21
" | | |" ;;
"G x-----x-----x" ;; 22 23 24
{: board
: mills
: neighbors
: spaces}
@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
(let [{: contains } (require :lib.contains)]
(let [{: contains } (require :lib.contains)
(let [given "a list and an element it contains"
{: describe } (require :lib.test)
should "returns true"
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)
expected true
actual (contains [:apple :orange :pear] :apple)]
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " should " should)))
(describe "contains()" (fn [t]
(let [given "a list and an element it does not contain"
(t {:given "a list and an element it contains"
should "returns false"
:should "returns true"
expected false
:expected true
actual (contains [:apple :orange :pear] :gorilla)]
:actual (contains [:apple :orange :pear] :apple)}
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " should " should))))
(t {:given "a list and an element it does not contain"
:should "returns false"
:expected false
:actual (contains [:apple :orange :pear] :gorilla)
@ -1,40 +1,41 @@
(local {: pprint} (require :lib.tableprint))
(let [{: pprint} (require :lib.tableprint)
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)
(let [{
{: Either : Left : Right } (require :lib.either)]
: Either
(describe "Either" (fn [t]
: Left
(t {:given "a new either"
: Right
:should "set its value correctly"
} (require :lib.either)]
:expected :poop
:actual (. (Either:new :poop) :value)
;; either
;(print "Either Inspection")
;(pprint Either)
;; you can set and get values
(let [ v :poop x (Either:new v)]
(assert (= v x.value) (.. "The value is " v)))
(let [r (Right:new "rain")
(let [r (Right:new "rain")
map (r:map #(.. "b" $1))
map (r:map #(.. "b" $1))
expected :brain
expected :brain
actual (. map :value)
actual (. map :value)]
{:given "a Right of some value"
(assert (= expected actual) "You can map a Right value"))
:should "map"
(let [l (Left:new "rain")
(let [ l (Left:new "rain")
map (l:map #(.. "b" $1))
map (l:map #(.. "b" $1))
expected :rain
expected :rain
actual (. map :value)
actual (. map :value)
(assert (= expected actual) "You can NOT map a Left value"))
{:given "a Left of some value"
:should "not map"
(let [e (Either.of "rank")
(let [ e (Either.of "rank")
map (e:map #(.. "f" $1))
map (e:map #(.. "f" $1))
expected :frank
expected :frank
actual (. map :value)
actual (. map :value) ]
{:given "Either.of"
(assert (= expected actual) "You can map a Either.of"))
:should "map"
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
;; thanks:
;; https://gist.github.com/sapphyrus/fd9aeb871e3ce966cc4b0b969f62f539
;; and antifennel
(fn deep-equals [o1 o2 ignore-mt]
(when (= o1 o2) (lua "return true"))
(local o1-type (type o1))
(local o2-type (type o2))
(when (not= o1-type o2-type) (lua "return false"))
(when (not= o1-type :table) (lua "return false"))
(when (not ignore-mt)
(local mt1 (getmetatable o1))
(when (and mt1 mt1.__eq)
(let [___antifnl_rtn_1___ (= o1 o2)] (lua "return ___antifnl_rtn_1___"))))
(each [key1 value1 (pairs o1)]
(local value2 (. o2 key1))
(when (or (= value2 nil) (= (deep-equals value1 value2 ignore-mt) false))
(lua "return false")))
(each [key2 _ (pairs o2)]
(when (= (. o1 key2) nil) (lua "return false")))
{:equal deep-equals}
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(let [{: equal} (require :lib.equal)
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
(describe "equal()" (fn [t]
(t {:given "two equal tables"
:should "return true"
:expected true
:actual (equal [:orange :apple :pear] [:orange :apple :pear]) })
(t {:given "two different tables"
:should "return false"
:expected false
:actual (equal [:apple :pear] [:orange :apple :pear]) })
(t {:given "equal strings"
:should "be true"
:expected true
:actual (equal :apple :apple) })
(t {:given "different strings"
:should "be false"
:expected false
:actual (equal :apple :pear) })
(t {:given "equal bools"
:should "be true"
:expected true
:actual (equal true true) })
(t {:given "different strings"
:should "be false"
:expected false
:actual (equal true false) })
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(fn flip [t]
"takes a table of {key value} and returns a table of {value key}"
(collect [k v (pairs t)] (values v k)))
{: flip}
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(let [{: flip} (require :lib.flip)
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
(describe "flip()" (fn [t]
(let [input {:apple "red" :banana "yellow"}
expected {:red "apple" :yellow "banana"}
(t {:given "a table"
:should "flip that table!"
