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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ src/epistolary/
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ public: yes
: Giant ears with bat wings. Very keen hearing obviously. Usually more of an annoyance than a true deterent. Unless there's a Centaur around.
: <details></details>
@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ public: yes
: A hundred ears with a hundred wings. The size of a small horse. They can really ruin your day.
: <details></details>
@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ public: yes
: Subterranean scaly ratdog creatures. Big luminous eyes, long droopy mustaches. Extremely rarely, they may grow leathery wings, in which case they are revered and elevated by the other kobits.
: <details></details>
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
title: 00015
created: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:14:06 -0400
updated: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:14:06 -0400
public: yes
syndicated: yes
### 00015
> Jarrod raises his right hand and begins adding a new rhythm to his
> beat by slapping his palm against his chest. The resulting beat sounds
> eerily like a galloping horse. Jarrod pushes his voice outward and
> upward, directing his vocal energy at HORSE.
> "A mighty steed did carry our hero through forest, hill and town:
> A comely beast with silky mane and smooth and supple hide.
> One would think that such a stallion needs must have renown,
> But only our dear hero understood, and so did ride."
> Jarrod subtly adjusts the rhythm to a fast, regular beat.
> "Lightning of the hoof!
> Fire in the eye!
> One with blowing wind!
> Strength of mountain high!"
> Jarrod slowly calms the beat back down to a heartbeat with his left
> hand fingers on his thigh again. However, the right now rests close to
> Gertrude's handle, at the ready.
> "On fated day, our hero does require
> Underlings for which a task is set.
> And yet, this day the underlings and squires
> Have booked their time away from toil and fret."
> While continuing the epic, Jarrod makes note of two options, should he
> need them:
> 1) Should he need, he can dive behind the giant clam; and
> 2) He eyes a path back out the vault, should he be able to draw the Aurs and Kobits out with him.
> Jarrod keeps his eyes on HORSE, attempting to react to whatever HORSE brings.
HORSE gives a snort, a groan, and a sigh as the beat of the poem accelerates to a trot, and turns its subject to matters of its own interest. Namely, himself. HORSE likes to hear its own name, and it likes to hear people pay tribute to it with verse. Which is 100% what it thinks is going on here.
HORSE beats its wings a few times and then flaps over to where Jarrod is delivering his oration. It stands a little too close, basking in the glory of Jarrod's verse.
There is now gathered at Jarrod's feet three Aurs; one clumsy Kobit with untied shoe laces; and one naked, winged Kobit named HORSE.
The blue and gold, melon shaped crystal in the center of the vault has been left unguarded. It hovers, suspended, beneath its glass dome on top of its pedestal, revolving slowly in place. It looks like a weird tiny asteroid. The veins of gold in the stone pulse lightly with otherworldly energy.
> Damn it Corraidhin thinks to himself, here I am yet again at the bottom of some insipid pool stuck by some random magical thing all because I didn't pay enough attention in mythical history class. Bloody hell!
> Good thing I paid attention in sorcery and yesteryears secrecry administrivia, this little sword won't stay stuck for too long! My lungs if I bungle this though..
> Corraidhin quickly invokes a spell with his spare hand, casting mystical runes with his hand.
> sudo chmod -t sowrd_of_yam\'l
> sudo chmod 775 sword_of_yam\'l
> sudo chown corraidhin:party sword_of_yam\'l
> That should do it corraidhin thinks to himself. If not I'm going to need to think quick, I'm stuck and there's no way up without this sword. I might be able to transmute the water into air around me, but probably only a small pocket which will surely disappear in a gasp. Alternately I could try and blast my way down, creating a pocket for the water to flow into, but I'd be willing to bet I'll hurt myself in the process..
You trace some watery runes, invoking Sudo to bend reality to your will.
The unschooled masses sometimes erroneously assume that Sudo is a deity in its own right. There's a certain misguided logic to it: an invisible force that governs the relationships between entities, and infallibly predicts how they will behave? Certainly, it must be an all powerful, godlike entity.
You and your ilk, of course, know that there's no more intelligence behind Sudo than there is behind gravity. No need to correct them though. Sometimes it behooves the mage to allow others to think that they serve an unfathomable arcane lord.
There is a dull underwater flash and a muted underwater bang, and you feel the sword slip from its stony clinch like a knife tearing through soggy bread.
You push up off the bottom of the pool and rocket to the surface, helped--surprisingly--by the sword, which remains glued fast to your hand, but which also rises above you as though somehow lighter than water.
You break the surface of the water and hear joyous laughter.
"Oh, yes! Well done, Hardy Bear! So very well done indeed! Oh, I had spent so long trapped at the bottom of that pool waiting for a new bear to come and free me. And now here you are! Oh, what a very good day this is. What a magnificent pair we shall be.
"Now, let's go stab some evil!"
You look down at the sword in your hand, and the eye twinkles at you, full of adoration and zeal.
A small wine pitcher splashes into the water next to you. It is attached to a thin hose, at the other end of which Inky sits on dry land, drinking a cup of tea. They wave.
> Inky squints at the silhouette underwater, slightly distorted by the occasional ripple on the surface, trying to decipher the odd hand gestures and wisps of light coming from below. Why was Master Corraidhín repeatedly forming semi-circles with his finger, almost like … the handle of a teacup? Was it a request for tea?
> After a pause, Inky rummages inside a bag and brings out a large porro and a long rubber hose. The porro is filled with a demi-tasse of black grapefruit pekoe from a flask and the spout plugged with an eldarberry-flavoured gummy pen nib. Inky strings together a handful of brass nuts with twine and ties it to the porro's handle to act as a small weight, then affixes the hose tightly to the open top of the porro. Casting a slightly apologetic look in the direction of the water for a brew long since gone cold, Inky swings the hose and flings the drinking vessel into the pool towards Master Corraidhín, watching for a moment as the porro sinks down into the water to hover near his arm. The other end of the hose is tied securely to a narrow rock on one side of the pool with more twine, the end sticking up in the air like a wiggling snorkel.
> Inky returns to crouching near the vault entrance and looking inside another small pouch for fresh tea leaves. Waiting is thirsty work!
You cast an improvised lifeline to the floundering wizard, and find a cache of very fine fermented tea leaves wrapped in waxed paper that you left for yourself at some point in the past. How thoughtful and considerate of Past You!
From your vantage point, the sleepy guard Kobit still shows no sign of stirring. And Jarrod has a throng of captive beasts listening very intently to his stirring, epic poem. HORSE in particular seems to be gaining some kind of physical sustenance from the words, snorting and whinnying and beating its wings with each new stanza.
If you can slip through the doorway without disturbing them, there will be nothing between you and the now vulnerable Ginnarak Crystal.
@ -5,6 +5,19 @@ updated: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600
## Spoilers
### names
Upcoming NPCs and/or monsters?
