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2022-07-26 22:08:23 +00:00
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2022-07-26 22:08:23 +00:00
<title>BASEMENT QWEST</title>
2022-07-27 02:41:08 +00:00
2022-07-26 22:08:23 +00:00
<description>Friends having ADVENTURES! Huzzah!</description>
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">60 - Tue, 31 Jan 2023 19:11:47
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<pubDate>Tue, 31 Jan 2023 19:11:48 -0700</pubDate>
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<h3 id="00060">00060</h3>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<p>Alex takes inventory of himself, this dream world is
definitely strange, but fortunately its decided to provide him
with his impecable fashion, trench coat and all. Unfortunately
the same cant be said for his roguish good looks, as hes
found himself 6 arms heavier, and a bit more octopus-y than he
<p>Nontheless this doesnt appear to be much of an impediment,
and he promptly moves on with assessing the situation.</p>
<p>“Acorns? No, I dont think so. Im afraid octopus are
terrible at fetching acrons, and at any rate, I have a
dreadfully important meeting across town.” turning to address
Inky, “We need to make a break for it, whatd the witch tell
you? Envision our goal or something? This is really a little
outside of my realm of mechanical magic expertise..
<p>Alex makes a gesture with his tentacles in the area and a
terminal prompt appears before him. His tentacles work at
blinding speed at the digital window, a quick bypass there, a
root access escalation there.</p>
<p>“Looks like this whole place runs on Linux, its an older
kernel, about 2.6 or so, but it checks out. Easy to exploit as
needed. Here Im giving us sudo access, should we need
<p>“Oh and squirrel, heres your acorns”</p>
<pre><code>find /* -name &#39;*acron*&#39; -exec mv /home/squirrel { } \</code></pre>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<p>It takes Alectopus a couple tries, but he gets it. First he
corrects acron to acorn. Then he moves all the acorns to
the <em>chipmunk</em> instead of to the squirrel.</p>
<p>Hundreds of acorns appear at the chipmunks feet. It
squeals in delight.</p>
<p>In the distance, far below you, you hear the anguished yell
of what can only be a Red Squirrel whose giant stash of acorns
has just vanished.</p>
<p>The chipmunk rubs its hands together gleefully and starts
scooping up acorns by the armful and shoving them into its
mouth by the dozen. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” it
says around a mouthful of nuts. “Here…” It tosses you a large
square silver coin with a round hole drilled in the center. On
one side is the number twenty-one next to a picture of a
curved, short-handled sickle. On the other side is the number
five and a picture of a flail.</p>
<p>“A Twenty-One Fiver! Sorry, you deserve more, but its all
I have,” it apologizes as it scampers off, no doubt to hide
its nuts. Hopefully somewhere more secure this time.</p>
<p>If you hold the coin up to your eye and peer through the
hole, you see the dreamscape before you as though looking
through a cloudy film. All the same stuff is there, but its
hazy and shadowy.</p>
<p>Standing a fair distance from you on the branch, just out
of hailing distance, is a tall figure cloaked in black robes.
Dark shadows pool restlessly around its feet. Occasionally the
shadows leap up and take the form of demons the like of which
words cannot describe, before falling and returning to shadow
once more. The figure wears a large spherical helmet of
obsidian-like glass. You can see constant flashes of a rainbow
of colors crackle and splinter along the inside of the helmet
like lightning, but illuminating nothing within. You feel
sickened at the sight, but at the edge of your mind you feels
a tug, a familiarity. Something about this character is
familiar to you, but you cannot place it.</p>
<p>When you lower the coin, the figure and the dark landscape
both disappear. When you raise it again, the distorted
landscape reappears but the figure is gone.</p>
<p>You notice a pair of large ravens watching you rather
intently from the branches below.</p>
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">63 - Tue, 14 Feb 2023 07:01:53
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<pubDate>Tue, 14 Feb 2023 07:01:54 -0700</pubDate>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<h3 id="00063">00063</h3>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>“Greetings, Great One.” Inky bows, back parallel to the
ground while they stand on the branch, now a humanoid child in
a black uniform and matching bookbag hanging under one arm.
The banana boat is nowhere in sight. Fuko follows her errant
charge and the cloaked figure from a nearby branch.</p>
<p>“This lowly one wonders if they may be permitted to seek
the Great Spirits insight, whose wisdom endures before and
beyond.” Inky begins, staring down the blurry reflection of
silver boughs overhead on the polished toes of their black
shoes. They notice idly they do not see themselves in the
<p>Straightening from the bow, they look up at the figure and
hold out a plate of taiyaki. After a moment, the child asks
haltingly, “There may come a day when this one will be asked
to choose between the chance to protect many and that which
they desire to protect most. Should this one choose equally?
Will the choice matter if both paths eventually lead to
destruction? Could destruction and salvation be two sides of
the same coin?”</p>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>You and the Dude are sitting in small upholstered chairs,
across a small half table from each other. There is a large
sticky bun on a white lacy doily on the table. Next to you is
a small portal-sized window, and outside you can see green
rolling hills and small copses of trees fly by. The other
seats on the small train car are all empty. The two of you are
<p>“I cannot give you advice,” the Dude says. “But I can offer
you experience.”</p>
<p>They raise a hand and hold a loosely closed fist out over
the table. The walls of the train become fuzzy and blurry,
then translucent, and finally transparent. They disappear and
you have the sensation of rocketing through space at dizzying
<p>The track splits ahead you. To one side, bound to one track
is that which you desire to protect most. Bound to the other
are the many.</p>
<p>“You can choose safely here. Its just a dream, after all.”
The Dude opens their fist. The Twenty-one Fiver coin rests in
their palm. “Heads, you steer the train into the many, sparing
that which you love most. Tails, the opposite. You spare the
many, and sacrifice that which you hold dear.” They hold the
coin out to you.</p>
<p>The train barrels toward the fork. “But choose quickly,
lest the choice be made for you.”</p>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Alex scrambles from the wreckage of his mech, or what
remained from the gore portal hed just experienced. The
thought of what had occurred made him grimace, which was an
unusual state of affairs for an octopus, that is until Alex
realized he seemed to be back in his own body.</p>
<p>“Sunset, or perhaps rise? Its hard to tell. Pretty
though.. could be prettier without the creepy knife dude.”
Alex mutters to himself while he rummages through the
destroyed cockpit of the mech. He makes quick work, detaches a
side panel, pulls a couple of wires, and a compartment in the
back opens revealing the smooth dark blue metal and wood grain
of an ak74u sub machine gun. Amused Alex pulls the weapon from
the compartment and notices a distinct lack of additional
magazines, just the one large drum attached to the weapon with
large red letters emblazoned on it [INFINITE AMMO].
<p>Alex pulls himself from the wreck, and jumps down behind
one of the fallen tentacles taking a firing position behind
cover, ak74u aimed down range at the faceless figure.</p>
<p>“I dont know who you are, but I dont trust anyone who
approaches with a weapon. Lets both stand down and talk this
through! Im not supposed to be here, and I reckon you dont
want me here either. Id be happy to oblige and skidaddle if
youd be so kind as to point the way out!” Alex pauses waiting
for a reply.</p>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>The tall figure halts a short distance away. It raises a
hand and waves. In greeting? Surrender? In a fluid motion it
continues to lift the same hand and grabs a hold of its trunk,
a little less than a foot from the tip. It squeezes its fist
tightly and the tip begins to swell. It raises its other hand,
and the knife, and starts to saw into the flesh of the trunk
behind its fist. The blade cuts cleanly as though through a
loaf of bread. There is no blood or gore.</p>
<p>When the creature lowers its hand, you can see that the
center of the trunk is a solid, bright pink fleshy material
like a grapefruit, in the center of which are two pin-prick
eyes and a wide thin gash of a mouth.</p>
<p>It still holds the tip of its severed trunk in its hand, a
thin stalk and a bulging cap looking for all the world like a
large white button mushroom. Peering up from the stem of the
mushroom, an identical pink face regards you stoically.</p>
<p>Both faces speak at the exact same time, one high pitched
and one a deep baritone. “Welcome, Dreamer, to Ousia, the Sea
of Dreams. We are Kasutva.”</p>
<p>Big Kasutva stoops down to set the small mushroom Kasutva
down on the ground. If theyre both Kasutva, that is. If
thats the way their biology and sense of self actually works.
Mushroom Kasutva wobbles side to side a little bit and waggles
its stalk as it looks around. Big Kasutva places its knife
back in its satchel and takes a few small steps closer to
<p>“We did not mean to offend you,” the two say, still
perfectly in sync. “As for the way out, that depends only
somewhat on your destination. Whatever the answer, we can
assure you that it lies across the sea.” Large Kasutva
gestures broadly toward the expanse of ocean. Small Kasutva
lacks any limbs and cannot gesture, but smiles softly at
<p>“But tell us what it is you seek. Perhaps we can be of
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">66 - Sun, 26 Feb 2023 12:08:16
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<pubDate>Sun, 26 Feb 2023 12:08:16 -0700</pubDate>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<h3 id="00066">00066</h3>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>“Thank you. May your search brings you good tidings.” Inky
replies with a smile and nod towards the sea.</p>
<p>“As to what brings me here, another traveller and myself
have been summoned to the Harpoon Club at a Wandering Bazaar.
However, despite uncovering the occasional biscuit tin or
cotton candy wheel, my knack for thing-finding doesnt really
extend to sentient bazaars in pocket dimensions.” Inky
chuckles wryly. “Might you happen to know the way?”</p>
<p>As they end their question, Inky slips their hands into the
pockets of their hooded vest and is met with an envelope
nestled within one of them. A message from Master Alex. The
packet is a bit lumpy to the touch, as though there is a small
round object inside. The sysorcerer may have decided to spend
some quality time with his stalker after all. Must be lovely
to have a dedicated fan. The two wouldnt mind if Inky went on
a spot of sightseeing.</p>
<p>“Also, did you say the Throne of Konsu?” They glance in the
direction of the large tower and back to the figure before
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>“Ah, you dont know the story of Lord Konsu?” The ravenfolk
beckons you to walk with him as you talk. “In the beginning,
nobody knew how to dream. There were no real <em>people</em>
then. Just beasts and creatures and horrors.</p>
<p>“So at that point, every creature visited Ousia only twice:
at the moment of birth, and at the moment of death. And all
the time in between was spent longing to return to the
<p>At the ravenfolks side, the world spins under your feet.
In mere steps, you have made it to the base of the mountain
jutting from the center of the island.</p>
<p>“And one day, Konsu did. He dreamed. He was the first. Each
night he returned to the sea, and it swallowed his madness and
his wildness. It evolved his mind. It is dreaming, you see,
that makes you human.</p>
<p>“The sea claims everything though eventually. But you know
this already. You crossed the sea. Surely you saw how it can
work on dreamers who have tarried here too long.”</p>
<p>Still the ravenfolk guides you onward until you arrive at
the base of the fractal tower, all purple and yellow
<p>You step inside and find voluminous halls, walls lined with
statues of all subjects. Fawns in revelry, elegant women in
repose, terrible giants in agony, warriors standing at
attention, leaping fish, and roaring lions.</p>
<p>He leads you through a labyrinth of empty halls, up grand
stairs, across yawning vestibules and dizzying bridges
suspended between towers as he continues to talk.</p>
<p>“Ousia works even on Konsu the Lord of All Dreams.
Ephermeris is his throne, its true. But it is also his
prison. The island <em>is</em> Konsu, you see. He is no longer
at liberty to roam his domain himself, in his own flesh. But
perhaps you have already met one of his avatars? Morpheus? The
Dude 215R? Kilroy? Hmm, yes, I see that you have.</p>
<p>“Well,” he says pulling up short of an archway. You can
hear voices and laughter and the clinking of dinnerware on the
other side. “I believe we have arrived at your destination. I
thank you for the company, and will leave you here.”</p>
<p>The ravenfolk withdraws, disappearing once more into the
maze of the tower.</p>
<p>You look through the archway and see a plush dinner club
absolutely packed with patrons of all possible shapes and
sizes. The Harpoon Club.</p>
<p>You catch somebody waving at you from a table in the far
corner. Blavin Blandfoot. He grins and beckons you
<p>Joining him is a tall, slender cat person. Its facial
features mostly obscured by its jet-black fur. And with their
back to you, a wizened old man. The three of them are in the
middle of a round of tumbrot, a complicated game of
wagers—overly complicated, some would say—involving a special
deck of cards, a set of dice, and a tumbling tower of
<p>You watch as the cat reaches out and carefully removes a
block from the middle of the tower. It places it on top, and
the tower sways. The group at the table excitedly holds its
breath, and when the tower falls, the cat holds its head in
its hands in exaggerated dismay. The old man whoops and
gathers up his winnings and then turns and looks over his
shoulder in the direction that Blavin is waving.</p>
<p>Corraidhín the Sysorcerer grins and waves at you.</p>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Alex pulls at the trigger of the ak and he plummets towards
the waves sending a wave of cold lead towards the bigger
Katsuva. “Son of a bitch, never trust someone who has to hide
their face, agent 7, marvelo, always was right on that one.”
Hell, dunno if magical dream guns work on mushrooms, but to
hell with it, Alex thought.</p>
<p>He plunges into the water gripping tightly to his weapon,
the little katsuva clinging to him. As the water wraps around
him he kicks at the little mushroom breaking its grasp on his
leg, and begins to swim back up to the surface. “Like hell
were doing this your way cavatappi dude.”</p>
<p>Back in the real world..</p>
<p>Marvelo stares bleakly at the child and his assailant. “Who
the fuck do you think you are? And what the hell are you doing
with the kid, Rind, aint nothin good to come from some shady
bloke like you. The hell do you think youre teaching
<p>As Marvelo hurls insults as demands at his assailant he
slyly presses his thumb and forefinger into the palm of his
left hand, breaking a small resistor embedded in his palm
which activates as feint electrical pulse inside his body.
