--- title: 00053 created: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 14:15:49 -0700 updated: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 14:15:49 -0700 syndicated: yes public: yes --- ### 00053 {#00053} > The GDB flashes, vibrates, and murmurs electronic static as it > collects information from the Hemogoblin. "Peculiar readings indeed" > Alex mutters, stashing the blood sample and readings from the device. > Best to scp a copy of these for safe keeping. > > ``` > scp gdb-readout.dat blood-soaked-handky hq:~ > ``` > > Alright little guy, dunno what's wrong with ya, but you seem just as > sweet and chipper as you were before, best not let anything foul > befall you. Alex scoops the little hemogoblin up and puts him into > his pack. The little goblin chirps happily, soaking the back in > blood. "Hmm I guess I'll need a new cloak when we get to town.. good > thing the STAGS are water proof." Taking accord of the situation Alex > notices that Ink has dropped onto the deck, and is hurridly beckoning > what looks like a stretcher and confidence down the zip line. "I > guess things went not so smoothly back in the hotel then.." > > Looking up past confidence along the zip line Alex also notes a set > of cyberplasms making their way clumsily along the zipline. "Shit! > Inky, Confidence! Get the hell on the ship NOW!" > > Alex dashes back up to the helm of the ship and grabs the wheel. As > soon as Inky has Confidence and the stretcher safely on the deck Alex > grabs the wheel and casts the wheel hard to starboard side, ripping > the zipline and moarings from the wall of the hotel. "Inky cut the > zipline, quick a you can, and check the side of the hull for any stow > aways!!" ~ > As the toques slide down the last few feet to the deck of the > balloonship. Inky takes out a sharp knife and saws through the > zipline. As they patrol along the edge to check the side of the > hull for additional company, Inky pulls out a tea strainer from > their kit and opens a bag of limequats, small round fruits they > keep around for their zest and juice to flavour some infusions. > They drop a limequat into the strainer, preparing to fling a ball > of citrus at the potential presence of any stowaways. Inky and Confidence carefully dump Bread onto the deck of the ship. They grunt at the impact and mutter a weak thank you. Inky starts to saw through the zipline with their knife. The closest cyberplasm can almost reach out for the railing and haul itself up. The second pirate is not far behind it. Alex yanks the ship hard to starboard and---thanks to Inky sawing on it---the line snaps cleanly in two. Inky looks over the railing in time to see the second pirate fall into the sea of clouds with a surprised look on its face. There is no trace of the first one. As Inky patrols alongside the edge to check for additional company, they see one ghostly hand and then the other reach up and grab hold of the rail. When the cyberplasm pops its head up and peers over the railing, the first thing it sees is a tea strainer flying at its face. It tries to turn away, but ends up with a face full of limequat juice nonetheless. As the citrus starts to burn, it squeezes its eyes shut tight, even tighter than its grip on the railing. All of its focus and effort is concentrated on the burning sensation in its eyes. On autopilot, one of its hands lets go of the railing to quickly wipe the juice away. When it grips the railing again, its hand is now slick with juice, and it slips. Knocked off balance and unable to get a grip, the pirate cries out as it too falls into the ocean of clouds, eyes squeezed shut the whole time. Poking its head and arms out of the pack on Alex's back, the hemogoblin claps and cheers. The balloonship sails away from Runesocesius and from Kelsun Peak. The sun is starting to set, and the clouds are turning brilliant pinks and reds. This delights the zephynos, who leap and cavort in the clouds, and run playfully alongside the ship for a while. You have in your possession a stolen pirate airship, a recovered Ginnarak Crystal, a couple novellas and manhwa, two warrior toque tour guides, and a childlike hemogoblin who may or may not be possessed by some kind of spirit. END OF CHAPTER 3 - What do you do once you get back to the Milk Market? - Do you keep the airship? - What becomes of Confidence and Bread? - What do you do with the goblin child? [www](https://framalistes.org/sympa/arc/tildepals/2023-01/msg00019.html)