07:10 ~mio | lol okay, we can call it zai-ni for a day
07:10 ~mio | tiny zeyeknee
### crystals
the five Ginnarak crystals:
- earth -- cave
@ -13,6 +26,8 @@ the five Ginnarak crystals:
- wind -- cloudstuff
- heart? ice?
### hodgepodge
The Benefactor is Nullar
Blavin is a secret agent, working for the Golden Iris, a secret society that wants to 'create balance' by seating a fourth god
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@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ Willows</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-11" id="toc-section-11">00012</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-12" id="toc-section-12">00013</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-13" id="toc-section-13">00014</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-14" id="toc-section-14">00015</a></li>
<li><a href="#bestiary" id="toc-bestiary">Bestiary</a></li>
@ -1193,6 +1194,135 @@ then thrash about a bit with one hand on the hilt of the eye sword.</p>
<h3 id="section-14">00015</h3>
<p>Jarrod raises his right hand and begins adding a new rhythm to his
beat by slapping his palm against his chest. The resulting beat sounds
eerily like a galloping horse. Jarrod pushes his voice outward and
upward, directing his vocal energy at HORSE.</p>
<pre><code>"A mighty steed did carry our hero through forest, hill and town:
A comely beast with silky mane and smooth and supple hide.
One would think that such a stallion needs must have renown,
But only our dear hero understood, and so did ride."</code></pre>
<p>Jarrod subtly adjusts the rhythm to a fast, regular beat.</p>
<pre><code>"Lightning of the hoof!
Fire in the eye!
One with blowing wind!
Strength of mountain high!"</code></pre>
<p>Jarrod slowly calms the beat back down to a heartbeat with his left
hand fingers on his thigh again. However, the right now rests close to
Gertrude’s handle, at the ready.</p>
<pre><code>"On fated day, our hero does require
Underlings for which a task is set.
And yet, this day the underlings and squires
Have booked their time away from toil and fret."</code></pre>
<p>While continuing the epic, Jarrod makes note of two options, should
he need them:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li>Should he need, he can dive behind the giant clam; and</li>
<li>He eyes a path back out the vault, should he be able to draw the
Aurs and Kobits out with him.</li>
<p>Jarrod keeps his eyes on HORSE, attempting to react to whatever HORSE
<p>HORSE gives a snort, a groan, and a sigh as the beat of the poem
accelerates to a trot, and turns its subject to matters of its own
interest. Namely, himself. HORSE likes to hear its own name, and it
likes to hear people pay tribute to it with verse. Which is 100% what it
thinks is going on here.</p>
<p>HORSE beats its wings a few times and then flaps over to where Jarrod
is delivering his oration. It stands a little too close, basking in the
glory of Jarrod’s verse.</p>
<p>There is now gathered at Jarrod’s feet three Aurs; one clumsy Kobit
with untied shoe laces; and one naked, winged Kobit named HORSE.</p>
<p>The blue and gold, melon shaped crystal in the center of the vault
has been left unguarded. It hovers, suspended, beneath its glass dome on
top of its pedestal, revolving slowly in place. It looks like a weird
tiny asteroid. The veins of gold in the stone pulse lightly with
otherworldly energy.</p>
<p>Damn it Corraidhin thinks to himself, here I am yet again at the
bottom of some insipid pool stuck by some random magical thing all
because I didn’t pay enough attention in mythical history class. Bloody
<p>Good thing I paid attention in sorcery and yesteryears secrecry
administrivia, this little sword won’t stay stuck for too long! My lungs
if I bungle this though..</p>
<p>Corraidhin quickly invokes a spell with his spare hand, casting
mystical runes with his hand.</p>
<pre><code>sudo chmod -t sowrd_of_yam\'l
sudo chmod 775 sword_of_yam\'l
sudo chown corraidhin:party sword_of_yam\'l</code></pre>
<p>That should do it corraidhin thinks to himself. If not I’m going to
need to think quick, I’m stuck and there’s no way up without this sword.
I might be able to transmute the water into air around me, but probably
only a small pocket which will surely disappear in a gasp. Alternately I
could try and blast my way down, creating a pocket for the water to flow
into, but I’d be willing to bet I’ll hurt myself in the process..</p>
<p>You trace some watery runes, invoking Sudo to bend reality to your
<p>The unschooled masses sometimes erroneously assume that Sudo is a
deity in its own right. There’s a certain misguided logic to it: an
invisible force that governs the relationships between entities, and
infallibly predicts how they will behave? Certainly, it must be an all
powerful, godlike entity.</p>
<p>You and your ilk, of course, know that there’s no more intelligence
behind Sudo than there is behind gravity. No need to correct them
though. Sometimes it behooves the mage to allow others to think that
they serve an unfathomable arcane lord.</p>
<p>There is a dull underwater flash and a muted underwater bang, and you
feel the sword slip from its stony clinch like a knife tearing through
soggy bread.</p>
<p>You push up off the bottom of the pool and rocket to the surface,
helped–surprisingly–by the sword, which remains glued fast to your hand,
but which also rises above you as though somehow lighter than water.</p>
<p>You break the surface of the water and hear joyous laughter.</p>
<pre><code>"Oh, yes! Well done, Hardy Bear! So very well done indeed! Oh, I had spent so long trapped at the bottom of that pool waiting for a new bear to come and free me. And now here you are! Oh, what a very good day this is. What a magnificent pair we shall be.
"Now, let's go stab some evil!"</code></pre>
<p>You look down at the sword in your hand, and the eye twinkles at you,
full of adoration and zeal.</p>
<p>A small wine pitcher splashes into the water next to you. It is
attached to a thin hose, at the other end of which Inky sits on dry
land, drinking a cup of tea. They wave.</p>
<p>Inky squints at the silhouette underwater, slightly distorted by the
occasional ripple on the surface, trying to decipher the odd hand
gestures and wisps of light coming from below. Why was Master Corraidhín
repeatedly forming semi-circles with his finger, almost like … the
handle of a teacup? Was it a request for tea?</p>
<p>After a pause, Inky rummages inside a bag and brings out a large
porro and a long rubber hose. The porro is filled with a demi-tasse of
black grapefruit pekoe from a flask and the spout plugged with an
eldarberry-flavoured gummy pen nib. Inky strings together a handful of
brass nuts with twine and ties it to the porro’s handle to act as a
small weight, then affixes the hose tightly to the open top of the
porro. Casting a slightly apologetic look in the direction of the water
for a brew long since gone cold, Inky swings the hose and flings the
drinking vessel into the pool towards Master Corraidhín, watching for a
moment as the porro sinks down into the water to hover near his arm. The
other end of the hose is tied securely to a narrow rock on one side of
the pool with more twine, the end sticking up in the air like a wiggling
<p>Inky returns to crouching near the vault entrance and looking inside
another small pouch for fresh tea leaves. Waiting is thirsty work!</p>
<p>You cast an improvised lifeline to the floundering wizard, and find a
cache of very fine fermented tea leaves wrapped in waxed paper that you
left for yourself at some point in the past. How thoughtful and
considerate of Past You!</p>
<p>From your vantage point, the sleepy guard Kobit still shows no sign
of stirring. And Jarrod has a throng of captive beasts listening very
intently to his stirring, epic poem. HORSE in particular seems to be
gaining some kind of physical sustenance from the words, snorting and
whinnying and beating its wings with each new stanza.</p>
<p>If you can slip through the doorway without disturbing them, there
will be nothing between you and the now vulnerable Ginnarak Crystal.</p>
<h2 id="bestiary">Bestiary</h2>
<p>Some of the creatures who inhabit the world of Basmentaria</p>
@ -1202,6 +1332,14 @@ href="">www</a>
Giant ears with bat wings. Very keen hearing obviously. Usually more of
an annoyance than a true deterent. Unless there’s a Centaur around.