Just enough to trigger a Zabbix alarm, which kicks off a
series out automated correction scripts. A dose of adrenaline
here, a quick alaert to the remaining agents with a broadcast
LAT/LONG details via encrypted twtxt feed, but most
importantly something special Alex had each agent prepare,
just in case their luck ran out, an alarm only the damned
could sleep through.</p>
<p>The screech of heavy metal music blares throughout the
audio system of the warehouse, every alarm and speaker comes
alive blaring heavy riffs of guitar and wicked drums fill the
air while screaming echos around the building. Marvelo laughs
maniacly as his uninvited guest reels at the unexpected turn
of events.</p>
<p>“Alex! We caught him!” Marvelo yells through his laughing
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Gliftwirp frowns as the sirens wail in the fish market. He
tightens the rope around Marvelos neck. Deprived of oxygen,
Marvelo struggles and then goes limp.</p>
<p>The hemogoblin in the corner trembles as an overpowering
sense of JUSTICE sings in its veins. It gnashes its teeth and
its bloodshoot eyes become pupil-less pools of red. A single
word dances on the tip of its tongue.</p>
<p>It watches as Gliftwirp stands at the edge of the ritual
circle, looking in. Pillows and blankets creep slowly toward
the dreamers like slugs intent on smothering them.</p>
<p>The hemogoblin launches itself into the air with a cry of
“EEEEE! VULL!” and lands on the assassins back, sinking its
teeth into the nape of his neck and reaching its claws around
for his face.</p>
<p>Gliftwirp cries out in pain and surprise. His hands shoot
back to pry the thing from his back even as he is propelled
forward by the force of the attack.</p>
<p>Gliftwirp and the hemogoblin cross the circle of salt and
ash and spill into the pillows in a heap and instantly both of
them fall fast asleep.</p>
<p>An observer would almost think they were cuddling each
other in their sleep. If it werent, that is, for the goblins
claws, still sunk into the side of the warpwefters face.</p>
<p>Rind, sired by the melon seller, abandoned by his own
mother, and adopted by the assassin, watches all of this
unfold. And sits down and strokes the ducks feathers.</p>
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Alexs ascent into the waking world is interrupted by a
surge that tugs him sideways and off track. The presence of
new arrivals in the stream, the tenuous connection between the
waking and dreaming worlds held open by the Dream Sigil.
Somebody beckoning him, summoning him.</p>
<p>He emerges from the void into an endless, featureless
expanse. Plain, loose, dark soil as far as the eye can see,
with only a small rock or two here and there to break up the
monotony. The black empty sky looms ominously overhead.</p>
<p>Before you is a tall, slender person in voluminous robes of
deep purple. Their soft, smooth face framed by curtains of
long, straight, blonde hair. They wear a golden circlet on
their head and a golden eye in the middle of their forehead.
And in their hands they wield a resplendent longsword.</p>
<p>Shreds of a tattered red cloth lie strewn about their
<p>They lift their head at your appearance. “Alex,” they say.
“It is good that we finally meet. You have done me a great
service in gathering pieces of my essence—including this, the
Sword of Yaml!—so that I may finally start to return to
Basmentaria. You have done so much already, but I am afraid I
must ask more of you still.”</p>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-01-16 22:11:50 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-01-16 22:11:50 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">56 - Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:10:25
2023-01-16 22:11:50 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<pubDate>Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:10:25 -0700</pubDate>
2023-01-16 22:11:50 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<h3 id="00056">00056</h3>
<p>The agitation Alex feels bubbles just beneath the surface.
Patterns where patterns shouldnt be, strange orders from HQ,
indifference where once was ample aide as well. It was
maddening. Combine it all with the haunting suspicion that
there was constantly someone just around the next corner, and
it was enough to truly drive Alex mad.</p>
<p>That uneasiness takes its toll on a long enough time line,
but Alex wasnt about to let it get to him. Or so he thought
to himself as he cast a furtive look at his monitoring
equipment. This paranoia had served him well in the past, very
well in fact. Its a sort of sixth sense in a way, always kept
Alex off the edge of the cliff, especially when someone
stepped close enough to push him off. Those were the types of
skills HQ sought after in the first place.</p>
<p>Alex closes the iron door on his bunker, leaving his
monitoring equipment running, dead mans trigger set to blow
the place shoul anyone enter it. Cant be too careful these
<p>Emerging from the sewer grate, sticking to the shadows,
Alex makes his way down an alley, then another, and yet
another, finally emerging a few blocks from the Milk Market.
Across the street, as he had expected, was Marvelos Marvelous
MurderSticks, a quaint place should one needed something, well
you get the picture, they dont really sell anything but
weaponry here.</p>
<p>Alex ducked into the entrance of the shop and strode
towards the back rack, where a collection of knives was on
display. A rough looking fellow, ruddy red beard, thinning
hair, moved from the counter as he saw Alex approach. “Fine
sampling of knives we have, could I interest you in one?”
Marvelo says. Alex reaches for a thin stilleto style dagger,
and hands it to Marvelo “This one seems about right, but Id
like an extra sharp edge put on it, if you dont mind”.
Marvelo takes the stilleto from Alex say “Not a problem at all
sir”, and he heads into the back.</p>
<p>He sets to work honing the edge, and once complete he
places it on his work bench. Grabbing a velvet lined case from
a stack, he deftly removes the bottom and places a rolled
piece of paper into the bottom, alongside an m1911 style
pistol, and a couple of clips of ammo. He then places the
velvet bottom back over the equipment, and places the stilleto
on top, bringing the entire package back to the front. “An
extra fine edge on this one sir, thatll be 15 gold, plus
another 5 to cover the service.</p>
<p>Alex pays, and nips out the shop and heads back to the back
alley. Paranoia begets what it requets, Alex mutters to
himself as he disassembles the box holstering the pistol and
ammo, and sheathing the dagger. Cant keep going unarmed like
Im some kind of beat cop, not anymore.. Alex discards the
case and unfurls the message, quickly deciphering the
encryption set on it by Marvelo.</p>
<pre><code>The hunt is still on, no word on Blavin nor the Iris group, yet.
Agent 7 heard rumor of a couple of persons inquiring about the &quot;Milk Market&quot; these past few days.
Agent 3 heard similar rumors, was able to bribe a melon vendor to acertain the figure wore a red sash, and was looking for friends.
Agent 6 has kept watch on the Market, nothing strange yet, coming and goings as usual, no strange visitors
Agent 4 monitoring feeds still present glitches, something abnormal
Agent 5 found the melon vendor dead in a back alley, strangled to death, not immediate signs of blunt force trauma, caution advised</code></pre>
<p>Alex burned the note, striding rapidly away from the alley,
taking a meandering route away from the Milk Market, looping
back around, and heading back towards it by yet another.
Nobody appeared to be following him, yet he paused at each
corner and turn, waiting for the footsteps of a pursuant.</p>
<p>Noting nothing, he made his way through the back entrance
of Enriques Empanadas greeting the cook quietly, but jovial.
“Enrique, wheres Inky? Weve got a problem.”</p>
<p>Inky skims the page. They thank the witch, pay for the
items and exit the shop, promptly discarding all notions of
meeting Bother at the place stipulated on the note.</p>
<p><em>(Half and one hour later)</em></p>
<p>One-sixths into a caramel cantaloupe cream cornet, Inky
runs into Confidence outside the Wandering Bazaar and obtains
some of their new pamphlets, minted with luminescent ink for
the convenience of late-night tourists. These are subsequently
hare-mailed to every editor at the <em>Niuewstijl</em> office,
which is almost certain to earn another chiding remark from
Tess about etiquette and the handling of unsolicited bulk mail
to parent editorial teams.</p>
<p><em>(Half and two hours later)</em></p>
<p>The installation on display at the Milk Market was
grotesque — that is to say, a work of beauty. Inky steps
carefully through the rooms to not disturb the piece.
Afterwards, they sign the guestbook set up on an upturned milk
crate by the door, delightedly pasting rows of horse head and
thumbs-up emo Gs on a page thoughtfully titled “you cant ed
the unedible”.</p>
<p><em>(Half and three hours earlier)</em></p>
<p>Thanking Agate for her time, Inky passes her a sheet of
paper on which were written a few questions about the
prescribed ritual, with some space after each question should
the witch prefer to scribble a response:</p>
<li><p>What do guides in the Sea of Dreams and the Ravenfolk
typically seek in return for directing travellers to the
correct pocket dimension?</p></li>
<li><p>An establishment inside the Bazaar is only open in the
evenings whenever it appears in the city. How long does travel
to a pocket dimension typically take, allowing for time to
seek out a guide? Is there a way travellers can estimate the
time to set out on their journey, in order to arrive at the
establishment while it is open?</p></li>
<li><p>Who are the Red Spider and “Dude 215R” mentioned in the
ritual? How can travellers avoid summoning them?</p></li>
<li><p>Would anything happen to the travellers if any of the
sigils were removed during the ritual before they wake
<p><em>(Half and four hours later)</em></p>
<p>Two sets of eyes peer down at the contents of an open tin.
One accompanied by a focused look and a little trepidation,
following the pinkish, flesh-like chunks speckled with white
pockets of fat as they tumble into a hot pan and almost
immediately begin to move of their own accord. The moving
mounds resemble small round mouths opening, each with a rim of
sharp teeth. The other pair of eyes belongs to a grinning face
that beams when the mounds bloom into bright red flat caps,
the edges beneath about to soften in the olive oil.</p>
<p>Minutes after, The slices are ready. Inky accepts the plate
of tostada with spicy pickled artichoke mushrooms and tomatoes
with a murmur of thanks. Reassembling the recipe for the
tinned spicy artichoke mushrooms had been a tedious process —
someone had ripped out the pages from an old pickling book
that had long ceased publication. Eventually Inky found a
former nomad who had eaten them for two years in their youth
and could recall or somewhat describe the taste. Flowery and
savoury, they said. Many taste tests later, it turned out to
be closer to partially decomposed cheese in ponderosa lemon
juice. Canning was fortuitously easier with the increasing
portability of sealers. Rather than telling the empanada chef
any of this, Inky watches satisfaction slowly spread across
his face. The tale that follows is far more entertaining.</p>
<p><em>(Half and five hours later)</em></p>
<p>While measuring out ingredients for the forty-second tea
infusion since the start of the missions, not that Inky was
keeping a close count, they hear a familiar voice a short
distance outside the door asking for their whereabouts.
Without pausing in their whisking, Inky simply informs the
owner of the voice theyre not here, obviously, before
emerging from the storage pantry with a fresh pot and bowls on
a wooden tray, and greets the returning sysorcerer.</p>
<p>Agate writes back quickly:</p>
<p>What do guides in the Sea of Dreams and the Ravenfolk
typically seek in return for directing travellers to the
correct pocket dimension?</p>
<p>Intangibles. Usually memories, hopes, or dreams.</p>
<p>An establishment inside the Bazaar is only open in the
evenings whenever it appears in the city. How long does travel
to a pocket dimension typically take, allowing for time to
seek out a guide? Is there a way travellers can estimate the
time to set out on their journey, in order to arrive at the
establishment while it is open?</p>
<p>Youll find that time is rather malleable on the Otherside.
Youll likely arrive exactly when youre meant to. No need to
worry too much about it.</p>
<p>Who are the Red Spider and “Dude 215R” mentioned in the
ritual? How can travellers avoid summoning them?</p>
<p>Godforms manifested by the Linking Sigil and the Dream
Sigil, respectively. Its not <em>terrible</em> if they show
up. But its definitely not ideal. You shouldnt register on
their radar as long as you dont pump too much energy into, or
siphon to much energy out of, the sigils. If they do show up,
just know that youre in the presence of a godlike power, and
behave accordingly.</p>
<p>Would anything happen to the travellers if any of the
sigils were removed during the ritual before they wake up?</p>
<p>If the sigils are removed or if the circle is broken,
youll likely just wake up before you wanted to. Same goes for
if your dreamform is destroyed while in the Dreaming. The only
real danger you may encounter is the Scissormen and their ilk.
They will attempt to permanently sever your dreamform from
your waking body. Which would leave your body a soulless husk,
and leave your consciousness adrift in the Sea of Dreams. But
that probably wont happen! Okay good luck, have fun!</p>
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">68 - Wed, 01 Mar 2023 18:14:47
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<pubDate>Wed, 01 Mar 2023 18:14:47 -0700</pubDate>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<h3 id="00068">00068</h3>
<p>The fingertips of the Nyxmaer graze the eye and an eldritch
wind begins to howl inside the fish market.</p>
<p>It whips around and around inside the ritual circle,
flipping blankets and tossing pillows. The dreamers also toss
and turn in their sleep, but still do not wake. The foul wind
tugs at their hair and at their clothing.</p>
<p>The small candles around the edge of the circle go out,
plunging the room into near darkness. The dark flame of the
demon candle sputters.</p>
<p>The wind screams as it pushes through the small smudged gap
in the circle and out onto the floor of the market. It coils
around Rinds feet and teases at the hem of the childs dress.
It ruffles the ducks feathers.</p>
<p>The fingertips flick over the eye, caress it, draw it
close. And finally its fist closes tightly around it.</p>
<p>The last candle goes out, plunging the room into darkness.
The wind and the sirens stop all at once, and in the silence
all that can be heard is the steady rain outside.</p>
2023-01-16 22:11:50 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<p>“Look Trine or not, I need a little more than this. I aint
nobodies errand boy, and insofar as I can tell either the Gods
are dead, or they havent given a rats ass about me or anyone
else. Whats more, youre claiming to be some sort of
divinity, yet you can only manifest here amongst my
nightmares, the same ones I learned years ago to shut out. You
never forget the face of your first mark, but what they dont
tell you is it doesnt have to haunt you either.” Alex looks
directly at the apparition.</p>
<p>“But Im reasonable too. Give me some proof you say what
you are. You say you have power to share? Well power I need. I
have people to protect, and an unclue to rescue. Ill be
damned if I let anything happen to them. Yet here I am, stuck
in this god firsaken place chittering away with my own
subconcious getting attacked by freaking mushrooms
<p>“Just give it to me straight Neddas, what assistance are
you offering, and what must I give in return? If you an
guarantee me a way to protect those close to me, I dont give
a rats ass about the rest.”</p>
<p>Neddas silently holds your gaze for a long moment.</p>
<p>“What you ask of me is fair, since I am asking so much of
<p>They hold out their hands and present you with a stone
amulet. It slightly resembles the Ginnarak Crystals. Much
smaller. And more almond shaped than melon shaped. But it is
the same shade of blue, with the same veins of slightly
pulsating gold throughout. It hangs from a fine chain of small
silver links.</p>
<p>“As long as this stone is in your possession, you will find
you have the courage to do what you think is right. Be aware
that it is a piece of me. And those who know about it will try
to take it from you.”</p>
<p>In the distance you can hear alarms and terrible moans
carried on a howling wind.</p>
<p>Corraidhín impatiently flips over the first three tumbrot
cards in front of Inky:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li><p>A tall man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and
shore; he holds a globe in his right hand, while a staff in
his left rests on the battlement; another is fixed in a ring.
