Dozens B. McCuzzins 2023-03-11 12:30:19 -07:00
parent 1e48f0494f
commit b3fee8eb97
4 changed files with 3073 additions and 2163 deletions

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@ -7,30 +7,277 @@ syndicated: yes
### 00072 {#00072}
In the days that follow,
you move Marvelo into the Milk Market
to care for him.
The reclusive Blacksmith of Vay'Nullar
(a dwrlugh who---as is the case with its kind---refuses to go by any given name)
makes a rare appearance outside of its forge
to present Marvelo with a new artificial jaw
made of polished granite and bronze.
It will never be mistaken for flesh,
but it does somewhat complement the golden tones
of Marvelo's skin.
With the skill of a surgeon,
and craftmanship only the dwrlugh are capable of,
the Blacksmith affixes the jaw onto Marvelo's bones
with small screws,
and sews his muscles to the opening and closing mechanisms
so that it operates naturally.
> Alex grabs the envelope from in front of him and rushes to check on
> Inky and Marvelo. "Are you two alright?" he asks as he notes the
> patch job Inky performed. "Thank you Inky, I understand why my uncle
> trusted you so much." he said sincerely. Inky was far better a healer
> than Alex could ever hope to be.
> He steps away, noting there's not much he can do after Inky gives
> their response. Marv is stable, but not much a talker at the moment.
> He proceeds to check on the duck, the child Rind, and the hemogoblin.
> The little hemogoblin burbbles happily and climbs up to sit on Alex's
> shoulder, tugging lightly at the cord which suspended the gem Neddas
> gave him, now worn around his neck. "Best not mess with that one
> little one, I'm not sure what the hell just happened, but I don't
> trust it. Or any of this eldritch mumbo jumbo.."
> Rind is quiet pensive, and doesn't respond much when Alex attempts to
> interact. "Inky, do you think you can look after this one when you
> get a second? I'm going to check on the sleeping bloke."
> Alex carefully makes his way back towards the circle, making sure not
> to cross over it. He quietly inspects their unwelcomed guest.
> "I don't know who you think you are, but I ought to put a bullet
> through your skull where you lay you sick son of a bitch. How dare
> you sneak up on my friends like that." Alex racks his pistol, noting
> there's a bullet in the chamber, and levels it at the silk assassin.
> "Inky, unless you have objections, I'm going to tie up some loose
> ends.." Alex says grimly.
Marvelo grows stronger as the days go by.
His recovery is no doubt accelerated
by the hemogoblin,
who provides ample transfusions
and refuses to leave his bed.
Though he will ever be physically scarred by his encounter with the Nyxmaer,
he soon enough is able to eat and drink on his own.
> "It's just basic first aid, Master Alex. Any old adventuring sod on
> the street can do it. Thank you for the thought, though." Inky
> replies. "However, very few people can pull off what you just did.
> That was a remarkable feat."
> They take a long look at the child, then beckon their marketing
> manager closer, crouching down next to them to speak softly and
> slowly to the child. "I guess you've already met duck. You're
> friends, right? But did you know that duck is a really good listener?
> Whenever you're sad or scared, you can tell duck. Duck always knows
> what to do. If you let duck give you a hug, duck can help you feel
> better too." They guide the child's hands to the duck's back and let
> them rest there, watching for a moment as small, thin fingers begin
> to stroke the feathers of their own accord.
> At the sysorcerer's direct address, they look over to him and their
> slumbering visitor's form. "Do as you like, Master Alex." Inky says
> tonelessly. They add in a low voice, "In all likelihood he will be
> unable to cause trouble this side again. If he has not woken up now
> that the candle's spell has broken, he probably never will. Maybe
> justice has already been served, or the Scissorfolk got to him. Mercy
> is an unpopular idea of late though, and I'm hardly in a position to
> ask anyone to ponder its meaning."
> They frown at the body. "Speaking of which, the ever-resourceful case
> manager has another proposal for you to consider, having gone as far
> as to recruit a local celebrity you know well to speak to his cause.
> His group, the Golden Iris, wants the crystals for the purpose of
> conferring divinity upon the Corn Mother Sitopotnia and making
> knowledge of the process available to all. No doubt he'll be
> expecting a response to his offer soon. But I see you have already
> made your choice." Inky offers the sysorcerer a resigned smile.
> The sound of tapping on glass interrupts Inky's next words. They look
> in the direction of the window to see the scops owl outside with a
> weatherproof pouch in its beak. Inky walks over to the window,
> wedging it open just wide enough to allow the bird to hop in and
> takes the pouch. A tiny smirk makes its way to Inky's face when they
> return the owl's searching stare, despite an attempt to look stern
> and failing. "He let you out, hmm? All right, in a minute," Inky
> murmurs to the newly arrived messenger, while pulling out an envelope
> from the pouch. As the small owl sets itself on the imp's right
> shoulder like it belonged there, said imp half-turns to Master Alex,
> expression serious again.
> "One more thing." They place the detonator, followed by the envelope,
> on top of a stack of pillows a few paces from the sysorcerer. It is
> identical in appearance to the one they had presented to Master
> Corraidhín in the Dreaming.