<img src="aur.png" alt="aur" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">aur</figcaption>
@ -1222,8 +1360,8 @@ a little goblinoid with the head of a goblin shark
<p>A hundred ears with a hundred wings. The size of a small horse. They
can really ruin your day.</p>
A hundred ears with a hundred wings. The size of a small horse. They can
really ruin your day.
@ -1280,6 +1418,14 @@ Subterranean scaly ratdog creatures. Big luminous eyes, long droopy
mustaches. Extremely rarely, they may grow leathery wings, in which case
they are revered and elevated by the other kobits.
<img src="kobit.png" alt="kobit" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">kobit</figcaption>
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@ -52,6 +52,52 @@
<title>00006 - gophers</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00006 - gophers - Tue, 26 Jul 2022
20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:19:20 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00006</h3>
<p>Suddenly three anthropomorphic gophers come crashing
through the trees behind you into the dig site. The first is
wearing a sash of many pockets. The second is wearing cargo
shorts of many pockets. The third is wearing a vest of many
pockets. Each wears a pair of goggles with thick smokey black
lenses, and a floppy checkered hat that looks like a
<p>They march up to the zip-line.</p>
<p>“Out of the way, losers!” Sash cries. It grabs the zip-line
trolley, and immediately dives off the side of the cliff and
zooms down into the deep, deep hole.</p>
<p>Vest introduces itself, “Retrieval Team 70 here! We are
here to recover the Ginnarak Crystal that is reported to be at
this location. After we collect all five, then it will be
<em>us</em> who get to hang out in the Benefactor’s hot tub!
Not you! Ha!”</p>
<p>Sash has reached the bottom of the deep, deep hole. Shorts
starts reeling in the pulley.</p>
<p>Vest leans in close and peers at you through its foggy
lenses. “You must be the new Retrieval Team 43. Hmmph. Shame
what happened to the previous Team 43. Hope you know what
you’re doing! Would hate to see you end up like them!”</p>
<p>Shorts grabs the trolley and leaps down into the deep, deep
hole. It sails all the way down, and joins Sash at the
<p>“Welp!” Vest concludes with an air of finality. “No hard
feelings, and all that! After we collect this crystal, we just
need four more. And then we get to meet the Benefactor!
<p>It waddles off and starts reeling in the trolley.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, another gnome explodes behind you.</p>
<author> (dozens)</author>
@ -143,52 +189,6 @@
<title>00006 - gophers</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00006 - gophers - Tue, 26 Jul 2022
20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:19:20 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00006</h3>
<p>Suddenly three anthropomorphic gophers come crashing
through the trees behind you into the dig site. The first is
wearing a sash of many pockets. The second is wearing cargo
shorts of many pockets. The third is wearing a vest of many
pockets. Each wears a pair of goggles with thick smokey black
lenses, and a floppy checkered hat that looks like a
<p>They march up to the zip-line.</p>
<p>“Out of the way, losers!” Sash cries. It grabs the zip-line
trolley, and immediately dives off the side of the cliff and
zooms down into the deep, deep hole.</p>
<p>Vest introduces itself, “Retrieval Team 70 here! We are
here to recover the Ginnarak Crystal that is reported to be at
this location. After we collect all five, then it will be
<em>us</em> who get to hang out in the Benefactor’s hot tub!
Not you! Ha!”</p>
<p>Sash has reached the bottom of the deep, deep hole. Shorts
starts reeling in the pulley.</p>
<p>Vest leans in close and peers at you through its foggy
lenses. “You must be the new Retrieval Team 43. Hmmph. Shame
what happened to the previous Team 43. Hope you know what
you’re doing! Would hate to see you end up like them!”</p>
<p>Shorts grabs the trolley and leaps down into the deep, deep
hole. It sails all the way down, and joins Sash at the
<p>“Welp!” Vest concludes with an air of finality. “No hard
feelings, and all that! After we collect this crystal, we just
need four more. And then we get to meet the Benefactor!
<p>It waddles off and starts reeling in the trolley.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, another gnome explodes behind you.</p>
<author> (dozens)</author>
@ -295,6 +295,164 @@
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">12 - Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:44:58
<pubDate>Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:44:58 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00012</h3>
<p>Harrumph I say as I billow out my mustache. I know exactly
what this is, I’ve seen these silly terminals at the wizarding
academy. Fascinating little babbles really, not that easy to
use, and I find they’re easier to melt with a well placed
fireball or two, but I think I can get us past without that.
Now I might need someone to cover for me if that Kobit catches
onto what I’m doing, and I’ll say the weird sword is starting
to creep me out a bit.</p>
<p>Corraidhin approaches the terminal, cracks his knuckles,
and enters: 1,$p</p>
<p>The printer spits out a piece of paper:</p>
<pre><code>The door is Locked</code></pre>
<p>Corraidhin stares at the paper. Well, that’s not right, the
door’s only partially closed. Preposterious thing.</p>
<p>That’s okay, I know how to fix this.</p>
<p>19 c there is no door, there never was, and never will be.
