This commit is contained in:
Dozens B. McCuzzins 2024-03-07 07:11:10 -07:00
parent d9a5cc257f
commit e14a16689c
9 changed files with 537 additions and 175 deletions

View File

@ -67,3 +67,4 @@ recfeed:
recset src/feed.rec -t feed -f updated -s `date -Iseconds`

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: 00017
name: 00018
title: a good morning on computer
date: 2024-03-01

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
name: 00019
title: all of my grandparents
date: 2024-03-04
- paternal grandfather: the most stoic and soft spoken man you'll ever meet. a real sweetheart. died this weekend in his mid 90s.
- paternal grandmother: larger than life family matriarch. one the great loves of my life. things fell apart after she died. mid-2010s.
- maternal grandfather: just as tall and broad as both of my paternal grandparents were small and skinny. cheated on my grandmother with the woman who would become his first wife. brought a woman home from the war and left his wife. theirs lasted and they had tons of kids and grandkids. then when she died he went back to living with his first wife again until he died of dementia, early 2010s
- maternal step-grandmother: the woman from the war. knew her my whole life. very sweet woman. died late 2000s.
- maternal grandmother: spiteful, narcissistic, crazy as a loon. everybody loves her, but ain't nobody can stand her for that long. her daughters turned out fine but I can't hardly see how. the only one left now at the time of this writing.
- maternal step-grandfather: a real wiseass and a lifelong athlete. charming, handsome, and funny. he and my grandmother can't stand each other, but they insisted on staying together for some reason nobody can understand. lyme disease made him very uncomfortable and very angry later in life. died mid-2010s

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name: 00020
title: things that because of the ruptured disc in my back I cannot do or can only do with great difficulty and or pain
date: 2024-03-07
- standing
- walking
- sitting down
- standing up
- getting into cars
- bending over a counter
- cooking
- cleaning
- reaching the dishwasher
- reaching into the pantry
- lifting things
- carrying things
- showering
- putting on shoes and socks
- laughing
- coughing
- sneezing
- for some reason, opening my mouth to eat sometimes
- sleeping
- driving
- social engagements
- concentrate on things
- go to my grandfather's funeral

View File

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ author: dozens
title: lists
summary: a blog that is just a bunch of lists
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/feed.rec
updated: 2024-02-11T12:41:53-07:00
updated: 2024-03-07T07:10:58-07:00
%rec: item
%doc: an item belonging to a recfeed
%key: id
%key: location
%type: id int
%auto: id
%type: title,summary,location line
@ -102,176 +102,21 @@ published: 2024-02-02
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 16
title: stuff that starts with s that i like to do when i spend the afternoon at the gym
published: 2023-09-21
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
title: everyday i fill things with water
published: 2024-02-22
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 17
title: how to cheer someone up
published: 2023-09-23
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 18
title: markup and layout i have used to publish games on
published: 2023-09-26
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 19
title: things that subvert expectations of normalcy if you don't already know the ending
published: 2023-09-28
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 20
title: things that my elderly dog cannot or will not do any longer that taken as a whole let me know that i will need to put him down soon
published: 2023-09-30
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 21
title: for kindrobot, some good games to sideload on your playdate
published: 2023-10-06
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 22
title: every studio i have ever taught yoga at has ended up closing
published: 2023-10-10
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 23
title: things that are not coins according to
published: 2023-10-11
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 24
title: how in the name of heck are you supposed to do all the things in a day
published: 2023-10-20
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 25
title: recent creative works based on frasier
published: 2023-10-21
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 26
title: all of my computing devices
published: 2023-10-23
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 27
title: a typical day of screentime
published: 2023-11-16
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 28
title: how to get into the holiday spirit
published: 2023-12-07
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 29
title: new year resolutions
published: 2024-01-02
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 30
title: things i've always wanted to say
published: 2024-01-27
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 31
title: software i love
published: 2024-02-02
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 32
title: everyday i fill things with water
published: 2024-02-22
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 33
title: stuff that starts with s that i like to do when i spend the afternoon at the gym
published: 2023-09-21
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 34
title: how to cheer someone up
published: 2023-09-23
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 35
title: markup and layout i have used to publish games on
published: 2023-09-26
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 36
title: things that subvert expectations of normalcy if you don't already know the ending
published: 2023-09-28
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 37
title: things that my elderly dog cannot or will not do any longer that taken as a whole let me know that i will need to put him down soon
published: 2023-09-30
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 38
title: for kindrobot, some good games to sideload on your playdate
published: 2023-10-06
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 39
title: every studio i have ever taught yoga at has ended up closing
published: 2023-10-10
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 40
title: things that are not coins according to
published: 2023-10-11
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 41
title: how in the name of heck are you supposed to do all the things in a day
published: 2023-10-20
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 42
title: recent creative works based on frasier
published: 2023-10-21
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 43
title: all of my computing devices
published: 2023-10-23
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 44
title: a typical day of screentime
published: 2023-11-16
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 45
title: how to get into the holiday spirit
published: 2023-12-07
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 46
title: new year resolutions
published: 2024-01-02
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 47
title: things i've always wanted to say
published: 2024-01-27
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 48
title: software i love
published: 2024-02-02
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 49
title: everyday i fill things with water
published: 2024-02-22
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 50
title: a good morning on computer
published: 2024-03-01
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 18
title: all of my grandparents
published: 2024-03-04
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/
id: 19
title: things that because of the ruptured disc in my back I cannot do or can only do with great difficulty and or pain
published: 2024-03-07
location: /Users/cb/blogs/listblog/src/

