This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ src/epistolary/00005.md
@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ What do you plan to do with your cut of the money? Buy lots of ink ingredients,
- Player: mio
- XP: 0
- Skills: Do Anything 1
- Skills: Do Anything 1, Persuasive 2
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
title: 00009
created: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:16:14 -0600
updated: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:16:14 -0600
updated: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 11:24:41 -0600
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00009
@ -9,8 +11,39 @@ updated: Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:16:14 -0600
Corey slowly blinks its eyes. "Inspektor?"
ASIDE: I rolled for Inky and rolled a six, which according to the rules means GREAT SUCCESS, and also Inky gets to Level Up their skill.
ASIDE: I rolled for Inky and rolled a six, which according to the rules means GREAT SUCCESS, and also Inky gets to Level Up: they gain the skill Persuasive 2.
"Of course! Inspektors! Yes, yes, right this way! A surprise inspection!"
"Of course! Inspektors! Yes, yes, right this way! A surprise inspection, how exciting!"
Corey continues to chatter excitedly to itself as it turns and leads you further into the tunnels pointing out particular bits of stonework and engineering. Being a rather good tour guide.
Corey continues to chatter excitedly as it leads you further into the branching, winding tunnels, pointing out particular bits of stonework and engineering, and also baubles and trinkets and fossils and artifacts that the kobits uncovered in the process of digging their tunnels.
Your tour eventually brings you into a large cavern with tunnels exactly like the one from which you just entered branching off in all directions. It makes you dizzy to think of finding your way through this labyrinth without a guide.
In the middle of the cavern is a deep pool with a fountain. At the bottom of the pool, a SWORD is thrust into the ground almost up to its hilt. A large jewel set deep in the pommel rolls around like an eye in a socket and tracks your movement around cavern. A few bubbles float up to the surface of the pool.
And set into the wall on the far side of the room is a massive stone door reinforced with thick iron bands. There is a keypad and a small printer on the wall next to it.
"....and so our tour concludes here in the central atrium!" Corey concludes excitedly. "Behind this door is the VAULT, where we keep all the valuables. Gemstones, gold, crystals, et cetera."
"Top notch security!" Corey exclaims tapping the keypad. The printer spits out a square of paper. It reads
ed v1.16
*e door
1 the door is Locked
"Ha ha!" Corey shakes its head in amazement. "I have no idea how this thing works!"
The eye in the sword watches as Corey clips the small printout to its clipboard.
"Now, I trust you'll find that everything was in tip-top order! Yes, indeed!" Corey wriggles its mustache proudly. "Now if you'll excuse me," it flips through the pages on its clipboard, "I am late for my next appointment. Good day!" Corey turns and walks toward one of the twisty little passageways, all alike.
@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
<li><a href="#section-5">00006</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-6">00007</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-7">00008</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-8">00009</a></li>
<li><a href="#bestiary">Bestiary</a></li>
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@
<li>Player: mio</li>
<li>XP: 0</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1, Persuasive 2</li>
<h3 id="jarrod">Jarrod</h3>
@ -493,6 +494,34 @@
<p>You come around a corner and almost bump right into a kobit. It has eyes like saucers and an awe-inspiring mustache. It wears a name tag (“Corey”) and carries a clipboard. It blinks at you in surprise and then asks, “Who are you? What are you doing in here?” Corey flips through the pages on its clipboard. “There are no upsiders scheduled to arrive today. I don’t think you’re supposed to be here!” Corey glances around nervously with its huge eyes and looks about ready to cry out for help.</p>
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00012.html">www</a></p>
<h3 id="section-8">00009</h3>
<p>Inky smiles at Corey. “Hullo! We’re the waterworks crew from the neaby town, here to check the outhouse tunnels, inspect all the pipes and so on. We received reports of a blockage somewhere inside the networks. Have the tunnels been flushing well lately?” While speaking, Inky flashes a waterworker’s ID briefly at the kobit before pocketing it and pulling out a pressure gauge, giving the little handle on one side of the device a few cranks, and looking back at Corey expectantly.</p>
<p>Corey slowly blinks its eyes. “Inspektor?”</p>
<p>ASIDE: I rolled for Inky and rolled a six, which according to the rules means GREAT SUCCESS, and also Inky gets to Level Up: they gain the skill Persuasive 2.</p>
<p>“Of course! Inspektors! Yes, yes, right this way! A surprise inspection, how exciting!”</p>
