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2023-02-19 16:14:55 +00:00
title: 00064
created: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:58:35 -0700
updated: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:58:35 -0700
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00064 {#00064}
Back at the fish market, Marvelo squints into the pouring rain and
swears under his breath, frustrated at the limited visibility.
His colleague is lying on the floor behind him in some kind of state
of deeply altered consciousness, along with an inkling, a toque, and
an owl. In fact, the only waking beings left inside the market are
himself, a fluffy little duck, and a sticky hemogoblin.
"I've seen stranger things," he shrugs and admits to himself.
The duck and the goblin are both fluffed up and huddled up next to
each other softly quacking and chirping to themselves.
He pauses and holds his breath as something indistinct catches his
attention. Years of training have produced an instinct he has learned
not to question. It has saved his butt more times than he can count.
Sometimes it screams at him and the danger is apparent. Like that
time with the Permian Raiders off the southern tip of Harshwind
Glade. Other times, such as this, all he gets is the vague feeling
that something is off. He waits. He's been here before. His
subconscious has spotted something, noticed some pattern that doesn't
fit its surroundings. He knows if he's patient, his conscious mind
will catch up and realize what it was.
He squints out into the pouring rain. There! A flash of red close to
the ground.
"What in the world," he wonders as a small child wearing a bright red
dress toddles into view. It looks up at him blankly as the rain beats
down on its head and shoulders.
"What are you doing out here, little guy? You're getting soaked!"
Marvelo, concerned, rushes forward to comfort the child.
> Inky gingerly takes the coin with both hands, small digits clamping
> onto the straight edges. They look at the Twenty-one Fiver nestled
> against the fuzzy outlines of one palm before peering up again at the
> figure seated before them. "Thank you, Great Spirit." Inky says. "If
> truly allowed to choose, then, this one accepts the price."
> They toss the coin up into the air. A beat, and they are hovering a
> few feet above the tracks, between the fork and the oncoming train
> with no walls. Inky watches as the child's body begins to shrink as
> rapidly as the black uniform expands, the entire apparition thinning
> and becoming translucent. The shirt continues to grow until the hem
> brushes the train tracks and the collar peeks over the invisible tops
> of the train, the trousers and shoes having been pushed into the
> stones and earth below.
> A portal, the child's voice supplies distantly. At the back of their
> awareness, Inky homes in on the coin as it continues to spin. When
> the train thunders down upon the oversized shirt doorway-apparent,
> they brace for the force of the impact. Instead, all they could feel
> is a creeping weariness, like water draining through tea leaves in a
> sieve, while being suddenly surrounded by and staring into a deep
> reflectionless pool.
> Is it two to two, or two past eight, Inky wonders.
> The last thing within their consciousness is a gleam of silver as the
> coin lands on one of its corners mid-spin, bounces off the small half
> table and falls into the shadows.
You sink into the dark reflectionless pool, letting its waters close
over you and pull you under. You ponder its depths from within in its
embrace, mindless of the passage of time.
After a few minutes, or a few days, you notice faint light rising up
here and there from below. Fuzzy, cobwebby human shapes float
suspended in the waters. Some far away, distant as stars. Some drift
close enough that you would be able to discern their features, if
they had any.
You realize all at once that these are the dream forms of sleeping
Basmentarians everywhere, and that you are floating in Ousia, a
solitary awakened dreamer in a literal sea of the passive slumbering.
As though responding to your realization, the waters bear you up and
you pierce the weak membrane between water and air. You float
effortlessly and the gentle waves nudge you ever onward toward some
unknown shore. Or merely farther out to sea. You're not sure.
You continue to see the dreamers all around you. You watch curiously
as you float by two that seem to have bumped into one another and
fused together, their cobwebby bodies sprouting hard crystalline
growths and spreading like creeping vines, forming a lattice and
creating a small floating island.
After a few hours, or a few weeks, you wash up on the beach of a
large island. There is a steep rock, a pillar of a mountain, jutting
straight up from the center of the island some distance ahead. And
jutting from the pillar is a fractal structure of interconnected
towers, all sprouting and branching from one large central tower. The
top of the tower disappears far overhead, obscured by a rippling
aurora of green and pink lights in the sky.
Some distance down the beach, just out of hailing distance, a lone
figure stands gazing at the sea, their back to the tower.
The figure waits.
The tower's strange geometry beckons.
> Kasutva, how can I know that I can trust you? What do you gain in
> helping me, and was there really no way for you to communicate with
> me without beheading yourself? That seems a little bit distraughting.
> Like, do you need a bandage or some headache medicine or something? I
> feel like if I yanked my face off I'd need an ibuprofen. I have
> some if you want? (alex rummages in a coat pocket and finds a bottle
> of pain killers, and offers them to the being).
> Right anyways, answers questions. I'm looking for my Uncle first and
> foremost. He dropped off the map a few days ago, and I can't find
> hide nor hair of him. Then the murders started. Shit at HQ when wild,
> hit the wall literally, and now I'm in some sort of fever dream
> talking to what can only be a manifestation of my own subconscious, or
> perhaps someone else's. Look. I need to get back to Inky, we're trying
> to meet someone and we're running late, and in the scheme of things my
> problems aren't so big if the world's going to end because some mad
> hatter is after these blasted crystal's we've been collecting..
Even as you speak, you notice the edges of Big Kasutva's "wounds"
start to close until its flesh begins to once more envelop and
enclose its face.
The creature courteously accepts a few pills from you, but simply
deposits them in its satchel.
"No, it doesn't hurt us," say the two voices together. "And little
matter if it did. It is necessary for us to speak."
They listen to your story. Big Kasutva's voice starts to become
muffled as its skin now grows over its mouth. Only its eyes are
visible as the two of them continue. "If your Inky has come to this
place, then there is only one place they can have gone." They gesture
to the sea. "And that place is Ephemeris. The Heart of the Dreaming
at the center of Ousia."
Big Kasutva finally falls silent as it heals completely. It guides
you to the shoreline, where a long pier has suddenly appeared.
Mushroom Kasutva continues to speak for both of them.
"We only ask to accompany you as you go. We wish to see Ephemeris
ourselves. But we cannot abandon our post here on the dunes," it says
looking at Big Kasutva. "And we," it says gesturing to itself, "are
too small to brave the sea alone."
Big Kasutva stops short of the end of the pier. The little mushroom
hops right up to the edge and peers down at the water.
"All that is left is to jump, Alex. And let the waters of Ousia bear
you up and carry you to Ephemeris."
It hops up to you and extends itself in a clear request, despite its
lack of limbs, that it wants you to pick it up.