Also the Kobit guard forgot to tie his shoes. . w 1,$p</p>
<p>The printer spits out a slip of paper.</p>
<pre><code>there is no door, there never was, and never will be. Also the Kobit guard forgot to tie his shoes.</code></pre>
<p>With a soft pop, the thick stone door vanishes.</p>
<p>The sword at the bottom of the pool widens its eye in
<p>Nothing remains between you and the interior of the
<p>Some light from the hall spills in and glints off what
appears to be a mound of gold, gems, and crystals. The rest of
its contents are hidden from view unless you venture
<p>You can still hear the guard kobit in the passage, now
whistling a warbling, lamentful tune. It sounds dangerously
close. Best get a move on if you want to avoid a
<p>While the wisened scholar inspects the vault door, Inky
walks a few steps from the antechamber to meet the Kobit
guard, pressure gauge and tiny notebook in hand. Inky proceeds
to ask them about water flow sounds in the surrounding area,
water stains, signs of potential pests that could damage the
pipes, and other rather boring elements pertaining to modern
Basmentia burrow plumbing.</p>
<p>After a while, seeing as they have been conversing for some
time, Inky pulls out two small bottles of chilled arrowroot
beer from a waist pouch and offers one to the Kobit guard.</p>
<p>The big guard kobit’s eyes start to glass over as Inky goes
on about water pressure and structural integrity.</p>
<p>But it does graciously accept a bottle arrowroot beer.</p>
<p>“Well, golly, don’t mind if I do!” It cracks the lid off,
toasts to your health and takes a long swig.</p>
<p>“Aaaaaaaah! That hits the spot!”</p>
<p>Corraidhin absentmindedly inspects the terminal and door
while Inky converses with the guard. He’s utterly distracted
and talking to himself.</p>
<p>By the gods, it’s gone. Just like that! I thought it’d
fizzle or something, but it’s gone! I wonder what else I can
do with this thing.</p>
<p>Corraidhin wanders back to the terminal and enters another
<p>19 c The wise and elderly Corraidhin is now a young and
dashing rogue, with a very nice hat. .</p>
<p>The printer spits out a slip of paper:</p>
<p>Maybe the ed terminal only has jurisdiction over the door
to the vault.</p>
<p>Or maybe the machine, the universe, or whatever, is telling
you not to push your luck.</p>
<p>By now the big guard kobit, lulled by Inky’s questions and
finally sedated by the alcohol, is slumped and snoring softly
in the mouth of one of the twisty little passages.</p>
<p>You stand before the open vault under the ever watchful
gaze of the sword at the bottom of the pool of water in the
center of the room.</p>
<p>WHAT DO</p>
<title>00005 - gnomes</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00005 - gnomes - Tue, 25 Jul 2022
20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 25 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00005</h3>
<p>As the blahoblins were packing up, Inky persuades Waistcoat
to sell a few small bottles of shoe polish, a roughly round
piece of broken glass and scraps of cheesecloth from the
mountain of debris previously on the ground. Inky rolls Do
Anything 1 and rolls a 4.</p>
<p>Inky successfully persuades Waistcoat to sell a few baubles
and trinkets with the first roll of the game!</p>
<p>They haggle back and forth a little bit, and Inky ends up
paying a little more than they wanted to, but they get all the
stuff they wanted. Yay commerce!</p>
<p>Having concluded business, the blahoblins pack up and
disappear into the bushes toting their chair, cheese, and vat
of polish.</p>
<p>The sound of mechanical droning and periodic explosions
compel you forward to the dig site.</p>
<p>It is easy to find.</p>
<p>It is a large hole blasted deep into the ground. There are
drills, and conveyor belts, earth moving machines, and all
kinds of gadgets and gizmos, the purpose of which is not
always readily apparent. And there is a zip line that seems to
be the only way down to the bottom.</p>
<p>The site is absolutely teeming with gnomes. Diminutive
humanoids with bright red noses and long, long ears, and long,
nimble fingers. All gnomes are compulsive tinkerers and
mechanics, and build fantastic contraptions. All gnomes are
women, and are all highly explosive. Which makes their
combustion powered machines extremely dangerous, both for
themselves and for any unfortunate bystanders close enough to
get caught in the blast.</p>
<p>A gnome in a white hat comes running up to you. “You there!
Hey! Yes, you!”</p>
<p>“Are you the retrieval team? We’ve been expecting you! The
whole dig is halted because we accidentally blasted into a
whole nest of Kobits, and they won’t let us get near to keep
digging! They keep sabotaging our machines when we try!”</p>
<p>“They also stole the Ginnarak Crystal that we found! That
thing could have powered such glorious new machines!” She
<p>In the background, a gnome who had crawled half way into a
coal bin in the side of some kind of excavator suddenly
scrambles quickly out, smoking, and runs around in circles in
a panic. Nearby gnomes dive out of the way as she erupts in a
small ball of fire. The gnomes wait for the smoke to clear and
then immediately return to working on the contraption.</p>
<p>The foreman continues talking to you as though nothing
happened. She leads you over to the edge of the hole and
points to the bottom.</p>
<p>“The entrance to their cave is right down there! The zip
line is the second fastest way down.”</p>
<author> (dozens)</author>
@ -461,98 +619,6 @@
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">12 - Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:44:58
<pubDate>Fri, 09 Sep 2022 16:44:58 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00012</h3>
<p>Harrumph I say as I billow out my mustache. I know exactly
what this is, I’ve seen these silly terminals at the wizarding
academy. Fascinating little babbles really, not that easy to
use, and I find they’re easier to melt with a well placed
fireball or two, but I think I can get us past without that.
Now I might need someone to cover for me if that Kobit catches
onto what I’m doing, and I’ll say the weird sword is starting
to creep me out a bit.</p>
<p>Corraidhin approaches the terminal, cracks his knuckles,
and enters: 1,$p</p>
<p>The printer spits out a piece of paper:</p>
<pre><code>The door is Locked</code></pre>
<p>Corraidhin stares at the paper. Well, that’s not right, the
door’s only partially closed. Preposterious thing.</p>
<p>That’s okay, I know how to fix this.</p>
<p>19 c there is no door, there never was, and never will be.
