@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ BEGIN=$(
<title>The Most Interesting Thing That Happened To Me Today</title>
<title>All of the games that I play</title>
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@ -1349,3 +1349,48 @@ Text: Whoooo whee, first time back at the table. Today is two months to the day
+ Meanwhile, Nif and Cary have a terrible falling out after Cary discovers Nif's secret family history. Cary takes it out on the punching bag in the training room, and Nif draws away and starts a garden at the hideout. Janus loses herself in Moonflower's lab book, leaving Calliope to try to mend the relationship between the two at the Arbys.
Created: 2024-08-20
Id: 96
Game: 52
Text: The gang heads down to the abandoned K-Mart. Jordan Flowers opened the portal and some dream critters came out. A rat king, a possum, and a raccoon. The Scavengers. Lykos eclipsed and went dark. Turned on Concordia. Concordia wasn't having it. Cronos figured out how to close the portal. Lykos ran away, and Concordia called Raven / Corvus to talk them down. Eventually it worked, and everybody went for Arbys.
Created: 2024-09-02
Id: 97
Game: 47
Text: First time back at the table in over three months! Huzzah! The gang gets sent to pirate orientation by Jer. They get lanyards and welcome packets and everything. For the combination safety training / teambuilding exercise, they have to row across a lake while being shot at with beanbag cannons. They hurt if they hit you! Lucia clouds Mad Moira's mind and makes her take a shining to Jolly because she looks like her lost daughter. As a result, Jolly is able to pick pocket a compass from her, and also Moira gets the cannoneers to shoot wide of Jolly. Neither Jolly nor Lucia can row worth a shit and eventually give up. Dakka and Darragh each grab two oars and bring them home. (Diablo captains.) Now it's time for the gang to operate the cannons while the next cohort of new recruits get in the boats.
Created: 2024-09-06
Id: 98
Game: 47
Text: It's the gang's turn to man the cannons and shoot at the next wave of recruits. They have a luted bard and a shaved psionic. (Psionics always shave their head in order to cut down on the resistance as their thoughts leave their head.) Darragh is double wielding cannons, running from one to the other. Lucia is wreaking havoc on the recruits with discreet fire spells, giving them a hot foot, melting the bard's lute strings, etc. Jolly goes shadow form, spider crawls down the wall, and sprints across the sea to sabotage a boat, but manages to do nothing but get into a tug of war with an oarsman, trying to steal their oar. Bard and Dakka have a bard-off until Doc casts shatter between the boats and destroys them. The bard sinks and drowns.
+ Bald psionic flirtily slips Lucia a note, but it's not a flirt note. In the note, bals psionic reveals himself as Veilled Alliance and gives her a contact at the bar. Lucia passes the note to Jolly, who is also Veilled Alliance.
+ Based on their performance the gang is invited to an executive happy hour at the top of Black Mountain where they are able to rub elbows with the executive suite. Except for the reclusive captain. Jolly makes contact with the VA contact and they arrange a meeting later. Everybody cuts loose a little bit does Walk The Planks (shotskis). Darragh cozies up to Pirate Barbie. Dakka and Diablo both roll a Nat 20 to flip their hair. Everybody weeps at their majesty.
Created: 2024-09-13
Id: 99
Game: 47
Text: Intern Tim escorts the mostly drunk gang to their quarters. Jolly grabs Diablo and they sneak out to go meet Clara and Kaylick, members of the Gulg cell. Together they devise a plan: The Gulg team will free all the prisoners while the Thanalas team commandeers Black Mountain. They share all the info they have on the schematics and layout of the mountain, and suggest they we scout out the storerooms on level 1 for anything that might help us.
+ The next morning the gang is hungover in the cafeteria. Diablo helps the slopman invent breakfast burritos. This is gonna be huge for the slopman's career. Tim seems like a real tool, and we exploit his insecurities to get into the storeroom where we start pocketing stuff. Darragh and Lucia use the Lantern of Illusion and the Scroll of Endless Complaint to set up a smokescreen as we try to leave, but one of the wraith custodians notices us and demands a requisition form as two enormous sand golem guards move to block our exit.