> "Since you weren't at the meeting, I offered to take a message from
> your uncle presumptive. Fuko's caretaker has a contraption that can
> print copies of notes written on special paper after showing them to
> the twins. It has come in handy on occasion in remote areas with few
> or no amenities," Inky explains. "Anyway, I don't know if he wrote
> anything, or if he was truly Master Corraidhín. Fuko handled the rest
> and I didn't ask her amid the hustle. It could be a blank sheet and
> everything I just said was probably a terrible joke. He did seem
> genuinely glum you couldn't be there, though." They shrug. "You know
> what to do from here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would very much
> like some fresh air." With those parting words and walking stick in
> hand, Inky strides quickly from the room, out of the dilapidated
> building and into the drizzling rain.
> Alex gripped his pistol as Inky walked away, her words ringing in his
> ears "you have already made your choice. The statement brings pause,
> a flicker of doubt, and a frown mars Alex's face. As Inky shuts the
> door behind her Alex lets out a discontented sigh, what was it Uncle
> had said?
> "A man's fate, is wrought by his own hand"
> Alex looked at the sleeping man before him, the pistol in his hand,
> Marvelo's blood spattered haphazardly across his gloves and trench
> coat. Was more blood really the answer? Would killing this man right
> the wrong done against Alex? Or his agents? Would their dangerous
> game get any less dangerous?
> A single shot rang out from the warehouse, the bullet lodge
> harmlessly amongst pillows and blankets. The pistol cast aside,
> resting next to the bestilled assassin, with a small note afixed to
> it.
> 'Your fate is wrought by your own hand, not mine. - Agent 4'
> Alex gathers himself, discontented, and pulls the letter Inky gave
> him open. Inside was Uncle's familiar writing, in the simple cypher
> he'd used when Alex was just a boy.
> ``` 4,
> I have only a moment to pen this, and I don't know if it'll reach
> you, but I trust Inky will try.
> I am very much alive, rest assured, but the where I haven't yet
> pieced together. Blavin has my physical and metaphysical form
> trapped. And he has the second crystal.
> But don't worry, if you're looking as Inky claimed, I rest well
> knowing my unrelenting rebel will raise hell itself to find me.
> Remember, son, we write our own fate.
> - 10
> ```
> Alex shakes as he folds the letter back into the envelope and presses
> it gently against his breast coat pocket. "I'm coming Uncle", he
> whispers as he strides across the room and into the rainy night.
> He catches up with Inky a little down the dock, and comes to sit
> beside her on the wharf. The patter of rain hitting heavily dampened
> planks and stone resounding around them.
> "Inky.. thank you. For the letter, but also your friendship." Alex
> casts a side long glance towards Inky, and he begins to describe his
> dream sequence in a rambling sort of way. As he nears the end, "And
> that Neddas gave me this stone, he said gesturing to the necklace he
> wore. But I'd of told you it was bullshit before any of this
> happened. And now you're telling me there are factions, Blavin, the
> Benefactor, hell I guess us, all vying for control of these crystals.
> I don't know what to do, or what any of it means, but I know we can
> forge our own path in this, the rest of it be damned!"
> Alex sighs heavily. "I couldn't kill the assassin. He killed one of
> my men, almost killed Marvelo. He'd of killed us if he hadn't gotten
> caught in that magic. I don't know if I have it in me Inky, I'm not
> sure I can keep staring into the abyss without tipping over the
> edge."
> "Everything was a little easier when it was just the agency, hunting
> down the bad guys. We had the data, knew the crimes. All of this
> though?" he gestures broadly towards the sea in front of them "is
> about as clear as a ship on these waters. There's no light to guide
> us. And all I want is my Uncle back."
> Alex sighs heavily again and hands the envelope from Blavin to Inky,
> "and it doesn't look like it ends here, Blavin wants us to head to
> the moon, but I'm not so sure we should go.."
> The imp remains quiet for a long time, staring out into the open
> sea.
> Eventually, Inky says, "I cannot tell you what to do."
> They look at the envelope but make no move to take it.
> "You already have the Fair One's blessing. Combined with your
> talents, fortitude and determination, success is more or less
> assured if you decide to go. If you decide not to, maybe Master
> Corraidhín will turn up on his own again when he is sufficiently
> recovered — if he does not run off to collect the remainder of the
> crystals himself." Inky chuckles at that. "Master Alex is such a
> thoughtful nephew, not wanting to deprive his uncle of his fun."
> They lean back on their hands and study Master Alex under
> half-lidded eyes. "You really are like your uncle." A few beats
> pass, and they turn their attention upwards to the sky, tilting
> their head up towards the errant raindrops and cool winds blowing
> in from across the waters.
In the days that follow, you move Marvelo into the Milk Market to
care for him during his recovery.
The reclusive Blacksmith of Vay'Nullar (a dwrlugh who---as is
traditional among its kind---refuses to go by any given name) makes a
rare appearance outside of its forge to present Marvelo with a new
artificial jaw made of polished granite and bronze. An exquisite gift
that more than settles an old debt owed from an adventure the two of
them shared long ago.
