- 🗄️ organizing files - 🔧 add groff template and pdf + ascii targets - 🔥 add graph-easy output which kind of sucks but i'm leaving it in - 🔧 add tags file for navigating the game db - 📝 add game content and docs
27 lines
927 B
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[ 0 ] --> [ {{corndress}} ], [ {{cornoveralls}} ]
[ 1 ] --> [ {{games}} ], [ {{altar}} ]
[ 2 ] --> [ {{whelp}} ]
[ 3 ] --> [ {{charm}} ]
[ 4 ] --> [ {{helpme}} ]
[ 5 ] --> [ {{altarcorn}} ], [ {{eavesdrop}} ]
[ 6 ] --> [ {{altar}} ]
[ 7 ] --> [ {{believeme}} ], [ {{bunk}} ]
[ 8 ] --> [ {{charm}} ]
[ 9 ] --> [ {{treeline}} ]
[ 10 ] --> [ {{tag}} ], [ {{hideandseek}} ], [ {{lavamonster}} ]
[ 11 ] --> [ {{altar}} ]
[ 12 ] --> [ {{stay}} ], [ {{explore}} ]
[ 13 ] --> [ {{panic}} ]
[ 14 ] --> [ {{rejected}} ]
[ 15 ] --> [ {{beginning}} ]
[ 16 ] --> [ {{treeline}} ]
[ 17 ] --> [ {{panic}} ]
[ 19 ] --> [ {{collide}} ]
[ 21 ] --> [ {{panic}} ], [ {{calm}} ]
[ 22 ] --> [ {{fwiends}} ], [ {{scram}} ]
[ 23 ] --> [ {{path}} ], [ {{continue}} ], [ {{hack}} ]
[ 24 ] --> [ {{collide}} ]
[ 25 ] --> [ {{beast}} ], [ {{hide}} ]
[ 26 ] --> [ {{games}} ]
[ 27 ] --> [ {{hide}} ], [ {{path}} ]