Also the Kobit guard forgot to tie his shoes. . w 1,$p</p>
<p>The printer spits out a slip of paper.</p>
<pre><code>there is no door, there never was, and never will be. Also the Kobit guard forgot to tie his shoes.</code></pre>
<p>With a soft pop, the thick stone door vanishes.</p>
<p>The sword at the bottom of the pool widens its eye in
<p>Nothing remains between you and the interior of the
<p>Some light from the hall spills in and glints off what
appears to be a mound of gold, gems, and crystals. The rest of
its contents are hidden from view unless you venture
<p>You can still hear the guard kobit in the passage, now
whistling a warbling, lamentful tune. It sounds dangerously
close. Best get a move on if you want to avoid a
<p>While the wisened scholar inspects the vault door, Inky
walks a few steps from the antechamber to meet the Kobit
guard, pressure gauge and tiny notebook in hand. Inky proceeds
to ask them about water flow sounds in the surrounding area,
water stains, signs of potential pests that could damage the
pipes, and other rather boring elements pertaining to modern
Basmentia burrow plumbing.</p>
<p>After a while, seeing as they have been conversing for some
time, Inky pulls out two small bottles of chilled arrowroot
beer from a waist pouch and offers one to the Kobit guard.</p>
<p>The big guard kobit’s eyes start to glass over as Inky goes
on about water pressure and structural integrity.</p>
<p>But it does graciously accept a bottle arrowroot beer.</p>
<p>“Well, golly, don’t mind if I do!” It cracks the lid off,
toasts to your health and takes a long swig.</p>
<p>“Aaaaaaaah! That hits the spot!”</p>
<p>Corraidhin absentmindedly inspects the terminal and door
while Inky converses with the guard. He’s utterly distracted
and talking to himself.</p>
<p>By the gods, it’s gone. Just like that! I thought it’d
fizzle or something, but it’s gone! I wonder what else I can
do with this thing.</p>
<p>Corraidhin wanders back to the terminal and enters another
<p>19 c The wise and elderly Corraidhin is now a young and
dashing rogue, with a very nice hat. .</p>
<p>The printer spits out a slip of paper:</p>
<p>Maybe the ed terminal only has jurisdiction over the door
to the vault.</p>
<p>Or maybe the machine, the universe, or whatever, is telling
you not to push your luck.</p>
<p>By now the big guard kobit, lulled by Inky’s questions and
finally sedated by the alcohol, is slumped and snoring softly
in the mouth of one of the twisty little passages.</p>
<p>You stand before the open vault under the ever watchful
gaze of the sword at the bottom of the pool of water in the
center of the room.</p>
<p>WHAT DO</p>
<author> (dozens)</author>
@ -609,108 +675,159 @@
<title>00005 - gnomes</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00005 - gnomes - Tue, 25 Jul 2022
20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 25 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">15 - Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:14:06
<pubDate>Thu, 22 Sep 2022 11:14:06 -0400</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00005</h3>
<h3 id="section">00015</h3>
<p>As the blahoblins were packing up, Inky persuades Waistcoat
to sell a few small bottles of shoe polish, a roughly round
piece of broken glass and scraps of cheesecloth from the
mountain of debris previously on the ground. Inky rolls Do
Anything 1 and rolls a 4.</p>
<p>Jarrod raises his right hand and begins adding a new rhythm
to his beat by slapping his palm against his chest. The
resulting beat sounds eerily like a galloping horse. Jarrod
pushes his voice outward and upward, directing his vocal
energy at HORSE.</p>
<pre><code>"A mighty steed did carry our hero through forest, hill and town:
A comely beast with silky mane and smooth and supple hide.
One would think that such a stallion needs must have renown,
But only our dear hero understood, and so did ride."</code></pre>
<p>Jarrod subtly adjusts the rhythm to a fast, regular
<pre><code>"Lightning of the hoof!
Fire in the eye!
One with blowing wind!
Strength of mountain high!"</code></pre>
<p>Jarrod slowly calms the beat back down to a heartbeat with
his left hand fingers on his thigh again. However, the right
now rests close to Gertrude’s handle, at the ready.</p>
<pre><code>"On fated day, our hero does require
Underlings for which a task is set.
And yet, this day the underlings and squires
Have booked their time away from toil and fret."</code></pre>
<p>While continuing the epic, Jarrod makes note of two
options, should he need them:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li>Should he need, he can dive behind the giant clam;
<li>He eyes a path back out the vault, should he be able to
draw the Aurs and Kobits out with him.</li>
<p>Jarrod keeps his eyes on HORSE, attempting to react to
whatever HORSE brings.</p>
<p>Inky successfully persuades Waistcoat to sell a few baubles
and trinkets with the first roll of the game!</p>
<p>They haggle back and forth a little bit, and Inky ends up
paying a little more than they wanted to, but they get all the
stuff they wanted. Yay commerce!</p>
<p>Having concluded business, the blahoblins pack up and
disappear into the bushes toting their chair, cheese, and vat
of polish.</p>
<p>The sound of mechanical droning and periodic explosions
compel you forward to the dig site.</p>
<p>It is easy to find.</p>
<p>It is a large hole blasted deep into the ground. There are
drills, and conveyor belts, earth moving machines, and all
kinds of gadgets and gizmos, the purpose of which is not
always readily apparent. And there is a zip line that seems to
be the only way down to the bottom.</p>
<p>The site is absolutely teeming with gnomes. Diminutive
humanoids with bright red noses and long, long ears, and long,
nimble fingers. All gnomes are compulsive tinkerers and
mechanics, and build fantastic contraptions. All gnomes are
women, and are all highly explosive. Which makes their
combustion powered machines extremely dangerous, both for
themselves and for any unfortunate bystanders close enough to
get caught in the blast.</p>
<p>A gnome in a white hat comes running up to you. “You there!
Hey! Yes, you!”</p>
<p>“Are you the retrieval team? We’ve been expecting you! The
whole dig is halted because we accidentally blasted into a
whole nest of Kobits, and they won’t let us get near to keep
digging! They keep sabotaging our machines when we try!”</p>
<p>“They also stole the Ginnarak Crystal that we found! That
thing could have powered such glorious new machines!” She
<p>In the background, a gnome who had crawled half way into a
coal bin in the side of some kind of excavator suddenly
scrambles quickly out, smoking, and runs around in circles in
a panic. Nearby gnomes dive out of the way as she erupts in a
small ball of fire. The gnomes wait for the smoke to clear and
then immediately return to working on the contraption.</p>
<p>The foreman continues talking to you as though nothing
happened. She leads you over to the edge of the hole and
points to the bottom.</p>
<p>“The entrance to their cave is right down there! The zip
line is the second fastest way down.”</p>
<p>HORSE gives a snort, a groan, and a sigh as the beat of the
poem accelerates to a trot, and turns its subject to matters
of its own interest. Namely, himself. HORSE likes to hear its
own name, and it likes to hear people pay tribute to it with
verse. Which is 100% what it thinks is going on here.</p>
<p>HORSE beats its wings a few times and then flaps over to
where Jarrod is delivering his oration. It stands a little too
close, basking in the glory of Jarrod’s verse.</p>
<p>There is now gathered at Jarrod’s feet three Aurs; one
clumsy Kobit with untied shoe laces; and one naked, winged
Kobit named HORSE.</p>
<p>The blue and gold, melon shaped crystal in the center of
the vault has been left unguarded. It hovers, suspended,
beneath its glass dome on top of its pedestal, revolving
slowly in place. It looks like a weird tiny asteroid. The
veins of gold in the stone pulse lightly with otherworldly
<p>Damn it Corraidhin thinks to himself, here I am yet again
at the bottom of some insipid pool stuck by some random
magical thing all because I didn’t pay enough attention in
mythical history class. Bloody hell!</p>
<p>Good thing I paid attention in sorcery and yesteryears
secrecry administrivia, this little sword won’t stay stuck for
too long! My lungs if I bungle this though..</p>
<p>Corraidhin quickly invokes a spell with his spare hand,
casting mystical runes with his hand.</p>
<pre><code>sudo chmod -t sowrd_of_yam\'l
sudo chmod 775 sword_of_yam\'l
sudo chown corraidhin:party sword_of_yam\'l</code></pre>
<p>That should do it corraidhin thinks to himself. If not I’m
going to need to think quick, I’m stuck and there’s no way up
without this sword. I might be able to transmute the water
into air around me, but probably only a small pocket which
will surely disappear in a gasp. Alternately I could try and
blast my way down, creating a pocket for the water to flow
into, but I’d be willing to bet I’ll hurt myself in the
<p>You trace some watery runes, invoking Sudo to bend reality
to your will.</p>
<p>The unschooled masses sometimes erroneously assume that
Sudo is a deity in its own right. There’s a certain misguided
logic to it: an invisible force that governs the relationships
between entities, and infallibly predicts how they will
behave? Certainly, it must be an all powerful, godlike
<p>You and your ilk, of course, know that there’s no more
intelligence behind Sudo than there is behind gravity. No need
to correct them though. Sometimes it behooves the mage to
allow others to think that they serve an unfathomable arcane
<p>There is a dull underwater flash and a muted underwater
bang, and you feel the sword slip from its stony clinch like a
knife tearing through soggy bread.</p>
<p>You push up off the bottom of the pool and rocket to the
surface, helped–surprisingly–by the sword, which remains glued
fast to your hand, but which also rises above you as though
somehow lighter than water.</p>
<p>You break the surface of the water and hear joyous
<pre><code>"Oh, yes! Well done, Hardy Bear! So very well done indeed! Oh, I had spent so long trapped at the bottom of that pool waiting for a new bear to come and free me. And now here you are! Oh, what a very good day this is. What a magnificent pair we shall be.