It will never be mistaken for flesh, but it does somewhat complement
the golden tones of Marvelo's skin. With the skill of a surgeon, and
a level of craftmanship unique to the dwrlugh, the Blacksmith affixes
the jaw to Marvelo's bones with small metal screws, and lengthens and
sews his muscles to the contraption so that it operates naturally,
just like the real thing.
Marvelo grows stronger as the days go by. His recovery is no doubt
accelerated by the hemogoblin, who provides ample transfusions and
refuses to leave his bed. Confidence and Bread continue to help out
around the place, and take turns checking in on him.
Though he will ever be physically scarred by his encounter with the
Nyxmaer, Marvelo soon enough is able to eat and drink on his own.
Soon after that he is puttering around the Milk Market and growing
restless at his confinement.
Kasutva falls in with Quack and Clot and attains the rank of Milk
Market Mascot. They have a better command of language than their
companions. And, being an escapee dream entity, at times behaves a
little alien, inscrutible, and other-wordly. They don't sleep, for
example. And every morning they demand a full recounting of
everybody's dreams, omitting nothing, and sometimes requiring up to
three retellings of each dream. But they otherwise settle right right
Another curious presence in the Milk Market is Rind. The orphaned
child of Pepo the melon vendor. Abandoned by his mother. Adopted by
Gliftwirp the assassin. The child has still not uttered a word the
entire time. Rind and the duck have formed an inseparable bond.
Apparently becoming a conjoined host for a living dentophiliac
nightmare will do that. Whenever you least suspect it, you'll turn
around to find Rind standing behind you, silent, wide-eyed, and
watching. Cradling the duck in his arms and stroking its feathers.
Gliftwirp has still not responded to any attempts to wake him. The
toques have assumed responsibility for sustaining him through his
unnatural slumber. Feeding him broth, and carrying him outside now
and then for fresh air and sunshine. More kindness than Alex is
comfortable with, no doubt. Rind visits him often in the storage
closet where his cot is set up. Keeping a silent, watchful vigil.
Rind's apparent affection for the assassin is actually probably the
only reason Gliftwirp is shown any compassion whatsoever by Team 43.
Your next mission looms ahead of you. Putting your heads together
with Marvelo and Confidence, you agree that the most simple way
forward will be to use the pirate balloonship currently docked above
the Market. It is straight-forward enough to retrofit it with a
portable atmosphere (which will provide you with breathable oxygen
and gravity) and a starhelm (which will allow you to pilot the ship
through the void of space). Both items can be obtained in Vay'Nullar
for a reasonable price.
The only thing holding you back at this point is your own
reservations about the various interested parties and their
Do you help the Golden Iris create a new god? Or do you help an
existing, exiled god return to Basmentaria? And then who knows what
the mysterious Benefactor's plans are?
Whatever your answer, there's one thing you know: If you don't get
moving soon, the next Ginnarak Crystal will fall into somebody else's

View File

@ -373,11 +373,11 @@ into the <a href="#current-story">current story arc</a>.</p>
you can <a href="">subscribe to
the rss feed</a>.</p>
<h2 id="stats">Stats</h2>
<p>Total length: 91892 words / 392 minute read. (Mind you, thats the
<p>Total length: 94060 words / 401 minute read. (Mind you, thats the
length of this entire page, including all the extra bits and bobs. Not
just the story.)</p>
<p>There have been 248 messages posted over 240 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of 1.03.</p>
<p>There have been 255 messages posted over 241 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of 1.05.</p>
<h2 id="chapter-1">Chapter 1</h2>
<p>This is the first installment of BASEMENT QUEST.</p>
<p>Jump to: <a href="#00001">1</a> <a href="#00002">2</a> <a
@ -7748,22 +7748,234 @@ moon.” It is signed by Blavin Blandfoot and bears the seal of the
<h3 id="00072">00072</h3>
<p>Alex grabs the envelope from in front of him and rushes to check on
Inky and Marvelo. “Are you two alright?” he asks as he notes the patch
job Inky performed. “Thank you Inky, I understand why my uncle trusted
you so much.” he said sincerely. Inky was far better a healer than Alex
could ever hope to be.</p>
<p>He steps away, noting theres not much he can do after Inky gives
their response. Marv is stable, but not much a talker at the moment. He
proceeds to check on the duck, the child Rind, and the hemogoblin. The
little hemogoblin burbbles happily and climbs up to sit on Alexs
shoulder, tugging lightly at the cord which suspended the gem Neddas
gave him, now worn around his neck. “Best not mess with that one little
one, Im not sure what the hell just happened, but I dont trust it. Or
any of this eldritch mumbo jumbo..”</p>
<p>Rind is quiet pensive, and doesnt respond much when Alex attempts to
interact. “Inky, do you think you can look after this one when you get a
second? Im going to check on the sleeping bloke.”</p>
<p>Alex carefully makes his way back towards the circle, making sure not
to cross over it. He quietly inspects their unwelcomed guest.</p>
<p>“I dont know who you think you are, but I ought to put a bullet
through your skull where you lay you sick son of a bitch. How dare you
sneak up on my friends like that.” Alex racks his pistol, noting theres
a bullet in the chamber, and levels it at the silk assassin. “Inky,
unless you have objections, Im going to tie up some loose ends..” Alex
says grimly.</p>
<p>“Its just basic first aid, Master Alex. Any old adventuring sod on
the street can do it. Thank you for the thought, though.” Inky replies.
