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<rss version="2.0"><channel><title>piblog</title>
<link>http://tilde.town/~dozens/piblog/index.html</link><description>just a little log about my raspberry pi</description><atom:link rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://tilde.town/~dozens/piblog/feed.xml"/>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-11-13 audiobooks</guid>
<pubDate>Mon Nov 13 00:00:00 MST 2023
<p>okay so tomasino reminded me today that i used to love listening to audiobooks.</p>
<p>but i haven&rsquo;t done it as fanatically as i used to in a long time.
for a while, i didn&rsquo;t have a commute.
and now i do, but i often carpool.
but sometimes i have a solo, quiet commute.
ideal for some audiobooks!</p>
<p>further complications:
i am unable to download and archive audiobooks from overdrive the same way i used to be able to.
because they barely support their desktop apps anymore,
and instead push really hard for everybody to use their streaming apps.</p>
<p>but i learned that if i spoof my user-agent</p>
<p>then i can get a &lsquo;Have overdrive for mac/windows?&rsquo; link upon checkout
that will enable me to download the odm file.
which i can then use to download the mp3s thanks to this special little script.</p>
<p>so that&rsquo;s great!
while i was troubleshooting all of this,
i downloaded a book to my linux laptop,
because the download link is already readily available there,
and then transferred it over to the pi.</p>
<p>so now i guess i&rsquo;m going to start collecting and archiving audiobooks on the pi too!
i might look into jellyfin in earnest so i can serve them
and download them over my home network.</p>
<p>i might also have to start really considering a vpn
so i can access my files away from the house.</p>
<title>add email to calibre-web</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-11-07 add email to calibre-web</guid>
<pubDate>Tue Nov 7 00:00:00 MST 2023
<p>just a quick note to look into configuring email for calibre-web
so i can send books direct to my kindle</p>
<p>whoa this fork looks really great
compared to what i have</p>
<p><a href="https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web">https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web</a></p>
<p>the ui looks good
and it has single click send to e-mail
and also &ldquo;Magic Link&rdquo; login for easy access on eReaders..
that&rsquo;s great.</p>
<p>what is that i&rsquo;m running?</p>
<p>just the base <code>calibre-server</code> that comes with the calibre package in apt.</p>
<p>okay new goal: install and run <code>calibre-web</code>,
and stop using <code>calibre-server</code>?</p>
<title>abduco + dvtm = tmux replacement?</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-28 abduco + dvtm = tmux replacement?</guid>
<pubDate>Sat Oct 28 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>i can&rsquo;t remember how i fell down this rabbit hole..
i think it&rsquo;s because elly had been talking about dtach over on #tildetown,
which is a utility that just provides the attach/detach
functionality of tmux.</p>
<p>so anyway i started using abduco + dvtm on my pi
just to test it out
and see what it was like
and i quite like it!
dvtm especially is kind of nice
as a tiling window manager for the terminal.</p>
<p>abduco isn&rsquo;t in the package repository at work,
but i started using dtach + dvtm this week.
we&rsquo;ll see if i stick with it.
pretty nice so far!</p>
<li><a href="https://www.brain-dump.org/projects/abduco/">https://www.brain-dump.org/projects/abduco/</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/">https://www.brain-dump.org/projects/dvtm/</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/crigler/dtach">https://github.com/crigler/dtach</a></li>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-10-11 jellyfin</guid>
<pubDate>Wed Oct 11 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>just a quick note to remind myself to check out jellyfin</p>
<p><a href="https://jellyfin.org/">https://jellyfin.org/</a></p>
<p>a media server alternative to plex
that is supposed to be much lighter and more simple
than plex.</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-29 DeDRM</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Sep 29 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>shelled into the pi and curled the latest DeDRM tools release</p>
<p>but i kept getting an empty file for some reason?</p>
<p>no matter, downloaded it to my laptop and <code>scp</code>d it</p>
<p>unzipped it on the pi and</p>
calibre-customize --add DeDRM.zip
<p>it wasn&rsquo;t working at that point because i didn&rsquo;t have any keys defined in the <code>dedrm.json</code> so I <code>scp</code>d my config json from my laptop to <code>.config/calibre/plugins/DeDRM</code>. at this point, i&rsquo;m still unable to open the book after adding it via the web ui. but when i <code>calibredb --add book.epub --with-library=books --duplicates</code> on the pi terminal, it adds it. (<code>--duplicates</code> is necessary only in this test instance because&mdash;oops!&mdash;turns out i already have this book in my library, but i am determined to use this opportunity to set up DeDRM. i will delete the duplicate later.) I can&rsquo;t verify in the web ui though because it&rsquo;s not showing the duplicate. must have merged it with the old one.</p>