Created: 2024-10-04
Id: 100
Game: 47
Text: Battle commences! Darragh slap shots all of the jars and bottles on a nearby tabletop at the sand golem, says "Oops!" and the golem takes some water damage. Dakka creates a whirly swirly hypnotic pattern outside the storeroom putting the 2 desk guards into a mindless trance and yells to Tim, "Get us some requisition forms for the love of god!"
+ Taking a page from Darragh's book, Diablo says Oops, and pushes an entire shelf over into one of the golems. This releases an expanding, low hanging fog of poisonous miasma. (Diable and Lucia immediately start retching and vomiting everywhere.) It also releases a large feline water elemental that immediately starts laying waste to the sand golem around which it takes form.
+ Tim rushes in the required paperwork. The wraith by the front door shrieks and Tim's face is melted clean off. He's so dead. Paperwork goes everywhere. Diablo vomits all over it. Lucia vomits into a jar and discovers that it is in fact a magic receptacle. She circles around and corners the elemental with a wall of flames and pss-pss-pss it into the jar and closes the lid.
+ Jolly finds a sweet enchanted grappling hook and hookshots her way up onto the top of the remaining golem Shadow of the Colossus style and stabs deeply down into its sand skull. One wraith is still befuddled by the illusion of Endless Complaint, but the one that just face-off'd Tim steps up to Diablo and slashes at him twice with its ghostly cutlass and Diablo goes down. Dakka rushes over and administers a healing potion. Diablo leaps to his feet and retrieves the six foot long didgeridoo that he has apparently been carrying on his back this whole time and blows into it. The room reverberates with the deep droning bass, and one of the wraiths instantly fully disapparates. (Meta: this is the moment, after over a year and a half of playing this game, that J. realizes she is playing a cleric and has Turn Undead.) After this awesome display of holy power, Diablo does a little jig, takes a deep breath of poison miasma, and promptly goes unconscious again.
+ Dakka finally manages to complete a requisition form by forging the signature of Scarlett Vein, VP of Plundering, and hands it over to the wraith, and all aggression leaves the room. Okay thanks, looks like everything is in order. You're free to go, and hey. You have a great day, okay?
+ Oh okay. Erm, sorry about the mess? Dakka gestures vaguely toward the sopping, smoldering, poisoned, toppled, and scattered bookshelves and items strewn about the storeroom floor.
+ Don't you worry about it at all! It actually happens *all the time.*
+ So the gang leaves with a lot of sick loot and magical items.
Created: 2024-10-18
@ -1306,4 +1306,74 @@ Meanwhile, Nif and Cary have a terrible falling out after Cary discovers Nif's s
<title>Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream</title>
The gang heads down to the abandoned K-Mart. Jordan Flowers opened the portal and some dream critters came out. A rat king, a possum, and a raccoon. The Scavengers. Lykos eclipsed and went dark. Turned on Concordia. Concordia wasn't having it. Cronos figured out how to close the portal. Lykos ran away, and Concordia called Raven / Corvus to talk them down. Eventually it worked, and everybody went for Arbys.
<title>DandD - Tales of Athas</title>
First time back at the table in over three months! Huzzah! The gang gets sent to pirate orientation by Jer. They get lanyards and welcome packets and everything. For the combination safety training / teambuilding exercise, they have to row across a lake while being shot at with beanbag cannons. They hurt if they hit you! Lucia clouds Mad Moira's mind and makes her take a shining to Jolly because she looks like her lost daughter. As a result, Jolly is able to pick pocket a compass from her, and also Moira gets the cannoneers to shoot wide of Jolly. Neither Jolly nor Lucia can row worth a shit and eventually give up. Dakka and Darragh each grab two oars and bring them home. (Diablo captains.) Now it's time for the gang to operate the cannons while the next cohort of new recruits get in the boats.
<title>DandD - Tales of Athas</title>
It's the gang's turn to man the cannons and shoot at the next wave of recruits. They have a luted bard and a shaved psionic. (Psionics always shave their head in order to cut down on the resistance as their thoughts leave their head.) Darragh is double wielding cannons, running from one to the other. Lucia is wreaking havoc on the recruits with discreet fire spells, giving them a hot foot, melting the bard's lute strings, etc. Jolly goes shadow form, spider crawls down the wall, and sprints across the sea to sabotage a boat, but manages to do nothing but get into a tug of war with an oarsman, trying to steal their oar. Bard and Dakka have a bard-off until Doc casts shatter between the boats and destroys them. The bard sinks and drowns.