“However, very few people can pull off what you just did. That was a
remarkable feat.”</p>
<p>They take a long look at the child, then beckon their marketing
manager closer, crouching down next to them to speak softly and slowly
to the child. “I guess youve already met duck. Youre friends, right?
But did you know that duck is a really good listener? Whenever youre
sad or scared, you can tell duck. Duck always knows what to do. If you
let duck give you a hug, duck can help you feel better too.” They guide
the childs hands to the ducks back and let them rest there, watching
for a moment as small, thin fingers begin to stroke the feathers of
their own accord.</p>
<p>At the sysorcerers direct address, they look over to him and their
slumbering visitors form. “Do as you like, Master Alex.” Inky says
tonelessly. They add in a low voice, “In all likelihood he will be
unable to cause trouble this side again. If he has not woken up now that
the candles spell has broken, he probably never will. Maybe justice has
already been served, or the Scissorfolk got to him. Mercy is an
unpopular idea of late though, and Im hardly in a position to ask
anyone to ponder its meaning.”</p>
<p>They frown at the body. “Speaking of which, the ever-resourceful case
manager has another proposal for you to consider, having gone as far as
to recruit a local celebrity you know well to speak to his cause. His
group, the Golden Iris, wants the crystals for the purpose of conferring
divinity upon the Corn Mother Sitopotnia and making knowledge of the
process available to all. No doubt hell be expecting a response to his
offer soon. But I see you have already made your choice.” Inky offers
the sysorcerer a resigned smile.</p>
<p>The sound of tapping on glass interrupts Inkys next words. They look
in the direction of the window to see the scops owl outside with a
weatherproof pouch in its beak. Inky walks over to the window, wedging
it open just wide enough to allow the bird to hop in and takes the
pouch. A tiny smirk makes its way to Inkys face when they return the
owls searching stare, despite an attempt to look stern and failing. “He
let you out, hmm? All right, in a minute,” Inky murmurs to the newly
arrived messenger, while pulling out an envelope from the pouch. As the
small owl sets itself on the imps right shoulder like it belonged
there, said imp half-turns to Master Alex, expression serious again.</p>
<p>“One more thing.” They place the detonator, followed by the envelope,
on top of a stack of pillows a few paces from the sysorcerer. It is
identical in appearance to the one they had presented to Master
Corraidhín in the Dreaming.</p>
<p>“Since you werent at the meeting, I offered to take a message from
your uncle presumptive. Fukos caretaker has a contraption that can
print copies of notes written on special paper after showing them to the
twins. It has come in handy on occasion in remote areas with few or no
amenities,” Inky explains. “Anyway, I dont know if he wrote anything,
or if he was truly Master Corraidhín. Fuko handled the rest and I didnt
ask her amid the hustle. It could be a blank sheet and everything I just
said was probably a terrible joke. He did seem genuinely glum you
couldnt be there, though.” They shrug. “You know what to do from here.
Now, if youll excuse me, I would very much like some fresh air.” With
those parting words and walking stick in hand, Inky strides quickly from
the room, out of the dilapidated building and into the drizzling
<p>Alex gripped his pistol as Inky walked away, her words ringing in his
ears “you have already made your choice. The statement brings pause, a
flicker of doubt, and a frown mars Alexs face. As Inky shuts the door
behind her Alex lets out a discontented sigh, what was it Uncle had
<p>“A mans fate, is wrought by his own hand”</p>
<p>Alex looked at the sleeping man before him, the pistol in his hand,
Marvelos blood spattered haphazardly across his gloves and trench coat.
Was more blood really the answer? Would killing this man right the wrong
done against Alex? Or his agents? Would their dangerous game get any
less dangerous?</p>
<p>A single shot rang out from the warehouse, the bullet lodge
harmlessly amongst pillows and blankets. The pistol cast aside, resting
next to the bestilled assassin, with a small note afixed to it.</p>
<p>Your fate is wrought by your own hand, not mine. - Agent 4</p>
<p>Alex gathers himself, discontented, and pulls the letter Inky gave
him open. Inside was Uncles familiar writing, in the simple cypher hed
used when Alex was just a boy.</p>
<pre class="4,"><code>
I have only a moment to pen this, and I don&#39;t know if it&#39;ll reach
you, but I trust Inky will try.
I am very much alive, rest assured, but the where I haven&#39;t yet
pieced together. Blavin has my physical and metaphysical form
trapped. And he has the second crystal.
But don&#39;t worry, if you&#39;re looking as Inky claimed, I rest well
knowing my unrelenting rebel will raise hell itself to find me.
Remember, son, we write our own fate.
