Dozens B. McCuzzins 2024-04-15 20:29:29 -06:00
parent aeb7223d3f
commit 4fbd5bbe99
5 changed files with 255 additions and 1 deletions

src/ 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
name: 00024
title: my gaming groups and how they like to communicate
date: 2024-04-17
- The VULCAMINOS gang. Disbanded and then reformed over the past +10 years. Initially communicated via facebook group. Now SMS text only. The only regular face-to-face, in person game I play. Biweekly ~5 hour session, but a large chunk of that is dinner and social time.
- The BEEKEY BLINDERS gang. Discord text for chatter, discord audio/viodeo for playing. Traditionally a lot of Roll20 for <abbr title="Virtual Tabletop">vtt</abbr>, but lately Foundry. I have met all these people irl. Regular weekly 2 hr.
- The LANTERNLIGHT gang. Friends from .town and beyond. Chatter on discord, play on zoom. Regular weekly ~4hr game.
- The CAMPAIGNWIKI gang. Based out of Switzerland. Experimental play-by-post game happening over irc and nntp. Otherwise discord audio. Chatter on irc / discord.
- The BASEMENT QUEST gang. On hiatus. A gang of people from / the basement. Communicates via irc. Plays via email.
- SEAN'S GANG. A loose group of gamers and designers. Predominantly UK based. All text, all discord. Mostly slow paced play-by-post. Sometimes concentrated bursts of live text games such as during <abbr title="Lunch Time Live Text">LTLT</abbr> and <abbr title="One Houre One Shot">OHOS</abbr> games.
- The PERILOUS gang. Long dormant Troika! play-by-post gang. Started by andy for a game of Acid Death Fantasy. After he left the group, we played a series of adventures featuring mostly the same characters. Also home of the cult classic Dome Riders game. All text, all discord.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ author: dozens
title: lists
summary: a blog that is just a bunch of lists
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/feed.rec
updated: 2024-04-14T08:30:37-06:00
updated: 2024-04-15T20:29:04-06:00
%rec: item
%doc: an item belonging to a recfeed
@ -135,3 +135,8 @@ id: 22
title: every bicycle i have ever had
published: 2024-04-14
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 23
title: my gaming groups and how they like to communicate
published: 2024-04-17
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/

www/00024.html 100644
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<h1 class="title">my gaming groups and how they like to communicate</h1>
<p class="date">2024-04-17</p>
<li><p>The VULCAMINOS gang. Disbanded and then reformed over the past
+10 years. Initially communicated via facebook group. Now SMS text only.
The only regular face-to-face, in person game I play. Biweekly ~5 hour
session, but a large chunk of that is dinner and social time.</p></li>
<li><p>The BEEKEY BLINDERS gang. Discord text for chatter, discord
audio/viodeo for playing. Traditionally a lot of Roll20 for
<abbr title="Virtual Tabletop">vtt</abbr>, but lately Foundry. I have
met all these people irl. Regular weekly 2 hr.</p></li>
<li><p>The LANTERNLIGHT gang. Friends from .town and beyond. Chatter on
discord, play on zoom. Regular weekly ~4hr game.</p></li>
<li><p>The CAMPAIGNWIKI gang. Based out of Switzerland. Experimental
play-by-post game happening over irc and nntp. Otherwise discord audio.
Chatter on irc / discord.</p></li>
<li><p>The BASEMENT QUEST gang. On hiatus. A gang of people from / the basement. Communicates via irc. Plays via
<li><p>SEANS GANG. A loose group of gamers and designers. Predominantly
UK based. All text, all discord. Mostly slow paced play-by-post.
Sometimes concentrated bursts of live text games such as during
<abbr title="Lunch Time Live Text">LTLT</abbr> and
<abbr title="One Houre One Shot">OHOS</abbr> games.</p></li>
<li><p>The PERILOUS gang. Long dormant Troika! play-by-post gang.
Started by andy for a game of Acid Death Fantasy. After he left the
group, we played a series of adventures featuring mostly the same
characters. Also home of the cult classic Dome Riders game. All text,
all discord.</p></li>

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@ -564,4 +564,23 @@
<title>00024: my gaming groups and how they like to communicate</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-04-17 00024</guid>
<pubDate>Wed, 17 Apr 2024 00:00:00 -0600
<li>The VULCAMINOS gang. Disbanded and then reformed over the past +10 years. Initially communicated via facebook group. Now SMS text only. The only regular face-to-face, in person game I play. Biweekly ~5 hour session, but a large chunk of that is dinner and social time.
<li>The BEEKEY BLINDERS gang. Discord text for chatter, discord audio/viodeo for playing. Traditionally a lot of Roll20 for <abbr title="Virtual Tabletop">vtt</abbr>, but lately Foundry. I have met all these people irl. Regular weekly 2 hr.
<li>The LANTERNLIGHT gang. Friends from .town and beyond. Chatter on discord, play on zoom. Regular weekly ~4hr game.
<li>The CAMPAIGNWIKI gang. Based out of Switzerland. Experimental play-by-post game happening over irc and nntp. Otherwise discord audio. Chatter on irc / discord.
<li>The BASEMENT QUEST gang. On hiatus. A gang of people from / the basement. Communicates via irc. Plays via email.
<li>SEAN'S GANG. A loose group of gamers and designers. Predominantly UK based. All text, all discord. Mostly slow paced play-by-post. Sometimes concentrated bursts of live text games such as during <abbr title="Lunch Time Live Text">LTLT</abbr> and <abbr title="One Houre One Shot">OHOS</abbr> games.
<li>The PERILOUS gang. Long dormant Troika! play-by-post gang. Started by andy for a game of Acid Death Fantasy. After he left the group, we played a series of adventures featuring mostly the same characters. Also home of the cult classic Dome Riders game. All text, all discord.

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@ -199,6 +199,8 @@
<h1 class="title">a blog that is just a bunch of lists</h1>
<li><p><time>2024-04-17</time> <a href="00024.html">my gaming groups and
how they like to communicate</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2024-04-14</time> <a href="00023.html">every
<li><p><time>2024-03-29</time> <a href="00022.html">stuff i do while