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00006. Bone and Feather

“Blackguard?” Maddox fumes incredulously, their voice croaking as it always does whenever raised above conversational tones.

Iofi and Blackguard are gingerly laying Meadowgloom down in the pantry, which is just barely large enough to accomodate his frame. He rolls his large watery eyes around, but doesn’t seem to actually see anything. He gasps for breath, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly like a fish.

Iofi looks up over her shoulder and glares at Maddox. They continue to fume, but quietly.

“We’re staying put,” she says.

Maddox raises their eyebrows.

“We shouldn’t be moving him. Besides,” her voices hardens. “I want whoever did this.”

Maddox grins.

“You,” she says, turning back to Blackguard, “stay here with Meadowgloom.” Probably didn’t need to be said. The man in the top hat has made no effort to leave his side, not even once.

“Stay quiet. We’ll be back for when this is over.”

She stands up and exits the pantry and closes the door. She reaches into her satchel and pulls out a trinket, a small tin key that might open a music box. She stoops down and places it by the doorframe, and touches the door, and whispers, “Hidden.”

The door vanishes.

Maddox makes themself scarce, making preparations of their own as Iofi makes her rounds through the apartment, blessing each door and making small offerings.

~ * ~

Outside, a small street urchin watches from the gutter as a dark figure emerges from the shadows and approaches the door to the apartnment. The figure silently crosses the threshold, and the urchin vanishes.

The Dead Ringer climbs the steps up to the apartment above the bookstore. At the top of the stairs is a closed door, the actual front door to the apartment. He listens and hears nothing. He tries the handle. It is unlocked. He lets himself inside.

Inside is a plain room.