Bald psionic flirtily slips Lucia a note, but it's not a flirt note. In the note, bals psionic reveals himself as Veilled Alliance and gives her a contact at the bar. Lucia passes the note to Jolly, who is also Veilled Alliance.
Based on their performance the gang is invited to an executive happy hour at the top of Black Mountain where they are able to rub elbows with the executive suite. Except for the reclusive captain. Jolly makes contact with the VA contact and they arrange a meeting later. Everybody cuts loose a little bit does Walk The Planks (shotskis). Darragh cozies up to Pirate Barbie. Dakka and Diablo both roll a Nat 20 to flip their hair. Everybody weeps at their majesty.
<title>DandD - Tales of Athas</title>
Intern Tim escorts the mostly drunk gang to their quarters. Jolly grabs Diablo and they sneak out to go meet Clara and Kaylick, members of the Gulg cell. Together they devise a plan: The Gulg team will free all the prisoners while the Thanalas team commandeers Black Mountain. They share all the info they have on the schematics and layout of the mountain, and suggest they we scout out the storerooms on level 1 for anything that might help us.
The next morning the gang is hungover in the cafeteria. Diablo helps the slopman invent breakfast burritos. This is gonna be huge for the slopman's career. Tim seems like a real tool, and we exploit his insecurities to get into the storeroom where we start pocketing stuff. Darragh and Lucia use the Lantern of Illusion and the Scroll of Endless Complaint to set up a smokescreen as we try to leave, but one of the wraith custodians notices us and demands a requisition form as two enormous sand golem guards move to block our exit.
<title>DandD - Tales of Athas</title>
Battle commences! Darragh slap shots all of the jars and bottles on a nearby tabletop at the sand golem, says "Oops!" and the golem takes some water damage. Dakka creates a whirly swirly hypnotic pattern outside the storeroom putting the 2 desk guards into a mindless trance and yells to Tim, "Get us some requisition forms for the love of god!"
Taking a page from Darragh's book, Diablo says Oops, and pushes an entire shelf over into one of the golems. This releases an expanding, low hanging fog of poisonous miasma. (Diable and Lucia immediately start retching and vomiting everywhere.) It also releases a large feline water elemental that immediately starts laying waste to the sand golem around which it takes form.
Tim rushes in the required paperwork. The wraith by the front door shrieks and Tim's face is melted clean off. He's so dead. Paperwork goes everywhere. Diablo vomits all over it. Lucia vomits into a jar and discovers that it is in fact a magic receptacle. She circles around and corners the elemental with a wall of flames and pss-pss-pss it into the jar and closes the lid.
Jolly finds a sweet enchanted grappling hook and hookshots her way up onto the top of the remaining golem Shadow of the Colossus style and stabs deeply down into its sand skull. One wraith is still befuddled by the illusion of Endless Complaint, but the one that just face-off'd Tim steps up to Diablo and slashes at him twice with its ghostly cutlass and Diablo goes down. Dakka rushes over and administers a healing potion. Diablo leaps to his feet and retrieves the six foot long didgeridoo that he has apparently been carrying on his back this whole time and blows into it. The room reverberates with the deep droning bass, and one of the wraiths instantly fully disapparates. (Meta: this is the moment, after over a year and a half of playing this game, that J. realizes she is playing a cleric and has Turn Undead.) After this awesome display of holy power, Diablo does a little jig, takes a deep breath of poison miasma, and promptly goes unconscious again.
Dakka finally manages to complete a requisition form by forging the signature of Scarlett Vein, VP of Plundering, and hands it over to the wraith, and all aggression leaves the room. Okay thanks, looks like everything is in order. You're free to go, and hey. You have a great day, okay?
Oh okay. Erm, sorry about the mess? Dakka gestures vaguely toward the sopping, smoldering, poisoned, toppled, and scattered bookshelves and items strewn about the storeroom floor.
Don't you worry about it at all! It actually happens *all the time.*
So the gang leaves with a lot of sick loot and magical items.