- 10</code></pre>
<p>Alex shakes as he folds the letter back into the envelope and presses
it gently against his breast coat pocket. “Im coming Uncle”, he
whispers as he strides across the room and into the rainy night.</p>
<p>He catches up with Inky a little down the dock, and comes to sit
beside her on the wharf. The patter of rain hitting heavily dampened
planks and stone resounding around them.</p>
<p>“Inky.. thank you. For the letter, but also your friendship.” Alex
casts a side long glance towards Inky, and he begins to describe his
dream sequence in a rambling sort of way. As he nears the end, “And that
Neddas gave me this stone, he said gesturing to the necklace he wore.
But Id of told you it was bullshit before any of this happened. And now
youre telling me there are factions, Blavin, the Benefactor, hell I
guess us, all vying for control of these crystals. I dont know what to
do, or what any of it means, but I know we can forge our own path in
this, the rest of it be damned!”</p>
<p>Alex sighs heavily. “I couldnt kill the assassin. He killed one of
my men, almost killed Marvelo. Hed of killed us if he hadnt gotten
caught in that magic. I dont know if I have it in me Inky, Im not sure
I can keep staring into the abyss without tipping over the edge.”</p>
<p>“Everything was a little easier when it was just the agency, hunting
down the bad guys. We had the data, knew the crimes. All of this
though?” he gestures broadly towards the sea in front of them “is about
as clear as a ship on these waters. Theres no light to guide us. And
all I want is my Uncle back.”</p>
<p>Alex sighs heavily again and hands the envelope from Blavin to Inky,
“and it doesnt look like it ends here, Blavin wants us to head to the
moon, but Im not so sure we should go..”</p>
<p>The imp remains quiet for a long time, staring out into the open
<p>Eventually, Inky says, “I cannot tell you what to do.”</p>
<p>They look at the envelope but make no move to take it.</p>
<p>“You already have the Fair Ones blessing. Combined with your
talents, fortitude and determination, success is more or less assured if
you decide to go. If you decide not to, maybe Master Corraidhín will
turn up on his own again when he is sufficiently recovered — if he does
not run off to collect the remainder of the crystals himself.” Inky
chuckles at that. “Master Alex is such a thoughtful nephew, not wanting
to deprive his uncle of his fun.”</p>
<p>They lean back on their hands and study Master Alex under half-lidded
eyes. “You really are like your uncle.” A few beats pass, and they turn
their attention upwards to the sky, tilting their head up towards the
errant raindrops and cool winds blowing in from across the waters.</p>
<p>In the days that follow, you move Marvelo into the Milk Market to
care for him.</p>
<p>The reclusive Blacksmith of VayNullar (a dwrlugh who—as is the case
with its kind—refuses to go by any given name) makes a rare appearance
outside of its forge to present Marvelo with a new artificial jaw made
of polished granite and bronze. It will never be mistaken for flesh, but
it does somewhat complement the golden tones of Marvelos skin. With the
skill of a surgeon, and craftmanship only the dwrlugh are capable of,
the Blacksmith affixes the jaw onto Marvelos bones with small screws,
and sews his muscles to the opening and closing mechanisms so that it
operates naturally.</p>
care for him during his recovery.</p>
<p>The reclusive Blacksmith of VayNullar (a dwrlugh who—as is
traditional among its kind—refuses to go by any given name) makes a rare
appearance outside of its forge to present Marvelo with a new artificial
jaw made of polished granite and bronze. An exquisite gift that more
than settles an old debt owed from an adventure the two of them shared
long ago.</p>
<p>It will never be mistaken for flesh, but it does somewhat complement
the golden tones of Marvelos skin. With the skill of a surgeon, and a
level of craftmanship unique to the dwrlugh, the Blacksmith affixes the
jaw to Marvelos bones with small metal screws, and lengthens and sews
his muscles to the contraption so that it operates naturally, just like
the real thing.</p>
<p>Marvelo grows stronger as the days go by. His recovery is no doubt
accelerated by the hemogoblin, who provides ample transfusions and
refuses to leave his bed. Though he will ever be physically scarred by
his encounter with the Nyxmaer, he soon enough is able to eat and drink
on his own.</p>
refuses to leave his bed. Confidence and Bread continue to help out
around the place, and take turns checking in on him.</p>
<p>Though he will ever be physically scarred by his encounter with the
Nyxmaer, Marvelo soon enough is able to eat and drink on his own. Soon
after that he is puttering around the Milk Market and growing restless
at his confinement.</p>
<p>Kasutva falls in with Quack and Clot and attains the rank of Milk
Market Mascot. They have a better command of language than their
companions. And, being an escapee dream entity, at times behaves a
little alien, inscrutible, and other-wordly. They dont sleep, for
example. And every morning they demand a full recounting of everybodys
dreams, omitting nothing, and sometimes requiring up to three retellings
of each dream. But they otherwise settle right right in.</p>
<p>Another curious presence in the Milk Market is Rind. The orphaned
child of Pepo the melon vendor. Abandoned by his mother. Adopted by
Gliftwirp the assassin. The child has still not uttered a word the
entire time. Rind and the duck have formed an inseparable bond.