<p>oh well. i&rsquo;ll try it again next time i get a book from the library. shortest wait: currently 6 weeks.</p>
<p>actually no, let&rsquo;s just go checkout an Available Now book. Song of Achilles. I liked Circe. Let&rsquo;s get this one.</p>
<li><p>confirmed: can add the book via web ui, but not open or read it because of drm</p></li>
<li><p>confirmed: can scp the book to the pi, <code>calibre add book.epub --with-library=books</code> and get an <code>Added book ids: &lt;id&gt;</code> message</p></li>
<li><p>confirmed: new book does NOT show up in web ui after killing and restarting the daemon</p></li>
<li><p>confirmed: the book IS there:</p>
<pre><code> ```
$ calibredb list --search='id:3' --with-library=books
id title authors
3 The Song of Achilles Madeline Miller
$ #wtf
<p>what the hell. does <code>calibre-server</code> has a db cache or something? i don&rsquo;t see anything</p>
<p>i give up for now</p>
<p>to kill the process:</p>
ps aux | grep calibre
<p>and then kill the id</p>
<p>removing the dulplicate:</p>
calibredb search &lsquo;title:&ldquo;world we make&rdquo;&rsquo; &ndash;with-library=books</p>
calibredb list &ndash;search &lsquo;id:2&rsquo; &ndash;with-library=books
(book info)
calibredb list &ndash;search &lsquo;id:1&rsquo; &ndash;with-library=books
(book info)
calibredb remove 2
<p>tags: #calibre #drm</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-29 reboot</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Sep 29 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>been uploading photos and books, and editing metadata for my rpgs.</p>
<p>pi became unresponsive last night / this morning to web and ssh so rebooted this morning and restarted web services. everything seems to be fine now.</p>
<p>found these resources recently and consider them next steps on my todo list:</p>
<li><p>Add deDRM tools for CLI so I can upload library books. I can pretty much delete local calibre after this. https://github.com/noDRM/DeDRM_tools/blob/master/CALIBRE_CLI_INSTRUCTIONS.md</p></li>
<li><p>Be your own CA Authority! which initially sounds to me like not that good of an idea, but then I can use <code>https</code> for my local webservices. https://jamielinux.com/docs/openssl-certificate-authority/</p></li>
<li><p>still want to install a reverse proxy (lapis + openresty?) so i can hit canonical urls instead of typing in address + port number. this would make it easier to share URLs with household members. NOTE: do i want a local DNS server??</p></li>
<p>Incidentally, mDNS seemed to just magically start working on its self at some point. I can hit my pi&rsquo;s url on macbook and on my phone now. weeeeeird</p>
<p>tags: #reboot #mdns</p>
<title>rpg library</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-13 rpg library</guid>
<pubDate>Wed Sep 13 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>tried searching for an rpg that i know is in my collection and couldn&rsquo;t find it by title or by author.
this is going to be really painful until i update the metadata on everything.
i&rsquo;ve done about 60 so far. out of 1.4k. big yikes!</p>
<p>tags: #calibre #rpg #metadata</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-12 mDNS</guid>
<pubDate>Tue Sep 12 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>still can&rsquo;t hit any multi DNS urls on any of my devices.</p>
<p>not a solution but a workaround (for desktop only): added a line to <code>/etc/hosts</code> on my MBP:</p>
<p><code> pi.local
<p>and now i can hit e.g. calibre with http://pi.local:8080</p>
<p>maybe i can configure something on my actual router?</p>
<p>tags: #mdns</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-11 miniflux</guid>
<pubDate>Mon Sep 11 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>rss reader!</p>
<p>one thing i would like to be able to do
is to read my rss feeds on my computer
and on my phone
and on my tablet,
and have my un/read status sync between decives.</p>
<p>which i guess means hosting a feed reader!</p>
<p>i glanced at <code>awesome-selfhosted</code>
and then asked some of my friends in the basement
because i know that they have already undertaken
great adventures in rss,
trailblazers that they are.</p>
<p>and they recommended miniflux.</p>
<p>written in go, and it uses postgres.
luckily they have a docker image so i don&rsquo;t have to install either.
the docker-compose file on their installation instructions is a little out of date,
but you can find a more correct &lsquo;basic.yml&rsquo; on github at <code>miniflux/v2</code></p>
<p>after a few tweaks,
it is installed and running!</p>
<p>the ui is super minimal.
