gamelog all the games i play Pathfinder - Agents of Edgewatch 2021-02-26 Troika! - 13 Story Bizarre 2021-04-29 ]]> Troika! - So You've Been Thrown Down A Well 2021-04-29 ]]> Dungeons and Dragons - Storm King's Thunder 2021-05-02 Troika! - Dome Riders (Homebrew) 2021-05-15 Troika - Cocaine and Alligators: Florida Man Sphere 2021-05-23 ]]> Mothership - Picket Line Tango 2021-06-01 Mausritter - Honey Rafters 2021-06-07 ]]> Smithy of Sacrilege - Anvil (Homebrew) 2021-09-16 ]]> 2-bit - Numenera 2021-10-31 Troika - Moon's Shot 2021-10-31 Troika - Moon's Shot 2021-10-31 ]]> Cthulhu Dark - Garrets Ranch 2021-10-31 ]]> Marvelous Mutations and Merry Musicians - Rockaway Beach 2021-10-31 ]]> Mothership - Picket Line Tango 2021-10-31 ]]> Wicked Ones (Forged in the Dark) - Wicked Friends 2021-10-31 ]]> Troika! - Acid Death Fantasy 2021-10-31 ]]> troika - crapland 2 2021-11-05 ]]> Giraffe Wants Best Leaves - Giraffe Wants Best Leaves 2021-12-05 ]]> Into the Odd - yule homebrew 2021-12-21 DandD - Quiet Midwinter Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:27:52 -0700 ]]> 2400 Exiles - Ultraviolet Grasslands Wed, 29 Dec 2021 12:54:05 -0700 ]]> Cthulhu Dark - Arkham 1628 Thu, 03 Feb 2022 21:43:52 -0700 Brindlewood Bay - Dad Overboard Thu, 10 Feb 2022 21:07:12 -0700 ]]> Risus - To Kill A God 2022-02-11 ]]> Smithy of Sacrilege - Anvil (Homebrew) 2022-02-11 DandD - Strixhaven 2022-02-21 Pathfinder - Agents of Edgewatch 2022-02-22 DandD - Strixhaven 2022-03-16 maze rats - Nyolibhotep’s sewers Mon, 18 Apr 2022 14:37:49 -0600 Troika! - 13 Story Bizarre 2022-05-12 Facing the Titan - facing the titan Sat, 04 Jun 2022 17:51:55 -0600 Old School Essentials - Lichway Sat, 11 Jun 2022 20:35:10 -0600 Trophy Gold - a game of trophy gold Wed, 29 Jun 2022 09:14:42 -0600 Shoes In The Dark - Basement Quest 2022-07-13 ]]> Thousand Year Old Vampire - Orion Valentine Sat, 16 Jul 2022 18:36:19 -0600 Tricube Tales - Guardians of the Shadow Frontier 2022-08-23 OHOS. We didn't have time for a OHMOS. So we'll play again next week. Did a lot more roleplay than Getting Stuff Done. Found out that Toobin is superstitious, and shy around people who aren't Guardians. Tricube is fun. Never heard of it before Tibbius suggested it. Excited to explore further the karma/resolve + quirk/perk mechanics. I kind of like the meta token currency. ]]> Brighter Worlds - cleric+thief 2022-08-30 ]]> Dragonfly D6 - dragonflyd6 Tue, 30 Aug 2022 07:16:51 -0600 the first playlogs can be found on medium: in the second session, Sid and Midge arrive at the Angles house, and shit goes immediately sideways. Sid heads in to talk with speak with Isolde Angles who behaved and moved most unnatural. Meanwhile Midge tried to sneak around the side of the house but got covered in eggs, and then chased by the mosquito-stuffed skin suit of Mick the dispatcher. Sid eventually came to her rescue as Miss Donnelly climbed out of the cab. It was a total horror show. Midge was not in control. It was really fun! ]]> none/fkr - Cap'n Mushroom and the Case of the Red Slipper Fri, 09 Sep 2022 09:23:12 -0600 erika played Maelo, a tomb raider / cat burglar with a bit of razzle dazzle magic. I was Cinder, a grizzled sell-sword who has agreed to do just ONE more job so he can retire and be a mushroom farmer. He's is also a former beloved child actor, star of *Li'l Fatso's Jamboree*. We were called in to investigate the gruesome murder of Baron von Leffe's squire. They were besieged by bandits out on the road. The Baron escaped, but the boy was skewered by arrows and had his right arm cleaved off and absconded with! The latest in a string of arm thefts. Cinder and Maelo quickly established a great Watson/Holmes dynamic, and discovered that the wounds from the arrows display necrotization consistent with the Red Slipper mushroom that grows in the graveyard. In a cut scene, the two set up a trust and a will so that in the event of their unfortunate demise, the Li'l Fatso Memorial Mushroom Farm will be established to teach children the joys of composting. Sean pointed out afterwards that there were no dice rolls whatsoever, which I find delightful. ]]> Adventure Skeletons - Boneheads Fri, 09 Sep 2022 09:39:48 -0600 i've been wanting to play this one for quite some time because it looks silly and ridiculous. Our characters were Vinnie, a sadistic former garbage collector with a vengeance streak a mile wide; Snak, a former orc; and xxx, who used to have a gambling problem. The skeletons surfaced near a busy crossroads and encountered a shepherd who kicked Vinnie in the pelvis. Snak scared him off, and he ran away with his sheep, vowing to report them to the Visiting Lord. They regrouped in a nearby barn where they found a shrine to the Visiting Lord. They took apart a goat, Vinnie wearing its pelvis and one of its legs, xxx wearing its head as a hand. The sweet little old farm lady came by and, confusing the skeletons for