<p>Corey continues to chatter excitedly as it leads you further into the branching, winding tunnels, pointing out particular bits of stonework and engineering, and also baubles and trinkets and fossils and artifacts that the kobits uncovered in the process of digging their tunnels.</p>
<p>Your tour eventually brings you into a large cavern with tunnels exactly like the one from which you just entered branching off in all directions. It makes you dizzy to think of finding your way through this labyrinth without a guide.</p>
<p>In the middle of the cavern is a deep pool with a fountain. At the bottom of the pool, a SWORD is thrust into the ground almost up to its hilt. A large jewel set deep in the pommel rolls around like an eye in a socket and tracks your movement around cavern. A few bubbles float up to the surface of the pool.</p>
<p>And set into the wall on the far side of the room is a massive stone door reinforced with thick iron bands. There is a keypad and a small printer on the wall next to it.</p>
<p>“….and so our tour concludes here in the central atrium!” Corey concludes excitedly. “Behind this door is the VAULT, where we keep all the valuables. Gemstones, gold, crystals, et cetera.”</p>
<p>“Top notch security!” Corey exclaims tapping the keypad. The printer spits out a square of paper. It reads</p>
<pre><code>ed v1.16
*e door
1 the door is Locked
<p>“Ha ha!” Corey shakes its head in amazement. “I have no idea how this thing works!”</p>
<p>The eye in the sword watches as Corey clips the small printout to its clipboard.</p>
<p>“Now, I trust you’ll find that everything was in tip-top order! Yes, indeed!” Corey wriggles its mustache proudly. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” it flips through the pages on its clipboard, “I am late for my next appointment. Good day!” Corey turns and walks toward one of the twisty little passageways, all alike.</p>
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00016.html">www</a></p>
<h2 id="bestiary">Bestiary</h2>
<p>Some of the creatures who inhabit the world of Basmentaria</p>
@ -6,25 +6,27 @@
<description>Friends having ADVENTURES! Huzzah!</description>
<title>00006 - gophers</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00006 - gophers - Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:19:20 -0600</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00007 - Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:21:21 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:21:21 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00006</h3>
<p>Suddenly three anthropomorphic gophers come crashing through the trees behind you into the dig site. The first is wearing a sash of many pockets. The second is wearing cargo shorts of many pockets. The third is wearing a vest of many pockets. Each wears a pair of goggles with thick smokey black lenses, and a floppy checkered hat that looks like a waffle.</p>
<p>They march up to the zip-line.</p>
<p>“Out of the way, losers!” Sash cries. It grabs the zip-line trolley, and immediately dives off the side of the cliff and zooms down into the deep, deep hole.</p>
<p>Vest introduces itself, “Retrieval Team 70 here! We are here to recover the Ginnarak Crystal that is reported to be at this location. After we collect all five, then it will be <em>us</em> who get to hang out in the Benefactor’s hot tub! Not you! Ha!”</p>
<p>Sash has reached the bottom of the deep, deep hole. Shorts starts reeling in the pulley.</p>
<p>Vest leans in close and peers at you through its foggy lenses. “You must be the new Retrieval Team 43. Hmmph. Shame what happened to the previous Team 43. Hope you know what you’re doing! Would hate to see you end up like them!”</p>
<p>Shorts grabs the trolley and leaps down into the deep, deep hole. It sails all the way down, and joins Sash at the bottom.</p>
<p>“Welp!” Vest concludes with an air of finality. “No hard feelings, and all that! After we collect this crystal, we just need four more. And then we get to meet the Benefactor! Ha!”</p>
<p>It waddles off and starts reeling in the trolley.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, another gnome explodes behind you.</p>
<h3 id="section">00007</h3>
<p>Inky peers down at the hole, and after some time, turns to the party. “Do you think they’ve cleared most of the gnomes by now, or should we wait until they emerge and grab the crystal then?” Gazing at some invisible spot farther among the trees, Inky continued, “One of the old miners back at the tavern said there used to be a natural maw on the southwestern side, but it was blocked when the tunnel caved in many years ago. The gnomes don’t waste their efforts on blowing up things knowing someone’s already been through them. Chances are there’s only one exit, unless this mine is a decoy.”</p>
<p>Inky peers down the hole and watches Retrieval Team 70 approach the kobit caves.</p>
<p>The maw on the southwestern side did indeed collapse several seasons ago. If you know anything about the industrial and intrepid kobits however, it is that they have probably dug several alternative, secret entrances since then.</p>