Apparently becoming a conjoined host for a living dentophiliac nightmare
will do that. Whenever you least suspect it, youll turn around to find
Rind standing behind you, silent, wide-eyed, and watching. Cradling the
duck in his arms and stroking its feathers.</p>
<p>Gliftwirp has still not responded to any attempts to wake him. The
toques have assumed responsibility for sustaining him through his
unnatural slumber. Feeding him broth, and carrying him outside now and
then for fresh air and sunshine. More kindness than Alex is comfortable
with, no doubt. Rind visits him often in the storage closet where his
cot is set up. Keeping a silent, watchful vigil. Rinds apparent
affection for the assassin is actually probably the only reason
Gliftwirp is shown any compassion whatsoever by Team 43.</p>
<p>Your next mission looms ahead of you. Putting your heads together
with Marvelo and Confidence, you agree that the most simple way forward
will be to use the pirate balloonship currently docked above the Market.
It is straight-forward enough to retrofit it with a portable atmosphere
(which will provide you with breathable oxygen and gravity) and a
starhelm (which will allow you to pilot the ship through the void of
space). Both items can be obtained in VayNullar for a reasonable
<p>The only thing holding you back at this point is your own
reservations about the various interested parties and their
<p>Do you help the Golden Iris create a new god? Or do you help an
existing, exiled god return to Basmentaria? And then who knows what the
mysterious Benefactors plans are?</p>
<p>Whatever your answer, theres one thing you know: If you dont get
moving soon, the next Ginnarak Crystal will fall into somebody elses
<h2 id="afterword">Afterword</h2>
<p>I dont know what Im going to put here, but I didnt want this
document to just abruptly end. So here you go: a kind farewell and a

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -376,11 +376,11 @@ into the <a href="#current-story">current story arc</a>.</p>
you can <a href="">subscribe to
the rss feed</a>.</p>
<h2 id="stats">Stats</h2>
<p>Total length: 91892 words / 392 minute read. (Mind you, thats the
<p>Total length: 94060 words / 401 minute read. (Mind you, thats the
length of this entire page, including all the extra bits and bobs. Not
just the story.)</p>
<p>There have been 248 messages posted over 240 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of 1.03.</p>
<p>There have been 255 messages posted over 241 days since the first
post on July 13, 2022 for a daily post rate of 1.05.</p>
<h2 id="chapter-1">Chapter 1</h2>
<p>This is the first installment of BASEMENT QUEST.</p>
<p>Jump to: <a href="#00001">1</a> <a href="#00002">2</a> <a
@ -7751,22 +7751,234 @@ moon.” It is signed by Blavin Blandfoot and bears the seal of the
<h3 id="00072">00072</h3>
<p>Alex grabs the envelope from in front of him and rushes to check on
Inky and Marvelo. “Are you two alright?” he asks as he notes the patch
job Inky performed. “Thank you Inky, I understand why my uncle trusted
you so much.” he said sincerely. Inky was far better a healer than Alex
could ever hope to be.</p>
<p>He steps away, noting theres not much he can do after Inky gives
their response. Marv is stable, but not much a talker at the moment. He
proceeds to check on the duck, the child Rind, and the hemogoblin. The
little hemogoblin burbbles happily and climbs up to sit on Alexs
shoulder, tugging lightly at the cord which suspended the gem Neddas
gave him, now worn around his neck. “Best not mess with that one little
one, Im not sure what the hell just happened, but I dont trust it. Or
any of this eldritch mumbo jumbo..”</p>
<p>Rind is quiet pensive, and doesnt respond much when Alex attempts to
interact. “Inky, do you think you can look after this one when you get a
second? Im going to check on the sleeping bloke.”</p>
<p>Alex carefully makes his way back towards the circle, making sure not
to cross over it. He quietly inspects their unwelcomed guest.</p>
<p>“I dont know who you think you are, but I ought to put a bullet
through your skull where you lay you sick son of a bitch. How dare you
sneak up on my friends like that.” Alex racks his pistol, noting theres
a bullet in the chamber, and levels it at the silk assassin. “Inky,
unless you have objections, Im going to tie up some loose ends..” Alex
says grimly.</p>
<p>“Its just basic first aid, Master Alex. Any old adventuring sod on
the street can do it. Thank you for the thought, though.” Inky replies.
“However, very few people can pull off what you just did. That was a
remarkable feat.”</p>
<p>They take a long look at the child, then beckon their marketing
manager closer, crouching down next to them to speak softly and slowly
to the child. “I guess youve already met duck. Youre friends, right?
