--- title: notes created: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600 updated: Sun, 27 Nov 2022 02:24:11 -0700 --- ## Spoilers
SPOILERS!! **THREADS** - Lady in Red ??? Tess, Piskin, Salvia ; Beaker (and Cio) trailing the BANDits? - Benefactor wants Crystals to kill a god - Golden Iris wants Crystals to make a new god - Gnu Zealots (aligned with Golden Iris) seek to open source godhood - Sitopotnia has offered new corn-based bodies to the cyberplasm if they can deliver to her the Quintessence - Blavin double agent with Golden Iris - BATT wants to preserve the timeline - Felixe and Corraidhin **NAMES AND NPCS** Upcoming NPCs and/or monsters - [ ] Hap-n-stance, moon rabbit: - [ ] Jorunna Parva, sea bunny time lord - [ ] zai-ni (zine) - [ ] zeyeknee (zine) - [ ] standard ed - [ ] paladin of emacs - [ ] monks of vim - [ ] hinderbloke, gnu - [ ] falterchap, gnu - [ ] Cyber Woman With Corn! (Sitopotnia?) -- - [ ] oracle - - [ ] corn smut? - - [x] harrowkrake - [x] time swallows: It is a common misconception that barn swallows are the most widespread species of swallow. That distinction belongs to the *time* swallow. Although---if you're lucky---you'll never actually see one. - [x] gnu zealots - [x] three fingered gerald **CRYSTALS** Each crystal has an associated *element*, a *location* appropriate to the element, and an *aspect* of Neddas for the guardian and their minions. | ? | Element | Location | Aspect | | -- |---------|-----------------------------|--------| | ✅ | earth | cave | coin | | ✅ | water | underwater pirate shipwreck | mirth | | ✅ | wind | cloudstuff | lore | | 🚫 | void | spaaaaace | craft | | 🚫 | fire | volcano | tact | The crystals will eventually lead them to Neddas **IDEAS** todo: - [ ] mio's (Inky's) Handy Duffer Discette = HD Diskette = better stay away from magnets!! - [ ] tea omen: abacus, feather, wide building, lynx - [ ] MidJourney omen: priestly blood, demon - [ ] palindromes: taco cat, reward drawer, tin unit, lap pal, evil olive - [ ] The Benefactor is Nullar - [ ] Blavin is a secret agent, working for the Golden Iris, a secret society that wants to 'create balance' by creating a fourth god - [ ] Nullar got tired of being a god and wanted to die, and Neddas agreed to help him. Shit went bad and turned Liandt to stone, and Nullar's leg to stone. Now Nullar is trying to gather the Ginnarak crystals to assemble the *God Slayer* to attempt once more to end his own life. - [x] the BAND (Birds Are Not Dinosaurs) and the BATT (Birds Are Time Travelers) conspiracy - [x] ・゜゜・。。・゜゜\_o< QUACK! - [x] The gang has a rival: the gophers of Retrieval Team 70 **CALENDAR** The period of Moonmoon's rotation is 10 days. This is a week. The period of Selene's rotation is 30 days (3 weeks). This is a month. The period of Lua's rotation is 360 days (12 months). This is a year. Days of the week are divided into godsdays, moondays, earthdays, and 'Tensday'. | Day of Month | Day of Week | Name | Moonmoon | Selene | |--------------|-------------|----------|-----------------|-----------------| | 1 | 1 | Nedsday | 1st quarter | 1st quarter | | 2 | 2 | Nullday | waxing gibbous | 1st quarter | | 3 | 3 | Lianday | full | 1st quarter | | 4 | 4 | Monday | full | 1st quarter | | 5 | 5 | Selday | waning gibbous | waxing gibbous | | 6 | 6 | Luday | 3rd quarter | waxing gibbous | | 7 | 7 | Primeday | waning crescent | waxing gibbous | | 8 | 8 | Agenday | new | full | | 9 | 9 | Ginnday | new | full | | 10 | 10 | Tensday | waxing crescent | full | | 11 | 1 | Nedsday | 1st quarter | full | | 12 | 2 | Nullday | waxing gibbous | full | | 13 | 3 | Lianday | full | waning gibbous | | 14 | 4 | Monday | full | waning gibbous | | 15 | 5 | Selday | waning gibbous | waning gibbous | | 16 | 6 | Luday | 3rd quarter | 3rd quarter | | 17 | 7 | Primeday | waning crescent | 3rd quarter | | 18 | 8 | Agenday | new | 3rd quarter | | 19 | 9 | Ginnday | new | 3rd quarter | | 20 | 10 | Tensday | waxing crescent | waning crescent | | 21 | 1 | Nedsday | 1st quarter | waning crescent | | 22 | 2 | Nullday | waxing gibbous | waning crescent | | 23 | 3 | Lianday | full | new | | 24 | 4 | Monday | full | new | | 25 | 5 | Selday | waning gibbous | new | | 26 | 6 | Luday | 3rd quarter | new | | 27 | 7 | Primeday | waning crescent | new | | 28 | 8 | Agenday | new | waxing crescent | | 29 | 9 | Ginnday | new | waxing crescent | | 30 | 10 | Tensday | waxing crescent | waxing crescent | The year is defined by Lua, the Red Lady's phases: | # | Name | Lua | Season | |------|-----------------|-----------------|--------| | 1 | Unare | 1ST QUARTER | Spring | | 2 | Tornare | waxing gibbous | Spring | | 3 | Ternare | waxing gibbous | Spring | | 4 | Qatthai | FULL | Summer | | 5 | Pethai | waning gibbous | Summer | | 6 | Sestoren | waning gibbous | Summer | | 7 | Hestur | 3RD QUATER | Autumn | | 8 | Oktober | waning crescent | Autumn | | 9 | Nongogl | waning crescent | Autumn | | 10 | Dekgogl | NEW | Winter | | 11 | Elfswel | waxing crescent | Winter | | 12 | Dozwel | waxing crescent | Winter |