<p>Just as the gophers reach the cave entrance, a large erge, muscles rippling beneath its white feathers, emerges from behind a boulder and blocks their way forward.</p>
<p>It raises the feathery crest on the crown of its head, and fluffs up its plumage in a dramatic display. It appears to be arguing with the gophers. All three gophers appear to be arguing back.</p>
<p>The egre gestures angrily at the gophers’ feet, shakes its head, and crosses its arms defiantly. The gophers look down at their own feet and shuffle about as though embarrassed.</p>
<p>They all exchange a few more words and then the gophers retreat away from the egre and the cave entrance. They huddle together briefly and then start slowly climbing the scaffolding back up to the top of the hole.</p>
<p>“Oh yeah,” the foreman remarks absentmindedly. “There’s an egre guarding the kobit caves.”</p>
<p>The egre below preens and struts about proudly having chased off the gophers.</p>
<p>“Stubborn things,” the foreman continues. “Easily provoked to violence. Impeccable fashion sense though.”</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00036.html">www</a></p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00003.html">www</a></p>
@ -58,27 +60,25 @@
<title>00006 - gophers</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00007 - Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:21:21 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Wed, 17 Aug 2022 12:21:21 -0600</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00006 - gophers - Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:19:20 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00007</h3>
<p>Inky peers down at the hole, and after some time, turns to the party. “Do you think they’ve cleared most of the gnomes by now, or should we wait until they emerge and grab the crystal then?” Gazing at some invisible spot farther among the trees, Inky continued, “One of the old miners back at the tavern said there used to be a natural maw on the southwestern side, but it was blocked when the tunnel caved in many years ago. The gnomes don’t waste their efforts on blowing up things knowing someone’s already been through them. Chances are there’s only one exit, unless this mine is a decoy.”</p>
<p>Inky peers down the hole and watches Retrieval Team 70 approach the kobit caves.</p>
<p>The maw on the southwestern side did indeed collapse several seasons ago. If you know anything about the industrial and intrepid kobits however, it is that they have probably dug several alternative, secret entrances since then.</p>
<p>Just as the gophers reach the cave entrance, a large erge, muscles rippling beneath its white feathers, emerges from behind a boulder and blocks their way forward.</p>
<p>It raises the feathery crest on the crown of its head, and fluffs up its plumage in a dramatic display. It appears to be arguing with the gophers. All three gophers appear to be arguing back.</p>
<p>The egre gestures angrily at the gophers’ feet, shakes its head, and crosses its arms defiantly. The gophers look down at their own feet and shuffle about as though embarrassed.</p>
<p>They all exchange a few more words and then the gophers retreat away from the egre and the cave entrance. They huddle together briefly and then start slowly climbing the scaffolding back up to the top of the hole.</p>
<p>“Oh yeah,” the foreman remarks absentmindedly. “There’s an egre guarding the kobit caves.”</p>
<p>The egre below preens and struts about proudly having chased off the gophers.</p>
<p>“Stubborn things,” the foreman continues. “Easily provoked to violence. Impeccable fashion sense though.”</p>
<h3 id="section">00006</h3>
<p>Suddenly three anthropomorphic gophers come crashing through the trees behind you into the dig site. The first is wearing a sash of many pockets. The second is wearing cargo shorts of many pockets. The third is wearing a vest of many pockets. Each wears a pair of goggles with thick smokey black lenses, and a floppy checkered hat that looks like a waffle.</p>
<p>They march up to the zip-line.</p>
<p>“Out of the way, losers!” Sash cries. It grabs the zip-line trolley, and immediately dives off the side of the cliff and zooms down into the deep, deep hole.</p>
<p>Vest introduces itself, “Retrieval Team 70 here! We are here to recover the Ginnarak Crystal that is reported to be at this location. After we collect all five, then it will be <em>us</em> who get to hang out in the Benefactor’s hot tub! Not you! Ha!”</p>
<p>Sash has reached the bottom of the deep, deep hole. Shorts starts reeling in the pulley.</p>
<p>Vest leans in close and peers at you through its foggy lenses. “You must be the new Retrieval Team 43. Hmmph. Shame what happened to the previous Team 43. Hope you know what you’re doing! Would hate to see you end up like them!”</p>
<p>Shorts grabs the trolley and leaps down into the deep, deep hole. It sails all the way down, and joins Sash at the bottom.</p>
<p>“Welp!” Vest concludes with an air of finality. “No hard feelings, and all that! After we collect this crystal, we just need four more. And then we get to meet the Benefactor! Ha!”</p>
