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2023-11-16 21:52:17 +00:00
<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>list blog</title>
<link></link><description>a blog that is just a bunch of lists</description><atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" href=""/>
2024-02-22 18:16:16 +00:00
<title>00001: stuff that starts with s that i like to do when i spend the afternoon at the gym</title>
2023-11-16 21:52:17 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-21 00001</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Sep 21 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<title>00002: how to cheer someone up </title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-23 00002</guid>
<pubDate>Sat Sep 23 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<title>00003: markup and layout i have used to publish games on</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-26 00003</guid>
<pubDate>Tue Sep 26 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>google docs -> pdf
<li>`pandoc -f markdown -t pdf`
<title>00004: things that subvert expectations of normalcy if you don't already know the ending</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-28 00004</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Sep 28 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<title>00005: things that my elderly dog cannot or will not do any longer that taken as a whole let me know that i will need to put him down soon</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-30 00005</guid>
<pubDate>Sat Sep 30 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>have a normal heartbeat
<title>00006: for kindrobot, some good games to sideload on your playdate</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-06 00006</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Oct 6 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>woodland: a zelda-like, and probably the best game of the bunch :: <>
<li>crunky: weeeeee jumping! :: <>
<li>rain blocks: it's tetris! :: <>
<li>super corporate tax evader: lolol :: <>
<li>root bear: flawless execution of a dead simple concept. great art. :: <>
<li>upward: a platformer where the ONLY thing you can do is jump straight up :: <>
<title>00007: every studio i have ever taught yoga at has ended up closing</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-10 00007</guid>
<pubDate>Tue Oct 10 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>the studio i did my teacher training at closed down and became a core power
<li>that one weird tiny barre / yoga studio a friend / colleague of mine helped manage that one time for what felt like just a couple months
<li>the small privately owned studio that sold to a local chain, and then the local chain imploded and closed all their locations during the covid lockdowns
<li>the boutique athletic club by my house closed down, so i started teaching at the location by my office, and then that one closed down too
<title>00008: things that are not coins according to</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-11 00008</guid>
<pubDate>Wed Oct 11 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>1943 US pennies
<li>alcohol wipes
<li>animal crackers
<li>animal or human teeth
<li>belt clips
<li>bent coins
<li>bottle caps
<li>broken glass
<li>candy wrappers
<li>cat litter
<li>commemorative coins
<li>contact lenses
<li>cotton balls
<li>cotton swabs
<li>cuff links
<li>damaged coins
<li>dirty coins
<li>dog food
<li>drill bits
<li>ear plugs
<li>Eisenhower silver dollars
<li>finger nails
<li>flash drives
<li>foam objects
<li>foreign coins
<li>french fries
<li>fruit snacks
<li>gold fish
<li>guitar picks
<li>gum wrappers
<li>gummy worms/bears
<li>hair clips
<li>jar lids
<li>key chains
<li>miniature dice
<li>name tags
<li>paper clips
<li>pen caps
<li>pine cone parts
<li>pipe cleaners
<li>playing cards
<li>pop can tabs
<li>popsicle sticks
<li>quilt squares
<li>rubber bands
<li>rubber lid seals
<li>screw driver bits
<li>SD cards
<li>tie tacks
<li>tire caps
<li>tooth picks
<li>tree bark
<li>wall hooks
<li>watch bands
<title>00009: how in the name of heck are you supposed to do all the things in a day</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-20 00009</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Oct 20 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>physical therapy
<li>work out
<li>intermittent fasting
<li>eat well
<li>walk the dog
<li>listen to podcast
<li>read book
<li>do job / earn a living
<li>take a nap because wow
<li>go to bed on time
<title>00010: recent creative works based on frasier</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-21 00010</guid>
<pubDate>Sat Oct 21 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>Our Frasier Remake: a crowdsourced, collaborative art project where more than 130 [artists] from 11 different countries have remade the Seattle Psychiatrist most meta episode... one frame at a time.
<li>Frasier Fantasy: a loving tribute to the show, "Frasier," in turn-based RPG form. Filled with Easter Eggs and callbacks, this is the game for anyone wondering if Eddie ever blinked first.
<title>00011: all of my computing devices</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-23 00011</guid>
<pubDate>Mon Oct 23 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<li>macbook pro 15-inch 2018: personal laptop, main driver. i fucking hate this keyboard, and i dislike the touchbar, and i miss having standard usb ports and an hdmi port. i can't believe i've been angry about this computer for five years now..
<li>pinebook pro 14-inch, 2020: my backup ARM/Linux laptop that i don't use all that much. it's fun for writing, some coding, and messing around with linux and i3.
<li>freewrite traveler: a small e-ink digital typewriter gifted to me by vilm. kind of a novelty. sometimes i will draft a blog post or email on it.
<li>nintendo switch: i'm not 100% they count as "computing devices" but i'm going to include handheld consoles here as well. i got the switch for my birthday in 2022 and have been jamming on some legend of zelda: breath of the wild, and some animal crossing.