The Rose and Cross and Lily should be noticed on the left
<li><p>Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more
especially those of the fantastic spirit.</p></li>
<li><p>A ferryman carrying passengers in his punt to the
further shore. The course is smooth, and seeing that the
freight is light, it may be noted that the work is not beyond
his strength.</p></li>
<p>Felixe the Cat passes the two six-sided tumbrot dice to
Inky and recites a small pome for the inkling:</p>
<pre><code>In the superior world it is
A young man, leaning on his
to indicate therein. It is
speaking, to the traditional
red standard has been</code></pre>
<p>You can suddenly hear an ominous wind whistling outside the
club and battering at the windows.</p>
<p>“Well?” Balvin prompts. “What do you do?”</p>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">58 - Sat, 21 Jan 2023 16:24:45
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Jan 2023 11:02:32 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00058">00058</h3>
<p><em>(A week prior)</em></p>
<p>The secretary collected the stack of papers that had
accumulated at one corner of the desk. “This might help,” she
said, setting down a bundle of herbs with white and pink
flowers in place of the papers.</p>
<p>Inky stared at the blooms, hands stilled over the owls
plumage. “Oh! Thanks. Good thinking, really. Itll help make
the stench more bearable when they find the remains.”</p>
<p>The grey elf was confused for a moment, then mortified as
the words sank in. “Thats not what I meant! Its for the
circle,” she clarified.</p>
<p>Seeing the imps preoccupied nod, she coughed lightly to
regain their attention, then spoke in a hushed voice.
“Beakers associates have picked up the empanada shop
proprietor and transported him to an undisclosed location.
There will be a retinue with him at all times.”</p>
<p>Inky seemed to visibly pull themselves back to the room
before responding, “Thank you, Salvia. One more thing — if I
do not return by the indicated time, please activate the
hitsuzen protocol. As precaution.”</p>
<p>The secretary looked at Inky in concern. “Is everything all
right? If youre still troubled by the hotelier, accidents
happen. A single incident—”</p>
<p>“Third. An unidentified man was attacked at the docks. He
was probably sent to investigate the melon vendor. One of the
other stall owners heard him asking questions shortly after
the melon vendor disappeared.”</p>
<p>Salvias violet eyes narrowed. “What, the fruit vendor?
Didnt the tabloids say it was an accident? He tried to get
rid of a neighbors nest of snakes.”</p>
<p>Inky only raised an eyebrow at her.</p>
<p>The secretary let out a low curse. “You didnt tell her.
You didnt want her to worry,” she said aloud in realization.
She sighed. “Shes going to be pretty angry with you when she
finds out, you know.”</p>
<p>Inky offered her a sardonic smile. “Making people angry is
my job. You of all people know this well. In the event of my
timely demise Im sure the others would find it cause for a
grand celebration.” They replied matter-of-factly before
returning to smoothing the feathers of one bird wing.</p>
<p>Salvia shook her head vehemently. “Thats not true. Youll
make it back, Ink. What then—”</p>
<p>“Then our fair Ladys ire would be the least of the
<p>Alex stared morosely into his cup of coffee. Hed received
word of agent 5s demise that morning, and had been the only
thing on his mind since. 5, no Betram knew the risks, we all
knew the risks defying HQ brought, but to happen so suddenly?
Hed snuck down to the wharf once hed heard, making sure to
cover his tracks and dodge any potential witnesses. He even
managed to slip past the police cordon theyd setup around the
body. What hed found wasnt pretty, it looked like BeTram
had suffered in his final moments. The bruising around his
neck pointed to strangulation, with some sort of cloth,
perhaps a rope. The bruising was deep, and there wasnt a cut,
burn, shot or something of the likes on his otherwise.</p>
<p>The kill had been intimate.</p>
<p>Alex had worked quickly that night, popping BeTrams eye
had been hard, but hed of wanted Alex to have it. Behind his
right eye was a recording device, it could only catch the last
15m or so of what he had seen, but it would give him a clear
look at what had happened. And potentially lead Alex to the
killer. Miserable business, but BeTram knew it could make a
<p>Alex had planted a bomb on the body after he had extracted
the eye, and made his way well away from the area before it
went off obliterating the remains. A regrettable end for an
old friend, but it was too dangerous to leave.</p>
<p>And then there was the matter of the zabbix alert, a little
purple red critical for the sewer hideout. Hed had time to
send out a drone beetle. The smoldering slag that was left was
reassuring. Most of the equipment was utterly destroyed, racks
upon racks of servers reduced to twisted melted metal. The
effectively of the destruction was delightful, in a sick sort
of desperate way. Alex felt assured that most if not all of
the equipment was useless, but this spelled the end of a
valuable listening outpost. And whoever had done it wasnt
part of the slag pile.</p>
<p>Alex stood up, his coffee untouched. The cafe around his
burbled in quiet excitement. The city had lit up since the
Melon vendors death. A thousand rumors abounded about it, but
none of them held true; some said the city had become
dangerous, a crime syndicate had arisen in the neighboring
city block another thought, and did you hear about the
explosion at the wharf the other night, the city was electric,
yet somehow ever so slightly off the pulse of the issue.</p>
<p>As Alex stepped away a woman with horn rimmed glasses
strode past the table he had just abandoned, deftly pulling
the note from beneath the coffee cup, left for her.</p>
<pre><code>4 -&gt; 3
Daylight breaks on the morrow
The suns rays make chase
casting soft cloth
across the nap of nature&#39;s neck
So, night relents and gives way
biding time until
it can rule
in its own domain</code></pre>
<p>For the passerby, it was but a bit of poetry, scribbled
carelessly on the back of a napkin in a coffee near the wharf.
But for Agent 3 it was a warning, one part notes on Agent 5s
demise recovered from his eyecam, one part orders; stay low
and well strike these bastards from the shadows, on our
terms, on our ground. Similar missives were delivered to
Agents 6 &amp; 7. The numbers were dwindling rapidly, even
just one agent lost was hard to stomach.</p>
<p>Alex hand gripped the pistol in his coat pocket with a
white knuckled grip as he stepped from the coffee shop into
the city. Whatever was after him, whatever had gotten to
BeTram, it had better know he was coming, and hed happily
send it straight to hell. HQ be damned, the rules be damned,
this little game of cat and mouse had just gotten
<p>Alex, Inky, Confidence, Bread, and Agent 7 find themselves
in a dark backroom in a secluded corner of an old fish
processing plant on the wharf. The accommodations are rough,
and the stench is abhorrent, but its the best that could be
procured in a pinch. And it should provide enough
<p>The backroom is like that of many factories, high up near
the ceiling, a single rusty rickety staircase winds its way
along the side of the building for what seems to be 3 flights,
before it reaches a metal room with dusty grimy windows, and a
single steel door. The windows on the interior overlook the
fish processing plant, where rows of belts and machinery stand
still, covered in dust and long forgotten blood. Youre glad
to know that the factory stopped operating years ago, hygiene
is lacking in every sense.</p>
<p>Alex stares forlornly out the exterior windows, the sky is
a grey overcast, it matches his mood perfectly. He didnt like
what him and Inky were about to do, but they didnt have much
they could do about it. They would be vulnerable for the
duration of the ritual. But Agent 7 and Confidence were there
to help mitigate that risk. Alex and Agent 7 had taken every
precaution they could think of.</p>
<p>The plant floor was scattered with booby traps, trip wires,
and alarms. The other agents were laying low, but kept drones
around the wharf feeding in a network of twtxt data back to
Agent 7 for recon. And that was on top of the double barred
steel doors, and reinforced glass box theyd chosen as their
hide out. Meticulously planned, Alex expected no less from
Agent 7.</p>
<p>See Marvelo had been at this as long as Alex had, and then
some. He was sharp as a tack, with an animal-like third sense
that came from years of close calls. He was, simply put, the
right man for the job, when that job was keeping your
unconscious ass alive.</p>
<p>Alex turns away from the window and addresses Inky.
“Apologies for the smell, it turns out theres a strong
correlation between disgust and seclusion, but I believe we
should at least be safe here. Safer than we would have been
back home. Im ready if you are, as ready as Ill ever be that
<p>The Golden Iris have summoned you to appear at the Harpoon
Club this evening. But the Harpoon Club is nowhere to be found
on this plane of existence. It wont appear until a week and a
half from now, on the last day of the month.</p>
<p>Confidence the Guide has predicted exactly where the
Wandering Bazaar will be on that day. With a small bucket of
red paint and a large brush, he has drawn a Linking Sigil on
the ground at the location. He sits nearby, making sure
careless passersby and mischievous kids dont disturb it, but
otherwise letting the sigil absorb the energies of the bustle
of shopping and commerce.</p>
<p>At the fish market, Marvelo is posted outside. He keeps
vigilant watch, alert to every movement and disturbance.</p>
<p>And inside, Bread, Inky, Fuko, and Alex are huddled up in
the office in the back near the ceiling. They all sit inside a
dark circle that has been smudged on the floor with a paste
made of ash and salt. Painted on the ground is a second
Linking Sigil, connecting this spot to Confidences, allowing
the energies of the two locations to co-mingle. There is also
the Dream Sigil, which will connect this place to the
<p>Bread the Host is propped up on some pillows and cushions
in the center of the circle, next to the Nyxmaer. The candle
is alleged to be made of the flesh and fat of a certain
nightmare. Its hand and eye bound in the wax. The Dream Sigil
is the door, but the Nyxmaer is the key. The catalyst that
will cause all of the otherwise inert metaphysical particles
to become volatile and reactive. It is what will allow you to
actually pass over and arrive on the shores of the Sea of
<p>Per the shop witchs instructions, the Nyxmaer has been
placed on a thin, hard tin plate. As the candle burns, the wax
will soften and eventually allow the large metal nail in its
side to fall. When it strikes the plate, you will awaken,
exiting the Dreaming. You expect hours may pass in the realm
of sleep. But only about thirty minutes will pass here.</p>
<p>Inky and Alex sit inside the circle, near the perimeter,
facing Bread in the center. Fuko the owl sits at Inkys
<p>It is dim. You are illuminated by mundane, non-magical
candles set around the edges of the circle. Outside, a steady
rain beats on the roof and the windows of the building. The
smell of fish is faint but ever-present. A constant reminder
of the small creatures that have left their bodies in a
fashion far more permanent and irreversible than the
separation of spirit and body you are about to experience. You
<li><p>How do you induce a deep and powerful slumber in
<li><p>What shape or form will you take when you arrive in the
<li><p>What are you secretly worried or hopeful about being
exposed in the dreamland, the realm of metaphor?</p></li>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">62 - Sun, 12 Feb 2023 08:57:51
<pubDate>Sun, 12 Feb 2023 08:57:51 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00062">00062</h3>
<p>One moment, Inky is half-asleep on their feet in the middle
of Branch Avenue. In the next, they are reclining in a banana
boat that resembles a canoe painted with long stripes of
yellow and white with deep brown swipes. The smore interior
padding is soft, yet with the suppleness of fruit leather. A
few round, matching brown mini-cushions are strewn across the
boat interior. Also in the boat are two silver spoon paddles,
more for looks than cooks.</p>
<p>They dont know where the boat came from. Things just
appear. Like that Red Squirrel. Inky moves to holler a
greeting, but instead recites:</p>
<pre><code>&quot;sgb rpthqqbk hr qba sgb fgnrsr dktb
sgb qnkkr rwbbs uma rn uqb ynt
sgnt uqs ly fthahmf rsuq ul h sghmb
h rbb vbqhky ly utrohehntr rhfm
sgb kns wur snrra uma sgbm h aqbw
uma cnqstmb ruha hs rgnta db ynt ott&quot;[1]</code></pre>
&quot;The squirrel is red, the ghost&#39;s blue,
The roll&#39;s sweet, and so are you.
Thou art my guiding star, am I thine?
I see verily my auspicious sign:
The lot was toss&#39;d and then I drew,
And Fortune said it shou&#39;d be you. Puu.&quot;</code></pre>
<p>While Inky boards her banana boat and recites poetry to the
maddened squirrel, Alex springs to action leaping blithely
from the branch towards the squirrel. Beneath him manifests a
cockpit, sleek and futuristic. Around this materializes a
large robotic weapon, octopus-oid in shape. The many tentacles
bristle with weapons both fearsome and deadly.</p>
<p>Alex grabs the controls, in one tentacle he latches onto
the banana boat, that way he wont accidentally get separated
from Inky. With the other seven a series of feathers appear in
every brilliant hue. The tentacle attached to the boat unfurls
allowing Alex to draw closer to the squirrel. As the gap
closes the most intense tickle fight the dream world has ever
seen ensues, bringing joyous laughter to the faces of
<p>“Inky, if we need to get out of here, just jet it! That
tentacle will yank the control pod and me with it!”</p>
<p>Alex basically becomes a Mech pilot, and confronts the Red
Squirrel head on with the Octopod.</p>
<p>You engage in the tickle fight to end all tickle
<p>Its eight arms are more than a match for the squirrels
eight legs. You have the advantage of reach, entanglement, and
sucker pads. It struggles in your grasp, gnashing its terrible
teeth, but cannot reach you. Its long tail whips around
ineffectively, battering you softly.</p>
<p>The agitated squirrel squeals and swells like a red
balloon. The mechs tentacles struggle to contain it. Just as
the strain on the machine is about to become unbearable, the
rodent violently deflates. It collapses in on itself with such
ferocity that it turns itself inside out. The octopod, all
tangled up in the collapsing squirrel, is pulled along as it
folds in on itself until it becomes a hungry void the size of
a marble, floating in space and sucking at the air.</p>
<p>Inky watches from the banana boat as Alex and the squirrel
disappear from the Silver Forest. The squirrel portal finally
closes in on itself, severing the banana boat from the octopus
mecha at the last possible second. Inky on this side. Alex on
the other.</p>
<p>Alex, you and the wreckage of the octopod are vomited out
onto a sandy beach. Red mist and vapors dissipate from your
entry point. Before you is a vast ocean, lapping lazily at the
beach. The shoreline extends endlessly in both directions.
