--- title: episode 7 season: 1 episode: 7 subtitle: vilmibm shaksfrpease date: Thu, 24 May 2022 12:12:12 -0700 toc-title: Contents file: 'https://archive.org/download/tilderwhirl-S01E01/tildewhirl-s01e07.mp3' img_url: https://tilde.town/~dozens/podcast/assets/img/logo.png summary: tilde whirl with dozens and vilmibm length: 106772078 explict: 'yes' --- ## notes Neato! This episode's special guest is vilmibm! We talk about a great many things like nics, memes, and magic; getting older and wiser; poetry and cut-up; authority, memes, and computers. This episode's special segments include: - letters from the listeners - magic and divination: bibliomancy and cut-up - a message from our sponsors - poetry corner: cyberpunk prophecies - hey gamers: little nemo the dream master - story corner: braxon chapters 11 - 14 Your secret message for this episode is: ``` yju lqn rkntblf curs san wly yju lqn l vnqy kqntbjur inlh ``` ## links Stuff we talked about on the show, and segment links cutup - - - - magic and divination - - - hey gamers - - 🎦 [Winsor McCay - 1911 - Little Nemo](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kcSp2ej2S00) our sponsor for this episode - [HoliznaCC0 - WHAT](https://freemusicarchive.org/music/holiznacc0/straight-to-vhs)