: expected
:actual (flip input)})
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
(let [{: head } (require :lib.head)]
(let [{: head} (require :lib.head)
(let [given "a lift of elements"
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
it "returns the first element of a list"
(describe "head()" (fn [t]
expected :apple
(t {:given "a list of elements"
actual (head [:apple :orange :pear])]
:should "returns the first element of a list"
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " it " it)))
:expected :apple
(let [given "an empty list"
:actual (head [:apple :orange :pear])})
it "returns an empty list"
(t {:given "an empty list"
expected 0
:should "returns an empty list"
actual (length (head []))]
:expected 0
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " it " it))))
:actual (length (head []))})
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
(local {:contains contains} (require :lib.contains))
(local {: contains} (require :lib.contains))
(local {:head head} (require :lib.head))
(local {: flip} (require :lib.flip))
(local {:mill? mill?} (require :lib.mill))
(local {: head} (require :lib.head))
(local {:pprint pprint} (require :lib.tableprint))
(local {: keys} (require :lib.keys))
(local {:tail tail} (require :lib.tail))
(local {: mill?} (require :lib.mill))
(local {: pprint} (require :lib.tableprint))
(local {: slice} (require :lib.slice))
(local {: tail} (require :lib.tail))
:contains contains
: contains
:head head
: flip
:mill? mill?
: head
:pprint pprint
: keys
:tail tail
: mill?
: pprint
: slice
: tail
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(fn keys [t]
"takes a table returns a sequential list of its keys"
(local out [])
(each [k v (pairs t)] (table.insert out k))
{: keys}
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(let [{: keys} (require :lib.keys)
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
(describe "keys()" (fn [t]
(let [input {:apple :red :banana :yellow}
actual (keys input)
sorted (table.sort actual) ;; SIDE EFFECT!!
(t {:given "a table"
:should "returns a list of keys"
:expected [:apple :banana]
: actual})
@ -1,16 +1,45 @@
(local {: contains} (require :lib.contains))
(local {: contains} (require :lib.contains))
;; Does this move result in a mill?
(fn mill? [rules state move]
(let [candidates (icollect [_ mill (ipairs rules)] (if (contains mill move) mill))
candidate->moves (icollect [_ spaces (ipairs candidates)]
(icollect [_ space (ipairs spaces)] (. state space)) )
candidate-mill? (icollect [_ moves (ipairs candidate->moves)]
(accumulate [acc true
idx m (ipairs moves)]
(and acc (not= 0 m) (= (. moves idx) m)))) ]
(accumulate [acc true
_ x (ipairs candidate-mill?)]
(and acc x))))
{: mill?}
(fn get-candidates [all-mills next-move]
"a list of mills that contain next-move"
(icollect [_ mill (ipairs all-mills)] (if (contains mill next-move) mill)))
(fn candidates->moves [candidates current-moves move player]
"a list of the candidate mills expressed as current moves"
(icollect [_ spaces (ipairs candidates)]
(icollect [_ space (ipairs spaces)]
(if (= space move) :x (. current-moves space)))))
(fn moves->mills [spaces player]
"a list of bools if the candidate moves + player are all the same"
(let [next-move (icollect [_ y (ipairs spaces)]
(icollect [_ x (ipairs y)]
(if (= x :x) player x))) ]
(icollect [_ move (ipairs next-move)]
(accumulate [acc true
idx m (ipairs move)]
(and acc (= player m))))))
(fn any [t]
(accumulate [acc false
i x (ipairs t)]
(or acc x)))
(fn mill? [all-mills current-moves next-move player]
"Does the current move for the current player create a mill?"