But did you know that duck is a really good listener? Whenever youre
sad or scared, you can tell duck. Duck always knows what to do. If you
let duck give you a hug, duck can help you feel better too.” They guide
the childs hands to the ducks back and let them rest there, watching
for a moment as small, thin fingers begin to stroke the feathers of
their own accord.</p>
<p>At the sysorcerers direct address, they look over to him and their
slumbering visitors form. “Do as you like, Master Alex.” Inky says
tonelessly. They add in a low voice, “In all likelihood he will be
unable to cause trouble this side again. If he has not woken up now that
the candles spell has broken, he probably never will. Maybe justice has
already been served, or the Scissorfolk got to him. Mercy is an
unpopular idea of late though, and Im hardly in a position to ask
anyone to ponder its meaning.”</p>
<p>They frown at the body. “Speaking of which, the ever-resourceful case
manager has another proposal for you to consider, having gone as far as
to recruit a local celebrity you know well to speak to his cause. His
group, the Golden Iris, wants the crystals for the purpose of conferring
divinity upon the Corn Mother Sitopotnia and making knowledge of the
process available to all. No doubt hell be expecting a response to his
offer soon. But I see you have already made your choice.” Inky offers
the sysorcerer a resigned smile.</p>
<p>The sound of tapping on glass interrupts Inkys next words. They look
in the direction of the window to see the scops owl outside with a
weatherproof pouch in its beak. Inky walks over to the window, wedging
it open just wide enough to allow the bird to hop in and takes the
pouch. A tiny smirk makes its way to Inkys face when they return the
owls searching stare, despite an attempt to look stern and failing. “He
let you out, hmm? All right, in a minute,” Inky murmurs to the newly
arrived messenger, while pulling out an envelope from the pouch. As the
small owl sets itself on the imps right shoulder like it belonged
there, said imp half-turns to Master Alex, expression serious again.</p>
<p>“One more thing.” They place the detonator, followed by the envelope,
on top of a stack of pillows a few paces from the sysorcerer. It is
identical in appearance to the one they had presented to Master
Corraidhín in the Dreaming.</p>
<p>“Since you werent at the meeting, I offered to take a message from
your uncle presumptive. Fukos caretaker has a contraption that can
print copies of notes written on special paper after showing them to the
twins. It has come in handy on occasion in remote areas with few or no
amenities,” Inky explains. “Anyway, I dont know if he wrote anything,
or if he was truly Master Corraidhín. Fuko handled the rest and I didnt
ask her amid the hustle. It could be a blank sheet and everything I just
said was probably a terrible joke. He did seem genuinely glum you
couldnt be there, though.” They shrug. “You know what to do from here.
Now, if youll excuse me, I would very much like some fresh air.” With
those parting words and walking stick in hand, Inky strides quickly from
the room, out of the dilapidated building and into the drizzling
<p>Alex gripped his pistol as Inky walked away, her words ringing in his
ears “you have already made your choice. The statement brings pause, a
flicker of doubt, and a frown mars Alexs face. As Inky shuts the door
behind her Alex lets out a discontented sigh, what was it Uncle had
<p>“A mans fate, is wrought by his own hand”</p>
<p>Alex looked at the sleeping man before him, the pistol in his hand,
Marvelos blood spattered haphazardly across his gloves and trench coat.
Was more blood really the answer? Would killing this man right the wrong
done against Alex? Or his agents? Would their dangerous game get any
less dangerous?</p>
<p>A single shot rang out from the warehouse, the bullet lodge
harmlessly amongst pillows and blankets. The pistol cast aside, resting
next to the bestilled assassin, with a small note afixed to it.</p>
<p>Your fate is wrought by your own hand, not mine. - Agent 4</p>
<p>Alex gathers himself, discontented, and pulls the letter Inky gave
him open. Inside was Uncles familiar writing, in the simple cypher hed
used when Alex was just a boy.</p>
<pre class="4,"><code>
I have only a moment to pen this, and I don&#39;t know if it&#39;ll reach
you, but I trust Inky will try.
I am very much alive, rest assured, but the where I haven&#39;t yet
pieced together. Blavin has my physical and metaphysical form
trapped. And he has the second crystal.
But don&#39;t worry, if you&#39;re looking as Inky claimed, I rest well
knowing my unrelenting rebel will raise hell itself to find me.
Remember, son, we write our own fate.
- 10</code></pre>
<p>Alex shakes as he folds the letter back into the envelope and presses
it gently against his breast coat pocket. “Im coming Uncle”, he
whispers as he strides across the room and into the rainy night.</p>
<p>He catches up with Inky a little down the dock, and comes to sit
beside her on the wharf. The patter of rain hitting heavily dampened
planks and stone resounding around them.</p>
<p>“Inky.. thank you. For the letter, but also your friendship.” Alex
casts a side long glance towards Inky, and he begins to describe his
dream sequence in a rambling sort of way. As he nears the end, “And that
Neddas gave me this stone, he said gesturing to the necklace he wore.
