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<h1 class="title">all of my computing devices</h1>
<p class="date">2023-10-23</p>
<li><p>macbook pro 15-inch 2018: personal laptop, main driver. i fucking
hate this keyboard, and i dislike the touchbar, and i miss having
standard usb ports and an hdmi port. i cant believe ive been angry
about this computer for five years now..</p></li>
<li><p>pinebook pro 14-inch, 2020: my backup ARM/Linux laptop that i
dont use all that much. its fun for writing, some coding, and messing
around with linux and i3.</p></li>
<li><p>freewrite traveler: a small e-ink digital typewriter gifted to me
by vilm. kind of a novelty. sometimes i will draft a blog post or email
on it.</p></li>
<li><p>nintendo switch: im not 100% they count as “computing devices”
but im going to include handheld consoles here as well. i got the
switch for my birthday in 2022 and have been jamming on some legend of
zelda: breath of the wild, and some animal crossing.</p></li>
<li><p>playdate: the tiny 1-bit, bright yellow, handcrank, gaming
device. the a button got kind of stuck within a week of having it.
currently waiting for them to ship a replacement. but its cute as hell
and i love it. its 99% awesome. i wish it had some networking, and i
wish you could load games on it without going through <a
href="" class="uri"></a>. but i love
the open development platform, and i love all the nifty weird little
games that folks are making for it.</p></li>
<li><p>iphone xs: its a phone. i dont love phones. in fact, i kind of
hate phones. they do not spark joy, and just seem like a necessity. ive
had this one for a long time, replaced a broken screen instead of
replacing the phone. and i might do that again. (theres a fine crack on
the screen along the bottom.) the next phone i buy will likely not be an
iphone. im just kind of over apple making crappy hardware these days.
(see: “macbook pro” above. also see: i teach at a fitness studio, and i
need a goddamn headphone jack please!) im definitely not interested in
buying new. probably ever. and i am interested in hanging onto this one
as long as i can mostly out of spite and to protest e-waste and
<li><p>ipad: i dont even know what year or model. its a smaller one,
and an older one. a hand-me-down after p upgraded. i use it to read pdfs
from my digital <abbr title="tabletop roleplaying game">ttrpg</abbr>
collection, and thats pretty much it.</p></li>
<li><p>kindle: the basic touch model with a lit screen. an upgrate after
i dropped my beloved 4way-No-Touch in water and bricked it. its pretty
great! but my dream reader would be the 4-way-button with a light, no
touchscreen. its too easy to accidentally activate the touchscreen with
my large clumsy man hands.</p></li>
<li><p>mnt pocket reform: a tiny computer. it has been slow to ship! i
purchased it probably over a year ago, and i still dont have it yet.
but i am looking forward to slinging it into a bag or a large pocket and
doing some writing/coding on the go. well see. the traveler hasnt
really gotten me to write on the go that much. but on the other hand,
the traveler isnt that super fantastic.</p></li>