(let [candidates (get-candidates all-mills next-move)
moves (candidates->moves candidates current-moves next-move player)
mills (moves->mills moves player)
result (any mills)]
{: mill?
;; not for consumption,
;; just for testing:
: get-candidates
: candidates->moves
: moves->mills
: any
@ -1 +1,141 @@
;; TODO: test me
(let [{: describe
:end test-end} (require :lib.test)
{: mill?
: get-candidates
: candidates->moves
: moves->mills
: any
} (require :lib.mill)
{: mills } (require :lib.constants)
with-mills (partial mill? mills)]
(describe "Mill" (fn []
(describe "#get-candidates()" (fn [t]
(let [move 3
expected [[1 2 3] [3 15 24]]
moves [ 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
{:given (string.format "a move of %d" move)
:should "return [[1 2 3] [3 15 24]]"
: expected
:actual (get-candidates mills move)
(let [move 1
expected [[1 2 3] [1 10 22]]
moves [ 0 0 0 ]
{:given (string.format "a move of %d" move)
:should "return [[1 2 3] [1 10 22]]"
: expected
:actual (get-candidates mills move)
(describe "#candidates->moves()" (fn [t]
(let [candidates [[1 2 3] [1 10 22]]
moves [0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2]
expected [[:x 1 1] [:x 2 2]]
move 1
player 2
{:given "a list of spaces and of current moves"
:should "return a map of spaces to moves"
: expected
:actual (candidates->moves candidates moves move player)
(let [candidates [[1 2 3] [3 15 24]]
moves [ 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
expected [[1 1 :x] [:x 0 0]]
move 3
player 1
{:given "a list of candidates and of current moves"
:should "return an x-map of spaces to moves"
: expected
:actual (candidates->moves candidates moves move player)
(describe "#moves->mills()" (fn [t]
(let [spaces [[:x 1 1] [:x 2 2]]
moves [0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2]
player 2
{:given "a list of spaces and of current moves"
:should "return a map of spaces to moves"
:expected [false true]
:actual (moves->mills spaces player)
(let [spaces [[1 1 :x] [:x 0 0]]
moves [ 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
player 1
{:given "a list of canditate-moves and of current moves"
:should "return a map of spaces to moves"
:expected [true false]
:actual (moves->mills spaces player)
(describe "#any()" (fn [t]
(t {:given "a table of false false true"
:should "return true"
:expected true
:actual (any [false false true])
(t {:given "a table of true false"
:should "return true"
:expected true
:actual (any [true false])
(t {:given "a single false"
:should "return false"
:expected false
:actual (any [false])
(t {:given "a single true"
:should "return true"
:expected true
:actual (any [true])
(describe "#mill?()" (fn [t]
(let [move 1
player 1
moves [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
with-moves (partial with-mills moves)]
{:given (string.format "a move of P%d:%d with moves %s" player move (table.concat moves ","))
:should "not be a mill"
:expected false
:actual (with-moves move player)
(let [move 3
player 1
moves [1 1 0]
with-moves (partial with-mills moves)]
{:given (string.format "a move of P%d:%d with moves %s" player move (table.concat moves ","))
:should "be a mill"
:expected true
:actual (with-moves move player)
(let [move 3
player 1
moves [ 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
with-moves (partial with-mills moves)]
{:given (string.format "a move of P%d:%d with moves %s" player move (table.concat moves ","))
:should "be a mill"
:expected true
:actual (with-moves move player)
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(fn slice [t start stop]
(fcollect [i start (or stop (length t))]
(. t i)))
{: slice}
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(let [{: slice} (require :lib.slice)
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
(describe "slice()" (fn [t]
(let [t [:apple :orange :pear :banana :strawberry]
{:given "a list of elements and a start"
:should "return the list starting at start"
:expected [:orange :pear :banana :strawberry]
:actual (slice t 2)}))
(let [t [:apple :orange :pear :banana :strawberry]
{:given "a list of elements and a start and a stop"
:should "return the items between the two"
:expected [:orange :pear]
:actual (slice t 2 3)}))
@ -1 +1,19 @@
;; TODO: test me
(let [{: tail} (require :lib.tail)
{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
(describe "tail()" (fn [t]
(t {:given "a list"
:should "return it minus the head"
:expected [:apple :pear]
:actual (tail [:orange :apple :pear])
(t {:given "a single item list"
:should "return empty list"
:expected []
:actual (tail [:orange])
(t {:given "an empty list"
:should "return empty list"
:expected []
:actual (tail [])
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
(local {: pprint} (require :lib.tableprint))
(local {: equal} (require :lib.equal))
(var plan 0)
(fn once [funky]
(var bang false)
(fn [...]
