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2022-06-25 14:26:39 -06:00
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<title>abenteuerspiel character keeper</title>
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.gather {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
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<details open>
<div class="characterOptions">
<a href="#" class="generateCharacter">Generate character</a>
<label for="name">name</label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" />
<label for="conditions">conditions</label>
<textarea name="conditions" rows="8" cols="40"></textarea>
<label for="skills">skills</label>
<textarea name="skills" rows="8" cols="40"></textarea>
<a href="#" class="generateSkills">Generate skills</a>
<label for="equipment">equipment</label>
<textarea name="equipment" rows="8" cols="40"></textarea>
<a href="#" class="generateEquipment">Generate equipment</a>
<label for="rituals">rituals</label>
<textarea name="rituals" rows="8" cols="40"></textarea>
<a href="#" class="generateRitual">Generate ritual</a>
<label for="chaoticRitual">enable chaos?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="chaoticRitual" id="chaoticRitual">
<sup><abbr tabindex="0" title="Pick a random verb-noun combination from the list of available rituals.">?</abbr></sup>
<details open>
<summary>Risky Action</summary>
<div class="actionOptions">
<a href="#" class="rest">🛌 Rest</a> |
<a href="#" class="tempt">⚠️ Tempt Fate</a> |
<a href="#" class="orakel">🔮 Orakel</a>
<div class="pool">
<p>Ready Pool: <span class="readyPool"><span></p>
<p>Exhausted Pool: <span class="exhaustedPool"><span></p>
<details open>
<summary class="small">Gather your dice</summary>
<div class="gather">
<label for="devil"><span>devil's bargain<sup><abbr tabindex="0" title="Gain an extra die in exchange for some kind of hardship that happens regardless of the outcome.">?</abbr></sup></span>
<input type="checkbox" name="devil" id="devil">
<label for="stressed">stressed
<input class="gatherable" type="checkbox" name="stressed" id="stressed" checked disabled>
<label for="unconditioned">unconditioned
<input class="gatherable selectable" type="checkbox" name="unconditioned" id="unconditioned">
<label for="skilled">skilled
<input class="gatherable selectable" type="checkbox" name="skilled" id="skilled">
<label for="equipped">equipped
<input class="gatherable selectable" type="checkbox" name="equipped" id="equipped">
<label for="supported">supported
<input class="gatherable selectable" type="checkbox" name="supported" id="supported">
<label for="advantaged">advantaged
<input class="gatherable selectable" type="checkbox" name="advantaged" id="advantaged">
<button class="roll">Roll</button>
<div class="outcome">
<p class="outcomeOutput">...</p>
<footer><small><a href="https://terriblybeautiful.itch.io/abenteuerspiel">Abenteuerspiel! is by Terribly Beautiful</a></small></footer>
<script charset="utf-8">
const random = (max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
const rituals = [
const equipment = [
'animal traps(3)',
'bandages (3)',
'bone dust (3)',
'bow & arrows (12)',
'caltrops (9)',
'chalk (6)',
'collapsible pole',
'dice (6)',
'fire oil (3)',
'flint & steel (3)',
'fools gold (6)',
'grappling hook',
'holy symbol',
'iron spikes (6)',
'lantern & oil (3)',
'light armor',
'lock-picks (6)',
'marbles (12)',
'pen & parchment',
'pot of honey (3)',
'ritual incense (3)',
'rope (60 ft)',
'skeleton key (1)',
'sling & stones (12)',
'steel mirror',
'torches (12)',
'travel rations (3)',
'twine (300 ft)',
const skills = [
const generateRitual = (evt) => {
const isRitualChaos = () => document.querySelector('input#chaoticRitual').checked
const out = document.querySelector('textarea[name=rituals]')
out.value = ''
const result = Array.from({length: 1}).map(ritual => {
const i = random(rituals[0].length)
const j = (isRitualChaos()) ? random(rituals[0].length) : i
return `${rituals[0][i]} ${rituals[1][j]}`
}).forEach(ritual => {
out.value += ritual + '\n'
document.querySelector('.generateRitual').addEventListener('click', generateRitual)
const generateEquipment = (evt) => {
const out = document.querySelector('textarea[name=equipment]')
out.value = ''
const result = Array.from({length: 3}).map(eq => {