Behind you are endless sand dunes. Though there is no sun, the
sky seems to hover at sunset, all brilliant, swirling oranges
and purples.</p>
<p>A lone humanoid figure can be seen standing atop a nearby
dune. It is tall. It has legs like a goat or fawn, and a
paunchy belly. Its long neck protrudes into a kind of trunk
that eventually folds over and hangs down in front of the
creature, about chest height. It terminates in a smooth, round
nub. No face. It wears a small satchel at its hip, its strap
slung over one shoulder and across its chest. Its long arms
hand loosely at its sides. Despite the lack of a face and any
sensory organs, it seems to be watching you. Slowly, it
descends the dune and starts walking toward you. It reaches
into its satchel and draws a long, sharp knife as it
<p>Inky, you are in the banana boat in the Silver Forest. The
turtle that was a chipmunk has holed up in its shell,
effectively just a sticky bun.</p>
<p>“You wanted to see me,” intones a slightly muffled voice
behind you. A statement, not a question. You turn to see a
figure cloaked in shadows and demons. They wear a domed helmet
of black obsidian glass, flashes of rainbow colored light
crackling along the inside illuminating very little of the
smoke-filled interior.</p>
<p>“What is it you seek from Dude 215R?”</p>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">67 - Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:24:28
<pubDate>Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:24:28 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00067">00067</h3>
<p>In the fish market, the dreamers continue to sleep soundly
through the ringing claxon alarms with nothing but maybe the
twitch of a finger to indicate that they hear anything at
<p>During the commotion with Marvelo and Gliftwirp, nobody but
Rind noticed the thick rusty nail in the side of the candle
wiggle its way out of the soft wax and clatter onto the plate
at the base of the candle, the ringing of tin masked by the
ringing of the claxon alarm.</p>
<p>Still the dreamers sleep.</p>
<p>Rind watches as the candle burns dangerously low. The
mummified hand of the Nyxmaer in the base of the candle starts
to wriggle, struggle, and strain against the softening wax. It
stretches and reaches for the eye in the center of the
<p>Rind continues to soothe the duck and stroke its feathers.
The child looks at the space where Gliftwirp and the
hemogoblin stumbled into the circle, smudging the line of salt
and ash, breaking the circle and severing its continuity.
Making a small space for something to get in. Or out.</p>
<p>“Yo! Little cavatappi dude, where the hell are we?!” Alexs
eyes scan the room rapidly. Theres no water, aside from what
he dragged in with his abrupt departure from the pier. The
dark sky stretches into the nothingness of the void. Asthe
robed figure begins speaks Alex takes note of his
<p>Nowhere to hide, zero cover. A whole lot of nothing
actually. Its one thing after another with this dream
<p>As the figure finishes his address Alex nods politely.
“Ill be honest my guy, I havent the foggiest what youre
talking about. Looks to me youve got the whole sword thing,
all Ive got is my trusty AK. I guess back top side, in umm I
guess the real world, I did find a wonky dagger my uncle tried
to hide. But Im pretty sure that got eaten by a cute little
hemogoblin while I was busy murdering ghost pirates. Anyways
more to the point, Im not quite sure I follow.”</p>
<p>Alex pauses briefly and then continues, “You say you need
to get out of here? Now that part I follow, me the hell too. I
just got attacked by some freaky sadist mushroom that called
itself katsuva. Cut its head clean off just so it could try
and chuck me in the drink. Right unpleasant fella, but I think
I lost him when, well, I got here, wherever that is.”</p>
<p>“Now I dont know much, but Im not much for trust after
getting attacked by a talking mushroom monster. So if youll
excuse me, I reckon the exit is right about that way (Alex
jabs his finger over his back away from the figure), and Im
inclined to head out unless you know a better way.”</p>
<p>You werent in the kobit caves with the rest of Retrieval
Team 43, so you didnt see the reliefs. But every Basmentarian
is familiar with the iconography of the Trine. This figure is
dressed in the traditional rainments of Neddas, god of sages
and starlight. Furthermore you recognize them from your dreams
in the Milk Market.</p>
<p>Kasutva the small mushroom meeps and hides behind your
<p>“You know, we each of us loved you in our own way,” Neddas
says. “But of the three of us, I alone gave away pieces of my
divinity. I wanted to see you thrive and grow strong.</p>
<p>“Youve already found several pieces of my essence.
<em>Coin</em> in the treasure hoard below the earth.
<em>Mirth</em> in the shipwreck under the sea. And
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<em>lore</em> in the clouds atop Kelsun Peak.</p>
<p>“And of course you found <em>justice</em>,” they say,
looking at the sword. “This one got a little weird.” The
frown. “Became a little sentient, didnt it?” They press the
blade of the sword to their chest and absorb it into their
being. They sigh happily.</p>
<p>“You have found enough of my essence that I am able to
start to materialize again. Not quite in Basmentaria yet. But
here, a little bit.</p>
<p>“There are still two more pieces out there. If you can
reunite all five crystals, I will be able to cross over into
Basmentaria again.</p>
<p>“So yes, Alex. You are correct. It is time you head out.
Return to Basmentaria. Find the remaining crystals, so that I
may return and right the wrongs of the past. I will do what I
can to assist you.”</p>
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>Inky waves back once, twice in greeting, before crossing
their forefingers twice, touching a hand briefly to their
chest, and strolling towards the restrooms.</p>
<p>Leaning against a wall outside of the rest area, out of
sight from the main dining hall, Inky pulls out the message
from Master Alex and reads it. Engagement confirmed, it seems.
Also in the envelope is a smooth oval grey pebble with the
letters “sh” carved onto it. A mini dousojin. How considerate
of him.</p>
<p>Putting the envelope and pebble into a shorts pocket, Inky
holds up a chewy blood berry biscuit, which they offer to the
great horned owl patiently perched on their shoulder. “What if
we just zip out now and have a walk around the towers? Do you
think it will cause offence to the Grand Master of the realm?”
Inky asks her. Fuko looks up from her treat and gives them a
short series of disapproving clicks of her beak.</p>
<p>“He wants more intel,” Inky says. It isnt even a
<p>On another occasion they would be glad to see Master
Corraidhn animated and well — when there wasnt a demanding
curmudgeon on the other end of an absurd fishing expedition.
The elder sysorcerers presence in the Dreaming, illusion or
otherwise, has effectively dashed any prospect of an early
night out.</p>
<p>“Thirteen minutes. Only because Scoops likes you.” Inky
tells the owl.</p>
<p>They look down at their shirt with orange horizontal
stripes, blue knee-length shorts, blue running shoes, and
wordlessly declare the change of clothes suitable for fine
non-dining. The noogles drawstring pouch is knotted to a
metal hoop on a pocket flap to one side of their shorts,
having let loose a short mop of tousled red hair. A plush
floofy duck keychain dangles next to the pouch.</p>
<p>Emerging from the hallway, the awkward, skinny youth with
an owl approaches the far corner table.</p>
2023-02-13 20:41:30 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>You approach the far corner table, weaving your way through
the crowded tables of the Harpoon Club.</p>
<p>“Inky!” Blavin chorttles merrily as you pull up a chair.
The cat person nods politely at you and starts rebuilding the
block tower.</p>
<p>Corraidhín watches the archway behind you as you enter.
When nobody follows you into the Harpoon Club he frowns, tugs
on his beard, and sits up straighter in his chair.</p>
<p>“Youre alone?” Blavin observes. “No matter. Thank you so
much for meeting us here! I trust it wasnt too much trouble?
A little bit out of the way, I know. But it is so very hard to
find a place away from prying eyes, isnt it?”</p>
<p>“Get to the point, Blavin.” snaps Corraidhín.</p>
<p>“Quite right!” laughs Blavin, taking a sip of his drink.
“Listen,” he says, suddenly very serious. “Its time I came
clean to you. You deserve that much. And besides, I think we
can help each other. While it is true that I work for the
Benefactor, I dont actually serve their interests. You see, I
represent another party. A <em>double agent</em> they would
call me in the spy novels.” He waves his hand dismissively, as
though somebody were making a fuss over him and he were
<p>“As Im sure you already know, our organization is called
the Golden Iris. Like the Benefactor, our goal is to collect
the Ginnarak Cystals. I know youve heard all the old stories.
<em>Together they could kill a god</em>, blah blah blah.” He
sloshes his drink as the gestures. “But we think theyve got
it all wrong, Inky. That is, they have it <em>backwards</em>
at least!”</p>
<p>Blavin leans in, his eyes shining. “The Golden Iris intends
nothing less than <em>creating a new god!</em></p>
<p>“The Trine has been absent for years. Were going to
restore the balance. Now you see why the mission is so
important, Inky. We need the crystals.”</p>
<p>“Now I know what youre going to say! It all sounds too
fantastic. Yes well, thats why I brought along somebody whose
credibility I know youll trust!” He beams at Corraidhín.</p>
<p>The wizard sighs. “As far as I can tell, the hobbit is
telling the truth.”</p>
<p>Blavin grins as Corraidhín continues.</p>
<p>“The Golden Iris is trying to elevate Sitopotnia, the Corn
Mother, to godhood. Which I admit makes a certain kind of
sense. Shes the only mortal to have created life after all.
Kind of the ideal candidate for the job to be honest.</p>
<p>Theyve hitched an odd team of mules to their buggy to help
them. And theyre managing to drag the thing forward despite
all pulling in slightly different directions. The Cyberplasms
want new bodies. The Gnu Zealots want to open source the
process so everybody can create new gods. And I dont actually
know what the BAND wackos want.”</p>
<p>Corraidhín shrugs, “I dont have a particular dog in this
fight. The Benefactor was able to excise the, ahem, anomaly
that happened at the SS RSS. Including the second crystal,
which is currently in his possession, and my body, which is
still technically back at the institute and still under the
care of Felixe here.” The black cat gives another polite nod.
Having completed building the tumbling tower, it is now
shuffling the tumbrot cards, face down, around on the
<p>“Felixe is Basmentarias preeminent expert in preserving
entities that happen to exist between two states. Or that
happen to exist in two states at the same time.. Bah, its
complicated,” Corraidhín huffs.</p>
<p>“Yes!” interrupts Blavin. “Now! Despite working closely
with him all this time, I am actually none the wiser as to the
Benefactors actual plans for the crystals. I just know we
need them more.</p>
<p>“Inky, you must retrieve the remaining crystals. And also
the one in the Benefactors possession. And deliver them to us
so we may usher in a new age for Basmentaria!”</p>
<p>Felixe the cat deals the cards out to the center of the
table, face down, in a cross. Three across, three high. It
sets the remainder of the deck aside and looks at you
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">57 - Mon, 16 Jan 2023 20:30:44
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<pubDate>Fri, 20 Jan 2023 14:58:46 -0700</pubDate>
2023-02-26 17:20:52 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<h3 id="00057">00057</h3>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>Alex lifts his teacup and sips the fragrantly tea,
“perfumed of rosehips, and cardamum? An interesting choice. I
appreciate it Inky, these past few days have been terribly
rough, and Im rather tired of field rations.” Alex takes a
sip, and then continues hurridly. “Ive been monitoring the
Bazar, we are in grave danger. It started with just me, but I
fear its bled over to everyone here at the Milk Market. I
cant be entirely certain.”</p>
<p>Alex looks worriedly at Inky. “Theres a lot going on here.
As soon as we got back from Kelsun I was sent on an
assignment, normally not an issue, but they wanted me to level
3 of the busiest coffee shops in the bazar. I planted those
bombs, alongside listening devices, and then I bugged out. My
team appears to have been assigned equally bizarre
assignments, all rather violent messy things. A lot of
innocent lives are on the line here.”</p>
<p>“We dropped off the grid, Ive got an isolated listening
post in the sewers here, its heavily reinforced and thats
where Ive been hiding out, but Im not certain its safe.
Agent 5 found a melon vendor dead in the market, and this
vendor was specifically seeking out the Milk Market, looking
for us. I believe it may be an assassin, could be from HQ,
could be from Blavin. Its entirely opaque to me.”</p>
<p>“As far as I can tell, my agents are all loyal to me,
theres 5 of them in total, 6 if you count me. We could man
the ship and get the hell out of here in a few hours, and it
may be our best chance. But theres the iris letter we need to
attend to, and I cannot for the life of me find anything, not
a damn trace, of Blavin. And I think all of this bodes very
poorly for us.”</p>
<p>Alex looks worriedly at Inky, and youre telling me we have
a ritual we have to perform, to find the iris groups meeting
place.. Im leery Ink, I have to be you see. But my uncle
trusted you, and I do as well. If you think this is our best
shot, we can hole up in the sewers and try to perform this
dream walk of your witch friends. But if this iris business
turns out to be a trap, well, how well can you handle a
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>“Your courage and concern are admirable, Master Alex.
Caution is likewise advisable.” Inky nods seriously.</p>
<p>The next moment, they gave the sysorcerer a slightly
deranged grin. “Im sure you have already seen many grave
dangers. Whats another one for the bucket list? Whats life
if not violent and messy? So many melons dismembered and laid
waste daily—”</p>
<p>As if suddenly recalling a detail, Inky pauses and blinks.
“Melon vendor? Oh, poor Pepo. He has been complaining about
his neighbours boa constrictors for years. The serpents were
drawn to the rodents his fruits typically attracted, which
might not have been a problem were it not for them hanging out
at his stall and scaring off his customers. Maybe he finally
took matters into his own hands, with tragic results.” They
look at an empty mixing bowl across the table glumly. “He had
offered to bring over a few of the new variety as soon as they
arrived, as he was already delivering to a household the next
district over.”</p>
<p>They send Master Alex a sidelong glance. “Someone is after
you? You didnt do something horrid like help an old
grandmother cross the street on sockless skates, for
instance?” Refilling the sysorcerers cup, Inky continues, “As
for Blavin, only 3 of the crystals have been recovered. Blavin
knows Team 43 is his best chance of obtaining the others.
Until he has all the crystals, he will stay his hand. If he
doesnt know that, then he is hardly a threat.”</p>
<p>Setting down the teapot, Inky shrugs. “They seem eager to
get our attention. I suppose I could spare them their twelve
minutes of fame, for the right price. Enlightenment would
probably be too much to ask of a nightmare. If youd rather
take your team and make a run for it instead, thats fine too.
If they come knocking Ill just tell them you missed the hotel
fondue at Kelsun Peak.”</p>
<p>Their gaze skips to one of the cups before they shake their
head. “No gun.” They turn around and take down a bamboo
walking stick hanging from a hook on a wall next to a worn
coat. Inky grasps the handle and pulls. It slides out quietly
to reveal a long, thin, tapered surgical steel tube which, if
someone were to lean in for a closer inspection, is sparsely
covered in tiny, needle-like protrusions along the surface. On
the underside, a transparent sliver ran the length of the tube
to end about a forefingers length from the handle. Visible
through the narrow window is a colourless liquid, most likely
a sedative or toxin, fills the reinforced steel interior.</p>
<p>They smile mirthlessly at Master Alex. “I dont know that
Master Corraidhín trusted me, because if he did, it would have
been the most foolhardy thing the wise man has ever done. You
would do well to not make that mistake.”</p>
<p>“It doesnt sound like we have all too much of an option”,
Alex says, as a little Scarab beetle in his pocket chimes,
“thatll be the dead mans trigger going off in my
<p>Alex frowns, shame to lose all of that data, those systems,
that hideout.. but I hope whoever broke in enjoys thermite,
assuming they dont asphyxiate quickly enough to miss the
<p>Inky, youre right, life is a bit violent and messy, so
lets bring the violent mess to these bastards. If youve got a
lead on this with this dream ritual, then fuck it, lets take
the risk. I wont run from this fight, my uncle sure as hell
wouldnt. And at worst, hed go out with a magnificient bang.