"Now, let's go stab some evil!"</code></pre>
<p>You look down at the sword in your hand, and the eye
twinkles at you, full of adoration and zeal.</p>
<p>A small wine pitcher splashes into the water next to you.
It is attached to a thin hose, at the other end of which Inky
sits on dry land, drinking a cup of tea. They wave.</p>
<p>Inky squints at the silhouette underwater, slightly
distorted by the occasional ripple on the surface, trying to
decipher the odd hand gestures and wisps of light coming from
below. Why was Master Corraidhín repeatedly forming
semi-circles with his finger, almost like … the handle of a
teacup? Was it a request for tea?</p>
<p>After a pause, Inky rummages inside a bag and brings out a
large porro and a long rubber hose. The porro is filled with a
demi-tasse of black grapefruit pekoe from a flask and the
spout plugged with an eldarberry-flavoured gummy pen nib. Inky
strings together a handful of brass nuts with twine and ties
it to the porro’s handle to act as a small weight, then
affixes the hose tightly to the open top of the porro. Casting
a slightly apologetic look in the direction of the water for a
brew long since gone cold, Inky swings the hose and flings the
drinking vessel into the pool towards Master Corraidhín,
watching for a moment as the porro sinks down into the water
to hover near his arm. The other end of the hose is tied
securely to a narrow rock on one side of the pool with more
twine, the end sticking up in the air like a wiggling
<p>Inky returns to crouching near the vault entrance and
looking inside another small pouch for fresh tea leaves.
Waiting is thirsty work!</p>
<p>You cast an improvised lifeline to the floundering wizard,
and find a cache of very fine fermented tea leaves wrapped in
waxed paper that you left for yourself at some point in the
past. How thoughtful and considerate of Past You!</p>
<p>From your vantage point, the sleepy guard Kobit still shows
no sign of stirring. And Jarrod has a throng of captive beasts
listening very intently to his stirring, epic poem. HORSE in
particular seems to be gaining some kind of physical
sustenance from the words, snorting and whinnying and beating
its wings with each new stanza.</p>
<p>If you can slip through the doorway without disturbing
them, there will be nothing between you and the now vulnerable
Ginnarak Crystal.</p>
<title>00001 - we meet in a tavern</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00001 - we meet in a tavern - Tue, 20
Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 20 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00001</h3>
<p>“Congratulations!” The slightly tipsy hobbit grins and
salutes you with his martini. “On Retrieval Team 43’s
inaugural mission! I’m so excited for you, I’m sure you’ll do
<p>You are all seated around a table in the corner at Lucy’s
Basement. It is dimly lit and fairly noisy. The walls are
covered in red velvet curtains, and the tablecloths have
little gold tassels. A cloud of purple smoke from candles,
cigars, and pipes hangs in the air. Waiters bustle between
tables refilling drinks.</p>
<p>“So to recap, the Benefactor has tasked you with retrieving
the five fabled Ginnarak Crystals. I, Blavin Blandfoot, will
be your case manager. You will be paid handsomely for each
crystal you retrieve. And if you retrieve all 5, you’ll get to
meet the Benefactor at be their guest at their <em>glorious
<p>“The first crystal has been spotted near a Gnomish dig site
in the Tammineaux Forest, just east of here.”</p>
<p>“I recommend getting started right away!” He polishes off
his drink and squints at his empty glass. “Well, maybe first
thing in the morning. Waiter!”</p>
<li>Who are you?</li>
<li>What role do you think you will fill on the team?</li>
<li>What do you plan to do with your cut of the money?</li>
@ -777,6 +894,46 @@ the door is Open
<title>00001 - we meet in a tavern</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00001 - we meet in a tavern - Tue, 20
Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 20 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00001</h3>
<p>“Congratulations!” The slightly tipsy hobbit grins and
salutes you with his martini. “On Retrieval Team 43’s
inaugural mission! I’m so excited for you, I’m sure you’ll do
<p>You are all seated around a table in the corner at Lucy’s
Basement. It is dimly lit and fairly noisy. The walls are
covered in red velvet curtains, and the tablecloths have
little gold tassels. A cloud of purple smoke from candles,
cigars, and pipes hangs in the air. Waiters bustle between
tables refilling drinks.</p>
<p>“So to recap, the Benefactor has tasked you with retrieving
the five fabled Ginnarak Crystals. I, Blavin Blandfoot, will
be your case manager. You will be paid handsomely for each
crystal you retrieve. And if you retrieve all 5, you’ll get to
meet the Benefactor at be their guest at their <em>glorious
<p>“The first crystal has been spotted near a Gnomish dig site
in the Tammineaux Forest, just east of here.”</p>
<p>“I recommend getting started right away!” He polishes off
his drink and squints at his empty glass. “Well, maybe first
thing in the morning. Waiter!”</p>
<li>Who are you?</li>
<li>What role do you think you will fill on the team?</li>
<li>What do you plan to do with your cut of the money?</li>
<author> (dozens)</author>
@ -833,66 +990,6 @@ the door is Open
<title>00004 - pockets picked</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00004 - pockets picked - Tue, 24 Jul
2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 24 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00004</h3>
<p>“And jolly good polish too, it looks like,” Inky replies,
squinting a bit at the ichor being smeared onto the boots in
Earrings’ large calloused hands. “I hear there be some gnomes
hereabouts? A camp? With your remarkable service, I bet they’d
be coming to you all the time to get their boots cleaned.”</p>
<p>“GNOMES!?” Earrings interrobangs loudly and questioningly.
