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index b025f95..edad811 100644
--- a/src/journal.md
+++ b/src/journal.md
@@ -10,6 +10,157 @@ This is a journal of meta-content and behind the scenes kind of updates.
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+## - Pantheon
+A twelve sided die has 12 faces, 30 edges, and 20 verticies.
+Let's start by creating a domain / portfolio / aspect for each face. These are gonna be our "Major Twelve" gods, the Olympians.
+1. Law
+2. Magic
+3. Healing
+4. Chaos
+5. Life
+6. Death
+7. Plants
+8. Dreams
+9. Time
+10. Sun
+11. Animals
+12. Moon
+Second, each vertex will get a domain. These will become our "Minor Twenty" gods. Lesser gods, local gods, demigods.
+A) Trickery
+B) Metal
+C) Fertility
+D) Water
+E) Change
+F) Creation
+G) Destruction
+H) Fire
+I) Madness
+J) Storms
+K) Courage
+L) Wealth
+M) Air
+N) Earth
+O) Weather
+P) Wisdom
+Q) Strength
+R) Protection
+S) Travel
+T) Pain
+Okay so each god, major and minor, gets their own domain, and then their neighbors. That's neighboring faces for points (four total), and neighboring points for faces (six total).
+In order for any of that to make sense, you need to stare really hard at *Polyhedral Pantheon Design top* and *Polyhedral Pantheon Design bottom* at
A twelve sided die has 12 faces, 30 edges, and 20 verticies.
+Let’s start by creating a domain / portfolio / aspect for each face. +These are gonna be our “Major Twelve” gods, the Olympians.
+Second, each vertex will get a domain. These will become our “Minor +Twenty” gods. Lesser gods, local gods, demigods.
+Okay so each god, major and minor, gets their own domain, and then +their neighbors. That’s neighboring faces for points (four total), and +neighboring points for faces (six total).
+In order for any of that to make sense, you need to stare really hard +at Polyhedral Pantheon Design top and Polyhedral Pantheon +Design bottom at http://www.kjd-imc.org/blog/polyhedral-pantheons-revisited/
+Major Gods Template:
1 | +Law | +ABCDE | +
2 | +Magic | +AEFNO | +
3 | +Healing | +ABFGH | +
4 | +Chaos | +BCHIJ | +
5 | +Life | +CDJKL | +
6 | +Death | +DELMO | +
7 | +Plants | +QRGHI | +
8 | +Dreams | +FGOPQ | +
9 | +Time | +PTMNO | +
10 | +Sun | +STKLM | +
11 | +Animals | +RSIJK | +
12 | +Moon | +PQRST | +
Minor Gods Template:
A | +Trickery | +1,2,3 | +
B | +Metal | +1,3,4 | +
C | +Fertility | +1,4,5 | +
D | +Water | +1,5,6 | +
E | +Change | +1,2,6 | +
F | +Creation | +2,3,8 | +
G | +Destruction | +3,7,8 | +
H | +Fire | +3,4,7 | +
I | +Madness | +4,7,11 | +
J | +Storms | +4,5,11 | +
K | +Courage | +5,11,10 | +
L | +Wealth | +5,6,10 | +
M | +Air | +6,9,10 | +
N | +Earth | +2,6,9 | +
O | +Weather | +2,8,9 | +
P | +Wisdom | +8,9,12 | +
Q | +Strength | +7,8,12 | +
R | +Protection | +7,11,12 | +
S | +Travel | +10,11,12 | +
T | +Pain | +9,10,12 | +
Okay let’s fill out the templates.
+Note: I discovered at this point that it’s best to shuffle your list +of domains lest your domains be thematically clumped. For example, when +brainstroming, I wrote out all my elemental domains at once. This +resulted in a god of fire, water, earth, and water. So spread your +domains out thematically if you’re doing this.
+By the way, every god is merely an aspect of the god-above-all-gods, +PATRICK.
+The major gods:
1 | +Unutrik | +Law | +Trickery, Metal, Fertility, Water, Change | +
2 | +Dutrik | +Magic | +Trickery, Change, Creation, Earth, Weather | +
3 | +Tritrik | +Healing | +Trickery, Metal, Creation, Destruction, Fire | +
4 | +Kvartrik | +Chaos | +Metal, Fertility, Fire, Madness, Storms | +
5 | +Kvintrik | +Life | +Fertility, Water, Storms, Courage, Wealth | +
6 | +Sestrik | +Death | +Water, Change, Wealth, Air, Weather | +
7 | +Septrik | +Plants | +Strength, Protection, Destruction, Fire, Madness | +
8 | +Oktrik | +Dreams | +Creation, Destruction, Weather, Wisdom, Strength | +
9 | +Nautrik | +Time | +Wisdom, Pain, Air, Earth, Weather | +
10 | +Dektrik | +Sun | +Travel, Pain, Courage, Wealth, Air | +
11 | +Eltrik | +Animals | +Protection, Travel, Madness, Storms, Courage | +
12 | +Dotrik | +Moon | +Wisdom, Strength, Protection, Travel, Pain | +
AND the minor gods:
A | +Aatrik | +Trickery | +Law, Magic, Healing | +
B | +Batrik | +Metal | +Law, Healing, Chaos | +
C | +Catrik | +Fertility | +Law, Chaos, Life | +
D | +Datrik | +Water | +Law, Life, Death | +
E | +Eatrik | +Change | +Law, Magic, Death | +
F | +Fatrik | +Creation | +Magic, Healing, Dreams | +
G | +Gatrik | +Destruction | +Healing, Plants, Dreams | +
H | +Hatrik | +Fire | +Healing, Chaos, Plants | +
I | +Iatrik | +Madness | +Chaos, Plants, Animals | +
J | +Jatrik | +Storms | +Chaos, Life, Animals | +
K | +Katrik | +Courage | +Life, Animals, Sun | +
L | +Latrik | +Wealth | +Life, Death, Sun | +
M | +Matrik | +Air | +Death, Time, Sun | +
N | +Natrik | +Earth | +Magic, Death, Time | +
O | +Oatrik | +Weather | +Magic, Dreams, Time | +
P | +Patrik | +Wisdom | +Dreams, Time, Moon | +
Q | +Qatrik | +Strength | +Plants, Dreams, Moon | +
R | +Ratrik | +Protection | +Plants, Animals, Moon | +
S | +Satrik | +Travel | +Sun, Animals, Moon | +
T | +Tatrik | +Pain | +Time, Sun, Moon | +
So now I have d20 minor gods, and d12 major gods. Neat!
+A lot of things here just work when you look at them. The +god of madness and chaos? The god of life and fertility? Others are +interesting. The god of Law and Trickery? The god of Healing and +Destruction? Nautrik is the god of Time and Wisdom, but also of Time and +Pain.
+I imagine none of these gods will use actual names, but will instead +remain rather loosely conceptual, going by an epithet when it is +neccessary to refer to them.
+I also admit that this is all a little bit over the top. Do I really +need 32 gods in my little make believe game? No, I do not. But now I can +have some readymade, weird, jumbled portfolios that I can draw on when I +want to, all of which are random and jumbled enough that they ought to +be quite interesting.
+Some fun resources on pantheons:
+🎶 Minotaur -