<p>It waddles off and starts reeling in the trolley.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, another gnome explodes behind you.</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00003.html">www</a></p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00036.html">www</a></p>
@ -104,6 +104,151 @@
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00009 - Fri, 19 Aug 2022 07:16:14 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Mon, 22 Aug 2022 11:24:41 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00009</h3>
<p>Inky smiles at Corey. “Hullo! We’re the waterworks crew from the neaby town, here to check the outhouse tunnels, inspect all the pipes and so on. We received reports of a blockage somewhere inside the networks. Have the tunnels been flushing well lately?” While speaking, Inky flashes a waterworker’s ID briefly at the kobit before pocketing it and pulling out a pressure gauge, giving the little handle on one side of the device a few cranks, and looking back at Corey expectantly.</p>
<p>Corey slowly blinks its eyes. “Inspektor?”</p>
<p>ASIDE: I rolled for Inky and rolled a six, which according to the rules means GREAT SUCCESS, and also Inky gets to Level Up: they gain the skill Persuasive 2.</p>
<p>“Of course! Inspektors! Yes, yes, right this way! A surprise inspection, how exciting!”</p>
<p>Corey continues to chatter excitedly as it leads you further into the branching, winding tunnels, pointing out particular bits of stonework and engineering, and also baubles and trinkets and fossils and artifacts that the kobits uncovered in the process of digging their tunnels.</p>
<p>Your tour eventually brings you into a large cavern with tunnels exactly like the one from which you just entered branching off in all directions. It makes you dizzy to think of finding your way through this labyrinth without a guide.</p>
<p>In the middle of the cavern is a deep pool with a fountain. At the bottom of the pool, a SWORD is thrust into the ground almost up to its hilt. A large jewel set deep in the pommel rolls around like an eye in a socket and tracks your movement around cavern. A few bubbles float up to the surface of the pool.</p>
<p>And set into the wall on the far side of the room is a massive stone door reinforced with thick iron bands. There is a keypad and a small printer on the wall next to it.</p>
<p>“….and so our tour concludes here in the central atrium!” Corey concludes excitedly. “Behind this door is the VAULT, where we keep all the valuables. Gemstones, gold, crystals, et cetera.”</p>
<p>“Top notch security!” Corey exclaims tapping the keypad. The printer spits out a square of paper. It reads</p>
<pre><code>ed v1.16
*e door
1 the door is Locked
<p>“Ha ha!” Corey shakes its head in amazement. “I have no idea how this thing works!”</p>
<p>The eye in the sword watches as Corey clips the small printout to its clipboard.</p>
<p>“Now, I trust you’ll find that everything was in tip-top order! Yes, indeed!” Corey wriggles its mustache proudly. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” it flips through the pages on its clipboard, “I am late for my next appointment. Good day!” Corey turns and walks toward one of the twisty little passageways, all alike.</p>
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00016.html">www</a></p>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">meta - Tue, 23 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="meta">META</h3>
<p>This might be a good time to introduce the game mechanic.</p>
<p>For the most part, if you say you do something, it just happens.</p>
<p>But if you want to do something risky, and/or if the outcome is uncertain, you can roll a number of six-sided dice.</p>
<p>I’d like to try using the <em>Shoes in the Dark</em> rules:</p>
<p><a href="https://dozens.itch.io/shoes-in-the-dark" class="uri">https://dozens.itch.io/shoes-in-the-dark</a></p>
<p>Basically, everybody currently has the skill “Do Anything 1”, which means if you want to ‘do anything’, you can roll 1 die.</p>
<p>On a 1 - 3, things go poorly. (And you gain 1 experience point. More on that in a bit.)</p>
<p>On a 4 - 5, you do the thing, but at a cost, or with a complication, or it’s just a partial success.</p>
<p>On a 6, full success!! Yay, you!!</p>
<p>(When rolling multiple dice, you read the single highest roll.)</p>
<p>Here’s where stuff gets fun. If you roll all sixes (so, 1 six on a 1d6 roll, 2 sixes on a 2d6 roll, etc.) then you ‘level up’ and get a new skill. The new skill A) is a subset of the skill/action you just performed and, B) increases that skill by one.</p>
<p>e.g. I challenge a mugwump to a pie eating contest and roll Do Anything 1. I roll a six, so I win the contest! And also I gain a new skill, Belly Of Steel 2.</p>
<p>Finally, every time you fail a roll (by rolling 1 - 3) you gain 1 experience point. You can spend 1 experience at any time to turn any one die into a six <em>for the purposes of advancement</em>.</p>