(if (not bang)
(funky ...)
(set bang true)))))
(fn test [obj]
(let [{: given : should : actual : expected} obj
ok (if (equal actual expected) :ok "not ok")
description (.. "Given " given " should " should)
(set plan (+ 1 plan))
(print (.. ok " " plan " - " description))
(if (= "not ok" ok)
(print " ---")
(if (= :table (type expected))
(print (.. " expected: " ))
(pprint expected))
(print (.. " expected: " (tostring expected))))
(if (= :table (type actual))
(print (.. " actual: " ))
(pprint actual))
(print (.. " actual: " (tostring actual))))
(print " ...")
(local print-header (once (fn [] (print "TAP version 14"))))
(fn desc [str cb]
(print (.. "#" str))
(cb test)
(fn end []
(print (.. 1 ".." plan))
{:describe desc
: end}
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(let [{: describe :end test-end} (require :lib.test)]
(fn add [x y] (let [x (or x 0)
y (or y 0)]
(+ x y)))
(describe "add()" (fn [test]
(let [should "return the right number"]
(test {:given "two numbers"
: should
:actual (add 2 3)
:expected 5})
(test {:given "no arguments"
:should "return 0"
:actual (add)
:expected 0})
(test {:given "zero"
: should
:actual (add 0 4)
:expected 4}))
@ -1,41 +1,16 @@
; Introducing:
; Nine Mens Morris
; The Game
; Featuring:
; Fennel
; The Language
; By:
; dozens
; the human
; Do you know what Nine Mens Morris looks like?
; It has three concentric rings, each containing eight spaces.
; Here's what it looks like:
; 1-----2-----3
; | | |
; | 4---5---6 |
; | | | | |
; | | 7-8-9 | |
; | | | | | |
; 0-1-2 3-4-5 +10
; | | | | | |
; | | 6-7-8 | |
; | | | | |
; | 9---0---1 | +20
; | | |
; 2-----3-----4
;; helper and utility functions
;; helper and utility functions
(local {
(local {
:contains contains
: contains
:head head
: head
: flip
: pprint
: slice
:mill? mill-maker
:mill? mill-maker
:pprint pprint
} (require :lib.index))
} (require :lib.index))
;; constants...more like just strings
(local const (require :lib.constants))
;; front-loading mill with a partial
(local mill? (partial mill-maker const.mills))
; there are three phases of play:
; there are three phases of play:
@ -43,19 +18,19 @@
; (plus one for capturing)
; (plus one for capturing)
; (plus one for complete)
; (plus one for complete)
(local stages {
(local stages {
:placing 1
:placing 1 ;; placing the cows
:moving 2
:moving 2 ;; moving the cows
:flying 3
:flying 3 ;; flying the cows
:capture 4
:capture 4 ;; capture a cow (we do not shoot cows)
:complete 5
:complete 5 ;; no more cows!
