63 lines
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63 lines
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# Game Log
RPGs I've played
## About
This is a log of all the games I've played starting in 2021. I'm keeping this log in anticipation of writing a "Every game I played in 2021" blog post in 2022.
I decided to use recutils for this because, why not.
## Getting Started
You don't need to install anything if you don't want to. You can just edit the rec file.
But if you want to use the TUI, then `npm i` and `just new` (or `node bin/cli.js`) to create a new entry using the interative prompt.
## Dependencies
- GNU recutils
- node (optional)
- just (optional)
- csvkit (optional)
## Considerations
What kind of stuff am I interested in keeping track of?
- Role: Player or DM?
- Format: In person? (Ha, one day.) Roll20/Discord? Play by post?
- Length: One-shot, adventure, campaign?
- Crew: Who did I play with?
## Learnings
I think the main benefit to recutils is having a human readable, plain-text database that you can edit.
Querying and inserting is okay.
I don't have a use case for using Joins on records, but the fact that you can means that recutils is pretty robust
I think that recutils could be a really good format for easily tracking data in version control. It is a good "source" database that can then be exported to csv and SQL. `csvkit`, e.g., can output straight to sqlite
## Recsel examples
- `recsel -e "Role = 'Player'" games.rec`
See `justfile` for more examples
## Todo
- [x] Add types/enums
- [x] ~~tui?~~ run `just new` (or `node bin/cli.js`)
- [ ] add Update to CLI
## Resources
- <https://labs.tomasino.org/gnu-recutils/>
- <https://github.com/zaid/vim-rec>
- <https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/manual/>