i&rsquo;m sure i&rsquo;ll grow to like it,
but at the moment
i am missing the classic
three-pane &ldquo;feeds / entries / content&rdquo; view.</p>
<p>Up next:</p>
<li>gemini/gopher server? just for fun</li>
<li>nginx reverse proxy: i have three services running on three ports now. i want a proxy for more easiy routing between these. i choose nginx because lua, so i can fennel</li>
<p>tags: #rss #feeds #miniflux</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-08 calibre</guid>
<pubDate>Fri Sep 8 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>had to add the upstream debian bullseye repo to install <code>calibre-server</code>. (and then remove it.) got the web server up and running pretty easy.</p>
<p>fussed around for a while trying to make a second calibre library out of my rpg collection. here&rsquo;s what ended up working:
create a new dir and then <code>calibredb add path/to/file.pdf --library-path new/library/location</code>. adding a single file this way created the necessary database file. then i was able to <code>find rpgsbak -type f -name '*.pdf' -exec -I {} calibredb add {} --library-path new/library/loction</code>. (or something like that; wrote the command just now from memory.) and pull all my pdfs in!</p>
<p>so now i have 1.4k pdfs in a new &lsquo;rpgs&rsquo; library alongside my &lsquo;books&rsquo; library.</p>
<p>on the whole, hobby ttrpg creators can stand to get a LOT better at exporting metadata with their pdfs. now i have a whole lot of manual updating to do. but i can read books and pdfs now from my calibre library on any device on the network.</p>
<p>also adding new items via the web ui is pretty easy!</p>
<p>TODO: disable converting to epub on &lsquo;read&rsquo; for rpg library. &lsquo;download&rsquo; to read still works great for reading in the meantime.</p>
<p>tags: #calibre</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-09-03 photoprism</guid>
<pubDate>Sun Sep 3 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>browsed the photo hosting options on <code>awesome-selfhosted</code> on github and decided on photoprism</p>
<p>it has a docker image and i was able to get it working no problem, with no modifications. quick and easy. this is the future containers promised us.</p>
<p>the ui is slow. i have the number of workers cranked down to 1. might bump it to 2.</p>
<p>i had been rsyncing photos to the pi and then reindexing the collection. but i&rsquo;m finding it quicker to do a bulk upload using the web ui. it&rsquo;s working rather reliably. it still has to reindex on upload, but i no longer have to reindex the entire collection.</p>
<p>tags: #photos #photoprism</p>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-08-30 git</guid>
<pubDate>Wed Aug 30 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>Add a &ldquo;git&rdquo; user. Create a home dir for it. Do <code>git init --bare repo.git</code>.</p>
<p>Copy my ssh key over and add an entry to <code>.ssh/config</code>:</p>
21 │ Host git
22 │ Hostname
23 │ User git
24 │ IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
<p>Now I can <code>git remote add pi git:repo.git</code> in a local repo and push away!</p>
<p>tags: #git</p>
<title>Hello World</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2023-08-28 Hello World</guid>
<pubDate>Mon Aug 28 00:00:00 MDT 2023
<p>Okay let&rsquo;s get this party started!</p>
<p>I have a raspberry pi model 3b that has been gathering dust in a drawer for a couple years now.</p>
<p>I decided I wanted to dust it off and use it to backup some photos and some files.</p>
<p>I bought a 4TB external hard drive and a 128gb microSD card and hooked it all up.</p>
<p>I downloaded the NOOBS installer from raspberrypi.com/software and installed it on the SD card, which I was able to do because I have a ton of dongles thanks to the fact that my MacbookPro has no peripherals. I popped the card in to the pi, connected my usb keyboard and hdmi monitor and booted it up, and went through the setup.</p>
<p>Then, after testing that I can ssh into the pi, I unplugged my keyboard and monitor and never plugged them back in again.</p>
<p>Plugged in my hard drive and formatted it with an ext3 filesystem.</p>
<p>Created a backup user. (Not a spare user in case of emergencies, but a user specifically for creating backups.)</p>
<p>Copied my ssh keys over:</p>
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa pi.local
<p>Mounted the drive, added it to <code>/etc/fstab</code> so it will auto-mount, and added a slight delay to the boot command so that there is time for the drive to mount before the system boots. As suggested here:</p>
<p><a href="https://howtoforge.com/tutorial/raspberry-pi-as-backup-server-for-linux-and-windows/">https://howtoforge.com/tutorial/raspberry-pi-as-backup-server-for-linux-and-windows/</a></p>
<p>Copied over my first photo export and my calibre library with an <code>rsync -zaP</code>.</p>
<p>Messed around with mDNS and avahi-daemon because I can&rsquo;t hit http://pi.local in the browser. Still haven&rsquo;t figured this out.</p>
<p>tags: #mdns #getting-started</p>