<p>When you interact with the blahoblins, consider whether there is an element of risk. If so, roll the appropriate amount of dice (1, in this case) and include the result in your description. If it’s a success, describe the success. If it’s a partial success or a failure, just describe what you do, and I’ll describe the complication, or how things get worse.</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00023.html">www</a></p>
<title>00001 - we meet in a tavern</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00001 - we meet in a tavern - Tue, 20 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 20 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00001</h3>
<p>“Congratulations!” The slightly tipsy hobbit grins and salutes you with his martini. “On Retrieval Team 43’s inaugural mission! I’m so excited for you, I’m sure you’ll do fantastic!”</p>
<p>You are all seated around a table in the corner at Lucy’s Basement. It is dimly lit and fairly noisy. The walls are covered in red velvet curtains, and the tablecloths have little gold tassels. A cloud of purple smoke from candles, cigars, and pipes hangs in the air. Waiters bustle between tables refilling drinks.</p>
<p>“So to recap, the Benefactor has tasked you with retrieving the five fabled Ginnarak Crystals. I, Blavin Blandfoot, will be your case manager. You will be paid handsomely for each crystal you retrieve. And if you retrieve all 5, you’ll get to meet the Benefactor at be their guest at their <em>glorious mansion!</em>”</p>
<p>“The first crystal has been spotted near a Gnomish dig site in the Tammineaux Forest, just east of here.”</p>
<p>“I recommend getting started right away!” He polishes off his drink and squints at his empty glass. “Well, maybe first thing in the morning. Waiter!”</p>
<li>Who are you?</li>
<li>What role do you think you will fill on the team?</li>
<li>What do you plan to do with your cut of the money?</li>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00015.html">www</a></p>
<title>00005 - gnomes</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00005 - gnomes - Tue, 25 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 25 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00005</h3>
<p>As the blahoblins were packing up, Inky persuades Waistcoat to sell a few small bottles of shoe polish, a roughly round piece of broken glass and scraps of cheesecloth from the mountain of debris previously on the ground. Inky rolls Do Anything 1 and rolls a 4.</p>
<p>Inky successfully persuades Waistcoat to sell a few baubles and trinkets with the first roll of the game!</p>
<p>They haggle back and forth a little bit, and Inky ends up paying a little more than they wanted to, but they get all the stuff they wanted. Yay commerce!</p>
<p>Having concluded business, the blahoblins pack up and disappear into the bushes toting their chair, cheese, and vat of polish.</p>
<p>The sound of mechanical droning and periodic explosions compel you forward to the dig site.</p>
<p>It is easy to find.</p>
<p>It is a large hole blasted deep into the ground. There are drills, and conveyor belts, earth moving machines, and all kinds of gadgets and gizmos, the purpose of which is not always readily apparent. And there is a zip line that seems to be the only way down to the bottom.</p>
<p>The site is absolutely teeming with gnomes. Diminutive humanoids with bright red noses and long, long ears, and long, nimble fingers. All gnomes are compulsive tinkerers and mechanics, and build fantastic contraptions. All gnomes are women, and are all highly explosive. Which makes their combustion powered machines extremely dangerous, both for themselves and for any unfortunate bystanders close enough to get caught in the blast.</p>
<p>A gnome in a white hat comes running up to you. “You there! Hey! Yes, you!”</p>
<p>“Are you the retrieval team? We’ve been expecting you! The whole dig is halted because we accidentally blasted into a whole nest of Kobits, and they won’t let us get near to keep digging! They keep sabotaging our machines when we try!”</p>
<p>“They also stole the Ginnarak Crystal that we found! That thing could have powered such glorious new machines!” She pouts.</p>
<p>In the background, a gnome who had crawled half way into a coal bin in the side of some kind of excavator suddenly scrambles quickly out, smoking, and runs around in circles in a panic. Nearby gnomes dive out of the way as she erupts in a small ball of fire. The gnomes wait for the smoke to clear and then immediately return to working on the contraption.</p>
<p>The foreman continues talking to you as though nothing happened. She leads you over to the edge of the hole and points to the bottom.</p>
<p>“The entrance to their cave is right down there! The zip line is the second fastest way down.”</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00035.html">www</a></p>
<title>00004 - pockets picked</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00004 - pockets picked - Tue, 24 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 24 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00004</h3>
<p>“And jolly good polish too, it looks like,” Inky replies, squinting a bit at the ichor being smeared onto the boots in Earrings’ large calloused hands. “I hear there be some gnomes hereabouts? A camp? With your remarkable service, I bet they’d be coming to you all the time to get their boots cleaned.”</p>