her long lost Eustice, offered them soup and redemption. But they knifed her to death anyway. Bert the farmhand stumbled upon the scene and hit Snak in the pelvis with a shovel, knocking her to pieces. They took out Bert, stole a horse, and burned down the barn. They came up with a two part plan: vengeance on the shepherd boy, and confront the Visiting Lord. Snak put on a disguise and pretended to be Clarissa, the milkmaid for whom the boy pines. While he was distracted, xxx appeared on horseback and Vinnie leaped down from above and sent the boy, his love unrequited, into the wild blue yonder with one swift kick to the crotch with his +1 Pelvis Kicking Boots. Now all well disguised, they ventured into the village and found the Church of the Visiting Lord. They confronted him, and he turned out to be Eccentric Kevin, a fellow skeleton and frenemy from the wizard's dungeon. They put Kevin's skull on display on the church as a religious symbol and mouthpiece for their agenda, began to rotate through the role of the Visiting Lord themselves, and started to tax their congregants heavily. Amassing wealth and spreading their new religion became their new mission. ]]> Troika - Acid Death Fantasy 2022-09-16 Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2022-09-28 I missed the entire fight with the 'mirror wolves', but dropped back in just in time to pick back up the original murdered lover mystery, which is exactly where i left off. Brine left the game, sean i think got busy with something else, so it was just me and tibbs, which was just fine ]]> plasma torch - untitled Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:52:29 -0600 a one-on-one OHOS with tibbius it was short and fun! there are two parts to playing the game: 1. doing stuff: roll d6. +d6 if your background applies, +d6 if you can use your equipment. 5 - 6 = success, 1 - 4 = fail. 2. resource die: if you fail, roll d8. 1 - 2 = step down your resource die to d4, and your resources are depleted. if you fail on a d4, you die, or whatever. running the game looks super easy. there are tables for generating rooms and complications as you explore the derelict ship. i think the resource die is a fascinating way to represent health and death and resources and depletion all in one handy little mechanic. during the game, my character (Naylen, a rugged ex-convict with a crowbar) sneaked in through an airlock onto an abandoned, derelict pleasure cruiser to find some loot. they struggled a little bit to get the airlock to work, but then made their way into the hallway and down into a medical bay. (which was locked, but Nalyen guessed the password; it was 1234.) inside the medical bay, he was confronted with some kind of tentacular eldrich horror / medical experiment. it crushed him and ripped his space suit, but he bopped it with his crowbar and got away. and then we had to stop two thumbs up, would play again! tibbius said he'd be interesting in adapting the system to some kind of fantasy dungeon crawler, and i agree that would be fun. ]]> DandD - Strixhaven 2022-10-06 Brindlewood Bay - Good Buy, Cruel World Wed, 26 Oct 2022 20:47:24 -0600 Here's a character sheet if you want to use it. ]]> DandD - Tales of Athas 2022-11-17 DandD 5e - Zigs and Dragons 2022-12-03 Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2023-01-04 Lisergia - 36 Corollaries of Lisergia 2023-01-04 ]]> Ironsworn - Castiron Sworn 2023-01-04 Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2023-01-10 1400 - planar nexus 2023-01-16 DandD - Holiday Oneshot Thu, 19 Jan 2023 22:03:34 -0700 They were a little hillbilly, a little redneck. Straight from the swamp. A little uncouth. We had to go save Santa from (spoilers) Cleff Tezos, who wanted his company, The Nile, to be the sole supplier of Christmas Toys. So he made a big old evil Robosanta to go on a rampage in the North Pole. Structure was great. Like, 85% puzzles and 15% combat. We had to find a key, a code, and an RFID card do get into Santa's Palace. That was the puzzle part. During the final part, there was a dance-off mechanic that the DM came up with before realizing that the part was 60% bards. Anyway, super fun. Haven't gotten to play 5e as a player in a while. Good times. Hopefully I get to play with this group some more in the future. ]]> 1400 - planar nexus 2023-01-23 Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2023-01-24 Sleepaway - Camp Spookypants 2023-01-26 1400 - planar nexus 2023-01-30 Troika! - Small Medium Large Thu, 09 Feb 2023 20:36:26 -0700 Been a while since I played some Troika. Good times. We had a lawyer, a sorcerer of friends, a dwarf, and a gremlin catcher. ]]> 2-bit - Numenera 2023-02-11 ]]> DandD 5e - Zigs and Dragons 2023-02-16 Sleepaway - Camp Spookypants 2023-02-26 1400 - planar nexus 2023-02-26 Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2023-02-26 ]]> Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2023-02-26 