; there are two players
; there are two players
; their names are LUIGI and MARIO
; their names are LUIGI and MARIO
(local player {
(local player {
:one 1 ;; luigi
:one 1 ;; luigi has light cows
:two 2 ;; mario
:two 2 ;; mario has DARK cows >:)
@ -68,67 +43,14 @@
(local moves (fcollect [i 1 24] 0))
(local moves (fcollect [i 1 24] 0))
(local rules {
; what moves are legal from each space
; slash what neighbors does each space have
:neighbors [
[1 2 10]
[2 1 3 5]
[3 2 15]
[4 5 11]
[5 2 4 6 8]
[6 5 14]
[7 8 12]
[8 5 7 9]
[9 8 13]
[10 1 11 22]
[11 4 10 12 19]
[12 7 11 16]
[13 9 14 18]
[14 6 13 15 21]
[15 3 14 24]
[16 12 17]
[17 16 18 20]
[18 13 17]
[19 11 20]
[20 17 19 21 23]
[21 14 20]
[22 10 23]
[23 20 22 24]
[24 15 23]
; sixteen combinations of spaces form a mill
:mills [
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]
[10 11 12]
[13 14 15]
[16 17 18]
[19 20 21]
[22 23 24]
[1 10 22]
[4 11 19]
[7 12 16]
[2 5 8]
[17 20 23]
[9 13 18]
[6 14 21]
[3 15 24]
(fn mill? [state move] (partial mill-maker rules.mills))
; game state object
; game state object
(local game {
(local game {
:player player.one
:player player.one
:stage stages.placing
:stage stages.placing
:update (fn [self move]
:update (fn [self move]
(if (mill? moves move)
(if (mill? moves move self.player)
(print "Mooooooo")
(tset self :stage stages.capture)
(tset self :stage stages.capture)
(tset self :player (if (= player.one self.player) player.two player.one))
(tset self :player (if (= player.one self.player) player.two player.one))
@ -137,93 +59,59 @@
(fn string-upper [s]
(.. (string.upper (string.sub s 1 1)) (string.sub s 2)))
; This is what the game board looks like
; it's also used to display the state of the game
; the Xs are converted to "%d" later for string templating
; they are Xs here so that it looks pretty =)
(local board [
" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
"A x-----x-----x"
" | | |"
"B | x---x---x |"
" | | | | |"
"C | | x-x-x | |"
" | | | | | |"
"D x-x-x x-x-x"
" | | | | | |"
"E | | x-x-x | |"
" | | | | |"
"F | x---x---x |"
" | | |"
"G x-----x-----x"
; Print! That! Board!
; Print! That! Board!
(fn print-board [board moves]
(fn print-board [board moves]
(var total-count -2) ; lol, m-a-g-i-c
(var index 1)
; just kidding, it's so that -2 + 3 = 1
; which is where i want to start indexing my table
(each [_ row (ipairs board)]
(each [_ row (ipairs board)]
(let [(template count) (string.gsub row "x" "%%d")]
(let [(row-template slots) (string.gsub row "x" "%%d")]
(if (> count 0)
(if (> slots 0)
(set total-count (+ total-count count)) ; where i need that magic number on first iteration
(let [offset (+ index slots)
(print (string.format template (select total-count (table.unpack moves)))))
myslice (slice moves index offset)]
(print row)))))
(print (string.format row-template (table.unpack myslice)))
; `select` above does NOT do what i thought it did.
(set index offset)))
; i thought it would return the first x values given (select x values)
(print row))))
; instead it returns the rest of the table having discarded the first x values
(print (.. "Stage: " (string-upper (. (flip stages) game.stage))))
; i think that `pick-values` probably does what i thought `select` does
(print (.. "Player " game.player "'s turn:")))
; these are the only moves that are valid
; i am somewhat bothered by all the wasted space
; by 2-3A and 5-6A e.g.