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<html> <head> <title>The Most Interesting Thing That Happened To Me Today</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="rss.xml" title="dozens interesting microblog"> <style> body { max-width: 80ch; margin: 0 auto; padding: 3rem 1rem; } h2 { border-bottom: solid 1px black; margin-top: 3rem; } h2, h3 { position: relative; } h2 a, h3 a { position: absolute; left: -1.2rem; text-decoration: none; opacity: 0.2; } h2 a { line-height: 1.4; } h3 a { line-height: 1.2; } h2:hover a, h3:hover a { opacity: 1; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { html, body { background: #15191d; color: #ddd; } body a, body a:visited { color: #809fff; } h2 { border-bottom: solid 1px white; } } </style> </head> <body> <header> <h1>Gamelogs</h1> <p>All the roleplaying games I\'ve played.</p> <li>src: <a href=""></a></li> <li>dozens webring: <a href="">previous</a> <a href="">index</a> <a href="">next</a></li> <li><a href="feed.xml">rss</a></li> <p> View by: <a href="index.html">Game</a> <a href="updates.html">Update</a> </p> </header> <main>
<html> <head> <title>All of the games that I play</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="rss.xml" title="dozens gamelog"> <style> body { max-width: 80ch; margin: 0 auto; padding: 3rem 1rem; } h2 { border-bottom: solid 1px black; margin-top: 3rem; } h2, h3 { position: relative; } h2 a, h3 a { position: absolute; left: -1.2rem; text-decoration: none; opacity: 0.2; } h2 a { line-height: 1.4; } h3 a { line-height: 1.2; } h2:hover a, h3:hover a { opacity: 1; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { html, body { background: #15191d; color: #ddd; } body a, body a:visited { color: #809fff; } h2 { border-bottom: solid 1px white; } } </style> </head> <body> <header> <h1>Gamelogs</h1> <p>All the roleplaying games I\'ve played.</p> <li>src: <a href=""></a></li> <li>dozens webring: <a href="">previous</a> <a href="">index</a> <a href="">next</a></li> <li><a href="feed.xml">rss</a></li> <p> View by: <a href="index.html">Game</a> <a href="updates.html">Update</a> </p> </header> <main>
<li><a href="#0">Storm King's Thunder (Dungeons & Dragons)</a></li><li><a href="#4">Dome Riders (Homebrew) (Troika!)</a></li><li><a href="#1">So You've Been Thrown Down A Well (Troika!)</a></li><li><a href="#6">Agents of Edgewatch (Pathfinder)</a></li><li><a href="#3">13 Story Bizarre (Troika!)</a></li><li><a href="#5">Wicked Friends (Wicked Ones (Forged in the Dark))</a></li><li><a href="#7">Cocaine and Alligators: Florida Man Sphere (Troika)</a></li><li><a href="#8">Picket Line Tango (Mothership)</a></li><li><a href="#10">Anvil (Homebrew) (Smithy of Sacrilege)</a></li><li><a href="#9">Honey Rafters (Mausritter)</a></li><li><a href="#13">Rockaway Beach (Marvelous Mutations and Merry Musicians)</a></li><li><a href="#12">To Kill A God (Risus)</a></li><li><a href="#16">Moon's Shot (Troika)</a></li><li><a href="#11">Acid Death Fantasy (Troika)</a></li><li><a href="#15">Moon's Shot (Troika)</a></li><li><a href="#2">Acid Death Fantasy (Troika!)</a></li><li><a href="#41">36 Corollaries of Lisergia (Lisergia)</a></li><li><a href="#14">Garrets Ranch (Cthulhu Dark)</a></li><li><a href="#17">Numenera (2-bit)</a></li><li><a href="#18">crapland 2 (troika)</a></li><li><a href="#19">Zigs and Dragons (D&D 5e)</a></li><li><a href="#20">Giraffe Wants Best Leaves (Giraffe Wants Best Leaves)</a></li><li><a href="#21">yule homebrew (Into the Odd)</a></li><li><a href="#22">Quiet Midwinter (D&D)</a></li><li><a href="#23">Ultraviolet Grasslands (2400 Exiles)</a></li><li><a href="#24">Arkham 1628 (Cthulhu Dark)</a></li><li><a href="#25">Dad Overboard (Brindlewood Bay)</a></li><li><a href="#26">Strixhaven (D&D)</a></li><li><a href="#27">Nyolibhotep’s sewers (maze rats)</a></li><li><a href="#28">facing the titan (Facing the Titan)</a></li><li><a href="#29">Lichway (Old School Essentials)</a></li><li><a href="#30">a game of trophy gold (Trophy Gold)</a></li><li><a href="#38">Basement Quest (Shoes In The Dark)</a></li><li><a href="#31">Orion Valentine (Thousand Year Old Vampire)</a></li><li><a href="#33">dragonflyd6 (Dragonfly D6)</a></li><li><a href="#34">Cap'n Mushroom and the Case of the Red Slipper (none/fkr)</a></li><li><a href="#32">Guardians of the Shadow Frontier (Tricube Tales)</a></li><li><a href="#39">cleric+thief (Brighter Worlds)</a></li><li><a href="#35">Boneheads (Adventure Skeletons)</a></li><li><a href="#36">untitled (plasma torch)</a></li><li><a href="#37">Good Buy, Cruel World (Brindlewood Bay)</a></li><li><a href="#45">Camp Spookypants (Sleepaway)</a></li><li><a href="#47">Tales of Athas (D&D)</a></li><li><a href="#40">Castiron Sworn (Ironsworn)</a></li><li><a href="#42">Newton Handle (Quarrel & Fable)</a></li><li><a href="#43">planar nexus (1400)</a></li><li><a href="#44">Holiday Oneshot (D&D)</a></li><li><a href="#46">Small Medium Large (Troika!)</a></li><li><a href="#48">Spelljammer (D&D)</a></li><li><a href="#49">Betrayal at House on the Hill (D&D)</a></li><li><a href="#50">Ultraviolet Grasslands (Halberts (Fantasy Traveler))</a></li><li><a href="#51">Twilight Dungeon of the Void Magus (Fighting Fantasy Hack)</a></li><li><a href="#52">An Empty Dream (Girl By Moonlight)</a></li><li><a href="#53">Fronds of Benevolence (Troika!)</a></li><li><a href="#54">Last Things Last (Delta Green)</a></li><li><a href="#55">Dark Conspiracy (Die 100 Times)</a></li><article>
<h2 id=0>Storm King's Thunder (Dungeons & Dragons) <small><a href="#0">#</a></small></h2>
@ -743,6 +743,46 @@ It is super fun!</p>
<p>Having captured both raider scout ships, the gang returns to the port of Thanalus and offloads the prisoners and slaves so they can be given medical care. The thri-kreen caravan shows up. They build out a crew for it and Thalia’s Vengence. Jolly has a brief moment of communing with the thri-kreen hivemind. The ships set sail and discover Black Mountain, a legendary floating island that crawls slowly across the silt sea. They are able to dock in the pirates cove, and make their way up to the prisoners floor.</p>
<h3 id="u97">2024-09-06 <small><a href="#u97">#</a></small></h3>
<p>First time back at the table in over three months! Huzzah! The gang gets sent to pirate orientation by Jer. They get lanyards and welcome packets and everything. For the combination safety training / teambuilding exercise, they have to row across a lake while being shot at with beanbag cannons. They hurt if they hit you! Lucia clouds Mad Moira’s mind and makes her take a shining to Jolly because she looks like her lost daughter. As a result, Jolly is able to pick pocket a compass from her, and also Moira gets the cannoneers to shoot wide of Jolly. Neither Jolly nor Lucia can row worth a shit and eventually give up. Dakka and Darragh each grab two oars and bring them home. (Diablo captains.) Now it’s time for the gang to operate the cannons while the next cohort of new recruits get in the boats.</p>
<h3 id="u98">2024-09-13 <small><a href="#u98">#</a></small></h3>
<p>It’s the gang’s turn to man the cannons and shoot at the next wave of recruits. They have a luted bard and a shaved psionic. (Psionics always shave their head in order to cut down on the resistance as their thoughts leave their head.) Darragh is double wielding cannons, running from one to the other. Lucia is wreaking havoc on the recruits with discreet fire spells, giving them a hot foot, melting the bard’s lute strings, etc. Jolly goes shadow form, spider crawls down the wall, and sprints across the sea to sabotage a boat, but manages to do nothing but get into a tug of war with an oarsman, trying to steal their oar. Bard and Dakka have a bard-off until Doc casts shatter between the boats and destroys them. The bard sinks and drowns.</p>
<p>Bald psionic flirtily slips Lucia a note, but it’s not a flirt note. In the note, bals psionic reveals himself as Veilled Alliance and gives her a contact at the bar. Lucia passes the note to Jolly, who is also Veilled Alliance.</p>
<p>Based on their performance the gang is invited to an executive happy hour at the top of Black Mountain where they are able to rub elbows with the executive suite. Except for the reclusive captain. Jolly makes contact with the VA contact and they arrange a meeting later. Everybody cuts loose a little bit does Walk The Planks (shotskis). Darragh cozies up to Pirate Barbie. Dakka and Diablo both roll a Nat 20 to flip their hair. Everybody weeps at their majesty.</p>