<p>“GNOMES!?” Earrings interrobangs loudly and questioningly. It brings its hands to the sides of its face, covering its ear holes, and wags its oversized head in dismay, squeezing its tiny eyes shut. In the process, it smears polish around its face.</p>
<p>“Gnomes there!” shouts Waistcoat. Its hands busy polishing, it tosses its head, gesturing with its prodigious proboscis in the direction you were heading. You continue to hear bangs and booms in the distance every once a while.</p>
<p>Glarg gurgles something to the effect of “gluggurguuuurglaaaachhhh?” Its stance is one of surprise as its disposition changes to that of inquisition as its head cranes down to look at the blahoblin carrying the smelly rock on its back.</p>
<p>Teeth looks questioningly up at Glarg and experimentally gargles back up at it. “GURGLE BURBLE GLUG GLUG?” It smiles apologetically (a fearsome sight, its protruding jaws full of tiny pointy teeth) and shrugs and asks, “Shoe shine?”</p>
<p>It attempts to pick that whole blahoblin up and bring the smelly rock to its face for a closer inspection.</p>
<p>“WAAAAAAH!” Teeth kicks its feet ineffectively and is quite helplessly tied to the big smelly rock when Glarg picks it up. The smelly rock smells pungent, sharp, earthy, moldy. Definitely could be food.</p>
<p>By this time the blahoblins have polished the shoes of everybody who has consented to it, and are packing up. Except for Teeth who is being detained by the earth elemental.</p>
<p>Red Shoes reappears from wherever they have been this whole time with a sly smile and rejoins its comrades.</p>
<p>Your pockets have successfully been picked while you were distracted with the shoe shine, but not of anything of particular value.</p>
<p>What small item(s) will you notice is missing in the hours and days to come? How will its absence be a minor inconvenience?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00031.html">www</a></p>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
@ -141,112 +286,5 @@
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">meta - Tue, 23 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 23 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="meta">META</h3>
<p>This might be a good time to introduce the game mechanic.</p>
<p>For the most part, if you say you do something, it just happens.</p>
<p>But if you want to do something risky, and/or if the outcome is uncertain, you can roll a number of six-sided dice.</p>
<p>I’d like to try using the <em>Shoes in the Dark</em> rules:</p>
<p><a href="https://dozens.itch.io/shoes-in-the-dark" class="uri">https://dozens.itch.io/shoes-in-the-dark</a></p>
<p>Basically, everybody currently has the skill “Do Anything 1”, which means if you want to ‘do anything’, you can roll 1 die.</p>
<p>On a 1 - 3, things go poorly. (And you gain 1 experience point. More on that in a bit.)</p>
<p>On a 4 - 5, you do the thing, but at a cost, or with a complication, or it’s just a partial success.</p>
<p>On a 6, full success!! Yay, you!!</p>
<p>(When rolling multiple dice, you read the single highest roll.)</p>
<p>Here’s where stuff gets fun. If you roll all sixes (so, 1 six on a 1d6 roll, 2 sixes on a 2d6 roll, etc.) then you ‘level up’ and get a new skill. The new skill A) is a subset of the skill/action you just performed and, B) increases that skill by one.</p>
<p>e.g. I challenge a mugwump to a pie eating contest and roll Do Anything 1. I roll a six, so I win the contest! And also I gain a new skill, Belly Of Steel 2.</p>
<p>Finally, every time you fail a roll (by rolling 1 - 3) you gain 1 experience point. You can spend 1 experience at any time to turn any one die into a six <em>for the purposes of advancement</em>.</p>
<p>When you interact with the blahoblins, consider whether there is an element of risk. If so, roll the appropriate amount of dice (1, in this case) and include the result in your description. If it’s a success, describe the success. If it’s a partial success or a failure, just describe what you do, and I’ll describe the complication, or how things get worse.</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00023.html">www</a></p>
<title>00005 - gnomes</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00005 - gnomes - Tue, 25 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 25 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00005</h3>
<p>As the blahoblins were packing up, Inky persuades Waistcoat to sell a few small bottles of shoe polish, a roughly round piece of broken glass and scraps of cheesecloth from the mountain of debris previously on the ground. Inky rolls Do Anything 1 and rolls a 4.</p>
<p>Inky successfully persuades Waistcoat to sell a few baubles and trinkets with the first roll of the game!</p>
<p>They haggle back and forth a little bit, and Inky ends up paying a little more than they wanted to, but they get all the stuff they wanted. Yay commerce!</p>
<p>Having concluded business, the blahoblins pack up and disappear into the bushes toting their chair, cheese, and vat of polish.</p>
