database := "db/games.rec" # show all commands default: just -l --unsorted # how many games played @played: recsel -t Game -e "Role = 'Player'" -P Module -C {{database}} # how many games ran @ran: recsel -t Game -e "Role = 'DM'" -P Module -C {{database}} # ongoing @ongoing: recsel -t Game -e 'Status = "Ongoing"' -p System,Module {{database}} # show all in year year x: recsel -t Game -e 'Updated >> "{{x}}-01-01"' -P "Module,System,Updated" {{database}} alias n := cli alias new := cli alias u := cli alias update := cli # start cli cli: sh bin/ # build da html html: sh bin/ # rss feed feed: sh bin/ # copy to blog export: just html && cp dist/index.html ../dozens-and-dragons/out/gamelog/ # DO THE THANG build: html feed # upload up: build rsync -azP --exclude=.git dist/* tilde:public_html/gamelog # do everything all: build up