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2023-03-23 01:42:48 +00:00
title: 00074
created: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 21:11:46 -0600
updated: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 21:11:46 -0600
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00074 {#00074}
Blavin's vouchers enable you to far exceed your modest budget for
retrofitting the cyberplasm balloonship for space travel.
Not only were you able to get a portable atmosphere and a starhelm
from the ever resourceful Wandering Bazaar. But you were also able to
mount a ballista on a turret in the center of the main deck so you
can fire large bolts in nearly any direction. And even a mangonel on
the top deck: a long range trebuchet that takes more time to load,
aim, and fire; but which does considerably more damage than the
shorter-range ballista.
Above the Milk Market, a crew of Alex's agents get the ship ready for
departure. They have stoked the burners, and the resident sunspoke
has happily filled the balloons with enough lift for the ship to
start to pull and strain at its tethers.
You cut the rope loose, and Vay'Nullar falls away beneath you as the
ship rises into the sky.
When the air becomes thinner and the sunspoke begins to sputter
somewhat, you switch off the burner move the sunspoke into a cold
locker in the galley to induce hibernation so that it doesn't
accidentally burn through your limited reserve of oxygen.
You activate the portable atmosphere, a small block of newtonian
covered with arcane runes and affixed to the cargo hold. Newtonian is
an alchemical substance made of pure density. There are entire
volumes in Nullar's cosmic library devoted to the timelines that met
an abrupt, violent end upon the discovery of the substance. Luckily,
the alchemists of Basmentaria in your timeline were able to stabilize
the element before all of creation collapsed into a singularity. And
now it is commonplace for runewardens to attune small pieces of the
stuff to spacefaring ships so that each ship is able to sustain its
own unique gravity plane. In this way, each ship retains an amount of
breathable atmosphere relative to its size; and starsailors are able
to confidently walk along the top (and bottom!) of their craft.
Next you head to the starhelm.
Even when it comes to magic, there are certain principles that tend
to hold true. One such princple---when it comes to starsailing, at
least---is the conservation of energy. There are lots of different
kinds of starhelms. But they all consume *something* in order to
propel your ship across the stars.
However endless the treasures of the Wandering Bazaar may seem,
starhelms remain quite rare. You consider yourself lucky to find the
one that you did. It could have been a costly Forgehelm, requiring
constant fuel in the form of precious stones and powerful artifacts.
Or an even more costly Bloodhelm, slowly siphoning away your life
Yes, all things considered you could have done much worse than the
Emotionhelm that you purchased. All that it requires of you to keep
the ship on course is that you scream, rant and rave, and bawl and
cry at it periodically.
You imagine it ought to be quite therapeutic, actually.
Portable atmosphere activated, and having fed the starhelm a bit of
melancholia, the ship finally exits the planet's atmosphere. Your crew
takes down the balloons once they start to deflate and stores them in
the cargo hold. And you set sail for Lua, the Red Lady.
In the distance, you see a pod of gargantuan aetherwaels drifting
through the void. Nearby, you see a small school of space guppies
swim by and then quickly scatter as a space gull dives at them and
tries to scoop up a quick meal.
You have a couple day's of travel ahead of you, and the very
non-empty void of space on all sides of you.