--- title: episode 6 season: 1 episode: 6 subtitle: mio! date: Thu, 12 May 2022 12:12:12 -0700 toc-title: Contents file: 'https://archive.org/download/tilderwhirl-S01E01/tildewhirl-S01E06.mp3' img_url: https://tilde.town/~dozens/podcast/assets/img/logo.png duration: '' length: '' summary: tilde whirl with dozens and mio explict: 'yes' --- ## notes ## links Stuff we talked about on the show [Bake]: https://ctrl-c.club/~philips/90s/ [list of other tildes]: http://tilde.club/~pfhawkins/othertildes.html [imaginary landscapes]: https://equa.space/imaginary-landscapes/ (that one is natalia's zines for 1-2 nanogenmo I think) [tildeverse zine]: https://zine.tildeverse.org/ <-- this one you already know of course [red bull paper wings - paper airplane competition]: https://paperwings.redbull.com/global-en/ [tildetown zine]: https://tilde.town/~zine/ [tracery]: https://www.tracery.io/ [tracer]: https://notabug.org/selfsame/tracer [tracer (py3 port)]: https://tildegit.org/ben/tracer [itte]: https://git.tilde.town/mio/itte <-- non-mandatory self-plug, but that's the bot module, including source for ramen-kun and the tracery-inspired example [bake on the static generator list]: https://jamstack.org/generators/bake/ (it used to be called staticgen.com, but looks like they got subsumed by another site) [sigal]: http://sigal.saimon.org/ [simiki]: http://simiki.org/ [piecrust]: https://bolt80.com/piecrust/en/latest/ [folding the universe: origami from angelfish to zen]: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203029.Folding_the_Universe (out of print, unfortunately, but it's available on ebay etc. used an origami classic ... maybe not the best instructions but it was considered moderately advanced at the time) [zine workflow]: https://tilde.town/~mio/wiki/art/zine_workflow.html [dollar carp]: https://origami-art.us/images/origami/animals/dollar-carp/dollar-carp.pdf [batman plane]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UBcSfdBS3E ## sources