const i = random(equipment.length)
return `${equipment[i]}`
}).forEach(eq => {
out.value += eq + '\n'
document.querySelector('.generateEquipment').addEventListener('click', generateEquipment)
const generateSkills = (evt) => {
const out = document.querySelector('textarea[name=skills]')
out.value = ''
const result = Array.from({length: 2}).map(skill => {
const i = random(skills.length)
return `${skills[i]}`
}).forEach(skill => {
out.value += skill + '\n'
document.querySelector('.generateSkills').addEventListener('click', generateSkills)
const generateCharacter = (evt) => {
document.querySelector('.generateCharacter').addEventListener('click', generateCharacter)
let dice = {
'ready': 6,
'exhausted': 0,
const showDice = () => {
const readyOut = document.querySelector('.readyPool')
const exhaustedOut = document.querySelector('.exhaustedPool')
readyOut.innerText = ''
exhaustedOut.innerText = ''
for(let i = 0; i < dice.ready; i++) {
readyOut.innerText += '🎲'
for(let i = 0; i < dice.exhausted; i++) {
exhaustedOut.innerText += '🎲'
const rollDice = (evt) => {
const pool = Array.from({length: poolSize()}).map(x => random(6) + 1)
const high = Math.max(...pool)
const stress = pool[0]
const isStressful = handleStress({
ready: dice.ready,
stress: stress,
stress: isStressful,
// clear gatherable selectables
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.gather .selectable'))
.forEach(input => {
input.checked = false;
input.disabled = false;
// ... and the devils bargin
document.querySelector('input#devil').checked = false
const poolSize = () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.gather input'))
.filter(el => el.checked)
const handleStress = ({ ready, stress }) => {
const isStressful = stress < ready;
if(isStressful) {
dice.ready -= 1;
dice.exhausted += 1;
return isStressful;
const handleRiskOutput = ({ high, pool, stress }) => {
const out = document.querySelector('.outcomeOutput')
out.innerText = ''
out.innerText += 'Roll: '
out.innerText += ' ' + pool.join(', ')
out.innerText += '\nHighest: '
out.innerText += ' ' + high + ' = '
2022-06-27 08:26:00 -06:00
out.innerText += (pool.filter(d => d === 6).length > 1)
? ` Wow, that's a CRITICAL SUCCESS!!`
: (high < 4)
2022-06-25 14:26:39 -06:00
? ' Bad. Things get worse. Take a condition.'
: (high < 6)
? ' Mixed. Partial success, or success with complication'
: ' Success!'
if(stress) {
out.innerText += '\nYou exhaust one of your Ready Dice.'
out.innerHTML += '<sup><abbr tabindex="0" title="the first die in your pool is always your stress die. If its value is less than your number of ready dice, one of your ready dice is exhausted.">?</abbr></sup>'
document.querySelector('button.roll').addEventListener('click', rollDice);
const checkPoolSize = (evt) => {
const gathered = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.gather .gatherable'))
.filter(item => item.checked)
.forEach(box => {
box.disabled = (gathered === dice.ready)
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.gather .selectable'))
.forEach(input => {
input.addEventListener('change', checkPoolSize)
const rest = (evt) => {
let recovered = 0;
Array.from({length: dice.exhausted})
.map(exhausted => random(6) + 1)
.forEach(exhausted => {
if (exhausted >= 4) {
dice.ready += 1;
dice.exhausted -= 1;
recovered += 1
handleRestOutput = (recovered) => {
const out = document.querySelector('.outcomeOutput')
out.innerText = ''
out.innerText += `You rested and recovered ${recovered} dice`
document.querySelector('.rest').addEventListener('click', rest);
const tempt = (evt) => {
const fate = random(6) + 1
const out = document.querySelector('.outcomeOutput')
out.innerText = `${fate}: `
out.innerText += `You have tempted fate, and made things incrementally ${fate < 4 ? 'worse' : 'better'}.`
if (fate < dice.ready) {
out.innerText += `You also suffer stress.`
ready: dice.ready,
stress: fate,
document.querySelector('.tempt').addEventListener('click', tempt);
const orakel = (evt) => {
const fortune = random(6) + 1
const out = document.querySelector('.outcomeOutput')
out.innerText = ''
out.innerText += `${fortune < 4 ? '🚫' : ''} ${fortune}: The orakel says, signs point to ${fortune < 4 ? 'no' : 'yes'}.`
document.querySelector('.orakel').addEventListener('click', orakel);