It brings its hands to the sides of its face, covering its ear
holes, and wags its oversized head in dismay, squeezing its
tiny eyes shut. In the process, it smears polish around its
<p>“Gnomes there!” shouts Waistcoat. Its hands busy polishing,
it tosses its head, gesturing with its prodigious proboscis in
the direction you were heading. You continue to hear bangs and
booms in the distance every once a while.</p>
<p>Glarg gurgles something to the effect of
“gluggurguuuurglaaaachhhh?” Its stance is one of surprise as
its disposition changes to that of inquisition as its head
cranes down to look at the blahoblin carrying the smelly rock
on its back.</p>
<p>Teeth looks questioningly up at Glarg and experimentally
gargles back up at it. “GURGLE BURBLE GLUG GLUG?” It smiles
apologetically (a fearsome sight, its protruding jaws full of
tiny pointy teeth) and shrugs and asks, “Shoe shine?”</p>
<p>It attempts to pick that whole blahoblin up and bring the
smelly rock to its face for a closer inspection.</p>
<p>“WAAAAAAH!” Teeth kicks its feet ineffectively and is quite
helplessly tied to the big smelly rock when Glarg picks it up.
The smelly rock smells pungent, sharp, earthy, moldy.
Definitely could be food.</p>
<p>By this time the blahoblins have polished the shoes of
everybody who has consented to it, and are packing up. Except
for Teeth who is being detained by the earth elemental.</p>
<p>Red Shoes reappears from wherever they have been this whole
time with a sly smile and rejoins its comrades.</p>
<p>Your pockets have successfully been picked while you were
distracted with the shoe shine, but not of anything of
particular value.</p>
<p>What small item(s) will you notice is missing in the hours
and days to come? How will its absence be a minor
<author> (dozens)</author>
@ -1014,5 +1111,65 @@ greatest desire: stabbing
<title>00004 - pockets picked</title>
<author> (dozens)</author>
<guid isPermaLink="false">00004 - pockets picked - Tue, 24 Jul
2022 20:32:23 -0600</guid>
<pubDate>Tue, 24 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600</pubDate>
<h3 id="section">00004</h3>
<p>“And jolly good polish too, it looks like,” Inky replies,
squinting a bit at the ichor being smeared onto the boots in
Earrings’ large calloused hands. “I hear there be some gnomes
hereabouts? A camp? With your remarkable service, I bet they’d
be coming to you all the time to get their boots cleaned.”</p>
<p>“GNOMES!?” Earrings interrobangs loudly and questioningly.
It brings its hands to the sides of its face, covering its ear
holes, and wags its oversized head in dismay, squeezing its
tiny eyes shut. In the process, it smears polish around its
<p>“Gnomes there!” shouts Waistcoat. Its hands busy polishing,
it tosses its head, gesturing with its prodigious proboscis in
the direction you were heading. You continue to hear bangs and
booms in the distance every once a while.</p>
<p>Glarg gurgles something to the effect of
“gluggurguuuurglaaaachhhh?” Its stance is one of surprise as
its disposition changes to that of inquisition as its head
cranes down to look at the blahoblin carrying the smelly rock
on its back.</p>
<p>Teeth looks questioningly up at Glarg and experimentally
gargles back up at it. “GURGLE BURBLE GLUG GLUG?” It smiles
apologetically (a fearsome sight, its protruding jaws full of
tiny pointy teeth) and shrugs and asks, “Shoe shine?”</p>
<p>It attempts to pick that whole blahoblin up and bring the
smelly rock to its face for a closer inspection.</p>
<p>“WAAAAAAH!” Teeth kicks its feet ineffectively and is quite
helplessly tied to the big smelly rock when Glarg picks it up.
The smelly rock smells pungent, sharp, earthy, moldy.
Definitely could be food.</p>
<p>By this time the blahoblins have polished the shoes of
everybody who has consented to it, and are packing up. Except
for Teeth who is being detained by the earth elemental.</p>
<p>Red Shoes reappears from wherever they have been this whole
time with a sly smile and rejoins its comrades.</p>
<p>Your pockets have successfully been picked while you were
distracted with the shoe shine, but not of anything of
particular value.</p>
<p>What small item(s) will you notice is missing in the hours
and days to come? How will its absence be a minor
@ -228,12 +228,18 @@ Willows</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-11" id="toc-section-11">00012</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-12" id="toc-section-12">00013</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-13" id="toc-section-13">00014</a></li>
<li><a href="#section-14" id="toc-section-14">00015</a></li>
<li><a href="#bestiary" id="toc-bestiary">Bestiary</a></li>
<li><a href="#geography" id="toc-geography">Geography</a></li>
<li><a href="#cosmology" id="toc-cosmology">Cosmology</a></li>
<li><a href="#history" id="toc-history">History</a></li>
<li><a href="#spoilers" id="toc-spoilers">Spoilers</a></li>
<li><a href="#spoilers" id="toc-spoilers">Spoilers</a>
<li><a href="#names" id="toc-names">names</a></li>
<li><a href="#crystals" id="toc-crystals">crystals</a></li>
<li><a href="#hodgepodge" id="toc-hodgepodge">hodgepodge</a></li>
<h2 id="about">About</h2>
@ -1197,6 +1203,135 @@ then thrash about a bit with one hand on the hilt of the eye sword.</p>
<h3 id="section-14">00015</h3>
<p>Jarrod raises his right hand and begins adding a new rhythm to his
beat by slapping his palm against his chest. The resulting beat sounds
eerily like a galloping horse. Jarrod pushes his voice outward and
upward, directing his vocal energy at HORSE.</p>
<pre><code>"A mighty steed did carry our hero through forest, hill and town:
A comely beast with silky mane and smooth and supple hide.
One would think that such a stallion needs must have renown,
But only our dear hero understood, and so did ride."</code></pre>
<p>Jarrod subtly adjusts the rhythm to a fast, regular beat.</p>
<pre><code>"Lightning of the hoof!
Fire in the eye!
One with blowing wind!
Strength of mountain high!"</code></pre>
<p>Jarrod slowly calms the beat back down to a heartbeat with his left
hand fingers on his thigh again. However, the right now rests close to
Gertrude’s handle, at the ready.</p>
<pre><code>"On fated day, our hero does require
Underlings for which a task is set.
