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Cleric + Thief
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<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">Cleric + Thief</h1>
<p class="subtitle">Journal</p>
<p>This is a journal of meta-content and behind the scenes kind of updates.</p>
<p><a href="journal.xml">subscribe to updates</a></p>
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<h2 id="feed-esoterica"><time>2022-09-03</time> - Feed Esoterica</h2>
<p>Okay some of you will get a kick out of this.</p>
<p>I decided I needed to roll my own feeds, and so I used ED to programatically edit my source files into recfiles, used an m4 include in one instance, and then used recfmt templates to create the rss items.</p>
<p>That is right. Ed, m4, and recutils.</p>
<h2 id="blow-me-down"><time>2022-09-02</time> - Blow Me Down</h2>
<p>It is definitely <em>not</em> true that I based the looks of Iofi and Maddox on Shelley Duvall and Robin Williams from the 1980 American musical comedy smash hit <em>Popeye</em>.</p>
<h2 id="episodes-rss-feed"><time>2022-09-01</time> - episodes rss feed</h2>
<p>Made an update that will hopefully fix the links in the Episodes feed.</p>
<p>If not, I might need to start handrolling a feed instead of relying on <a href="https://blog.miso.town">blog.miso.town</a>.</p>
<p>In fact, I just noticed that the journal feed is kind of borked too.</p>
<p>Yeah I may just need to create my own feeds..</p>
<h2 id="meadowgloom"><time>2022-09-01</time> - 00002. Meadowgloom</h2>
<p>Hey gamers it’s ya boy dozens!</p>
<p>This update focuses briefly on Meadowgloom. Which is a name I snatched up from a fantasy name generator. It also generated the astounding name “Eccentric Kevin”. Who is a character I have every intention of introducing at some point as a perfectly normal, sane, and reasonable straight man.</p>
<h2 id="cleric-thief"><time>2022-08-30</time> - 00001. Cleric + Thief</h2>
<p>Hey I started a new thing!</p>
<p>This is the narrative version of a solo roleplaying game.</p>
<p>It is based on the mechanics and the <em>callings</em> of <a href="https://awkwardturtle.itch.io/brighter-worlds">Brighter Worlds by awkwardturtle</a>. It is a lovely game and I wanted to play it. I came up with the setting and the starting scenario using <a href="https://sean-f-smith.medium.com/with-this-tool-youll-never-run-out-of-ideas-15d19ab72dfb">GRAPES and WTAF?! tarot spreads as described by Sean F. Smith</a>. And then I used the <a href="https://inflatablestudios.itch.io/one-page-solo-engine">One Page Solo Engine</a> to answer questions during play.</p>
<p>My thief almost friggin died in the very first scenario. Yikes! Combat is lethal. <!-- END //--></p>