www/00019.html Normal file
View File

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<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">all of my grandparents</h1>
<p class="date">2024-03-04</p>
<li><p>paternal grandfather: the most stoic and soft spoken man youll
ever meet. a real sweetheart. died this weekend in his mid 90s.</p></li>
<li><p>paternal grandmother: larger than life family matriarch. one the
great loves of my life. things fell apart after she died.
<li><p>maternal grandfather: just as tall and broad as both of my
paternal grandparents were small and skinny. cheated on my grandmother
with the woman who would become his first wife. brought a woman home
from the war and left his wife. theirs lasted and they had tons of kids
and grandkids. then when she died he went back to living with his first
wife again until he died of dementia, early 2010s</p></li>
<li><p>maternal step-grandmother: the woman from the war. knew her my
whole life. very sweet woman. died late 2000s.</p></li>
<li><p>maternal grandmother: spiteful, narcissistic, crazy as a loon.
everybody loves her, but aint nobody can stand her for that long. her
daughters turned out fine but I cant hardly see how. the only one left
now at the time of this writing.</p></li>
<li><p>maternal step-grandfather: a real wiseass and a lifelong athlete.
charming, handsome, and funny. he and my grandmother cant stand each
other, but they insisted on staying together for some reason nobody can
understand. lyme disease made him very uncomfortable and very angry
later in life. died mid-2010s</p></li>

www/00020.html Normal file
View File

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<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//"></script>
<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">things that because of the ruptured disc in my back I
cannot do or can only do with great difficulty and or pain</h1>
<p class="date">2024-03-07</p>
<li>sitting down</li>
<li>standing up</li>
<li>getting into cars</li>
<li>bending over a counter</li>
<li>reaching the dishwasher</li>
<li>reaching into the pantry</li>
<li>lifting things</li>
<li>carrying things</li>
<li>putting on shoes and socks</li>
<li>for some reason, opening my mouth to eat sometimes</li>
<li>social engagements</li>
<li>concentrate on things</li>
<li>go to my grandfathers funeral</li>

View File

@ -435,9 +435,9 @@
<title>00017: a good morning on computer</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-03-01 00017</guid>
<title>00018: a good morning on computer</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-03-01 00018</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Mar 1 00:00:00 MST 2024
@ -450,4 +450,57 @@
<title>00019: all of my grandparents</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-03-04 00019</guid>
<pubDate>Mon Mar 4 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>paternal grandfather: the most stoic and soft spoken man you'll ever meet. a real sweetheart. died this weekend in his mid 90s.
<li>paternal grandmother: larger than life family matriarch. one the great loves of my life. things fell apart after she died. mid-2010s.
<li>maternal grandfather: just as tall and broad as both of my paternal grandparents were small and skinny. cheated on my grandmother with the woman who would become his first wife. brought a woman home from the war and left his wife. theirs lasted and they had tons of kids and grandkids. then when she died he went back to living with his first wife again until he died of dementia, early 2010s
<li>maternal step-grandmother: the woman from the war. knew her my whole life. very sweet woman. died late 2000s.
<li>maternal grandmother: spiteful, narcissistic, crazy as a loon. everybody loves her, but ain't nobody can stand her for that long. her daughters turned out fine but I can't hardly see how. the only one left now at the time of this writing.
<li>maternal step-grandfather: a real wiseass and a lifelong athlete. charming, handsome, and funny. he and my grandmother can't stand each other, but they insisted on staying together for some reason nobody can understand. lyme disease made him very uncomfortable and very angry later in life. died mid-2010s
<title>00020: things that because of the ruptured disc in my back I cannot do or can only do with great difficulty and or pain</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2024-03-07 00020</guid>
<pubDate>Thu Mar 7 00:00:00 MST 2024
<li>sitting down
<li>standing up
<li>getting into cars
<li>bending over a counter
<li>reaching the dishwasher
<li>reaching into the pantry
<li>lifting things
<li>carrying things
<li>putting on shoes and socks
<li>for some reason, opening my mouth to eat sometimes
<li>social engagements
<li>concentrate on things
<li>go to my grandfather's funeral

View File

@ -199,7 +199,12 @@
<h1 class="title">a blog that is just a bunch of lists</h1>
<li><p><time>2024-03-01</time> <a href="00017.html">a good morning on
<li><p><time>2024-03-07</time> <a href="00020.html">things that because
of the ruptured disc in my back I cannot do or can only do with great
difficulty and or pain</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2024-03-04</time> <a href="00019.html">all of my
<li><p><time>2024-03-01</time> <a href="00018.html">a good morning on
<li><p><time>2024-02-22</time> <a href="00017.html">everyday i fill
things with water</a></p></li>