And yet, this day the underlings and squires
Have booked their time away from toil and fret."</code></pre>
<p>While continuing the epic, Jarrod makes note of two options, should
he need them:</p>
<ol type="1">
<li>Should he need, he can dive behind the giant clam; and</li>
<li>He eyes a path back out the vault, should he be able to draw the
Aurs and Kobits out with him.</li>
<p>Jarrod keeps his eyes on HORSE, attempting to react to whatever HORSE
<p>HORSE gives a snort, a groan, and a sigh as the beat of the poem
accelerates to a trot, and turns its subject to matters of its own
interest. Namely, himself. HORSE likes to hear its own name, and it
likes to hear people pay tribute to it with verse. Which is 100% what it
thinks is going on here.</p>
<p>HORSE beats its wings a few times and then flaps over to where Jarrod
is delivering his oration. It stands a little too close, basking in the
glory of Jarrod’s verse.</p>
<p>There is now gathered at Jarrod’s feet three Aurs; one clumsy Kobit
with untied shoe laces; and one naked, winged Kobit named HORSE.</p>
<p>The blue and gold, melon shaped crystal in the center of the vault
has been left unguarded. It hovers, suspended, beneath its glass dome on
top of its pedestal, revolving slowly in place. It looks like a weird
tiny asteroid. The veins of gold in the stone pulse lightly with
otherworldly energy.</p>
<p>Damn it Corraidhin thinks to himself, here I am yet again at the
bottom of some insipid pool stuck by some random magical thing all
because I didn’t pay enough attention in mythical history class. Bloody
<p>Good thing I paid attention in sorcery and yesteryears secrecry
administrivia, this little sword won’t stay stuck for too long! My lungs
if I bungle this though..</p>
<p>Corraidhin quickly invokes a spell with his spare hand, casting
mystical runes with his hand.</p>
<pre><code>sudo chmod -t sowrd_of_yam\'l
sudo chmod 775 sword_of_yam\'l
sudo chown corraidhin:party sword_of_yam\'l</code></pre>
<p>That should do it corraidhin thinks to himself. If not I’m going to
need to think quick, I’m stuck and there’s no way up without this sword.
I might be able to transmute the water into air around me, but probably
only a small pocket which will surely disappear in a gasp. Alternately I
could try and blast my way down, creating a pocket for the water to flow
into, but I’d be willing to bet I’ll hurt myself in the process..</p>
<p>You trace some watery runes, invoking Sudo to bend reality to your
<p>The unschooled masses sometimes erroneously assume that Sudo is a
deity in its own right. There’s a certain misguided logic to it: an
invisible force that governs the relationships between entities, and
infallibly predicts how they will behave? Certainly, it must be an all
powerful, godlike entity.</p>
<p>You and your ilk, of course, know that there’s no more intelligence
behind Sudo than there is behind gravity. No need to correct them
though. Sometimes it behooves the mage to allow others to think that
they serve an unfathomable arcane lord.</p>
<p>There is a dull underwater flash and a muted underwater bang, and you
feel the sword slip from its stony clinch like a knife tearing through
soggy bread.</p>
<p>You push up off the bottom of the pool and rocket to the surface,
helped–surprisingly–by the sword, which remains glued fast to your hand,
but which also rises above you as though somehow lighter than water.</p>
<p>You break the surface of the water and hear joyous laughter.</p>
<pre><code>"Oh, yes! Well done, Hardy Bear! So very well done indeed! Oh, I had spent so long trapped at the bottom of that pool waiting for a new bear to come and free me. And now here you are! Oh, what a very good day this is. What a magnificent pair we shall be.
"Now, let's go stab some evil!"</code></pre>
<p>You look down at the sword in your hand, and the eye twinkles at you,
full of adoration and zeal.</p>
<p>A small wine pitcher splashes into the water next to you. It is
attached to a thin hose, at the other end of which Inky sits on dry
land, drinking a cup of tea. They wave.</p>
<p>Inky squints at the silhouette underwater, slightly distorted by the
occasional ripple on the surface, trying to decipher the odd hand
gestures and wisps of light coming from below. Why was Master Corraidhín
repeatedly forming semi-circles with his finger, almost like … the
handle of a teacup? Was it a request for tea?</p>
<p>After a pause, Inky rummages inside a bag and brings out a large
porro and a long rubber hose. The porro is filled with a demi-tasse of
black grapefruit pekoe from a flask and the spout plugged with an
eldarberry-flavoured gummy pen nib. Inky strings together a handful of
brass nuts with twine and ties it to the porro’s handle to act as a
small weight, then affixes the hose tightly to the open top of the
porro. Casting a slightly apologetic look in the direction of the water
for a brew long since gone cold, Inky swings the hose and flings the
drinking vessel into the pool towards Master Corraidhín, watching for a
moment as the porro sinks down into the water to hover near his arm. The
other end of the hose is tied securely to a narrow rock on one side of
the pool with more twine, the end sticking up in the air like a wiggling
<p>Inky returns to crouching near the vault entrance and looking inside
another small pouch for fresh tea leaves. Waiting is thirsty work!</p>
<p>You cast an improvised lifeline to the floundering wizard, and find a
cache of very fine fermented tea leaves wrapped in waxed paper that you
left for yourself at some point in the past. How thoughtful and
considerate of Past You!</p>
<p>From your vantage point, the sleepy guard Kobit still shows no sign
of stirring. And Jarrod has a throng of captive beasts listening very
intently to his stirring, epic poem. HORSE in particular seems to be
gaining some kind of physical sustenance from the words, snorting and
whinnying and beating its wings with each new stanza.</p>
<p>If you can slip through the doorway without disturbing them, there
will be nothing between you and the now vulnerable Ginnarak Crystal.</p>
<h2 id="bestiary">Bestiary</h2>
<p>Some of the creatures who inhabit the world of Basmentaria</p>
@ -1206,6 +1341,14 @@ href="">www</a>
Giant ears with bat wings. Very keen hearing obviously. Usually more of
an annoyance than a true deterent. Unless there’s a Centaur around.
<img src="aur.png" alt="aur" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">aur</figcaption>
@ -1226,8 +1369,8 @@ a little goblinoid with the head of a goblin shark
<p>A hundred ears with a hundred wings. The size of a small horse. They
can really ruin your day.</p>
A hundred ears with a hundred wings. The size of a small horse. They can
really ruin your day.
@ -1284,6 +1427,14 @@ Subterranean scaly ratdog creatures. Big luminous eyes, long droopy
mustaches. Extremely rarely, they may grow leathery wings, in which case
they are revered and elevated by the other kobits.
<img src="kobit.png" alt="kobit" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">kobit</figcaption>
@ -1347,6 +1498,12 @@ federation</p>
<p>They reduced the once fertile lands of Ginnarak to ash and
<h2 id="spoilers">Spoilers</h2>
<h3 id="names">names</h3>
<p>Upcoming NPCs and/or monsters?</p>
<pre><code>07:10 ~mio | lol okay, we can call it zai-ni for a day
07:10 ~mio | tiny zeyeknee</code></pre>
<h3 id="crystals">crystals</h3>
<p>the five Ginnarak crystals:</p>
<li>earth – cave</li>
@ -1355,6 +1512,7 @@ embers.</p>
<li>wind – cloudstuff</li>
<li>heart? ice?</li>
<h3 id="hodgepodge">hodgepodge</h3>
<p>The Benefactor is Nullar</p>
<p>Blavin is a secret agent, working for the Golden Iris, a secret
society that wants to ‘create balance’ by seating a fourth god</p>
Reference in New Issue