Lets give it back tenfold, for poor Pepo.</p>
<p>Nodding his own approval Alex continues, I have another
hideout in the eastern quandrant, near the sysorcerers guild.
Its a little risky to head out that way, but none of my
Zabbix alerts indicate it was compromised. It has automated
IDS and IPS systems, so we should be safe enough in there once
we whole up. At very least well know if someone comes for us,
and well have a little bit of time to react on it. We should
bring the Toques with us, and little blod clot, and the
<p>Looking sorrowfully at Enrique, “I think it might be best
if you got the hell out of dodge too friend, it isnt safe,
and I dont want to see you become collateral here. Head down
to the wharf, Ill have agent 5 meet you there, hell help you
and your family lay low until all of this blows over.”</p>
<p>At Enriques deep frown, Inky sighs and adds, “Might as
well do as Master Alex says. He can spot danger twelve blocks
away, and turtle soup is really out of fashion these
<p>Then they excuse themselves to pack a few items, returning
about fifteen minutes later with a knapsack and a cross-strap
carrier draped in a black cloth cover. Inky says, “I hope you
dont mind if I bring along a guest as well.”</p>
<p>The cover is pulled back to expose a dome-shaped birdhouse,
with transparent circular rings at the top partially obscured
by sliding shutters of the same shape. A wooden hoop with a
woven, web-like pattern and adorned with a string of feathers
hangs from one side. On the opposite side is a double door
with a miniature knob over each door. Inky lightly taps on one
of the doors, and at a low click coming from within in
response, swings the doors wide enough for the kitchen lamps
to illuminate the great horned owl resting on a pillow inside.
The bird opens one amber eye for a moment, gaze sweeping idly
across the occupants in the room before dozing off again.</p>
<p>“This is Fuko. She and her twin brother Futa have certain
shared connections. What one sees, the other will also know. I
asked their caretaker if I could borrow them for a while. Fuko
will accompany me for the ritual. Her brother is at another
location and can send a message if a need arises.” Inky
explains with a wry expression. “Think of it as a minor
indulgence of sorts. I was told their kind, along with eagle
owls, are very good at negotiating with those of the
<p>They give the owl a small smile. “She may be a little
temperamental, but she is well-trained.” Closing the birdhouse
doors, Inky turns back to Master Alex. “I suppose youd rather
not reveal the location of your hideout to any more people
than necessary. Her carrier will remain covered on the way in
and out.”</p>
<p>Gliftwirp stands under the branches of a tree, pooled in
shadow, far from the small gathering. He has been to plenty of
funerals. Often under these very circumstances, in fact. And
he always keeps his distance out of respect.</p>
<p>For one, he owns no clothes but his vest, sash, and
trousers. And his bright red colors would be a sign of
disrespect among the mourners. Secondly and most importantly,
he himself is the one who put the man in the ground.</p>
<p>Sadly, he had little choice. He had underestimated the
sysorcer. Didnt realize he had his own agents working for
him. When he realized that one of the agents had been in
contact with the melon vendor, he knew that Popplewick could
and would identify the warpwefter if pressured.</p>
<p>Gliftwirp had grown to enjoy his daily chats with the melon
vendor. Popplewick was a kind, determined man. A refugee from
the Cinderlands, his family came to VayNullar following the
Artifice Wars when he was just a boy. He grew up poor, and
often relied on the generosity of others. But eventually he
was able to support himself and his small family. He was proud
of the life he had built.</p>
<p>So Gliftwirp took no pleasure in what came next. Late one
night when Popplewick was on his way home from the market, the
assassin slipped a bag over his head and dragged him into a
dark alley. He cinched the bag tight, cutting off his air.
There was a brief struggle before Popplewick passed out and
Gliftwirp lowered him down to the ground. He held him there,
unconscious and not breathing, until he was gone. In only took
but a moment. And then Gliftwirp stood up and left.</p>
<p>Now at the funeral, the mourners leave one by one. Until
only the widow is left, cradling a small sleeping child to her
chest. “Oh, Pepo,” she whispers to the headstone. “What can I
do now?”</p>
<p>When she leaves, she does not return to the main path. She
meanders slowly as though in a daze toward the back of the
graveyard and down the hill. She steps into the wood. A flash
of red follows her at a distance.</p>
<p>She kneels on the banks of the forest river and sets the
child down on wide flat rock. It is awake now and looks up at
her with solemn eyes. “I am sorry, made-of-me,” she says to
the child. And that is all the explanation it gets.</p>
<p>She stands and turns and walks away. The child watches her
<p>When she has been gone for some minutes, Gliftwirp steps
out of the shadows and crouches down beside the child. It
looks up and reaches for him. “Look at you,” he says to the
child as he scoops it up. “Who would throw you away? A
perfectly good baby!” He stands and bounces the child. “A
sweet little melon rind is what you are. Ha! Very well. Come,
Rind, we have work to do.”</p>
<p>The assassin, child in his arms, walks back toward the
<p>In the aftermath, Agent 5 is found down by the docks. They
clearly struggled in death. The assassin blamed him for
Popplewicks death and the widows weakness.</p>
<p>Down in the sewers, two tiny mittened hands reach up and
awkwardly turn the doorknob to Alexs hideout. The bolt clears
the latch with a faint click. Two tiny cloth hands struggle
against the heavy iron door, pushing it slowly open, inch by
inch. A mechanism clicks inside and there is a whoosh of air
and then a boom as the bunker violently ignites. The tiny
figure is incinerated, and blown back into the sewer
<p>Gliftwirp steps forward into the light of the blaze and
crouches down by the tiny figure. He picks it up, a tattered
and burned bundle of cloth. “Look, Rind,” he says to the small
child standing at his elbow. “You must always acknowledge and
be grateful for those who sacrifice for you.” He starts to
untie and unfold the cloth puppet as he speaks. It unfurls and
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
smooths out and stitches itself back together under his touch.
Even the burn marks fade, and soon Gliftwirp is once again
holding his red sash.</p>
<p>“Now, Rind,” he says standing up and taking the childs
hand, squinting into the fire. “Lets see what we can salvage
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<li>The time of the ritual is at hand.</li>
<li>What final preparations do you make before entering
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">59 - Mon, 30 Jan 2023 21:41:56
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<pubDate>Mon, 30 Jan 2023 21:41:56 -0700</pubDate>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<h3 id="00059">00059</h3>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Alex procures from a pocket of his trenchcoat a tiny vial.
On the vial is a small strip of parchment which reads:</p>
sleep() {
while sleepy; do
trap sleep INT EXIT</code></pre>
<p>He empties the vial into a glass of warm milk and hands it
to bread.</p>
<p>“Drink up friend, thisll relax and soothe you. Youll
probably have the best nights sleep youve ever had”</p>
<p>Over the radio Alex provides a quick reminder to
<p>“7, remember, should you need to wake bread to get us out
you can interrupt or cancel the sleep script, Ctrl + C should
work for the disruption work. Or if you need to you can set
sleepy=false, if it gets crazy and you need to modify the
metavarbalic properties of the enchantment.”</p>
<p>Turning to Inky, “Eight bells and alls well, lets get this
show on the road”</p>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Bread smiles and thanks you for the milk. They down the
glass, smack their lips a few times, and wipe their mouth with
the back of their hand. Their eyelids grow heavy and close,
and they slump down on the cushions. Theyre already asleep by
the time their head hits the pillow.</p>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>Inky nods once at Alexs words and finishes off their own
cuppa steeped with calea and thyme, and blended into osmanthus
matcha. Lucida, Protege, Aware, Perfume. A meaningless
<p>They glance to their owlish accomplice (who, she will
remind you, is well-trained and needs no sleeping aid, thank
you very much, unlike her impish charge) and silently mouth
the words “Dude 215R” with a wink. Then they settle for a nap,
chin pillowed on their forearms, which are propped atop
drawn-up knees. A walking stick rests on their lap. A herb
bouquet of pink blooms becomes an owl cushion.</p>
<p>Inky dreamforms of a cream noogle. Puko. And Fuko is, well,
still Fuko.</p>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<p>You light the Nyxmaer. The flame crackles and dances. It
smokes darkly, and the scent it gives off is thick and
<p>You breathe deeply of it and settle down to sleep.</p>
<p>When you open your eyes you are standing on the branch of
an enormous white tree. Its as wide as a narrow street. Its
leaves are silver blades that uncurl in the dappled light from
<p>One of the first things you notice is that gravity is
reversed here. The branches below you reach down, grazing an
endless sky. Small iridescent jellyfish medusae drift lazily
far, far below, catching and reflecting the light. And the
trunk thickens as it reaches up overhead, where its roots
drill into the ceiling above.</p>
<p>Because of dream logic, you know that in some way this tree
represents Kelsun Peak, Breads home. And also because of
dream logic, you know that the branches furthest away from you
in some way represent the great dragon Lucin who lives deep in
the mountain. And they are just as dangerous. They sway in the
breeze and seem to be aware of you, and are for now satisfied
at the distance you keep from them.</p>
<p>There is a chipmunk sitting cross-legged before you on the
branch. It looks curiously up at you and says, “The Red
Squirrel stole my acorns! Are you going to get them back for
<p>You can feel a metaphysical tug in your gut as your orient
yourself to dreamspace like the needle of a compass. “Inward”
you can feel a tug toward Breads deep unconscious. To their
core memories. “Outward” you can feel a tug away from Bread
toward the shores of the Sea of Dreams, where you may continue
your journey through the Collective Unconsciousness to the
pocket dimension of the Wandering Bazaar. You need not move
physically to travel in either direction. Its more a matter
of choosing a destination, and letting the winds blow you in
that direction.</p>
<p>“My acorns!” insists the chipmunk, wringing its hands. “The
Red Squirrel has taken them all! Are you going to help
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">69 - Thu, 02 Mar 2023 07:16:46
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<pubDate>Thu, 02 Mar 2023 07:16:46 -0700</pubDate>
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<h3 id="00069">00069</h3>
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<p>Inky offers the cat person a bemused half-smile, then turns
to the sysorcerer. “We hope you are well. Young Master Alex
has been searching for you. He had planned on coming, but had
to attend to an urgent matter on short notice.”</p>
<p>A pause, then Inky slides an open envelope — a plain affair
with a grid of tiny blue dots, and a single sheet of a similar
pattern inside — across the table towards the wizard. They
continue, “If there is anything you wish to tell him, you can
write it in a language only you two understand and seal the
envelope. This one will do their best to pass on the message.”
They wave another identical envelope, indicating the message
will be copied once sealed before pocketing it again.</p>
<p>“If you do decide to write, please do it promptly. This one
will be departing shortly, and the envelope in front of you
will disappear,” they inform the sysorcerer with an apologetic
look and a tinge of sadness.</p>
<p>To the self-proclaimed double agent, Inky replies, “Thanks
for the information. Master Alex will be positively ecstatic
with the news.” They send the hobbit a lopsided smile.
“Nevertheless, you will understand if the party would like to
consider your proposal further before providing an answer.
Haste makes waste, as proverbs say. Perhaps your pirate
captain would agree. My condolences.”</p>
<p>Ignoring the proffered dice, Inky bids the group at the
table good evening and exits the club by the same route with
which they had entered, trying to stave off the growing unease
at the back of their mind.</p>
<p>Three corridors later, one with a high vaulted ceiling away
from the din of the gambling club, Inky slows their brisk trot
and hands Fuko the envelope. The owl grips the item, dives
down and drops it onto the thick carpet. She places the back
of one feet lightly over a corner of the envelope, deftly
slicing open the top layer along one edge with a claw. Working
quickly, she pulls out the contents with her beak, smoothing
out the sheet with a brush of her wings. Next, she flies in a
slow circle above the papers a few times before descending
again upon the papers and dragging them into a cake tin.
Finally, the bird pops the lid over the container, where the
paper within turns into dry compost.</p>
<p>“Its confidential. Please do not decode.” Inky says as a
reminder from their spot near the end of the corridor.</p>
<p>Fuko levels an unimpressed look at her companion, as if to
say, <em>Yes, for the twenty-fourth time.</em> Inky smiles
back at her and asks, “Is your <em>boss</em> satisfied now?”
The smile widens briefly at the indignant screech and clicks
in response, then vanish as the events of the past few moments
caught up to them again. Here in a hallway brightly lit by
glow lamps away from any windows, the howling winds are a
distant echo, but it did not stop Inky from wondering.</p>
<p>It had been a risk, dallying around longer to give the
elder wizard time to say his piece in writing. No one could
have missed the disappointment written clearly on his face
when he realised his nephew hadnt come. Now, from Fukos
sparse recount of what their tails had found, the candle had
burned down, releasing something somewhere, yet none of the
others had woken up. It would appear that Master Alex had not
left the Dreaming at all, but was in another area doing
<p>They stare up at the large central chandelier in the next
room with thousands of crystal beads that gleam like tiny
droplets suspended in the air. Orange shirt and blue shorts
have since been replaced with a red brimmed hat and blue
duffel coat, the drawstring pouch tied below the collar, and
running shoes with red rain boots. The mess of ginger hair is
trimmed to a caramel crop.</p>
<p>When the owl settles again on their shoulder, stirring Inky
from their thoughts, they collect the cake tin, remove the lid
and look inside. From a pocket of their coat, they pull out
three seeds and nudge them with two fingers into the soil.
Descending a flight of stairs, Inky sets the dousojin, grown
to the size of a boulder, and the tin on a side table. They
pour seaweed tea into the tin from a glass bottle, then refill
the bottle with small fish-shaped crackers, corking and
placing it beside the tin.</p>
<p>“Thank you, Great Spirit. This useless one will take their
leave now, and apologises if they have accidentally left the
door open for something to blow in that should not be here.”
