--- title: corraidhin created: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:32:23 -0600 updated: Sat, 24 Sep 2022 08:34:55 -0400 public: yes --- ### CorraidhĂ­n
Bio They call me CorraidhĂ­n, and while my wisened age may seem an impediment to our expedition I assure you I make up for it with my sharp wit and intellect! By trade I am a scholar, master of the histories of this realm, and a dabbler in the arcane and mystic arts. I believe my skills naturally lend themselves to this expedition. I'm certain you'll need someone to elucidate upon the history of these artifacts, and should trouble come our way I'm ready at hand with spells a plenty. I'm not the best with a sword, but can hold my own with a bow staff, but it may be best to leave the fighting up to you younguns. If we encounter arcane ruins or cryptic texts you'll find my skills just as useful as the finest blade in battle. I think with my share of the reward I'll buy more books. Lots and lots of books, a whole library of books! And then I'll start a library, yes that sounds delightful. And maybe one of those books will have some information on ridding me of that accursed demon, but that's another story entirely.
- Player: sinatra - XP: 0 - Skills: Do Anything 1, Arcane Lore 2, Sneak 2