<h3 id="u99">2024-10-04 <small><a href="#u99">#</a></small></h3>
<p>Intern Tim escorts the mostly drunk gang to their quarters. Jolly grabs Diablo and they sneak out to go meet Clara and Kaylick, members of the Gulg cell. Together they devise a plan: The Gulg team will free all the prisoners while the Thanalas team commandeers Black Mountain. They share all the info they have on the schematics and layout of the mountain, and suggest they we scout out the storerooms on level 1 for anything that might help us.</p>
<p>The next morning the gang is hungover in the cafeteria. Diablo helps the slopman invent breakfast burritos. This is gonna be huge for the slopman’s career. Tim seems like a real tool, and we exploit his insecurities to get into the storeroom where we start pocketing stuff. Darragh and Lucia use the Lantern of Illusion and the Scroll of Endless Complaint to set up a smokescreen as we try to leave, but one of the wraith custodians notices us and demands a requisition form as two enormous sand golem guards move to block our exit.</p>
<h3 id="u100">2024-10-18 <small><a href="#u100">#</a></small></h3>
<p>Battle commences! Darragh slap shots all of the jars and bottles on a nearby tabletop at the sand golem, says “Oops!” and the golem takes some water damage. Dakka creates a whirly swirly hypnotic pattern outside the storeroom putting the 2 desk guards into a mindless trance and yells to Tim, “Get us some requisition forms for the love of god!”</p>
<p>Taking a page from Darragh’s book, Diablo says Oops, and pushes an entire shelf over into one of the golems. This releases an expanding, low hanging fog of poisonous miasma. (Diable and Lucia immediately start retching and vomiting everywhere.) It also releases a large feline water elemental that immediately starts laying waste to the sand golem around which it takes form.</p>
<p>Tim rushes in the required paperwork. The wraith by the front door shrieks and Tim’s face is melted clean off. He’s so dead. Paperwork goes everywhere. Diablo vomits all over it. Lucia vomits into a jar and discovers that it is in fact a magic receptacle. She circles around and corners the elemental with a wall of flames and pss-pss-pss it into the jar and closes the lid.</p>
<p>Jolly finds a sweet enchanted grappling hook and hookshots her way up onto the top of the remaining golem Shadow of the Colossus style and stabs deeply down into its sand skull. One wraith is still befuddled by the illusion of Endless Complaint, but the one that just face-off’d Tim steps up to Diablo and slashes at him twice with its ghostly cutlass and Diablo goes down. Dakka rushes over and administers a healing potion. Diablo leaps to his feet and retrieves the six foot long didgeridoo that he has apparently been carrying on his back this whole time and blows into it. The room reverberates with the deep droning bass, and one of the wraiths instantly fully disapparates. (Meta: this is the moment, after over a year and a half of playing this game, that J. realizes she is playing a cleric and has Turn Undead.) After this awesome display of holy power, Diablo does a little jig, takes a deep breath of poison miasma, and promptly goes unconscious again.</p>
<p>Dakka finally manages to complete a requisition form by forging the signature of Scarlett Vein, VP of Plundering, and hands it over to the wraith, and all aggression leaves the room. Okay thanks, looks like everything is in order. You’re free to go, and hey. You have a great day, okay?</p>
<p>Oh okay. Erm, sorry about the mess? Dakka gestures vaguely toward the sopping, smoldering, poisoned, toppled, and scattered bookshelves and items strewn about the storeroom floor.</p>
<p>Don’t you worry about it at all! It actually happens <em>all the time.</em></p>
<p>So the gang leaves with a lot of sick loot and magical items.</p>
<center>🎲🎲</center> </article>
<h2 id=40>Castiron Sworn (Ironsworn) <small><a href="#40">#</a></small></h2>
@ -1011,6 +1051,11 @@ Gliftwirp continues quietly to himself, under his breath, “Robble robble,
