# vars feed_title := "confessions of a gardener" feed_desc := "all about my dirty life and times" feed_href := "https://example.com/weed/feed.xml" outfile := "feed.xml" # show all available commands default: just --list # build feed.xml build: #!/bin/sh echo "Building xml file!!" echo "" > {{outfile}} echo "" >> {{outfile}} echo " " >> {{outfile}} echo " " >> {{outfile}} echo " {{feed_title}}" >> {{outfile}} echo " {{feed_href}}" >> {{outfile}} echo " {{feed_desc}}" >> {{outfile}} fd . 'src/' -e md -x pandoc --template=feed.tmpl >> {{outfile}} echo " " >> {{outfile}} echo " " >> {{outfile}} echo "Done building xml file \o/" # upload feed.xml up: @echo "Uploading to server!!" #@rsync -azP feed.xml server:www/weed/ @echo "Done uploading to server \o/" # build and upload all: build up @echo "Roger dodger, it's all done: you have tended your garden 🌱"