<li>playdate: the tiny 1-bit, bright yellow, handcrank, gaming device. the 'a' button got kind of stuck within a week of having it. currently waiting for them to ship a replacement. but it's cute as hell and i love it. it's 99% awesome. i wish it had some networking, and i wish you could load games on it without going through but i love the open development platform, and i love all the nifty weird little games that folks are making for it.
<li>iphone xs: it's a phone. i don't love phones. in fact, i kind of hate phones. they do not spark joy, and just seem like a necessity. i've had this one for a long time, replaced a broken screen instead of replacing the phone. and i might do that again. (there's a fine crack on the screen along the bottom.) the next phone i buy will likely not be an iphone. i'm just kind of over apple making crappy hardware these days. (see: "macbook pro" above. also see: i teach at a fitness studio, and i need a goddamn headphone jack please!) i'm definitely not interested in buying new. probably ever. and i am interested in hanging onto this one as long as i can mostly out of spite and to protest e-waste and consumerism.
<li>ipad: i don't even know what year or model. it's a smaller one, and an older one. a hand-me-down after p upgraded. i use it to read pdfs from my digital <abbr title="tabletop roleplaying game">ttrpg</abbr> collection, and that's pretty much it.
<li>kindle: the basic touch model with a lit screen. an upgrate after i dropped my beloved 4way-No-Touch in water and bricked it. it's pretty great! but my dream reader would be the 4-way-button with a light, no touchscreen. it's too easy to accidentally activate the touchscreen with my large clumsy man hands.
<li>mnt pocket reform: a tiny computer. it has been slow to ship! i purchased it probably over a year ago, and i still don't have it yet. but i am looking forward to slinging it into a bag or a large pocket and doing some writing/coding on the go. we'll see. the traveler hasn't really gotten me to write on the go that much. but on the other hand, the traveler isn't that super fantastic.
<title>00012: a typical day of screentime</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-11-16 00012</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Nov 16 00:00:00 MST 2023
<li>wake up around 7:00, look at phone. helps me stay awake during that period where i'm too tired to get out of bed, but also likely to fall asleep without focusing on something. usually scroll mastodon or discord or whatever blog / article i was last looking at.
<li>morning personal laptop. 1 - 2 hours of blogging, reading, email, projects, video games. usually at my desk.
<li>work. 6 - 8 hours on company laptop. bounce between desk and chair.
<li>early evening: an hour or two on personal laptop ("funtop") on blogging, reading, email, projects, video games.
<li>late evening: time to unwind. move to couch and turn on tv. use laptop simultaneously for catching up on rss feeds, maybe some light work on projects, maybe some minecraft.
<li>bedtime. read on kindle (epubs) or ipad (pdf). maybe some light gaming on the playdate.
2024-02-09 03:30:00 +00:00
<title>00013: how to get into the holiday spirit</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-12-07 00013</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Dec 7 00:00:00 MST 2023
<li>go look at some xman lights
<li>have some hot chocolate
<li>visit the xman market
<li>boil some herbs and spices and dried fruit to make your house smell good
<li>have some mulled wine
<li>put an outfit on your dog
<li>mariah carey
<li>awful holiday movies
<li>put up the tree and decorations
<li>sending xman cards
<li>ice skating
<li>listen to some carolers
<li>go to the holiday parade
<li>make xman cookies
<li>be jolly
<title>00014: new year resolutions</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-01-02 00014</guid>
<pubDate>Tue Jan 2 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>Eat 50 eggs
<li>Lick 30 tigers
<li>Push 100 ups
<li>Bake a cake
<li>Aprender español
<li>Play one guitar chord each month
<li>Learn how to spell Connecticut
<li>Walk to Canada
<li>Plant a herb garden and also some wildflowers
<li>Attack and dethrone God
<li>Take a photograph
<li>Immanentize the eschaton
<li>Activate strengths
<li>Make donuts
<li>Kite photography
<title>00015: things i've always wanted to say</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-01-27 00015</guid>
<pubDate>Sat Jan 27 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>can't you read the sign?
<li>it's crazy, but it just might work
<li>you fool, you've doomed us all!
<li>in accordance with prophecy
<title>00016: software i love</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-02-02 00016</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Feb 2 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>neo/vim: my true love
<li>tmux: allows me to have too many terminal windows open
<li>weechat: irc all day long
<li>just: for collecting scripts and sketching out programs
<li>groff: typesetting
<li>recutils: plaintext database
<li>calibre: all my ebooks!
2024-02-22 18:16:16 +00:00
<title>00017: everyday i fill things with water</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-02-22 00017</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Feb 22 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>water bottles
<li>water bowl for dog
<li>tea kettle
<li>bathtub (most days)
2024-03-01 16:27:04 +00:00
<title>00017: a good morning on computer</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-03-01 00017</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Mar 1 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>browse articles in rss reader
<li>find a blog post i really like
<li>email author and tell them i like their blog
2023-11-16 21:52:17 +00:00