<p>So the gang gets back together and has dinner at Moonflower’s (aka Dr. Tabitha Day), where Tabitha tells the story of Our Lady of the Atom: herself (Tabitha Day), Albert Storm, and Agatha Vogel. And how they successfully breached the border between our world and the Dreaming, but at great cost: Storm experienced our world’s first transcendence, merging briefly with a dream entity; Vogel’s consciousness became trapped between the two worlds leaving her as “the conduit” and also in a coma for 30 years. Dr. Day has spent the intervening years obsessed to various degrees with the experiment that took Agatha from her.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, Nif and Cary have a terrible falling out after Cary discovers Nif’s secret family history. Cary takes it out on the punching bag in the training room, and Nif draws away and starts a garden at the hideout. Janus loses herself in Moonflower’s lab book, leaving Calliope to try to mend the relationship between the two at the Arbys.</p>
<h3 id="u96">2024-09-02 <small><a href="#u96">#</a></small></h3>
<p>The gang heads down to the abandoned K-Mart. Jordan Flowers opened the portal and some dream critters came out. A rat king, a possum, and a raccoon. The Scavengers. Lykos eclipsed and went dark. Turned on Concordia. Concordia wasn’t having it. Cronos figured out how to close the portal. Lykos ran away, and Concordia called Raven / Corvus to talk them down. Eventually it worked, and everybody went for Arbys.</p>
<center>🎲🎲</center> </article>
<h2 id=53>Fronds of Benevolence (Troika!) <small><a href="#53">#</a></small></h2>
@ -1,4 +1,49 @@
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<h3 id="u100">2024-10-18 D&D: Tales of Athas<small><a href="#u100">#</a></small></h3>
<p>Battle commences! Darragh slap shots all of the jars and bottles on a nearby tabletop at the sand golem, says “Oops!” and the golem takes some water damage. Dakka creates a whirly swirly hypnotic pattern outside the storeroom putting the 2 desk guards into a mindless trance and yells to Tim, “Get us some requisition forms for the love of god!”</p>
<p>Taking a page from Darragh’s book, Diablo says Oops, and pushes an entire shelf over into one of the golems. This releases an expanding, low hanging fog of poisonous miasma. (Diable and Lucia immediately start retching and vomiting everywhere.) It also releases a large feline water elemental that immediately starts laying waste to the sand golem around which it takes form.</p>
<p>Tim rushes in the required paperwork. The wraith by the front door shrieks and Tim’s face is melted clean off. He’s so dead. Paperwork goes everywhere. Diablo vomits all over it. Lucia vomits into a jar and discovers that it is in fact a magic receptacle. She circles around and corners the elemental with a wall of flames and pss-pss-pss it into the jar and closes the lid.</p>
<p>Jolly finds a sweet enchanted grappling hook and hookshots her way up onto the top of the remaining golem Shadow of the Colossus style and stabs deeply down into its sand skull. One wraith is still befuddled by the illusion of Endless Complaint, but the one that just face-off’d Tim steps up to Diablo and slashes at him twice with its ghostly cutlass and Diablo goes down. Dakka rushes over and administers a healing potion. Diablo leaps to his feet and retrieves the six foot long didgeridoo that he has apparently been carrying on his back this whole time and blows into it. The room reverberates with the deep droning bass, and one of the wraiths instantly fully disapparates. (Meta: this is the moment, after over a year and a half of playing this game, that J. realizes she is playing a cleric and has Turn Undead.) After this awesome display of holy power, Diablo does a little jig, takes a deep breath of poison miasma, and promptly goes unconscious again.</p>
<p>Dakka finally manages to complete a requisition form by forging the signature of Scarlett Vein, VP of Plundering, and hands it over to the wraith, and all aggression leaves the room. Okay thanks, looks like everything is in order. You’re free to go, and hey. You have a great day, okay?</p>
<p>Oh okay. Erm, sorry about the mess? Dakka gestures vaguely toward the sopping, smoldering, poisoned, toppled, and scattered bookshelves and items strewn about the storeroom floor.</p>
<p>Don’t you worry about it at all! It actually happens <em>all the time.</em></p>