But Id of told you it was bullshit before any of this happened. And now
youre telling me there are factions, Blavin, the Benefactor, hell I
guess us, all vying for control of these crystals. I dont know what to
do, or what any of it means, but I know we can forge our own path in
this, the rest of it be damned!”</p>
<p>Alex sighs heavily. “I couldnt kill the assassin. He killed one of
my men, almost killed Marvelo. Hed of killed us if he hadnt gotten
caught in that magic. I dont know if I have it in me Inky, Im not sure
I can keep staring into the abyss without tipping over the edge.”</p>
<p>“Everything was a little easier when it was just the agency, hunting
down the bad guys. We had the data, knew the crimes. All of this
though?” he gestures broadly towards the sea in front of them “is about
as clear as a ship on these waters. Theres no light to guide us. And
all I want is my Uncle back.”</p>
<p>Alex sighs heavily again and hands the envelope from Blavin to Inky,
“and it doesnt look like it ends here, Blavin wants us to head to the
moon, but Im not so sure we should go..”</p>
<p>The imp remains quiet for a long time, staring out into the open
<p>Eventually, Inky says, “I cannot tell you what to do.”</p>
<p>They look at the envelope but make no move to take it.</p>
<p>“You already have the Fair Ones blessing. Combined with your
talents, fortitude and determination, success is more or less assured if
you decide to go. If you decide not to, maybe Master Corraidhín will
turn up on his own again when he is sufficiently recovered — if he does
not run off to collect the remainder of the crystals himself.” Inky
chuckles at that. “Master Alex is such a thoughtful nephew, not wanting
to deprive his uncle of his fun.”</p>
<p>They lean back on their hands and study Master Alex under half-lidded
eyes. “You really are like your uncle.” A few beats pass, and they turn
their attention upwards to the sky, tilting their head up towards the
errant raindrops and cool winds blowing in from across the waters.</p>
<p>In the days that follow, you move Marvelo into the Milk Market to
care for him.</p>
<p>The reclusive Blacksmith of VayNullar (a dwrlugh who—as is the case
with its kind—refuses to go by any given name) makes a rare appearance
outside of its forge to present Marvelo with a new artificial jaw made
of polished granite and bronze. It will never be mistaken for flesh, but
it does somewhat complement the golden tones of Marvelos skin. With the
skill of a surgeon, and craftmanship only the dwrlugh are capable of,
the Blacksmith affixes the jaw onto Marvelos bones with small screws,
and sews his muscles to the opening and closing mechanisms so that it
operates naturally.</p>
care for him during his recovery.</p>
<p>The reclusive Blacksmith of VayNullar (a dwrlugh who—as is
traditional among its kind—refuses to go by any given name) makes a rare
appearance outside of its forge to present Marvelo with a new artificial
jaw made of polished granite and bronze. An exquisite gift that more
than settles an old debt owed from an adventure the two of them shared
long ago.</p>
<p>It will never be mistaken for flesh, but it does somewhat complement
the golden tones of Marvelos skin. With the skill of a surgeon, and a
level of craftmanship unique to the dwrlugh, the Blacksmith affixes the
jaw to Marvelos bones with small metal screws, and lengthens and sews
his muscles to the contraption so that it operates naturally, just like
the real thing.</p>
<p>Marvelo grows stronger as the days go by. His recovery is no doubt
accelerated by the hemogoblin, who provides ample transfusions and
refuses to leave his bed. Though he will ever be physically scarred by
his encounter with the Nyxmaer, he soon enough is able to eat and drink
on his own.</p>
refuses to leave his bed. Confidence and Bread continue to help out
around the place, and take turns checking in on him.</p>
<p>Though he will ever be physically scarred by his encounter with the
Nyxmaer, Marvelo soon enough is able to eat and drink on his own. Soon
after that he is puttering around the Milk Market and growing restless
at his confinement.</p>
<p>Kasutva falls in with Quack and Clot and attains the rank of Milk
Market Mascot. They have a better command of language than their
companions. And, being an escapee dream entity, at times behaves a
little alien, inscrutible, and other-wordly. They dont sleep, for
example. And every morning they demand a full recounting of everybodys
dreams, omitting nothing, and sometimes requiring up to three retellings
of each dream. But they otherwise settle right right in.</p>
<p>Another curious presence in the Milk Market is Rind. The orphaned
child of Pepo the melon vendor. Abandoned by his mother. Adopted by
Gliftwirp the assassin. The child has still not uttered a word the
entire time. Rind and the duck have formed an inseparable bond.
Apparently becoming a conjoined host for a living dentophiliac nightmare
will do that. Whenever you least suspect it, youll turn around to find
Rind standing behind you, silent, wide-eyed, and watching. Cradling the
duck in his arms and stroking its feathers.</p>
<p>Gliftwirp has still not responded to any attempts to wake him. The
toques have assumed responsibility for sustaining him through his
unnatural slumber. Feeding him broth, and carrying him outside now and
then for fresh air and sunshine. More kindness than Alex is comfortable
with, no doubt. Rind visits him often in the storage closet where his
cot is set up. Keeping a silent, watchful vigil. Rinds apparent
affection for the assassin is actually probably the only reason
Gliftwirp is shown any compassion whatsoever by Team 43.</p>
<p>Your next mission looms ahead of you. Putting your heads together
with Marvelo and Confidence, you agree that the most simple way forward
will be to use the pirate balloonship currently docked above the Market.
It is straight-forward enough to retrofit it with a portable atmosphere
(which will provide you with breathable oxygen and gravity) and a
starhelm (which will allow you to pilot the ship through the void of
space). Both items can be obtained in VayNullar for a reasonable
<p>The only thing holding you back at this point is your own
reservations about the various interested parties and their
<p>Do you help the Golden Iris create a new god? Or do you help an
existing, exiled god return to Basmentaria? And then who knows what the
mysterious Benefactors plans are?</p>
<p>Whatever your answer, theres one thing you know: If you dont get
moving soon, the next Ginnarak Crystal will fall into somebody elses
<h2 id="spoilers">Spoilers</h2>