GEMREC(1) # NAME gemrec - a gemlog powered by recutils # SYNOPSIS gemrec [options] # DESCRIPTION gemrec is a wrapper for GNU recutils that turns a recfile database full of posts into a gemlog. Features include: - All posts and metadata centrally located in a single rec database - Gemlog posts, each with a metadata block and tags - A gemsub compatible index of posts - A page for each tag, linking back to each tagged page, and an index of tags - An atom feed # OPTIONS ## gemrec build|b Buid all: feed, gemlog (and index), and tags (and index) ## gemrec b|build f|feed Build feed ## gemrec b|build g|gemlog Build gemlog pages that are older than the record's _updated_ value. And the index. ## gemrec b|build t|tag|tags Build tag pages, and the index. ## gemrec e|edit Edit an existing post. The post will be opened in $EDITOR. First the editable metadata. (Title, flags, tags.) And then in a second editor instance, the post body. ## gemrec n|new Create a new post ## gemrec s|static Copy static files (images, static pages, etc) from _/static_ to the build dir. ## gemrec u|up|upload Upload to a remote server. # SEE ALSO _gemrec(5)_ _recsel_(1) _recset_(1) # AUTHORS dozens