Dozens B. McCuzzins 2024-05-28 15:04:00 -06:00
commit f265d24c0c
13 changed files with 422 additions and 0 deletions

lib/contains.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(fn contains [t x]
(accumulate [found false
_ v (ipairs t)
&until found] ; escape early
(or found (= x v))))
{: contains}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(let [{: contains } (require :lib.contains)]
(let [given "a list and an element it contains"
should "returns true"
expected true
actual (contains [:apple :orange :pear] :apple)]
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " should " should)))
(let [given "a list and an element it does not contain"
should "returns false"
expected false
actual (contains [:apple :orange :pear] :gorilla)]
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " should " should))))

lib/either.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
(local Either {})
(local Left {})
(local Right {})
(setmetatable Right Either)
(setmetatable Left Either)
(fn [self x]
(local obj { :value (or x {}) })
(tset self "__index" self)
(setmetatable obj self))
(fn Either.of [x] (Right:new x))
(fn [self f] (Either.of (f self.value)))
(fn [self f] self)
: Either
: Left
: Right

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
(local {: pprint} (require :lib.tableprint))
(let [{
: Either
: Left
: Right
} (require :lib.either)]
;; either
;(print "Either Inspection")
;(pprint Either)
;; you can set and get values
(let [ v :poop x (Either:new v)]
(assert (= v x.value) (.. "The value is " v)))
(let [r (Right:new "rain")
map (r:map #(.. "b" $1))
expected :brain
actual (. map :value)
(assert (= expected actual) "You can map a Right value"))
(let [l (Left:new "rain")
map (l:map #(.. "b" $1))
expected :rain
actual (. map :value)
(assert (= expected actual) "You can NOT map a Left value"))
(let [e (Either.of "rank")
map (e:map #(.. "f" $1))
expected :frank
actual (. map :value)
(assert (= expected actual) "You can map a Either.of"))

lib/head.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
; return the first item in a table
(fn head [t] (if (> (length t) 0)
(?. t 1)
{: head}

lib/head.test.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(let [{: head } (require :lib.head)]
(let [given "a lift of elements"
it "returns the first element of a list"
expected :apple
actual (head [:apple :orange :pear])]
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " it " it)))
(let [given "an empty list"
it "returns an empty list"
expected 0
actual (length (head []))]
(assert (= actual expected) (.. "Given " given " it " it))))

lib/index.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(local {:contains contains} (require :lib.contains))
(local {:head head} (require :lib.head))
(local {:mill? mill?} (require :lib.mill))
(local {:pprint pprint} (require :lib.tableprint))
(local {:tail tail} (require :lib.tail))
:contains contains
:head head
:mill? mill?
:pprint pprint
:tail tail

lib/mill.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
(local {: contains} (require :lib.contains))
;; Does this move result in a mill?
(fn mill? [rules state move]
(let [candidates (icollect [_ mill (ipairs rules)] (if (contains mill move) mill))
candidate->moves (icollect [_ spaces (ipairs candidates)]
(icollect [_ space (ipairs spaces)] (. state space)) )
candidate-mill? (icollect [_ moves (ipairs candidate->moves)]
(accumulate [acc true
idx m (ipairs moves)]
(and acc (not= 0 m) (= (. moves idx) m)))) ]
(accumulate [acc true
_ x (ipairs candidate-mill?)]
(and acc x))))
{: mill?}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
;; TODO: test me

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
; print a table
(fn pprint [tbl]
(each [k v (pairs tbl)]
(let [table? (= (type v) :table)]
(print k v))))
{: pprint}

lib/tail.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
; return the table minus the head
(fn tail [t]
(icollect [i v (ipairs t)]
(if (> i 1)
{: tail}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
;; TODO: test me