Inky says.</p>
<p>They turn to the great horned owl. “Impeccable as ever,
both of you. Thanks for coming along tonight. You may go,
Fuko. When you wake yourself or with Futas help, please get
into the carrier as quickly as you can, activate the
connection and leave immediately. Sever it as soon as you
arrive safely. Forget about pulling off the patch under my
forearm, it can be delivered later, or he can have the body
sent over eventually. Leave and dont look back.” Then, more
airily, “Should we meet again, Inky the Insolent shall bring
you a large rat at two eels. Hows that for a handsome
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2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<p>Alex takes the amulet solemnly “Alright, now thats
something I can believe in.” he says as he turns the locket
over in his hand. The golden veins shimmer and pulse inside of
the pale blue. Alex dons the necklace, noting that the stone
is warm, almost exactly body temperature. “Alright Neddas,
youve got yourself a deal. Ill finish assembling the
crystals, well haul you back out to Basementaria. And it
sounds like were cracking a few eggs along the way thanks to
<p>The howling interrupts, growing louder, becoming a
cacaphony of tormented banshee wails. The gray expanse of sand
fills with a vile wind, a thick almost physical wall of dark
black smog closes in. Neddas, is nowhere to be found.</p>
<p>Alex dips down and scoops up the little Katsuva, tucking
him into the ruck sack at his side. “Hang tight little guy, I
think the ride out of heres going to get bumpy..”</p>
<p>In a single swift motion Alex pulls back the bolt on his
AK74u and levels it at the smog, letting loose a sustained
volley of gunfire. Bullets whiz with a defeaning RATATATAT.
While laying down suppressing fire, he pulls the little
console back up to his side with a short wave of the hand. A
single command is all he needs here.</p>
<p>When Alex pulls up his terminal he sees a notification
blinking in the corner of the screen. A message from
<p>The howling wind abruptly stops and the smog quickly
<p>In the fish market, Alex and Inky both wake with a start,
gasping for breath as though drowning.</p>
<p>It is dark. The lights are all out but it looks as through
Marvelo has dropped some flairs on the ground. They fill the
room with an eerie, crackling red glow.</p>
<p>It is not quiet. The antiques dealer / spymaster has a
couple of cords of rope and a couple loose blankets coiled
around his arms and legs. He is shaking them off while
screaming obscenities and repeatedly firing a blaster pistol
at a large, roaring abomination standing in the center of the
<p>The nightmare has an almost fetal-looking head with a long,
bulbous skull that looks far too large for its body. A single
eye glares malevolently from the center of its small face.
Oily feathers drip from a thin, sagging membrane that runs
from wrist to ankle. Its leathery skin cracks and oozes from
repeated shots to the torso from Marvelos blaster, but it
seems unbothered by the attack.</p>
<p>It screeches and lunges forward and swings one massive arm
at Marvelo. Its leathery, feathery wing slices through the air
like a billowing cape behind its claws. Marvelo jumps to the
side at the last moment, firing another shot right into the
creatures chest while in midair, and lands on the ground.</p>
<p>Now prone and helpless on the floor, he looks up as the
beast looms over him. It screeches and falls on top of him,
shoving its slender hands into his mouth. Marvelos muffled
screams become pitiful whimpers as the creature pulls out
teeth by the handful and crams them into its own mouth.</p>
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">61 - Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:59:55
<pubDate>Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:59:55 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00061">00061</h3>
<p>Alex the Octopus and Inky the Noogle stand on a tree branch
as wide a street in the heart of the great white upside-down
<p>A cry of anguish and anger echoes through the forest, and
the branches below you sway and rustle as something rises up
from the depths. You keep catching a glimpse of scarlet
between the silvery white leaves.</p>
<p>The large black ravens perched below you scream in
agitation and fly up past you to the thicker branches up
above, where they hop side to side and loudly scold and
protest the disturbance. A single black feather the length of
your hand settles to the ground at your feet, knocked loose
during their flight.</p>
<p>You finally see the fearsome beast crashing through the
branches below you. Its crazed, yellow eyes as large and round
as dinner plates, a great eight-legged rodent leaps from
branch to branch as it swiftly ascends. It is a bloody,
crimson red. Its long tufted ears lay flat against its
elongated, grinning skull. Its ribbon-like tail twitches as it
trails along behind it like a river of blood. It cries out
again in anger, showing its overgrown incisors, and grinds and
gnashes its back teeth.</p>
<p>Its eyes bore into you with wild fury and blind madness as
it climbs.</p>
<p>“Shes not herself,” sighs the chipmunk, suddenly at your
side once more. When you look down at the chipmunk, however,
it has suddenly turned into a small featureless black turtle
with a sticky sweet roll instead of a shell. Its smooth little
head pokes timidly out of the roll.</p>
<p>“The Red Squirrel,” laments the turtle. “Shes being ridden
by a ghost. An angry ghost who isnt from here. Somebody left
the door open, and it blew in on the breeze.” The turtles
voice trails off until its final words are barely a
<p>You can still feel two currents tugging at you and trying
to pull you under. One inward toward your hosts deep, core
memories. And the second pulling you outward toward the Sea of
<p>You have but a moment before the Red Squirrel is upon
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2023-03-03 15:25:19 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">65 - Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:02:22
<pubDate>Tue, 21 Feb 2023 14:02:22 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00065">00065</h3>
<p>Marvelo fetched a fluffy blanket from the piles of blankets
and pillows in the ritual room where the dreamers continue to
sleep. He has wrapped up the child and is drying them off. The
sound of rain continues to drum incessantly outside.</p>
<p>“Poor thing, youre chilled to the bone. Dont worry, Uncle
Marv will take care of you. There we go. Fix you right
<p>The child is still and silent. It has not made a noise this
whole time. Nor has it acted on its own to actually do
anything besides stare up at Marvelo with wide, dark eyes.</p>
<p>“How did you end up outside by yourself in the rain, hmm?
No? Thats okay. What about your name? Have you got a
<p>“Rind,” says a voice behind Marvelo. At the sound of its
name, the childs eyes flick over Marvelos shoulder. The
mercenary starts to spin around even as the blanket writhes in
his hands, wrapping itself around his wrists and binding them
tightly together.</p>
<p>“Hungh!” he cries out wordlessly and tucks into a roll,
turning to face his assailant and—he hopes—dodging any
potential attack from behind. And also putting some distance
between himself and the child to get it out of harms way.</p>
<p>Marvelo tries to push up to his knees as cords of rope
snake their way out of the shadows and coil around his knees
and elbows. He struggles to pull free of them. A thicker rope
wraps around his waist, and another squeezes around his chest
and back. The ropes contract and pull Marvelo into a ball. He
groans and falls to his side. He looks up into the eyes of a
man wearing a bright red sash.</p>
<p>The child has tottled over to the man and reaches its arms
up. The man scoops the child up and holds it in the crook of
one arm. The child puts its arms around the mans neck and
looks down at Marvelo while resting its cheek on the mans
<p>“His name is Rind,” the man smiles.</p>
<p>Feeling bedraggled yet dry despite having been submerged
under water, Inky lays on the beach, staring up at the sky
before sitting up and looking around the landscape. They are
now attired in a hooded azure blue vest over red shirt and
shorts, and blue shoes over mismatched knee-high stockings.
Their auburn hair is tied back with the drawstrings from an
attached small pouch. A plush toy resembling a certain floofy
duck peeks out from the hood.</p>
<p>They sense a soft weight land on one shoulder, and smile as
Fuko nips at their ear, no doubt partly in reproach for
wandering off again without her, and maybe partly meant to be
reassuring. This is followed several moments later by a low
hiss and a series of light taps next to Inkys ear with her
beak. Inky murmurs, “Is that so … we should call it a wrap
soon. Master Alex would probably be happy having Big Bother to
himself anyway, to grill as he likes.”</p>
<p>After a very long minute, Inky sighs and taking out a piece
of paper and pencil from their suitcase, scribbles a
<pre><code>Island tower of towers
Nowhere everywhere the sea
Keep your apples and flowers
Your suitor has come for thee</code></pre>
<p>They roll up the paper and tuck it into a small and clear
glass bottle with a cork stopper. Murmuring the sysorcerers
name to the bottle, they lower it into the water and watch as
the bottle drifts into the distance.</p>
<p>Walking along the shoreline and stopping a short distance
from the lone figure, Inky says casually, “Good day, fellow
<p>The figure turns in your direction and lowers their hood
revealing a long, hooked, black beak and a face covered in
black feathers. Beady black eyes regard you without
<p>The feathers around its throat bristle when it speaks like
a thick bristling beard.</p>
<p>“Greetings, Dreamer, and welcome to Ephemeris, the Heart of
the Dreaming. What brings you to the Throne of Konsu?”</p>
<p>Well Kasutva, I may as well trust you. I imagine if you
meant me harm there are more direct and interesting ways to
harm me than to misguide me. Give me a moment to collect
myself, Ive never been much for swimming you see, learned
late and was always deathly afraid as a child. Dreadful stuff
<p>Alex steps away briefly to the edge of the pier and looks
into the Azure blue ocean, a swirl of unending blue depth.
Still not my thing, Alex mutters to himself. As he steels
himself he notices a bottle adrift, nearing the pier. As it
comes closer, he plucks it from the water, decorks it and
inspects the note inside.</p>
<p>“What does it say” the little Kasutva inquires.</p>
<p>“Oh nothing, just someone trying to get in contact about
our floating pirateships extended warranty” Alex replies
bruskly. This definitely must have come from Inky Alex thinks
to himself. They must have found the way.</p>
<p>“Look Kasutva, this has been great fun, but I really think
I ought to be going, not really sure that a sea of anyones
dreams is my sort of thing and all that. And I seem ot have
done not but create a mess of things” Alex says as he gestures
to the wreckage of the Mech. Alex gestures in the air before
him, a small split keyboard appears in front of him and he
types out a few short commands.</p>
<pre><code>cat &gt; /home/inky/messages/urgent &lt;&lt;EOF
Got your message
In a bit of a bind, wrapped up with some weird mushroom guy who wants to go for a swim.
Not sure how to handle it, but I might have to dip back to the real world and let you finish here.
I&#39;ve made a write mess of things, but I trust you can finish this.
Oh, see attached, if you get into a pinch just use this spell, it&#39;ll get you what you need.
grep -A4 AID ~/messages/urgent | sed &#39;s/AID//&#39; | sh
<p>“Right!” Alex exclaims startling the little Kasutva
accidentally. “Time for me to head back to the real world.
Anything you need from me before I head out? Oh also, can I
take the ak74u? I think I might need it.”</p>
<p>“Back … back to the waking world?” Mushroom Kasutva
stammers. “But…”</p>
<p>It looks out at the sea with a look of longing, confusion,
and frustration. “But we were finally going to see Ephemeris,”
they say almost wistfully.</p>
<p>“You were going to take us to Ephemeris!” they shout at
you, suddenly angry.</p>
<p>Mushroom Kasutva screws up its face and roars in rage as it
rushes at you and tries to shove you over the edge of the pier
into the waters below.</p>
<p>But Kasutva is less than a foot tall and quite ineffective
at shoving a human-sized person such as Alex.</p>
<p>Big Kasutva, on the otherhand, is roughly twelve feet tall
and quite capable of manhandling a human-sized person.</p>
<p>You look up in time to jerk back out of the way as they
swipe at your chest with their face-removing knife. It was all
a feint though. As soon as you are slightly off balance from
dodging their attack, they reach out with their other hand and
give you a shove.</p>
<p>You trip over Mushroom Kasutva, who has positioned themself
in just such a way to best tangle up your feet. You stumble
backwards a few steps until one of your feet steps out into
open air. You twist and and look behind you as Ousia rises up
to meet you.</p>
<p>Kasutva clings to your leg as you fall, crying. “Were
sorry. Were sorry,” they say over and over as you are pulled
below the waves.</p>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
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2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">64 - Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:58:35
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<pubDate>Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:58:35 -0700</pubDate>
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<h3 id="00064">00064</h3>
<p>Back at the fish market, Marvelo squints into the pouring
rain and swears under his breath, frustrated at the limited
<p>His colleague is lying on the floor behind him in some kind
of state of deeply altered consciousness, along with an
inkling, a toque, and an owl. In fact, the only waking beings
left inside the market are himself, a fluffy little duck, and
a sticky hemogoblin.</p>
<p>“Ive seen stranger things,” he shrugs and admits to
<p>The duck and the goblin are both fluffed up and huddled up
next to each other softly quacking and chirping to
<p>He pauses and holds his breath as something indistinct
catches his attention. Years of training have produced an
instinct he has learned not to question. It has saved his butt
more times than he can count. Sometimes it screams at him and
the danger is apparent. Like that time with the Permian
Raiders off the southern tip of Harshwind Glade. Other times,
such as this, all he gets is the vague feeling that something
is off. He waits. Hes been here before. His subconscious has
spotted something, noticed some pattern that doesnt fit its
surroundings. He knows if hes patient, his conscious mind
will catch up and realize what it was.</p>
<p>He squints out into the pouring rain. There! A flash of red
close to the ground.</p>
<p>“What in the world,” he wonders as a small child wearing a
bright red dress toddles into view. It looks up at him blankly
as the rain beats down on its head and shoulders.</p>
<p>“What are you doing out here, little guy? Youre getting
soaked!” Marvelo, concerned, rushes forward to comfort the
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2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>Inky gingerly takes the coin with both hands, small digits
clamping onto the straight edges. They look at the Twenty-one
Fiver nestled against the fuzzy outlines of one palm before
peering up again at the figure seated before them. “Thank you,
Great Spirit.” Inky says. “If truly allowed to choose, then,
this one accepts the price.”</p>
<p>They toss the coin up into the air. A beat, and they are
hovering a few feet above the tracks, between the fork and the
oncoming train with no walls. Inky watches as the childs body
begins to shrink as rapidly as the black uniform expands, the
entire apparition thinning and becoming translucent. The shirt
continues to grow until the hem brushes the train tracks and
the collar peeks over the invisible tops of the train, the
trousers and shoes having been pushed into the stones and
earth below.</p>
<p>A portal, the childs voice supplies distantly. At the back
of their awareness, Inky homes in on the coin as it continues
to spin. When the train thunders down upon the oversized shirt
doorway-apparent, they brace for the force of the impact.
Instead, all they could feel is a creeping weariness, like
water draining through tea leaves in a sieve, while being
suddenly surrounded by and staring into a deep reflectionless
<p>Is it two to two, or two past eight, Inky wonders.</p>
<p>The last thing within their consciousness is a gleam of
silver as the coin lands on one of its corners mid-spin,
bounces off the small half table and falls into the
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2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>You sink into the dark reflectionless pool, letting its
waters close over you and pull you under. You ponder its
depths from within in its embrace, mindless of the passage of
<p>After a few minutes, or a few days, you notice faint light
rising up here and there from below. Fuzzy, cobwebby human
shapes float suspended in the waters. Some far away, distant
as stars. Some drift close enough that you would be able to
discern their features, if they had any.</p>
<p>You realize all at once that these are the dream forms of
sleeping Basmentarians everywhere, and that you are floating
in Ousia, a solitary awakened dreamer in a literal sea of the
passive slumbering.</p>
<p>As though responding to your realization, the waters bear
you up and you pierce the weak membrane between water and air.
