<link>http://tilde.town/~dozens/clericthief/index.html</link><description>behind the scenes of cleric + thief</description><atom:linkrel="self"type="application/rss+xml"href="http://tilde.town/~dozens/clericthief/journal.xml"/>
The Dead Ringer plays the part of both Theseus and Forunato in this episode. And Iofi is a more clever Daedalus, for her labyrinth successfully delivers the villain into the hands of the Minotaur to be immured as revenge.
Or is it just that this Minotaur is a more competent and capable monster?
In other news, we now have some old church ruins to play around with! I guess maybe I should make a pantheon?
So the dice insisted on telling an intense story by the end of this episode.
They compelled Blackguard to "suddenly act", Meadowgloom had to die, and the Ringer had to find the safe house.
Quite a climax! Can't wait to see what happens next.
It didn't even occur to me for a long time that Iofi might be able to do a resurrection, despite her being a cleric. It was a difficult roll because it was a big miracle. And she *barely* pulled it off. But yay! Meadowgloom lives! For now.
Here is a summary of how to make a quick dungeon with playing cards as first described in [the 'cardtography' series of posts on koboldpress][cardtography].
I decided I needed to roll my own feeds, and so I used ED to programatically edit my source files into recfiles, used an m4 include in one instance, and then used recfmt templates to create the rss items.
It is definitely *not* true that I based the looks of Iofi and Maddox on Shelley Duvall and Robin Williams from the 1980 American musical comedy smash hit *Popeye*.
This update focuses briefly on Meadowgloom. Which is a name I snatched up from a fantasy name generator. It also generated the astounding name "Eccentric Kevin". Who is a character I have every intention of introducing at some point as a perfectly normal, sane, and reasonable straight man.
It is based on the mechanics and the *callings* of [Brighter Worlds by awkwardturtle][brighter]. It is a lovely game and I wanted to play it. I came up with the setting and the starting scenario using [GRAPES and WTAF?! tarot spreads as described by Sean F. Smith][grapes]. And then I used the [One Page Solo Engine][opse] to answer questions during play.