; Incidentally these are all in order of appearance
; so when you find a match,
; you can also update that index of `moves` to the current player number
(local valid-spaces [
"1A" "4A" "7A"
"2B" "4B" "6B"
"3C" "4C" "5C"
"1D" "2D" "3D"
"5D" "6D" "7D"
"3E" "4E" "5E"
"2F" "4F" "5F"
"1G" "4G" "7G"
; add the inverse of each valid move
; add the inverse of each valid move
; e.g. 1A = A1
; e.g. 1A = A1
(fn add-reverse-moves []
(fn add-reverse-moves []
(let [reversed (icollect [_ v (ipairs valid-spaces)] (string.reverse v))]
(let [reversed (icollect [_ v (ipairs const.spaces)] (string.reverse v))]
(each [_ v (ipairs reversed)]
(each [_ v (ipairs reversed)]
(table.insert valid-spaces v))))
(table.insert const.spaces v)))) ;; oh nooooo i'm mutating a const????
; does the move exist within the domain of valid spaces
; does the move exist within the domain of valid spaces
(fn space-exists? [m] (contains valid-spaces (string.upper m)))
(fn space-exists? [m] (contains const.spaces (string.upper m)))
; return the numerical index of a "A1" formatted move
; return the numerical index (1-24) of a [A-Za-z0-9] formatted move
(fn index-of-move [m]
(fn index-of-move [m]
(let [ upper (string.upper m)
(let [upper (string.upper m)
rev (string.reverse upper)
rev (string.reverse upper)
idx (head (icollect [i v (ipairs valid-spaces)]
idx (head (icollect [i v (ipairs const.spaces)]
(if (or (= v upper) (= v rev)) i)))
(if (or (= v upper) (= v rev)) i)))]
; is the space represented by a move ("A1") unoccupied?
; is the space represented by a [A-Za-z0-9] move unoccupied?
(fn space-is-unoccupied? [m]
(fn space-is-unoccupied? [m]
(let [unoccupied? 0]
(let [unoccupied? 0] ; i.e. is move equal to 0
(= unoccupied? (. moves (index-of-move m)))))
(= unoccupied? (. moves (index-of-move m)))))
(fn space-is-occupied-by-opponent? [m]
(let [opponent (if (= game.player 1) 2 1)]
(= opponent (. moves (index-of-move m)))))
; is this a legal move?
; is this a legal move?
; TODO: maybe some functional error handling here?
; TODO: maybe some functional error handling here?
; https://mostly-adequate.gitbook.io/mostly-adequate-guide/ch08#pure-error-handling
; https://mostly-adequate.gitbook.io/mostly-adequate-guide/ch08#pure-error-handling
@ -237,30 +125,34 @@
(= stages.placing game.stage)
(= stages.placing game.stage)
(or (space-exists? move) (print "That space does not exist!\nHint: 1a 1A A1 a1 are all valid moves."))
(or (space-exists? move)
(or (space-is-unoccupied? move) (print "That space is occupied!"))))
(print "That space does not exist!\nHint: 1a 1A A1 a1 are all equal moves."))
(or (space-is-unoccupied? move)
(print "That space is occupied!")))
;; TODO: add capturing phase
;; TODO: add capturing phase
(= stages.capturing game.stage)
(= stages.capturing game.stage)
(or (space-is-occupied-by-opponent? move)
(print "Choose an opponent's piece to remove."))
;; TODO: add flying phase
;; TODO: add flying phase
(= stages.flying game.stage)
(= stages.flying game.stage)
; get player input
; get player input
(fn get-move []
(fn get-move []
(print (.. "Player " game.player "'s turn:"))
(fn main []
(fn main []
;; game loop
;; game loop
(while (not (= game.stage stages.complete))
(while (not (= game.stage stages.complete))
(print-board board moves)
(print-board const.board moves)
;; validation loop
;; validation loop
(var is-valid false)
(var is-valid false)
@ -268,12 +160,14 @@
(while (not is-valid)
(while (not is-valid)
(set move (get-move))
(set move (get-move))
(set is-valid (valid-move? move))
(set is-valid (valid-move? move))
(let [idx (index-of-move move)]
(if (not is-valid)
(if (not is-valid)
(print "Try again.")
(print "Try again.")
(print (.. "You chose " move))
(print (.. "You chose " move))
(tset moves (index-of-move move) game.player)
(tset moves idx game.player)
(game:update move)
(game:update idx)
Reference in New Issue