You float effortlessly and the gentle waves nudge you ever
onward toward some unknown shore. Or merely farther out to
sea. Youre not sure.</p>
<p>You continue to see the dreamers all around you. You watch
curiously as you float by two that seem to have bumped into
one another and fused together, their cobwebby bodies
sprouting hard crystalline growths and spreading like creeping
vines, forming a lattice and creating a small floating
<p>After a few hours, or a few weeks, you wash up on the beach
of a large island. There is a steep rock, a pillar of a
mountain, jutting straight up from the center of the island
some distance ahead. And jutting from the pillar is a fractal
structure of interconnected towers, all sprouting and
branching from one large central tower. The top of the tower
disappears far overhead, obscured by a rippling aurora of
green and pink lights in the sky.</p>
<p>Some distance down the beach, just out of hailing distance,
a lone figure stands gazing at the sea, their back to the
<p>The figure waits.</p>
<p>The towers strange geometry beckons.</p>
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2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>Kasutva, how can I know that I can trust you? What do you
gain in helping me, and was there really no way for you to
communicate with me without beheading yourself? That seems a
little bit distraughting. Like, do you need a bandage or some
headache medicine or something? I feel like if I yanked my
face off Id need an ibuprofen. I have some if you want? (alex
rummages in a coat pocket and finds a bottle of pain killers,
and offers them to the being).</p>
<p>Right anyways, answers questions. Im looking for my Uncle
first and foremost. He dropped off the map a few days ago, and
I cant find hide nor hair of him. Then the murders started.
Shit at HQ when wild, hit the wall literally, and now Im in
some sort of fever dream talking to what can only be a
manifestation of my own subconscious, or perhaps someone
elses. Look. I need to get back to Inky, were trying to meet
someone and were running late, and in the scheme of things my
problems arent so big if the worlds going to end because
some mad hatter is after these blasted crystals weve been
<p>Even as you speak, you notice the edges of Big Kasutvas
“wounds” start to close until its flesh begins to once more
envelop and enclose its face.</p>
<p>The creature courteously accepts a few pills from you, but
simply deposits them in its satchel.</p>
<p>“No, it doesnt hurt us,” say the two voices together. “And
little matter if it did. It is necessary for us to speak.”</p>
<p>They listen to your story. Big Kasutvas voice starts to
become muffled as its skin now grows over its mouth. Only its
eyes are visible as the two of them continue. “If your Inky
has come to this place, then there is only one place they can
have gone.” They gesture to the sea. “And that place is
Ephemeris. The Heart of the Dreaming at the center of
<p>Big Kasutva finally falls silent as it heals completely. It
guides you to the shoreline, where a long pier has suddenly
appeared. Mushroom Kasutva continues to speak for both of
<p>“We only ask to accompany you as you go. We wish to see
Ephemeris ourselves. But we cannot abandon our post here on
the dunes,” it says looking at Big Kasutva. “And we,” it says
gesturing to itself, “are too small to brave the sea
<p>Big Kasutva stops short of the end of the pier. The little
mushroom hops right up to the edge and peers down at the
<p>“All that is left is to jump, Alex. And let the waters of
Ousia bear you up and carry you to Ephemeris.”</p>
<p>It hops up to you and extends itself in a clear request,
despite its lack of limbs, that it wants you to pick it
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<guid isPermaLink="false">54 - Tue, 03 Jan 2023 16:12:08
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<pubDate>Wed, 04 Jan 2023 08:18:44 -0700</pubDate>
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
2023-03-02 03:20:35 +00:00
<h3 id="00054">00054</h3>
<p>Once back in the Milk Bar, with the airship safely anchored
to the roof of the building, Alex finds himself amongst the
old belongings of his former uncle.</p>
<p><em>sigh</em> “Best get a request to HQ for this airship,
maybe theyll let us operate it for a bit, if not I suppose we
have to impound it..”</p>
<pre><code>&lt;- OP 2817 * LOC MB-A
-&gt; OP 25120 * LOC ESPER
ONE CYBERPLASM AIRSHIP &quot;The Rusty Maiden&quot;</code></pre>
<p>“Theres also the matter of this little hemogoblin..” Alex
mutters to himself while said hemogoblin happily dances around
the room, dripping little pools of blood hither and
<pre><code>&lt;- OP 2817 * LOC MB-A
-&gt; OP 41154 * LOC ESPER
ONE GDB @gdb-readout.dat
TWO BLOOD @blood-soaked-handkerchief
<p>“Hey little guy, lets go get an empanade. Inky says theyre
divine.” Alex says as he scoops up the little goblin and
gently carries him downstairs.”</p>
<p>Striding into Enriques kitchen, and availing himself to the
empanadas, ignoring an indignant Enriques protests that these
were for paying customers until a small bag of coins is tossed
careless over one shoulder. Alex stride through the kitchen
and then out and away into the garden to enjoy their pilfered
<p>“I suppose this is more interesting than being on the force
at times”</p>
<p>Inky stepped into the toques cabin below deck with a tray
of turmeric ginger tea and lavender biscuits. After checking
on Breads bandages and offering the toque reclined on the
berth the last bag of mango croutons — or at least the last
one for the next two hours — Inky perched on a wooden barrel
across from where Confidence sat on a creaking old chair next
to the bunk and spoke. “Well be landing in about an hour and
getting Bread to a medical facility. You can stay with him
while he heals and rest up.”</p>
<p>They paused to take a long sip from their cup, as if the
liquid was being used to summon their next words. “On behalf
of myself and the party, I apologise for the … disruption, and
for what had befallen the hotelier. As you may have already
noticed, were a fair distance away from the Peak and will be
arriving in VayNullar soon. This airship was taken over from
the cyberplasms in the course of getting the crystal out and
the injured to a safe location, and her new captain could
hardly fly it back straight into the pirates hands now.</p>
<p>What we propose is this: you and Bread may take as long as
you need to recover. We can arrange for lodgings and new posts
in the city. One of our party runs a Milk Market that could
certainly use some hired help, and a garden in the back that
would benefit from more attention. Pay will be double your
current salary at the hotel. Master Alex may also recruit you
for other tasks. You dont need to have an answer just yet —
think on it for a bit while you rest and let us know.
Afterwards, if you find that you still wish to return to
Kelsun Peak, we will pay for travel.”</p>
<p>Inky winked at Bread conspiratorially. “You may be
interested to know there is a bakery on the Milk Markets
first floor. If you like the look of the place, perhaps we can
convince the chef to take on an assistant.”</p>
<p>Tess watched her adviser from her position on one end of
the plush chaise lounge in her office, who returned her stare
impassively as they sat in the adjoining armchair to her
right. The ornate coffee table before them had been laid out
for tea, but the other cup remained untouched, which was in
itself unusual. Ink rarely turned down tea when it was
offered, which likely meant they were preoccupied with
something they were unwilling to discuss. This had been
happening more frequently since their plans to intercept the
Ginnarak Crystals, which was a little concerning, but she knew
it would be no use to question them directly. The missive she
had received this time through Piskins people was brief,
almost annoyingly so, but they had returned earlier than
expected with the articles that production had requested,
which had fortunately made up for lost time from the previous
<p>With this in mind, she settled on a lighter note as she
picked up her own teacup. “Salvia passed on the items to the
production team. Thank you for picking them up from the
Runesocesius. I would send my regular couriers but they are
tied up with another event. One of them had to care for their
sick child and couldnt leave the city. As usual, time and
discretion are of the essence.”</p>
<p>When her adviser only nodded, she continued. “How is he? He
probably insisted on bringing the manuscripts out for you
himself. The man is cautious with valuables.”</p>
<p>“Quite dead but managing, or so I heard.” Ink intoned
<p>Tess caught on immediately. “Didnt you meet with him? The
message only mentioned the items had been obtained. Did
something happen?”</p>
<p>The imp shrugged. “We met, I delivered the letter and
collected the items. We didnt get a chance to talk.”</p>
<p>The hotel was slowly but steadily attracting visitors
again, especially after their last play had prominently
featured the Runesocesius Library as a research partner in the
programme credits, but Tess didnt think the hotelier was so
busy as to entrust this task to one of his underlings. The man
was proud of the first editions the library had amassed, and
the notebooks of Lucidieau that the playwright sought as a
reference were no doubt counted among the treasures, even if
only an expensive commissioned facsimile was permitted out of
the library. Something had happened, she was sure, but decided
not to press further for the moment.</p>
<p>“And the other matter?” she asked.</p>
<p>“Someone already knew the crystal was at the hotel and
retained a crew of cyberplasmic pirates to storm the place.”
Ink replied flatly. “And yes, your acquaintance is very much
dead, shot by the crew leader in the scuffle. As the rumour
rags have it, his ghost is now overseeing the building
<p>Tess was about to admonish the imp gently for the tasteless
jest when there was a knock at the door. At her response, the
door opened and her secretary entered with a box of pastries
and two sets of tableware, which she placed on the coffee
table before leaving and closing the door behind her.</p>
<p>Noticing Inks look of recognition, Tess smiled and
ventured, “This is the second time is as many months you
awarded that empanada place a glowing review in <em>The Tiny
Toaster</em>. I can count the ratings higher than a 10 youve
ever given on one hand — of course I had to try it. Why dont
you have some as well?”</p>
<p>Ink blinked. “I didnt write the latest review.”</p>
<p>Tess shot them an accusing mock-glare as she lifted a puffy
golden brown pastry onto a plate. “It has your inkprints all
over it.”</p>
<p>“I dont know what you mean. Surely Im allowed to treat a
colleague to lunch, and they are free to express their
satisfaction with a meal openly if they wish,” Ink replied
<p>Tess rolled her eyes. “Theres a name for that. Its called
<p>Ink smiled faintly. “Just so. However, the selection speaks
for itself.”</p>
<p>“Oh, absolutely! These mini ambrose apple empanadas are
wonderful. In fact,” Tess prodded the open end of the pastry
with her fork, where a light yellow filling was visible, “they
remind me a little of the very crispy tortelli
<em>someone</em> made several years ago just for the opening
reception of <em>The Two Genteelkin of Virdantha</em>.”</p>
<p>“Any resemblance is coincidental. The chef is very
capable.” Ink said evenly.</p>
<p>Tess sighed and returned her plate to the table. “Weve
talked about this before, Ink. You dont have to hole up in
some poor scrubs excuse for a kitchen in a closet. If you
need more room downstairs then expand it. Just tell Salvia and
shell take care of it.”</p>
<p>Ink lowered their gaze to the teacups. “I appreciate the
offer, but the answer is the same. There will be no rest until
the crystals are secured.”</p>
<p>Some time passes.</p>
<p>The hemogoblin turns out to be a fine housemate and less of
a problem than you thought it would be. Be it because its not
in the excitement of battle onboard a pirate ship, or be it
because it is maturing slightly, it seems in better control of
its blood sacs. Barring a few small accidents, it doesnt make
much of a mess. It has found and claimed as its own a few
unused blankets, and has made a little burrow nest in an out
of the way corner behind the furniture.</p>
<p>Bread makes a full recovery and in fact is doing better
than ever before. The blood goblin stays by their side during
the first hours and days and keeps them pumped full of clean,
synthetic blood. Afterwards the toque is flushed a healthy
pink and has new vigor. Enrique takes them under his tutelage.
And Bread ends up making a fine bakers apprentice. Dough
seems to rise more and quicker after he kneads it. “The lad
has solar hands,” Enrique boasts of his new protegee.</p>
<p>Confidence becomes enthralled with the semi-sentient
Wandering Bazaar. The thirteen story building moves with
glacial speed up and down the streets, vendors and stalls and
shoppers following in its wake. But then also it will
disappear in the blink of an eye only to reappear in a totally
different part of the area known as the Wandering Bazaar
District. Each floor of the tall, narrow tower is occupied
entirely by a single shop. But which shop it is seems to vary
from day to day. One day the seventh level will be occupied by
Fediks Butcher shop. And the next, Larios Bakery. It might
be days or weeks before one can once again buy hotlinks from
Fediks. Where the shops go when theyre not here is one of
Basmentarias great mysteries.</p>
<p>The toque studies the Bazaars movements and are able to
predict its route with more and more accuracy. They become a
highly sought out guide. Tourists and visitors trust them to
take them to the very spot the Bazaar will appear that day.
Residents appreciate the heads up and not getting trapped in
their houses when the Bazaar wedges its way into their narrow
residential streets, blocking their front doors. And owners of
traditional, less ambulatory shops are able to plan ahead for
the crowds that will appear on “Bazaar Day”.</p>
<p>Members of the Retrieval Team who sleep in Milk Market HQ
start having dreams of the same mysterious figure. Of course
at first nobody knows their dreams are shared by the others.
Not until they become more frequent, more regular. By the time
the figure has visited you every night for nearly a week,
somebody speaks up and you realize the coincidence.</p>
<p>The figure is clad in voluminous robes of deep purple.
Long, straight, blonde hair falls around their shoulders.
Their soft features are boyish and womanly. They wear a golden
circlet on their head and a golden eye in the middle of their
forehead. Their passive, neutral face betrays no emotion the
entire time.</p>
<p>The dream is always the same. They reach out to you with
one hand and turn their palm up. And because of dream logic,
in the palm of their hand you can hear the jingling of coins,
mirthful laughter, and hushed stories told around a campfire.