<p>The sound of mechanical droning and periodic explosions compel you forward to the dig site.</p>
<p>It is easy to find.</p>
<p>It is a large hole blasted deep into the ground. There are drills, and conveyor belts, earth moving machines, and all kinds of gadgets and gizmos, the purpose of which is not always readily apparent. And there is a zip line that seems to be the only way down to the bottom.</p>
<p>The site is absolutely teeming with gnomes. Diminutive humanoids with bright red noses and long, long ears, and long, nimble fingers. All gnomes are compulsive tinkerers and mechanics, and build fantastic contraptions. All gnomes are women, and are all highly explosive. Which makes their combustion powered machines extremely dangerous, both for themselves and for any unfortunate bystanders close enough to get caught in the blast.</p>
<p>A gnome in a white hat comes running up to you. “You there! Hey! Yes, you!”</p>
<p>“Are you the retrieval team? We’ve been expecting you! The whole dig is halted because we accidentally blasted into a whole nest of Kobits, and they won’t let us get near to keep digging! They keep sabotaging our machines when we try!”</p>
<p>“They also stole the Ginnarak Crystal that we found! That thing could have powered such glorious new machines!” She pouts.</p>
<p>In the background, a gnome who had crawled half way into a coal bin in the side of some kind of excavator suddenly scrambles quickly out, smoking, and runs around in circles in a panic. Nearby gnomes dive out of the way as she erupts in a small ball of fire. The gnomes wait for the smoke to clear and then immediately return to working on the contraption.</p>
<p>The foreman continues talking to you as though nothing happened. She leads you over to the edge of the hole and points to the bottom.</p>
<p>“The entrance to their cave is right down there! The zip line is the second fastest way down.”</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00035.html">www</a></p>
<title>00001 - we meet in a tavern</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00001 - we meet in a tavern - Tue, 20 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 20 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00001</h3>
<p>“Congratulations!” The slightly tipsy hobbit grins and salutes you with his martini. “On Retrieval Team 43’s inaugural mission! I’m so excited for you, I’m sure you’ll do fantastic!”</p>
<p>You are all seated around a table in the corner at Lucy’s Basement. It is dimly lit and fairly noisy. The walls are covered in red velvet curtains, and the tablecloths have little gold tassels. A cloud of purple smoke from candles, cigars, and pipes hangs in the air. Waiters bustle between tables refilling drinks.</p>
<p>“So to recap, the Benefactor has tasked you with retrieving the five fabled Ginnarak Crystals. I, Blavin Blandfoot, will be your case manager. You will be paid handsomely for each crystal you retrieve. And if you retrieve all 5, you’ll get to meet the Benefactor at be their guest at their <em>glorious mansion!</em>”</p>
<p>“The first crystal has been spotted near a Gnomish dig site in the Tammineaux Forest, just east of here.”</p>
<p>“I recommend getting started right away!” He polishes off his drink and squints at his empty glass. “Well, maybe first thing in the morning. Waiter!”</p>
<li>Who are you?</li>
<li>What role do you think you will fill on the team?</li>
<li>What do you plan to do with your cut of the money?</li>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00015.html">www</a></p>
<title>00004 - pockets picked</title>
<author>dozens@tilde.team (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00004 - pockets picked - Tue, 24 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 24 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00004</h3>
<p>“And jolly good polish too, it looks like,” Inky replies, squinting a bit at the ichor being smeared onto the boots in Earrings’ large calloused hands. “I hear there be some gnomes hereabouts? A camp? With your remarkable service, I bet they’d be coming to you all the time to get their boots cleaned.”</p>
<p>“GNOMES!?” Earrings interrobangs loudly and questioningly. It brings its hands to the sides of its face, covering its ear holes, and wags its oversized head in dismay, squeezing its tiny eyes shut. In the process, it smears polish around its face.</p>
<p>“Gnomes there!” shouts Waistcoat. Its hands busy polishing, it tosses its head, gesturing with its prodigious proboscis in the direction you were heading. You continue to hear bangs and booms in the distance every once a while.</p>
<p>Glarg gurgles something to the effect of “gluggurguuuurglaaaachhhh?” Its stance is one of surprise as its disposition changes to that of inquisition as its head cranes down to look at the blahoblin carrying the smelly rock on its back.</p>
<p>Teeth looks questioningly up at Glarg and experimentally gargles back up at it. “GURGLE BURBLE GLUG GLUG?” It smiles apologetically (a fearsome sight, its protruding jaws full of tiny pointy teeth) and shrugs and asks, “Shoe shine?”</p>