<p>So the gang leaves with a lot of sick loot and magical items.</p>
<h3 id="u99">2024-10-04 D&D: Tales of Athas<small><a href="#u99">#</a></small></h3>
<p>Intern Tim escorts the mostly drunk gang to their quarters. Jolly grabs Diablo and they sneak out to go meet Clara and Kaylick, members of the Gulg cell. Together they devise a plan: The Gulg team will free all the prisoners while the Thanalas team commandeers Black Mountain. They share all the info they have on the schematics and layout of the mountain, and suggest they we scout out the storerooms on level 1 for anything that might help us.</p>
<p>The next morning the gang is hungover in the cafeteria. Diablo helps the slopman invent breakfast burritos. This is gonna be huge for the slopman’s career. Tim seems like a real tool, and we exploit his insecurities to get into the storeroom where we start pocketing stuff. Darragh and Lucia use the Lantern of Illusion and the Scroll of Endless Complaint to set up a smokescreen as we try to leave, but one of the wraith custodians notices us and demands a requisition form as two enormous sand golem guards move to block our exit.</p>
<h3 id="u98">2024-09-13 D&D: Tales of Athas<small><a href="#u98">#</a></small></h3>
<p>It’s the gang’s turn to man the cannons and shoot at the next wave of recruits. They have a luted bard and a shaved psionic. (Psionics always shave their head in order to cut down on the resistance as their thoughts leave their head.) Darragh is double wielding cannons, running from one to the other. Lucia is wreaking havoc on the recruits with discreet fire spells, giving them a hot foot, melting the bard’s lute strings, etc. Jolly goes shadow form, spider crawls down the wall, and sprints across the sea to sabotage a boat, but manages to do nothing but get into a tug of war with an oarsman, trying to steal their oar. Bard and Dakka have a bard-off until Doc casts shatter between the boats and destroys them. The bard sinks and drowns.</p>
<p>Bald psionic flirtily slips Lucia a note, but it’s not a flirt note. In the note, bals psionic reveals himself as Veilled Alliance and gives her a contact at the bar. Lucia passes the note to Jolly, who is also Veilled Alliance.</p>
<p>Based on their performance the gang is invited to an executive happy hour at the top of Black Mountain where they are able to rub elbows with the executive suite. Except for the reclusive captain. Jolly makes contact with the VA contact and they arrange a meeting later. Everybody cuts loose a little bit does Walk The Planks (shotskis). Darragh cozies up to Pirate Barbie. Dakka and Diablo both roll a Nat 20 to flip their hair. Everybody weeps at their majesty.</p>
<h3 id="u97">2024-09-06 D&D: Tales of Athas<small><a href="#u97">#</a></small></h3>
<p>First time back at the table in over three months! Huzzah! The gang gets sent to pirate orientation by Jer. They get lanyards and welcome packets and everything. For the combination safety training / teambuilding exercise, they have to row across a lake while being shot at with beanbag cannons. They hurt if they hit you! Lucia clouds Mad Moira’s mind and makes her take a shining to Jolly because she looks like her lost daughter. As a result, Jolly is able to pick pocket a compass from her, and also Moira gets the cannoneers to shoot wide of Jolly. Neither Jolly nor Lucia can row worth a shit and eventually give up. Dakka and Darragh each grab two oars and bring them home. (Diablo captains.) Now it’s time for the gang to operate the cannons while the next cohort of new recruits get in the boats.</p>
<h3 id="u96">2024-09-02 Girl By Moonlight: An Empty Dream<small><a href="#u96">#</a></small></h3>
<p>The gang heads down to the abandoned K-Mart. Jordan Flowers opened the portal and some dream critters came out. A rat king, a possum, and a raccoon. The Scavengers. Lykos eclipsed and went dark. Turned on Concordia. Concordia wasn’t having it. Cronos figured out how to close the portal. Lykos ran away, and Concordia called Raven / Corvus to talk them down. Eventually it worked, and everybody went for Arbys.</p>
<h3 id="u95">2024-08-20 Girl By Moonlight: An Empty Dream<small><a href="#u95">#</a></small></h3>
Reference in New Issue