They curl their fingers into a loose first and the sounds
stop. They spread their arms wide and in the folds of their
robes you can see three siblings fighting, squabbling over a
broken loom.</p>
<p>Then youre standing next to them, and the two of you watch
three friends, Snake, Owl, and Dolphin. Owl tells Snake that
he is tired of flying and hooting, and doesnt want to be an
owl any more, he wants to be flowers. And Snake laughs and
tells him that he is Owl, and an owl he must remain. And she
leaves him to go eat rodents and bake in the sun. So Owl tells
Dolphin that he is tired of flying and hooting, and doesnt
want to be an owl any more, he wants to be flowers. Dolphin
doesnt want to help Owl, because if he is flowers, they wont
be able to be together any longer. But Dolphin finally agrees
to help even though they dont want to, because Dolphin loves
Owl. With all their strength, they create a great waterspout
that will turn Owl into flowers. But the waterspout is too
strong, and Dolphin is too weak to control it. It sprays Owl
but does not turn him into flowers. Owls wing is broken and
he falls to the ground in a heap of feathers. The waterspout
shakes a great boulder from the earth and traps Snake under
it. And Dolphin sinks to the bottom of the sea.</p>
<p>And then you wake up.</p>
<p>Later you find a letter in the common area of Milk Market
HQ. It is not addressed to anybody. When you open it up, it
<p>Time is running out, Retrieval Team 43. Things are starting
to draw to a close. We cannot delay our meeting any longer if
we both are to achieve our goals. We have information that you
are looking for. Meet us at the Harpoon Club next Selday. We
will wear the sign.</p>
<p>The letter is signed with a white iris and golden
<p>Anyone in VayNullar would be able to tell you that the
Harpoon Club is a game room and fine dining club, and one of
the rotating tenants of the Wandering Bazaar. But Confidence
would tell you, were you to ask them, that the club wont be
there next Selday. (When the Bazaar will appear at East and
Lowland.) It is in fact not scheduled to appear until a week
and a half after next Selday, on Third Tensday. (When the
Bazaar will appear at Cathedral and Pine.)</p>
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">55 - Thu, 05 Jan 2023 08:21:34
<pubDate>Thu, 05 Jan 2023 08:21:34 -0700</pubDate>
<h3 id="00055">00055</h3>
<p>The nibs had disappeared.</p>
<p>Inky had spotted the small ceramic and wicker teapot among
a long row of boxes and bowls at the antique shop on the
thirteenth floor of the Wandering Bazaar while looking for a
Near-weightless Verifying Matter enclosure (NVMe) to their
Handy Duffer Discette as a primary storage. The witch
shopkeeper, Agate, had helpfully mentioned the teapot could be
used to steep very acidic or alkaline solutions, as well as
distil solubles. The box it was subsequently packed in did not
include instructions on activating the precipitation feature.
With the shop not returning for another week by Confidences
reckoning, Inky had used the teapot in the meantime to rinse
off any impurities from an old set of nibs — the very first
functional set they had made as an apprentice inkling — except
the nibs were nowhere to be found when they poured out the
citronella solution and removed the lid. Inky supposed it was
to be expected — some witches liked to go on about equal
payment for wishes, as if it were as easy as reading off a
price tag, and it was difficult to stay irritated at a cute
teapot for long. Inky wrote it off as a gift for what would
hopefully thereafter be a cutely functional teapot. The shop
had a no-refunds policy.</p>
<p>Then came the dream. At first Inky had attributed them to
reading the book on the mythology of The Trine that they had
slipped out of the Runesocesius Library, along with an obscure
cactus leather-bound manuscript containing first-hand accounts
of the Artifice Wars. When the dream repeated itself on the
third night, Inky suspected it had something to do with the
crystals under the Milk Markets roof. While not horrifically
bloody in the way Master Corraidhíns description of the
vision he had from the first crystal had been, it was
haplessly boring when lucid intervention didnt seem to have
any effect. It ran on like a low-budget B-Grade play that had
only three scenes with a few props each. By the fourth night,
the dream had become worse than a nib-nibbling teapot that
they stayed up entire nights for the rest of that week while
they were camping at the Milk Market.</p>
<p>It was mostly an excuse to drop into the kitchens
downstairs — which they could now enter on the pretext of
visiting Bread to observe the apprentices progress — in the
early morning hours and push new tea blends onto its
unfortunate occupants. Most of the three dozen or so infusions
had been full of fruits and spices, six of which would go well
with items on the empanada shops current menu. A handful were
medicinal after procuring a herb illustrated on one
moth-bitten page snatched on the hotel steps back on the Peak.
A few others were teas in the loosest sense of the word. These
were as tasteless and colourless as tap water, only the scent
offering a faint clue as to their ingredients. They had other
applications, least of which was in a prank on one empanada
chef. (Inky left him a box of zephyl tea — another Kelsun Peak
speciality besides mulled wine — before he could too riled up,
<p>The note left at the Milk Market was the black cherry atop
the hassle cake. Confidence was fairly sure that the fine
establishment mentioned in the note wouldnt appear on the day
indicated. Couldnt “Mother” have chosen to meet somewhere a
little more convenient? So it was that despite the shop having
a no-refunds policy, or because of it, Inky found themselves
returning to the antique shop inside the Wandering Bazaar a
week later looking for another item. “Do you sell flight
vessels that could transport people to and from specific
places … such as the Harpoon Club?” they asked the witch.</p>
<p>You and the witch go back and forth a few times before she
realizes that you want to visit a place where it is when it
isnt there.</p>
<p>“Transdimensional extratemporal colocation?” Agate claps
her hands in delight. “This is going to be fun! A witchy
problem wants a witchy solution. Thats what my Auntie
Tenfingers always said!”</p>
<p>“Why bother with flying contraptions when you yourself are
a perfectly adequate vessel? Im going to prescribe you a
dream ritual,” she says, scribbling in a notebook. “Its
complex. But only because its a lot of steps. And the timing
is kind of particular in a couple places. But if you follow
the directions, you shouldnt have any trouble.” She rips the
page out of the notebook and hands it you.</p>
<p>“Basically, youll enter a hosts dreams, and then delve
into the Collective Unconsciousness. From there you should be
able to find the Wandering Bazaars pocket dimension. Of
course youll need to find a guide to take you there. Youll
have to find one in the Sea of Dreams.”</p>
<p>“And youll need this!” She ducks behind the counter and
reappears with a smoke-gray box bound with thick black ribbon.
Its about as long as her forearm. She unwraps the box and
opens it and pulls out a thick, round candle. It is an
unhealthy, sickening translucent yellow. In the base of the
candle is a large, blackened, withered, and shriveled hand. It
is within and without the candle. As though it is grasping the
base of the candle, but also like it has been molded into the
candle on purpose. As though the hand is imprisoned in the
wax. You can just make out a hazy small round object in the
center of the candle through the wax. A large nut or marble.
The hand looks like it is reaching for it. The candle has been
burned down a fair bit. The wick is low and trimmed, and the
edges are black and warped where the fatty wax has melted and
hardened. You guess theres only about two-thirds left of the
<p>The witch measures down from the top of the candle with a
length of string and bores a small hole in its side. She
wedges a large nail into the hole, leaving half of it jutting
out. “A crude clock,” she winks at you. “Place the candle on a
hard metal plate. When it burns down enough for the wax here
to soften, the nail will fall out and strike the plate and
wake you up.”</p>
<p>She pushes it across the counter toward you and frowns.
“Eh, should be okay,” she shrugs. “But if at any point it
looks like the base gets soft enough that the hand might be
able to grasp the eye,” she cautions pointing toward the round
object in the center of the candle, “smash the thing. As hard
as you can. Destroy the hand, and run.”</p>
<p>“The rest of the instructions should be pretty self
explanatory!” she exclaims, perking up. “Let me know if you
have any questions!”</p>
Ritual Details
<img src=""
alt="ritual outline" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">ritual outline</figcaption>
<p>Ritual Steps In Brief:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li><p>Find a volunteer to be the Dream Host.</p></li>
<li><p>Link your sanctum to the place where the Bazaar will be
on the appointed date. (You cant just do your ceremony out in
the open in the middle of the street! Find somewhere you can
safely leave your bodies for a few hours.)</p></li>
<li><p>Draw a circle of salt.</p></li>
<li><p>At the appointed time, put the Dream Host in the
circle. Also the Travelers (you), the Dream Sigil, and the
Nyxmaer Candle.</p></li>
<li><p>Once the Host is asleep (Sleep spell not included),
light the candle and enter the Hosts dream.</p></li>
<li><p>Turn “away” from the dream, cross the Sea of Dreams to
the Collective Unconsciousness.</p></li>
<li><p>Find the Bazaars pocket dimension.</p></li>
<p>The day the letter arrived Alex was nowhere to be found. It
was a bit strange, somewhat chilling even, that hed disappear
like that. Ever since they had arrived back at the Milk Maid
hed been seen skulking about his uncles study, or pacing the
garden out back somewhat agitatedly. Unbeknownst to the party,
Alex had anticipated the arrival of the letter, HQ had been
following every lead they could pull in since he began with
the Ginnarak recovery team. Not that they really had much to
go off of, but the courier who left the letter wasnt hard to
track. That was, until he slipped inside one of the ever
changing shops right as it was moving along.</p>
<p>The trail went cold after that. Which meant Alex had to get
it moving again, or at least the crumpled communique hed
received said as much. Things were moving too quickly to think
too hard on the how, all that was needed was action, something
drastic to flush things out.</p>
<p>Thats why Alex finds himself on the east side of the
market, skulk about the back alley behind The Temporal
<p>“Gotta get this shit ready, theres no other options here”
Alex thought to himself. He loathed this type of work, it was
messy, abhorrently vile in his mind, but what choice did he
have? His hands worked deftly at the wires in the small
package hidden inside the recess of a loose brick. Once
finished, the little packet came to life, muted lights
blicking away happily as the brick slid back over it.</p>
<p>This was the 3rd and final eavesdropping device, all placed
at the busiest cafes in market, all rigged with self destruct
mechanisms large enough to level the building if theyre
found.. The eavesdropping Alex could abide by, but the wanton
destruction for the sake of security was painful to
<p>But once again, it wasnt much like Alex had a say in the
matter. The first sign of objection, an inclination that hed
refuse orders, and theyd have an assassin on him before he
could leave the alley. And if he took it out, theyd send
double, thered be no rest.</p>
<p>— Later that day</p>
<p>Alex watched twtxt feeds scroll through from his monitoring
devices. Most of it unimportant gossip. So and so haves an
affair, whats for lunch, where to find good empanadas in the
market, so on and so forth. An endless stream on the pulse of
the market.</p>
<p>It was errant curiosity to watch these, the Magic Lichen in
the monitoring system was trained to hunt for any hint of what
the courier was up to, any twinge from Blavin and his ilk.
Itd send alerts straight to him as soon as something came up,
but it was interesting to see the pulse of the city trail by.
And what else could he do? It was too dangerous to go back to
the Milk Maid, any hint he was there could blow his cover.
Best to lay low for the time being, let the scrapers scrape
and the agents comb the streets until they get a bead on their
2023-02-27 19:39:04 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>Milk Market HQ ought to be quiet. Alex has been
conspicuously absent. Missing in action. Inky seems to be out
making rounds delivering tea, or spending more time than usual
at the empenadaria. So Milk Market HQ ought to be quiet.</p>
<p>Instead, a certain young hemogoblin and a certain yellow
duck (both of whom have yet to be named, by the way) are
squealing as they rampage through the rooms on the top floor
of the building, upsetting the furniture in their wake and in
general making a huge mess.</p>
<p>It took some coaxing on the hemogoblins part. The duck was
determinedly uninterested in anything besides a soak in its
tub and a nap on its cushion. And it did a good job of
ignoring the persistent, pestering goblin for most of the
afternoon. But jumping into a wooden tub full of blood cracked
the fouls disinterested facade. It gave furious chase to the
goblin until the heat of the moment cooled down. At which
point the two of them simply enjoyed the thrill of chasing
each other through the apartments.</p>
<p>Confidence is actually the first one to stumble across the
carnage. They were just popping by to drop off some new
pamphlets, but froze in the doorway when they saw the suite in
disarray and the walls plastered with blood and feathers.
“What the toque…” And then they quietly closed the door and
left without going in after all.</p>
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>Gliftwirp browses the stalls trailing behind the Wandering
Bazaar. He is bare chested save for a sleeveless vest. He
wears long, baggy, striped trousers bunched at the ankle, and
a bright red sash tied loosely around his waist. He grins a
wide, gap-toothed grin as he thumps a melon.</p>
<p>“Look at the size of this melon! And perfectly ripe!” he
beams at the stall vendor. “Youll be here next week? With
more like this?”</p>
<p>Very few people would be able to tell Gliftwirps
profession from his attire. For those who can, one look at his
red sash would immediately cause them to give him a wide
berth. Because Gliftwirp is a warpwefter. A master assassin
trained in the ancient art of sarong-fu. That is, the deadly
application of soft and flexible weapons. Whips, chains,
garrotes, nunchucks. And most famously—and most
effectively—sashes, sarongs, scarves, and the like. The saying
goes that a clothed warpwefter is never unarmed. Nor even is a
nude one if they can get their hands on <em>your</em> clothes.
And a warpwefter can sneak their weapons into the most secure
of locations.</p>
<p>“I am a visitor here, and dont know my way around,” he
keeps up the small-talk with the vendor, having paid for the
melon. “Do you know if there is a building around here called
Milk Market? Im supposed to meet someone there. No, theyre
not expecting me. Its going to be a surprise!”</p>
<p>He grins his wide toothy grin.</p>
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2023-03-01 13:59:34 +00:00
<p>The twtxt feed from the listening devices is dull and
quiet. The monitoring software is designed to only deliver
messages containing certain buzzwords. And those messages are
few and far between.</p>
<p>You decide to tap into the unfiltered stream and let the
endless waves of blather wash over you. Its inane. Idle
gossip and mindless chitter-chatter.</p>
<p>After a day or two of this, you notice yourself getting
uncharacteristically agitated. You squint at the lines of
messages coming in and notice a few transposed characters in
some of them, forming new nonsensical words. A couple messages
are missing some whitespace, squishing words together in
maddening run-ons. Glitchy. Theres no reason the listening
devices should be returning errors like this.</p>
<p>Later still, the feeds have gotten worse. Some words seem
to be written backwards. Entire messages are garbled word
soup, devoid of any meaning or sense whatsoever. Some of the
timestamps are invalid datetimes. But you prefer them to the
ones that are valid, but which are stamped years ago. And you
far prefer them to the ones that are stamped far in the
<p>The anomalies are overall infrequent. On their own, they
dont amount to much. And when you show them, nobody at HQ
gives you with much more than a slightly patronizing,
indulgent shrug. But the glitches shouldnt be happening at
all, is the thing. And when you compile them all together, you
start to notice things. Patterns insinuating themselves,
maddeningly just short of reason or meaning. Like a song stuck
in your head when you cant remember the lyrics or the melody.
But theres something there nonetheless. The promise of
something, at least. Something bigger. A wide tapestry of
links and connections, wanting to be known.</p>
<p>There are names. Ellis, the lady in red who sits at the
center of a tangled web. Ousia, a sea of endless knowledge. A
sea of magic. The 215R Dude, a denizen of the other side who
can deliver you to its shores. Other strange beings who lurk
just out of sight, just beyond the veil of perception. The
veil that you are now beginning to pierce with the snippets
and snatches of information you pluck from your feeds.</p>
<p>You start to see signs of the veil elsewhere. Of the
conspiracy. Whatever. You cant decide what to call it. Street
graffiti outside of a red spider spinning a red web. Phrases
like “215R” show up in random articles in the paper. As though
the secret world is trying to cross over. Or to draw you into
2023-01-15 17:56:19 +00:00
2022-07-26 22:08:23 +00:00