%rec: meal %doc: a meal can consist of several recipes %key: name %type: recipe rec recipe %type: name line %mandatory: name recipe %allowed: name recipe name: Valentines Day Pasta w roast broccoli recipe: Valentines Day Pasta recipe: roast broccoli name: 3P Pasta recipe: 3P Pasta name: chipotle bowl recipe: chipotle bowl name: stirfry w roast broccoli recipe: stirfry recipe: roast broccoli name: pasta with balls and roast broccoli recipe: pasta recipe: gardein frozen balls recipe: roast broccoli name: Lemon Couscous w Salmon and roast broccoli recipe: lemon couscous recipe: frozen salmon patties recipe: roast broccoli name: Roast squash w mashed potatoes recipe: frozen roast squash recipe: mashed potatoes name: Burgers recipe: beyond burger cookout classic %rec: recipe %doc: a recipe for one thing %key: name %type: name,ingredient,step line %mandatory: name ingredient step %allowed: servings name ingredient step name: chipotle bowl ingredient: black beans ingredient: brown rice or farro ingredient: yellow onions ingredient: corn ingredient: peppers step: cook the beans step: cook the rice step: saute the onions and peppers step: combine everything and spice it up name: mashed potatoes ingredient: russet potato ingredient: butter ingredient: milk step: boil water step: add potatoes (do not peel) step: boil until soft enough to pass a knife though name: lemon couscous servings: 4 ingredient: couscous ingredient: veggie stock ingredient: lemon juice ingredient: garlic ingredient: frozen peas step: toast 1c couscous in a pan with 1tbsp oil or butter step: bring 1.5c veggie stock to a boil step: add toasted couscous, return to a boil. reduce heat to a simmer and cover. cook until water is absorbed and couscous is al dente. step: add 1c frozen peas. let sit until peas are thawed and warm. step: add lemon and garlic name: beyond burger cookout classic ingredient: beyond burgers ingredient: burger buns ingredient: ketchup and mustard ingredient: red onion ingredient: sliced tomato step: air fry at 365 for 30 minutes name: frozen roast squash ingredient: frozen squash step: cook it in the air fryer name: frozen salmon patties ingredient: frozen salmon patty step: fry it in the pan name: pasta ingredient: spaghetti or other pasta ingredient: pasta sauce step: boil the pasta step: heat up the sauce in a sauce pan name: gardein frozen balls ingredient: frozen balls step: heat them up in the microwave name: stirfry ingredient: frozen stirfry step: heat it up in a pan name: roast broccoli ingredient: broccoli servings: 2 step: preheat the oven to 350 step: tear the broccoli into bite sized pieces step: add drizzle of oil and dash of seasoned salt step: bake for 25 minutes name: Valentines Day Pasta servings: 2 ingredient: heart shaped pasta step: prepare as [pasta] w [gardein frozen balls] name: 3P Pasta servings: 8 ingredient: chickpeas, 2 cn ingredient: small shell pasta, 1 lb ingredient: vegan pesto (I like the Sprouts Organic Vegan Basil Pesto), 7 oz ingredient: frozen peas, 4 c step: Boil a whole bunch of water. Cook the pasta until it's al dente. step: Add the frozen peas to the boiling water step: Drain the beans and add them to the water step: Let it all simmer for a minute until the peas are thawed and warm step: Drain it all step: Mix in the pesto step: Salt and pepper to taste step: Enjoy! name: Black Bean Patties servings: 6 ingredient: Black beans, 2 cn ingredient: Yellow onion, 1 c ingredient: Carrots, 1/2 c ingredient: Green peas, 1/2 c ingredient: Bread crumbs, 1/2 c ingredient: Grapeseed oil, 1 T ingredient: Cumin, 1 t ingredient: Cayanne, 1 t ingredient: Paprika, 1 t ingredient: Garlic powder, 1 t ingredient: BBQ sauce, 3 T ingredient: Feta, 1/2 c ingredient: Egg replacement, 2 ea step: Heat the oven to 325 and dry out the beans for about 20 mintutes. step: Meanwhile finely chop or shred the onion and carrot. Saute them in oil until the onion starts to get soft. About 10 minutes. Add the peas, and saute a bit longer. step: Add all the ingredients in a large bowl and mash with a potato masher or fork. step: Heat the oven to 375. step: Form 1/3 c of the mixture at time into patties. step: Place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, and bake for 10 minutes per side. step: Serve with some sides, or on a bun!