<p>It attempts to pick that whole blahoblin up and bring the smelly rock to its face for a closer inspection.</p>
<p>“WAAAAAAH!” Teeth kicks its feet ineffectively and is quite helplessly tied to the big smelly rock when Glarg picks it up. The smelly rock smells pungent, sharp, earthy, moldy. Definitely could be food.</p>
<p>By this time the blahoblins have polished the shoes of everybody who has consented to it, and are packing up. Except for Teeth who is being detained by the earth elemental.</p>
<p>Red Shoes reappears from wherever they have been this whole time with a sly smile and rejoins its comrades.</p>
<p>Your pockets have successfully been picked while you were distracted with the shoe shine, but not of anything of particular value.</p>
<p>What small item(s) will you notice is missing in the hours and days to come? How will its absence be a minor inconvenience?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-07/msg00031.html">www</a></p>
@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
<li><a href="#section-5">00006</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-6">00007</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-7">00008</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-8">00009</a></li>
<li><a href="#bestiary">Bestiary</a></li>
<li><a href="#geography">Geography</a></li>
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@
<li>Player: mio</li>
<li>XP: 0</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1</li>
<li>Skills: Do Anything 1, Persuasive 2</li>
<h3 id="jarrod">Jarrod</h3>
@ -497,6 +498,34 @@
<p>You come around a corner and almost bump right into a kobit. It has eyes like saucers and an awe-inspiring mustache. It wears a name tag (“Corey”) and carries a clipboard. It blinks at you in surprise and then asks, “Who are you? What are you doing in here?” Corey flips through the pages on its clipboard. “There are no upsiders scheduled to arrive today. I don’t think you’re supposed to be here!” Corey glances around nervously with its huge eyes and looks about ready to cry out for help.</p>
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00012.html">www</a></p>
<h3 id="section-8">00009</h3>
<p>Inky smiles at Corey. “Hullo! We’re the waterworks crew from the neaby town, here to check the outhouse tunnels, inspect all the pipes and so on. We received reports of a blockage somewhere inside the networks. Have the tunnels been flushing well lately?” While speaking, Inky flashes a waterworker’s ID briefly at the kobit before pocketing it and pulling out a pressure gauge, giving the little handle on one side of the device a few cranks, and looking back at Corey expectantly.</p>
<p>Corey slowly blinks its eyes. “Inspektor?”</p>
<p>ASIDE: I rolled for Inky and rolled a six, which according to the rules means GREAT SUCCESS, and also Inky gets to Level Up: they gain the skill Persuasive 2.</p>
<p>“Of course! Inspektors! Yes, yes, right this way! A surprise inspection, how exciting!”</p>
<p>Corey continues to chatter excitedly as it leads you further into the branching, winding tunnels, pointing out particular bits of stonework and engineering, and also baubles and trinkets and fossils and artifacts that the kobits uncovered in the process of digging their tunnels.</p>
<p>Your tour eventually brings you into a large cavern with tunnels exactly like the one from which you just entered branching off in all directions. It makes you dizzy to think of finding your way through this labyrinth without a guide.</p>
<p>In the middle of the cavern is a deep pool with a fountain. At the bottom of the pool, a SWORD is thrust into the ground almost up to its hilt. A large jewel set deep in the pommel rolls around like an eye in a socket and tracks your movement around cavern. A few bubbles float up to the surface of the pool.</p>
<p>And set into the wall on the far side of the room is a massive stone door reinforced with thick iron bands. There is a keypad and a small printer on the wall next to it.</p>
<p>“….and so our tour concludes here in the central atrium!” Corey concludes excitedly. “Behind this door is the VAULT, where we keep all the valuables. Gemstones, gold, crystals, et cetera.”</p>
<p>“Top notch security!” Corey exclaims tapping the keypad. The printer spits out a square of paper. It reads</p>
<pre><code>ed v1.16
*e door
1 the door is Locked
<p>“Ha ha!” Corey shakes its head in amazement. “I have no idea how this thing works!”</p>
<p>The eye in the sword watches as Corey clips the small printout to its clipboard.</p>
<p>“Now, I trust you’ll find that everything was in tip-top order! Yes, indeed!” Corey wriggles its mustache proudly. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” it flips through the pages on its clipboard, “I am late for my next appointment. Good day!” Corey turns and walks toward one of the twisty little passageways, all alike.</p>
<p>WHAT DO YOU DO?</p>
<p><a href="https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2022-08/msg00016.html">www</a></p>
<h2 id="bestiary">Bestiary</h2>
<p>Some of the creatures who inhabit the world of Basmentaria</p>
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