Risus - To Kill A God 2023-02-26 Quarrel and Fable - Newton Handle 2023-02-26 Gliftwirp bites into a burger that he swiped from somewhere, closes his eyes, and sighs happily. > "How grand that your falcon-headed god gave you his own sight as a boon! How grand that you can even know your god!" > "Sadly, my god grants no boons and answers no prayers. It is a long story with which I shall not tire you okay fine if you insist." > He settles in to tell a story. > "Long, long ago, my god (whose name I cannot say for reasons you will soon understand) was a member of high stature in the Court of the God King. And his best friend and closest confidante was the court jester, Rhahn Ald. But their friendship would end in tragedy! Just listen and you will know why." > "You see, Rhahn Ald, the trickster, had quietly and discreetly been stealing magical items from the king's coffers, slowly, over the years, accumulating glamour that he used to increase his influence in the court, to weaken the God King's mind and make him reliant on him. My god (whose name I cannot say) eventually found out and threatened to expose Rhahn Ald. So the mad jester framed his best friend, and easily convinced the God King of his guilt." > "So as punishment, everything was stolen from my god, including his name. The Court of the God King will only allow him to be referred to as the Evil Nemesis. (Bit dramatic don't you think?) He also had his handsome physique stolen from him: he now inhabits the form of a large, four-armed, purple worm. And he had his home and all his land stolen from him: he now resides in a damp cave. Most cruelly, he had his intellect stolen: he remains just barely aware of what he used to be, of what was taken from him. But his eloquence is gone. He is incapable of forming the words he needs to defend himself, or gather followers to his cause." > Gliftwirp sighs sadly and nods. "My god was cursed and exiled because of the evil trickster god Rhahn Ald." > "And in retribution for his wrongful suffering, his followers turn to holy acquisitions and righteous theft. Just as everything was taken from our beloved Evil Nemesis, so do we take and redistribute. And so we shall until he is redeemed and restored to his rightful place." > Gliftwirp continues quietly to himself, under his breath, "Robble robble, Amen," and takes another bite of his hamburger. > "I truly am happy that you get to know your falcon-headed god, Kiara. It is a gift I hope you won't take for granted!" ]]> DandD - Betrayal at House on the Hill Fri, 04 Aug 2023 21:53:12 -0600 DandD 5e - Zigs and Dragons 2023-08-30 Smithy of Sacrilege - Anvil (Homebrew) 2023-08-30 Halberts (Fantasy Traveler) - Ultraviolet Grasslands Thu, 14 Dec 2023 12:53:50 -0700 ]]> Fighting Fantasy Hack - Twilight Dungeon of the Void Magus Tue, 19 Dec 2023 09:25:41 -0700 LTLT OHOH with Sean and Florik. I played Roderik the Frail (because I rolled abysmally low Stamina), a librarian and amateur entomologist who wants to make a quick buck and to capture some rare insects. Florik was Lonk the Lazy Jewelry Store Guard, who just wants to go fishing. I don't actually know what system Sean was running, but it had the familiar Skill Stamina Luck format of Fighting Fantasy, which I know he loves. Banter between Roderik and Lonk was jolly good. Brain and muscle. We explored the dungeon, avoided the Invisible Apes, captured a blind salamander, found a secret passage and a hoard of jewels, and fought off a *dwelf* or dwarf-elf. (It was "a bearded elf" that we rp-ed into being a dwarf / elf hybrid, yee-haw!) 10/10 would play again! ]]> DandD - Spelljammer 2024-01-03 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream Thu, 04 Jan 2024 11:01:42 -0700 ]]> DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-01-27 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream Wed, 31 Jan 2024 22:27:31 -0700 DandD - Tales of Athas Sat, 02 Feb 2024 09:51:47 -0700 Troika! - Fronds of Benevolence 2024-02-03 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream 2024-02-06 DandD - Spelljammer 2023-02-23 DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-02-23 DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-03-08 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream 2024-03-19 Delta Green - Last Things Last 2024-03-20 Die 100 Times - Dark Conspiracy 2024-03-19 DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-03-23 Delta Green - Last Things Last 2024-03-28 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream 2024-03-26 Delta Green - Last Things Last 2024-04-03 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream 2024-04-09 DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-04-19 DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-05-03 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream 2024-04-23 DandD - Tales of Athas 2024-05-17 Girl By Moonlight - An Empty Dream 2024-05-28