the regex for building the DOT text was too greedy! in cases where there were more than two branches in a given text, it would only match the first branch and the second branch. because of how greedy it was. so hopefully this should fix that. at least, graph.png looks correct to me now.
47 lines
980 B
47 lines
980 B
# show all commands
just --list --unsorted
# super plain boring output
recsel game.rec | recfmt '"{{{{name}}": "{{{{id}}", '
# build dot file
# TODO: change id to name? or id /and/ name?
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
echo "digraph {" > dot
recsel game.rec \
| recfmt '{{{{id}} -> {{{{text}}|' \
| sed -e 's/|/\n\n/g' \
| sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x; s/\n//g; G;' \
| sed -e 's/}}[^{]*{{{{/}} {{{{/g' -e 's/> [^{]* {{{{/> {{{{/' \
| sed -e '/{{{{/!d' -e 's/\.$//' \
| sed -e 's/> \(.*\)$/> { \1 };/' \
>> dot
echo "}" >> dot
# build a graph of all the nodes
graph: _data _dot
mustache data dot | dot -Tpng > graph.png
# build data object
echo "{" $(just _map) "}" \
| sed -e 's/, }/ }/' \
> data
# plain output
build: _data
mustache data game.rec \
| recfmt '{{{{id}}: {{{{text}}|' \
| sed -e 's/|/\n\n/g' \
# read the story
just build | fmt | less
# remove generated files
rm -f dot data graph.png