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<h1 class="title">a blog that is just a bunch of lists</h1>
<li><p><time>2024-03-29</time> <a href="00022.html">stuff i do while
procrastinating instead of getting stuff done</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2024-03-18</time> <a href="00021.html">how to do a floral
<li><p><time>2024-03-07</time> <a href="00020.html">things that because
of the ruptured disc in my back I cannot do or can only do with great
difficulty and or pain</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2024-03-04</time> <a href="00019.html">all of my
<li><p><time>2024-03-01</time> <a href="00018.html">a good morning on
<li><p><time>2024-02-22</time> <a href="00017.html">everyday i fill
things with water</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2024-02-02</time> <a href="00016.html">software i
<li><p><time>2024-01-27</time> <a href="00015.html">things iโ€™ve always
wanted to say</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2024-01-02</time> <a href="00014.html">new year
<li><p><time>2023-12-07</time> <a href="00013.html">how to get into the
holiday spirit</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-11-16</time> <a href="00012.html">a typical day of
<li><p><time>2023-10-23</time> <a href="00011.html">all of my computing
<li><p><time>2023-10-21</time> <a href="00010.html">recent creative
works based on frasier</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-10-20</time> <a href="00009.html">how in the name of
heck are you supposed to do all the things in a day</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-10-11</time> <a href="00008.html">things that are not
coins according to coinstar.com</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-10-10</time> <a href="00007.html">every studio i have
ever taught yoga at has ended up closing</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-10-06</time> <a href="00006.html">for kindrobot, some
good games to sideload on your playdate</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-09-30</time> <a href="00005.html">things that my
elderly dog cannot or will not do any longer that taken as a whole let
me know that i will need to put him down soon</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-09-28</time> <a href="00004.html">things that subvert
expectations of normalcy if you donโ€™t already know the
<li><p><time>2023-09-26</time> <a href="00003.html">markup and layout i
have used to publish games on itch.io</a></p></li>
<li><p><time>2023-09-23</time> <a href="00002.html">how to cheer someone
<li><p><time>2023-09-21</time> <a href="00001.html">stuff that starts
with s that i like to do when i spend the afternoon at the
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