# Gardener 🌱 This is a tool for making a weed. weed : short for "web feed" : an rss-only blog (All of the content is in the RSS feed. There is no web content.) ## About This uses pandoc's `--template` flag to create an rss feed item. See `feed.tmpl`. ## Motivation RSS is dead, but we never stopped using it. We are the necromancers who fill it with the foul mimicry of life. ## Requirements - [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) - [casey/just](https://github.com/casey/just) - [sharkdp/fd](https://github.com/sharkdp/fd) ## Getting Started 1. Edit the `vars` section at the top of the justfile 2. Edit the `author` tag in `feed.tmpl`. Or, as a learning exercise, change the contents of the tag to `$author$` and start including an "author" value in the front matter of all your markdown sources. See how that works? 3. Create a new markdown file in `/src` 4. Give it the following YAML metadata block ``` --- title: 'title of my post' created_at: 'Mon, 24 Jan 2022 17:26:03 -0700' --- ``` Note that values need to be quoted. Note further that the timestamp should in RFC 5532 format. (`date -R`) 5. Write the rest of your post 6. Run `just build` to assemble your xml 7. Edit the `up` recipe in the justfile so you can upload to your server. 8. If you're feeling swoopy, run `just all` to build and upload in one fell swoop. ## Acknowledgments Thanks to the #basement crew for making such a lovely garden full of beautiful weeds <3