main.fnl 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
; Introducing:
; Nine Mens Morris
; The Game
; Featuring:
; Fennel
; The Language
; By:
; dozens
; the human
; Do you know what Nine Mens Morris looks like?
; It has three concentric rings, each containing eight spaces.
; Here's what it looks like:
; 1-----2-----3
; | | |
; | 4---5---6 |
; | | | | |
; | | 7-8-9 | |
; | | | | | |
; 0-1-2 3-4-5 +10
; | | | | | |
; | | 6-7-8 | |
; | | | | |
; | 9---0---1 | +20
; | | |
; 2-----3-----4
;; helper and utility functions
(local {
:contains contains
:head head
:mill? mill-maker
:pprint pprint
} (require :lib.index))
; there are three phases of play:
; placing, moving, and flying.
; (plus one for capturing)
; (plus one for complete)
(local stages {
:placing 1
:moving 2
:flying 3
:capture 4
:complete 5
; there are two players
; their names are LUIGI and MARIO
(local player {
:one 1 ;; luigi
:two 2 ;; mario
; initialize moves[] to 0.
; this is the game state.
; shows which spaces are occupied by which players.
; 0 = unoccupied
; 1 = Player 1
; 2 = Player 2
(local moves (fcollect [i 1 24] 0))
(local rules {
; what moves are legal from each space
; slash what neighbors does each space have
:neighbors [
[1 2 10]
[2 1 3 5]
[3 2 15]
[4 5 11]
[5 2 4 6 8]
[6 5 14]
[7 8 12]
[8 5 7 9]
[9 8 13]
[10 1 11 22]
[11 4 10 12 19]
[12 7 11 16]
[13 9 14 18]
[14 6 13 15 21]
[15 3 14 24]
[16 12 17]
[17 16 18 20]
[18 13 17]
[19 11 20]
[20 17 19 21 23]
[21 14 20]
[22 10 23]
[23 20 22 24]
[24 15 23]
; sixteen combinations of spaces form a mill
:mills [
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]
[10 11 12]
[13 14 15]
[16 17 18]
[19 20 21]
[22 23 24]
[1 10 22]
[4 11 19]
[7 12 16]
[2 5 8]
[17 20 23]
[9 13 18]
[6 14 21]
[3 15 24]
(fn mill? [state move] (partial mill-maker rules.mills))
; game state object
(local game {
:stage stages.placing
:update (fn [self move]
(if (mill? moves move)
(tset self :stage stages.capture)
(tset self :player (if (= self.player) player.two
; This is what the game board looks like
; it's also used to display the state of the game
; the Xs are converted to "%d" later for string templating
; they are Xs here so that it looks pretty =)
(local board [
" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"
"A x-----x-----x"
" | | |"
"B | x---x---x |"
" | | | | |"
"C | | x-x-x | |"
" | | | | | |"
"D x-x-x x-x-x"
" | | | | | |"
"E | | x-x-x | |"
" | | | | |"
"F | x---x---x |"
" | | |"
"G x-----x-----x"
; Print! That! Board!
(fn print-board [board moves]
(var total-count -2) ; lol, m-a-g-i-c
; just kidding, it's so that -2 + 3 = 1
; which is where i want to start indexing my table
(each [_ row (ipairs board)]
(let [(template count) (string.gsub row "x" "%%d")]
(if (> count 0)
(set total-count (+ total-count count)) ; where i need that magic number on first iteration
(print (string.format template (select total-count (table.unpack moves)))))
(print row)))))
; `select` above does NOT do what i thought it did.
; i thought it would return the first x values given (select x values)
; instead it returns the rest of the table having discarded the first x values
; i think that `pick-values` probably does what i thought `select` does
; these are the only moves that are valid
; i am somewhat bothered by all the wasted space
; by 2-3A and 5-6A e.g.
; Incidentally these are all in order of appearance
; so when you find a match,
; you can also update that index of `moves` to the current player number
(local valid-spaces [
"1A" "4A" "7A"
"2B" "4B" "6B"
"3C" "4C" "5C"
"1D" "2D" "3D"
"5D" "6D" "7D"
"3E" "4E" "5E"
"2F" "4F" "5F"
"1G" "4G" "7G"
; add the inverse of each valid move
; e.g. 1A = A1
(fn add-reverse-moves []
(let [reversed (icollect [_ v (ipairs valid-spaces)] (string.reverse v))]
(each [_ v (ipairs reversed)]
(table.insert valid-spaces v))))
; does the move exist within the domain of valid spaces
(fn space-exists? [m] (contains valid-spaces (string.upper m)))
; return the numerical index of a "A1" formatted move
(fn index-of-move [m]
(let [ upper (string.upper m)
rev (string.reverse upper)
idx (head (icollect [i v (ipairs valid-spaces)]
(if (or (= v upper) (= v rev)) i)))
; is the space represented by a move ("A1") unoccupied?
(fn space-is-unoccupied? [m]
(let [unoccupied? 0]
(= unoccupied? (. moves (index-of-move m)))))
; is this a legal move?
; TODO: maybe some functional error handling here?
; or maybe all i need is a case-try statement..
; update: i didn't really like that
; i think maybe i do want the monad after all..
; i'll come back to it later
(fn valid-move? [move]
(= stages.placing game.stage)
(or (space-exists? move) (print "That space does not exist!\nHint: 1a 1A A1 a1 are all valid moves."))
(or (space-is-unoccupied? move) (print "That space is occupied!"))))
;; TODO: add capturing phase
(= stages.capturing game.stage)
;; TODO: add flying phase
(= stages.flying game.stage)
; get player input
(fn get-move []
(print (.. "Player " game.player "'s turn:"))
(fn main []
;; game loop
(while (not (= game.stage stages.complete))
(print-board board moves)
;; validation loop
(var is-valid false)
(var move "")
(while (not is-valid)
(set move (get-move))
(set is-valid (valid-move? move))
(if (not is-valid)
(print "Try again.")
(print (.. "You chose " move))
(tset moves (index-of-move move) game.player)
(game:update move)